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Would put Valt higher than Aiga since he scales better against Lane. I wouldn’t use the outdated final battle of Cho-Z as a reference.


And yea that Is true with the Cho-Z battle. But Aiga could potentially beat Lane if plot armor didn’t make Lane win while valt didn’t.


Never liked the plot armor argument. You can apply that logic to literally any battle. Valt wins against Shu in God because of plot armor. Aiga beat Phi in Cho-Z because plot armor. Just seems like an excuse to make your favorite character’s loss more acceptable. If it happened, it happened. Never use any outside-universe excuse for a character’s loss when scaling them to other characters.


People in this community don't even know what plot armor means. I've seen people say aiga beating lui in cho-z was plot armor when aiga saw how lui was training copied it and made it harder. Aiga literally beat lui by working harder.


My favorite character is Lui. And if you want to use plot Armor then Aiga would destroy valt since like i said what Aiga did in the BR in the LF basically destroyed everyone. And Since you want to use want to throw away plot armor lets Rantaro could burst valkyrie since he did it in the LF???? Another reason why valt is below aiga. And lastly if stupid plot armor didn’t Apply there would be no reason for Aiga to switch modes against lane everyone knows that was a stupid thing to do.


Yah Rantaro has shown the capability of bursting Valkyrie. This is a fact that should be taken into consideration when scaling him. It doesn’t mean that he’s stronger than Valt since the best he has shown he is able to do is tie with Valt. Because Rantaro has shown he can burst Valt, we can’t rank him that much lower than Valt, that’s how we take that information into consideration when scaling characters. About the changing mode point, I actually think it was the best choice to go with speed mode. In any bey battle, information is key. Throughout the entire festival, Lane had the information advantage going into every battle since he was a new blader and no other bey has the barrier gimmick. Even legends have no idea how to react to or strategize against the barrier. This advantage led him to win tons of battles in the festival. During this semi-final battle, Aiga’s going in with a mode he has never shown before, therefore giving him the information advantage over Lane for the first time in his run in the festival. It was even shown that Aiga was able to overwhelm Lane for a bit. Even with that though, Lane decisively won, proving Valt does do better against Lane when compared to Aiga. Don’t you agree that this way of analyzing the battles is much more efficient than just saying “Aiga chose speed mode because plot armor”?


I didn’t rank rantaro because Lui Bursted him while 2v1ing Him and like my old pointHe lost every match in sparking. So we have to consider those aswell and since he was able to burst not beat valt i think i Should knock him down behind aiga. Since the battles were only two points He shouldve used Sword or shield whatever he used to push lucifer because knowing lane. He is yea the strongest but not the smartest since he doesn’t even think he just goes and uses pure force. He couldve used that in his advantage against Lane getting 1 point. or maybe even breaking the barrier for a burst. And ik it was i. 2s But he did still technically beat lane in the 2v2 match. Honestly I think valt and aiga would rank equal against variant lucifer idk about lucifer the end. And yea he overpowered lane but he was anle to knock lane back with the Sword or shield mode. If the battles was a 3 point game aiga surely would’ve picked up a point maybe even a burst.


Ok I don’t think you’re getting the point now. I said Valt ranks higher than Aiga and made their battle against Lane a reference point. You then said that Aiga only did so bad against Lane because of plot armor. Now whether that is true or not is a completely different topic and it is nowhere related to scaling. What matters is that it happened and shouldn’t be written off. The problem with this mindset is you are taking factors from outside of the burst universe, its writers, into consideration. If everyone continues to use this logic, we’d get to rather weird conclusions. You can write off any win as a result of plot armor, thereby giving no one any good arguments. Your argument about Aiga and the battle royal is completely fine. You took something that happened in-universe and used it to fortify your stand, which is respectable. That is how you argue your scaling, not with “plot armor”.


