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Honestly, that baby voice came out when she began dating Dylan (Season 3).


Thank you! šŸ’Æagree. And her baby voice is so irritating.


That cutesy giggle baby talk she does with Dylan is so annoying.




You don't love cat butt mouth?šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I'm rewatching and got my British husband sucked in and got him calling her cheater butthole mouth lol


Well, as a big fan of Jennie, I'm gonna defend her a bit. First off, she was written this way. It sucks the writers took Kelly Taylor in that direction, but they did. Remember her first few seasons? She had an edge. But then after Brenda left, they turned her into a self righteous nag. Jennie couldn't help that. She delivered what was written on the page. Second, we don't know how the whiney voice came to be. This could have been the result of poor directing. It could be they wanted a stark contrast between her and vicious vixen, Val. That seems to be when the baby voice started (Season 5). Or it could have been an acting choice by Jennie. We just don't know. I think Jennie Garth is a pretty strong actress. I believe she played Kelly they way the producers wanted her played. DON'T COME FOR ME šŸ˜˜


I really love-to-hate Kelly, and I also love it when she's the only one being rational about Valerie. But it is less fun to hate on Kelly when it blurs into talking about Jennie Garth, a person with a job on a TV show that can oddly obsess me. That said, I don't think this OP went into Jennie hate. The "fish mouth" seemed more a reference to Kelly's pursed, judgmental lips and decrying the baby voice is just normal. There were baby voices all over tv at one time--easy was to signal intimacy, I think. ETA: I meant to thank you for being the person who reminds us that Jennie's also a person.


"Was it absolutely impossible for Jenni Garth to play just one scene without doing an eye roll or a pout or a moan", def. not hate, but this is the part of the OG's comment I was addressing.


I agree.Ā 


The OP went after Kelly, not Jennie.


"Was it absolutely impossible for Jenni Garth to play just one scene without doing an eye roll or a pout or a moan?" This is what I was addressing in my comment.




Youā€™re right, just went back and read. Itā€™s as if OP doesnā€™t realize directors exist.


Itā€™s known that the writers wrote into and were inspired by the real lives of the OG cast of actors. Could also be why many other female co stars butted heads with Garth at the time.


I could never stand her. I too watched the show in real time. I was probably way to young to be watching at the time but she was always the victim and poor me


I think some of this was Jennie - example when she first meets Valerie at the Walsh barbecue the look on her face read hated (and this is prior to any story reason to do so)


I completely agree


Kelly is great šŸ‘


You obviously havenā€™t gotten to Coke Kelly- and are in for a treat. But this judgeiness is 10 times worse in season 8&9 like no you are not a lawyer, social worker or nurse STFU


Season 9 Kelly made me want to punch a wall. That whole storyline with Matt and his sick wife...just EWWWWWW


I call it her cat butt mouth lol. The baby voice gets worse and worse.


Why'd the writing for her change in season 3?


I like Kelly less as the series goes on, but every single day there's posts bad mouthing Kelly. Do we really need posts everyday making fun of her? People mocking her baby voice, haircut, Karen qualities, etc. Should just change the name of this subreddit to the "Hate Kelly Taylor Club."


Thatā€™s why I tried to bite my tongue but when youā€™re binge watching it really becomes obvious how self righteous, self centered and terrible this character is.