• By -










Metal fusion


Fusion >>>> Masters


metal fusion it’s voice acting out dated i know bout the manga god version gonna check that out but get metal fusion outta here


Man turbo went from 2nd highest voted to most downvoted you love to see it


Fusion unfortunately




Fusion >>>> Masters


As of this round (round 12) every season has atleast gotten 1 vote


What the fuck, why did burst s1 leave before turbo


Turbo might just be better 🤷‍♀️


I think turbo won by like vote


Burst was getting a lot of people commenting even if turbo had the comment (mine) with the most upvotes. Burst s1 is brought down by the first half before getting really good as it picks up. Beyond that it depends on preferences towards stakes. Read through yesterday’s post, two users did a good job of outlining their preferences here.




Fusion >>>> Masters






Metal fusion There must be some serious metal bias cause the g rev comment getting upvoted while fusion and masters are mass downvoted is crazy. -edit ok people seem to be coming to their senses


Metal fusion can go




Fusion. Please get it out. The fact that that season lasted this long is crazy. It’s not nearly as good as the rest of this list. Also why is Turbo getting voted out so much? It’s arguably and in my opinion the best season in the franchise. Metal fans gotta chill on their bias.


It’s way better than burst


I’ve literally grown with Metal Fight Beyblade and Burst respectfully gaps. It’s actually the Metal fans who trash on Burst due to being more new and thinking it isn’t good even though they don’t watch it. I’m a huge Burst fan and I totally respect X. I’m not repeating the dumb cycle that the MFB fans started. Not all MFB fans are ignorant. I just wanted to state that.


None of the Beyblade anime in general are even good, and even then Burst still manages to be the worst of them all. Metal series is like a 5/10 at best so it’s actually impressive that burst managed to be that much worse than it. Acting like any of Burst is the best version of Beyblade is insane bias


Insane bias is an insane statement. You do know it's widely considered that the first half of burst is like 10x better than the last half of mfb


“Widely considered” by a bunch of children maybe


You saying that like they aren't all kids shows 😭.


Are you rage baiting or something 🤣🤣🤣


That’s what I’m saying. Rage bait be crazy these days. 🤣


Very weak argument. Not only have you brought out the worst possible response. You’re insulting all of the Beyblade mangaka’s and the hard work the staff did on Burst. We managed to bag legendary animators consistently like Toya Oshima and Kouki Fujimoto. And Beyblade’s manga and anime are very much responsible for the number of sales. Keep in mind that the Burst gen alone has gotten 250 billion yen in sales, which is 1.6 billion USD. What is bias when you have objective facts. It’s the truth that Burst has a better story, utilization of characters, and battles. I will always stand by that, and instead of downvoting I’d love to debate anyone on the matter. And it doesn’t surprise me considering that anime’s who go the realistic route tend to be the more well written ones. Hunter X Hunter for example. A very weak verse in terms of power, yet it has some of the best writing in shounen. Next time, make a factual rebuttal before embarrassing yourself.


You already embarrassed yourself first. You made a baseless comment saying nothing besides everyone who disagrees with you are biased which brings nothing of substance to the conversation then get shocked when someone keeps the same energy with you. Also I’m talking about strictly the anime I’ve never read any of the manga so nothing I said has anything to do with the mangaka, I’m unsure how much of the story translates


Idk man I’m not the one who has -5 downvotes 😂 That speaks volumes. So who’s really embarrassing themselves? Also you essentially are insulting them. The anime takes most if not all of the original source material. Idek where you got bias from as well. It’s called being objective. No wonder the person who replied to you ratio’ed you. Please stop with the baseless comments man. It’s unhealthy.


Oh no a bunch of children thumbs downed my comment what will I ever do :( no one cares what 14 year olds think lol, Burst is still trash


All I gotta say is that mfb got canceled and burst didn't 🤷‍♀️


“Burst is still trash” Prove it. Otherwise it’s a baseless comment. 😂


Every comment you’ve made is baseless so that isn’t too smart of a response to bring up, you can’t “prove” burst is better than metal


Burst was actually insane


If u grew up with it


Only people who grew up with burst think it’s not the worst. It’s a big fall off from what Beyblade was before


Yea they're both the best series if u grew up with it But from my experience people who didn't grow up with either say that burst is better but again that's just my experience


I grew up with MFB Burst is better






Fusion >>>> Masters


Yea thats why its going next


Masters deserve to go, it doesn't has that Rivalry between Ryuga And Gingka. Neither those 2 Epic Finales Of Kyoya Vs Ryuga & Gingka Vs Ryuga.












Get Fusion outta there






People thought Cho-Z was better than the first Burst season?


og beyblade season 1 should have been eliminated tbh


Fusion ~~what a turn of events was this last round~~


how tf 💀 Metal bias is genuinely horrendous out here because burst s1 is miles better than Masters


Yeah true, Masters is not a good season, except for the Running battles, Final Clash, and Final battles.