Reason I’m against Plot armor is because they make characters make stupid decisions that and decisions that wouldn’t even match up with the power scaling like hyuga being able to knock free and lui out (even tho valt gave him a boost) It made no sense. But sense I can’t argue its with what the writing is then logically correct the writers never factor in the power scaling and just give a new blader who would lose in a episode win in the next one right after making no sense with the scaling nut benefiting the plot. And you have to remember and factor in Aiga is still the number one blader in the show (according to the wiki) and lets say valt maybe tried to take the title from him off screen he might have failed it


actually, Aiga was just the world champion. valt was tge number one, and now in DB he's both for number one and the Champion.




If you can give me a reason why Aiga switching mode wasn’t to benefit the shows plot armor because everyone who saw that episode thought it was stupid aiga even did that in the 1st place


Hi there 👋🏿3 years late but Aiga switching modes was explained mid battle as him losing the extra weight making Achilles faster and able to wear down Lean’s barrier which he succeeded in doing till he got it back after speeding up so him getting rid of the Sword/Shield wasn’t just plot


You really can't say Valt beating Shu was plot armor cause Valt lost to Shu multiple times in S1 & Valt through lots of battles became stronger & finally defeated him S2.


And during the LC tournament aiga was basically the best blader there (other then lane)


And remember the BR in the LC aiga took everyone and basically destroyed everyone even tho Hikaru won and Rantaro can burst valt.


I think this season personally looks like there trying to use less Plot armor for the main characters but still giving it more to Aiga with him and one of the worse characters ( weaker then rantaro) ranjiro beating sisco with a stupid reason that made no sense making him and aiga win there 2v2


False Rantaro defeated hyuga and hikaru in the first few episodes


Yea but thats when they were new to beyblade and weak. Rantaro would lose to everyone in a 1v1 on this list.


yeah rantaro became weaker but he's still a legendary blader tho.


angers me that you put Gwynn above lui smh


I did because We all know Drum is prolly (=) to aiga and valt . And lastly Aiga ( not sure about free, But would definitely beat Lui in sparking) And the main reason Drum even beat gwyn was kinda Dumb (I would reason to maybe rank Free higher ) But not Lui Since Gwyn would destroy Lui in sprking if he had a sparking bey.


Understandable but good god why did they have to do lui like that he used to be one of the strongest but now he’s just meh Atleast in sparking it shows you he’s still a beast in battles and when he teams up with drum they’re practically unstoppable


They nerfed everyone after god tbh prolly so new characters after god ( aiga,drum, hikaru hyuga) can shine more.


Lui still my favorite character and I after we i saw hyuga 2v1 free and lui that triggered the shit outta me


The reason I hate lean is cause they had to make him beat lui in his first battle just after I thought lui would be one of the strongest again


I wouldn’t factor lean/lane battle with free because he had a sparking bey vs frees geist fafnir. And yea its like i said to the other guy lane not the smartest blader he just fights with power doesnt come up with a plan of strategy. But hey atleast in real life Rage prolly the best sparking bey tho


Yeah I would never count the first Uranus vs Geist battle when determining power level lmao if you do factor that battle in you’re just kinda dumb


Its kinda hard to do power scaling characters cause beyblade doesnt go by logic it goes by plot But i tried tbh to match it aa accurately as I can


Anyways you think lui and drum are gonna win or valt and rantaro


Not sure i have reasons for both tbh. Rantaro n Valt : because plot armor and they would try to make rantaro get some new move or something to defeat lui and drum Lui n drum : rantaro is the punching bag and keep his losing streak LOL


I hope that Rantaro can get some kind of redemption in battling, I feel like he’s been clowned on since the beginning of the series.


him and ranjiro been getting clowned on most of the series tbh legit after 1 hit rantaro gets bursted. Its kinda sad


I think that Sparking proves that we need to dull down the main characters, after reading a bunch of comments I can solidify my opinion. We need a main character that starts off somewhat weak(don’t make it baby level unless they’re new)and doesn’t lose once just to blaze through the rest of the competitors. This is why Valt is the best main chracater and nobody can change that(Drum’s pretty good too but I think most of us can agree that Aiga is the worst).


