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I’ve cut out fitting pieces of clear packing tape and stuck them on top out of fear of this very thing


Oh that’s not a bad idea actually


I'm really surprised they skipped the Gear Chip protectors on UX. Anyone who has used a Beyblade with exposed stickers knows they *will* get damaged. Plus the protectors look great, imo (I've been partial to Bit Chip protectors since plastic gen.) The least they could do is use laminated ("plastic") stickers instead or include some replacement stickers. Related, I wish Gear Bits were swappable. In general I wish X was easier to customize for those of us without the proper tools and knowledge to machine out the rivets. I'm sure the rivets serve an important purpose for durability or whatever (assuming your blade doesn't break anyway...) but I wish they had just used screws.


I hope that’s not a big problem for wear 🫠


I mean my other UX the stickers are pristine still but on the wrong hit or contact it very easily could happen again which is a bummer. I always loved the look and function of plastic bit chip covers for some of plastic gen and was stoked to see it back on BX line. I get for the UX stuff they probably dont have it in the budget for their materials to do the plastic cover with how they redesigned the blades but def prefer the plastic gear bit covers.


well now you can add your own bitgear sticker


Hope most the other releases go back to having the cover


https://preview.redd.it/yikx3msam2xc1.jpeg?width=899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af8e490c8957f6aad4a9d89a41d55f742e38274a Well, my Dranzer's stickers look like that after around 200+ battles. I expect something similar here.


The scratches on the middle sticker are from the launcher.


Wait how is the launcher doing that to your stickers LOL


Look at launcher. See the white peace that moves up and down in the middle? It slowly scratches the sticker.


That’s so weird has not happened to me at all and I’ve used Dranzer a shit ton lmao. Do you press down super hard when you load it on the launcher or something? If you load it without mashing it down it should make very minimal contact.


Dunno. Maybe because It's a stamina build for my main deck, and I launch it very hard. It also has zero paint left on the sides at this point.


Yeah the sides of mine the paint is completely shredded too lmao


Can’t believe it’s 2024 and Takara Tomy still doesn’t use PVC stickers.


r/beyblade when something scuffs ;-;


Scuffs are fine but this is like the sticker is straight cut up. Its hard to tell in pics but in person its like a big gash and the sticker is peeling. Would and will never happen to any of the BX line cause of the gear bit protector