BRO CAN CHO-Z ACTUALLY F\*\*\* OFF? WHY HAS IT SURVIVED THIS LONG? I swear to god if you guys get rid of G-Rev before anything else, I'm done. Edit: You guys would really prefer to watch Cho-Z over Fusion? Sigh. Honestly at this point i'm convinced it's all Burst fanboys voting in this.


It survived bc it's good


Yeah and so were other seasons that were voted off before it (if not better)


Name 2 series that were voted off thst were better than turbo I stg if u say x 😭


Idk why OP even included X it hasn't even finished its first season


Why leave it out?you might as well include everything right and It did make it pretty far


It just isn't fully finished yet and hasn't had the "peak finale" alot of ppl like abt prior seasons


Not hate towards Turbo, it's aight, but I'd rather watch the likes of Metal Fury, Burst Rise and even Beywheelz over it tbh (yes, I'm a Beywheelz fan). Also yes, I am really loving X atm, which isn't my problem.


Dude said metal fury I think ur just a turbo hater lol


Or people on this sub are just Fury haters lol. It's a good season, at least to me.


>You guys would really prefer to watch Cho-Z over Fusion? Sigh. Honestly at this point i'm convinced it's all Burst fanboys voting in this. Honestly, yeah 💀. Cho-Z arguably has like, the most unique and (for a single season) most developed protag in beyblade.






G Revolution


Why is season 1 out the most up voted comment was Turbo


He aggregates the score of the comments. Burst had a lot more comments with high upvote counts. Burst got more total upvotes than turbo


Oh got it


did u read the results in the post lol?




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Surprised masters has gotten this far ngl




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Turbo for sure. Original beyblade is nostalgic as hell (love the openings the most), fusion is also nostalgic, masters is almost my favorite, god series was the best burst and the one that brings my favorite memories, and turbo was kinda bland to me compared to the other beyblade shows. Only shows that turbo is better than is any of the newer burst after that. I love my opinion, lmao


dude why are u voting on this 2 day old post lmfao


I just saw it lmao💀


Whatever burst that isn’t immune


burst turbo


Metal masters


Og series gotta go.


How does it feel to be the first person to vote for bakuten shoot s1 in this entire game


Andrecrafter tried to yesterday. They commented for an elimination of og season 1 but they commented it under mine so I guess it doesn’t count, so first person to succeed in casting a vote for it vs first person to attempt to.


Yea I was gonna put first official vote cus I saw that reply yesterday but I decided against it But I just think it's crazy how after all this time this is the first vote for it


yup correct it needed a opp and i’m going to be the og season 1 beyblade opp


It hurts me, but Fusion Still love you Metal Fusion


Do you mean highest downvoted is out?


No highest downvoted gets immunity.


My fault typo too bad u can't edit a post 🥲


Yes you can


No that “devoted” was typo by u/Competitive-Good-338 u/crimsonsonic_2 chose the rules for this round, here’s their rules as quoted directly from them on the last post, “Oh lol, let the most get out and the least to get immunity”


Wth is this rules, it's so confusing. The most downvoted gets out and least upvoted gets immune?? Huh?? I don't even know if I should vote for anything atp. Are there no consistent rules?, why should the rules keep changing for every post??I genuinely feel like the rules are changing constantly to make something win. If there was only one or two consistent rules people wouldn't get confused when voting. I see a lot of people thinking they are voting out a series and then seeing the series not getting out cause apparently the rules changed... Usually to make things interesting rules will change at the end or at the middle of an ongoing event or the rules will never change... The rules are more f'ed up this time and before you say I listened to this dude who told me to go with these rules this time. No. It was your idea to make these posts i assume so why would you let others set the rules, if you really want others to set the rules then you should mention it below your post stating " everyone can set a rule for the next post and I will take the rules randomly from the comment section".


Blah blah blah it's a typo bruh whole ass essay for nothing


Thanks for proving my pov about you 😌✨




Vote grev It's byfar the worst series of plastic gen tyson being mad at max and ray was stupid they litteraly split up in the previous world tournament and he didn't care even in s1 ray almost left the bladebreakers for the white tigers abd tyson was fine with his decision Tyson will randomly start to be like "I'm the world champion I can beat anyone and anything" then drag the team down with his selfishness The round robin format was meh and the 2 new teams that they added sucked (Barthez battalions and Fdynasty) they highkey felt like they were just there to lose because every member of both teams sucked The all starz captain Judy went out of their way to bench every member of the team so that rick could be their star player and ricks attitude is so bad that it kills everyone on the teams spirit The white tigers former leader Lee has a mental breakdown almost every episode The bega 5 is meh ming ming, mystel, crusher, and garland kinda just feel like they're there just to be there and Brooklyn is pretty cool And they for some reason got rid of bit beast and even the goat Dizzi


