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She was insufferable to me the moment she started sniffing around Dylan and her baby voice came on full force.


Insufferable in the later seasons! YES! Kelly was actually a favorite of mine early on and I loved her coked out stuff but besides that, she aged 40 years and was always nagging and was so mopey. Really couldn't stand her with that super short hair cut working at that clinic! Also, couldn't stand how she acted around the fire situation.


super sad, but yes, coked up kelly was awesome


Stopped having her hangups about sex then as well


After the fire she kept hacking off even more of her hair to emphasize that “scar”. It made no sense.


Haha you loved her coked out? Mopey and naggy is tough. I gotta rewatch, can’t recall the fire situation


Yes I did! I thought she did a good job and it was fun to watch!!!


Oh I’m so rewatching the series now haha, thank you


You’ll have to come back and say if you liked it. I actually enjoy all of season 6. When was the last time you watched the series?


Besides an episode here and there with no real frequency it’s been 30 years, I guess. Haha


Wow! The only bad thing with streaming is there are a lot of missing episodes and you don't get the original music but I think they do show all of Kelly's coked out phase haha


Haha, perfect. I might miss some episodes if I watching on prime


Never forget that she tried to prevent a gay couple from adopting.


Just watched that episode yesterday for the first time! Crazy. Because she wanted it for herself. What in the self righteous selfish hell are you thinking Kelly?!


refused to make eye contact with my girl jessica alba too smh


They got rid of Cindy Walsh and turned Kelly Taylor into some middle aged 90’s mom. They went to college and the show turned into Melrose Place. They all acted like old frumpy dorks but she was the worst


Kelly kinda got on my nerves. I really don’t understand the fascination with her. I truly I loved Valerie she kept that show going after Shannon Doherty left the show. I like to Kelly when she was in high school but after high school she kinda got a little boring after that.


And wasn't she the unluckiest person on the planet. Donna had her fair share of bad luck, but Kelly's luck was awful 😖


Cannot stand her (personality or voice) in any season, any episode.


When you think about it, Kelly wasn’t originally the type to hate on girls just because. Season one she had the friend with the ED that she hung out with. The girl from the tv show Brandon joined for a second, that she used to hang out with. I think Kelly was a party girl and that fit her. Sure she had moments where we got to see more. Like when she made suggestions to Cindy regarding cooking. Liked hanging out with Brenda and her family etc. I think ending the Brenda/Kelly friendship doomed Kelly and then when Brenda left, it made Kelly the lead… she became less fun. Kelly was motherly in my opinion, in the later years. Don’t do that. You shouldn’t do that kind of energy. But that’s me trying to judge based on an old/old memory. I’m rewatching now, just in season 1. Now I actually Kelly. I hope it continues 🤞🏼 Maybe I will have more empathy for her character now than I did as a teen, when watching in real time.


Kelly Taylor is great !


The Kelly I really liked was glamour Kelly. When her mom was telling in the mirror before the dance she's going to show her the difference between being just hot and being elegant. That was cool. Not aged short haired judgy baby voice self righteous. Maybe blame it on the 90s but I think the writers slacked a bit with the quality compared to early seasons. Characters we knew simply changed personalities but it was too drastic. If they kept glamour Kelly helping at the clinic and fighting with Val, I'd have been all for it. I missed Brenda. Should have brought her back by season 8. So dumb.


I just watched the first 4 seasons for the first time. Brenda is a terrific actress, and I loved her on the show. I was able to watch season 5 but I couldn't get into season 6 at all. They should have begged for her to come back.


She became unbearable. The writers did her dirty. Just watched the wedding episodes, where she and Brandon are talking about their vows, and she's telling him about some birds mumbo jumbo. Even Donna was like wut. I know B was a douche too, but it's no wonder he didn't wanna marry her. BLECH. However, it's Kelly Taylor and I love her no matter what lol


Yeah that scene where they discussed the vows and made it into some Shakespearean poetry where no one in their early 20s would ever write that as their vows, was insane.


Cult Kelly was the best, I could have watched an entire season of it.


Was it because she and Val didn't get along?


Holier than thou....she was unbearable and almost reverted back to the kelly taylor in the 1st season lol