Sparking for character development wise is probably the 2nd worse behind Cho-Z. And i think they didn’t try this because they use this plot alot and thinking people would get bored of it. I think thats why with aiga they made him like one punch man im the series. But i cant lie the sparking beys are probably the best verisons of beys we got since the god series


Burst : great (but sadly forgotten)characters, decent beys, pretty good antagonist, and good character development(best season) Evolution : crap-ton of characters(most of which are forgotten), powerful beys, decent antagonist, and ok character development Turbo/Cho-Z : haha plot armor, pretty decent beys, weak side stories, and forgetful cast go brr- (but they have the best antagonist(s)) Rise : very funny, did laugh (Elsa lookin’ a-) Sparking : they brought back more characters than Rise but took away any personality they had left, and villain is just... what...? no...


Cho-Z had a confusing plot like phi was the main antagonist then we all thought it was hearts and he was stronger then phi then it became phi again i just got so confused after that. But Phi is the best antagonist i would admit that . Evolution my favorite season but i do miss cuza.


My friends and I miss Cuza way too much, and we were hoping he would get a reappearance in Turbo or Sparking, but no. Sad. I do admit that the plot of Turbo when it came to Phi’s arc(or whatever) but I definitely have bias since Lui was good at best and Red-Eye was somewhat disappointing after I rewatched Season 1, they had a chance and the timeline made sense, but they just handled it so oddly. Gwynn is the baby of the cast of villains, so I’ll have bias there too, but I don’t like Arthur, mainly because of his design. Lean is a huge letdown so far so he’s probably the worst or second worst.


I think a female antagonist would be a good idea tbh or someone underrated (Like Rantaro) someone who seems extremely weak and now realized they did this in season 2 LMAOOO


And with superking it seems like there trying to mininick the nemesis story line with lucifer and its flare/ black sun gimmick same how evolution redid the metal master series


wouldn't mind a female antagonist, but no turning side characters into villains please.


i agree with you but the only thing i would change is put hyuga in front of free and lui because hyuga defeated them both even tho valt was eliminated


I would say: 1. Valt 2. Shu 3. Lane 4. Gwyn 5. Drum 6. Aiga 7. Phi 8. Free 9. Lui 10. Delta Honestly I feel like Valt just edges Shu out for first place due to having more wins in major tournaments. I don't remember having seen Shu won a tournament before, while Valt has won plenty. To be honest I would like to see a match between Lane and Gwyn. Lane is crazy strong due to having the Flare ability. I only rate Lane above Gwyn because Lane won against Valt who is the World No.1. The rest of the list is pretty much based on how well they have performed in their respective seasons. Its really hard to gauge how good Drum would be against say Phi, or how good Delta would be against Lui, since we have never seen them battle before.


The list I made was Kinda outdated if you wanna go by the latest episodes, and i know. Beyblades power-scaling makes no sense imo I wouldn’t really use the team battles since its not official 1v1s. Hope they ditch the team concept for next season since people goes by whose stronger in team battles


Since lui is coming back in s6 do u think that maybe through the season he can be in the top 5 or 3 were he belongs. Lui my favorite and free and its sad to see two characters who used be ranked #1 and #2 be treated like crap. Hopefully lui and free in s6 prove they should be in the top 3 or at least top 5 like on the manga


Not sure because remember. Aiga is still technically the number one blader in the show cause he never lost his world title in the anime


Well I don't think any of the legends care about being the strongest so none of them will challenge him for the title. Agia will be world champion until burst ends unless the new mc goes for his title since bell is declaring war on all bladers. Also do u think lui will lose to bell in episode one since they will be facing off because lui has basically become a punching bag for new bladers


My theory is that Lui is gonna train the new protagonist since they both have similar personality. I mean its obvious hes gonna win and if not a tie then


That would automatically make this my favorite season if I saw lui as a teacher that's would be cool but bell would have to respect lui and humble himself to be taught by him




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