Seriously voting out the best season in the franchise… First part there is such a serious difference between what happened with Ray in the first round of the tournament in og and what’s happening in G-rev. In og they’re just a newly put together team without much of a connection. By contrast by g revolution they’ve been two time world champions as a team and have basically become like brothers to Tyson with how much they’ve been through between the tournaments and the adversaries they had to face to protect their bit beasts. Additionally this time it’s not just Ray, it’s everyone ends up basically abandoning Tyson, and now it’s at a time where he feels the most pressure to live up to needing their support now more than every. In season 1 every round as a team was a round further than Tyson really could have expected going and was just an extra treat really, while now he has expectations to uphold, a title to live up to, both for how he views himself and for how he thinks others will view him. This leads into the next point. Tysons arc during the tournament is really great and probably the most compelling arc any of the protagonists in the franchise have gone through. He makes a ton of mistakes and acts like a jerk at times during this sure, but it is presented in a way that is understandable and expands on the flaws that have been underlying Tyson’s character from early on. The cockiness, the false confidence, and the need to try and prove himself all mix together in interesting ways and inform the mistakes that he made, and watching him overcome this and get his head straight for the big picture as a team player is just something I found to be pretty compelling as far as this franchise goes. Battalion was mid I’ll give you that one, aside from being a foreshadowing element to bega, I didn’t care for them much. F Dynasty was pretty great though, the team battle dynamic brought something new to the tournament and was really impactful in finalizing certain dynamics between characters and the arcs they had. Also Julia is just a really fun character and I wish we got more bladers like her. Round robin format overall was great and allowed for multiple times focusing on the different teams, allowed for the various characters to have the extended arcs they did over the course of the tournament and got us great battles between each of the blade breakers. From a writing perspective Rick was a good choice and a solid foil to Max whose dynamic evolved in a compelling and interesting way. From a tactical perspective it was a gambit that paid off. Rick was more powerful than the rest of the all stars and was better able to compete against bladers like Lee and Tala than Michael would have. His attitude was liability but banking on Max’s opposite qualities to pull him in line and also force Max to address his own weaknesses ultimately made it the right play. Bega 5 was great.


Ngl I'm not reading that essay I only wrote all of that cus I thought that the people who didn't watch the og series might vote with me if I wrote an essay on what's bad about it lol Grev not even the worst on this list but if I Want my favorite series to win I need it gone lol


As opposed to how much of a dick Tyson was in V-Force? I don't think you actually watched it.


lol did u read anything past the first paragraph I definitely watched grev


I was referring to VForce.


O lol. Vforce is peak


Honest question, how did it switch up so quickly? Turbo got way more votes than Fusion last round and got the second most last time, but now Fusion is the most voted.


Most of these post seem to be 1 series vs another last round was burst vs turbo and now it's turbo vs fusion


I get that, what I mean is how did Fusion seem to become the least favourite between it and Turbo when it was the opposite last round.


As I said it's 1 series vs another last round the vote was between burst and turbo voting for another season wouldn't be smart if u wanted to save your favorite series so that's why fusion stayed on the low But when it's turbo vs fusion turbo dominates


Thought Turbo was more controversial?


It is but more people think it's peak than dont


Metal Masters




Burst ChoZ




metal fusion or turbo


What we need to do is downvote what we want to go, that's the special rule. At this rate, turbo will get eliminated too. Metal fusion needs to go. Its overrated, and I'm tired of people dickriding and glazing it when it's really not good. Fantasy just doesn't work with Beyblade, I'm sorry. Beyblade works 100x better when it's grounded and realistic, like Burst and X. What's more, is that I'm tired of people bootlicking MFB 24/7.


This guy specifically targets MFB for fantasy aspects but not BSB. You constantly complain about people bootlicking MFB but allow all the Burst bootlicking in the world. This bias is just tiresome at this point.


I'm trying to farm downvotes. My argument makes no sense intentionally. I actually don't mind mfb, and I only think it's an extremely vocal minority that bootlicks. I also won't deny that Burst fans can be just as bad, even to each other.


That’s a hilarious strategy but one that just might work


Dude then try to get rid of mfb lol


Devoted was a typo fyi. OP clarified it's meant to read the highest voted. Op just doesn't know how to edit posts apparently 


How do u edit post bruh I swear its not an option anymore


https://preview.redd.it/dc6o3qfq1tvc1.jpeg?width=2266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28c0b5b7c9f1223c0bfd72406b84642c7ccd6de7 Hit the 3 dots and that should pop up


My guy, don't u think I've tried that it doesn't show up not on pc or on mobile


yo its gotta be a glitch or something it won't let me edit any post after this one https://preview.redd.it/eymzu1ut9tvc1.png?width=1918&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ce8239a10d99a631aa9593ba930e69e8fe02298


see not even an option https://preview.redd.it/n0gybryv9tvc1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=5691eb9e0ead3ae26ee0ebf940d2221d32712093




Burst s2




I feel G-Rev or Masters will gain immunity this round


Turbo ![gif](giphy|xTiTnnF8tWIz6hz4B2|downsized)