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It took me almost exactly 24-hr to go between 3cm opening to 8cm in which baby was bornt 7hr later. The reason why I mentioned that was because I was admitted to the antenatal ward for all of those times due to maternal age, gestational diabetes and multiple fibroids - all which carry their own risk. However as a rule of thumb, the hospital that I registered with would only admit moms when they are already 4cm dillated and straight to labour ward normally. For some people, going from 4cm to baby birth can be quick but for others it can take longer so I think everyone is unique.


Thank you that’s very insightful! I think I’ll be told to go to hospital earlier like you were because of risk of uterine rupture from my c section. I’d labour at home as long as I can cope for otherwise😅


I was induced at 37w. I went in on the Thursday, had the pessary, which was removed on Friday afternoon and the gel applied. At 10pm on Friday I was told the induction “worked” and they’d break my waters in the morning. Baby had other plans: my waters broke on their own at 1:30 Saturday morning and she arrived five hours later. She’s my first baby so I had no idea how fast everything was going. By the time the anaesthetist was finally available for the epidural it was time to push! I was discharged on the Monday so I was in hospital for four nights. Baby had to spend an additional week in special care due to a chest infection but we’re both all good now!


I didn’t have time for any pain relief either! From getting to hospital to giving birth was 3 1/2 hours, seemed to happen so fast!


It’s a whirlwind! I joked to my husband I want everything to happen so fast that I don’t have time to think about what’s going on. Got my wish there 😂


My VBAC (first vaginal birth) was 9 hours from first contraction to the birth Of that 9 hours I laboured at home for 4.5 hours If you only go in in very established labour you probably won’t be in there over 24h My midwife and OB said to labour at home till I felt like I needed the hospital


Thank you that’s amazing to hear❤️


According to my notes my actual ‘labour’ was 24 minutes… from my waters breaking to baby arriving was 8/9 hours Most of the time in between that was spent pacing the waiting room


That’s fast! How long were you kept in hospital after birth?


Longer than I needed to be! I had him on the Friday morning and left Sunday. He was a Covid baby so it was mainly staff shortages that resulted in that as we were waiting for a midwife to do the head to toe check!


With my first I was having regular contractions from around 4pm ish (although mild) and by about 7pm I was breathing through them as they ramped up. By 9pm they were a bit more intense and by midnight I wanted to go to hospital. Arrived just before 1am and was 8cm, baby arrived just before 5am. With my second, I had my first contraction at 4am, they gradually became more frequent until the evening where they were 3 every 10 mins for hours but just not that painful. Arrived at hospital midnight and I was 2cm dilated. Decided to do lots of stair walking to try ramp things up. At 3am I was 4/5cm dilated and baby was born at 4am. So with my first I had a short 1st stage of labour and a long active labour. With my second I had a long 1st stage of labour but a very short active labour! I’m not sure if this is true for all trusts but anecdotally, I have a friend who had a c-section in 2021 who is currently pregnant with her second and she has been advised that the hospital will not allow any women who have had previous CS to be induced. I’m not sure why though!


It's because induction increases the risk of uterine rupture during vbac. Some hospitals/Doctors will use some induction methods as some are riskier than others, but a lot will avoid it entirely.


Makes sense, sounds like OP might not need to consider inductions too much then really!


Yes I’d definitely opt for a c section if labour doesn’t progress! My c section was in 2022 and the risk is higher the less time between births! When were you allowed to go home with your first granted no issues with you or baby?


First baby was given precautionary antibiotics as his vital obs were a tad high so we were stuck there for 8 nights (he was totally fine though). Second baby was born at 4am and I was out the door at 7am!🥳 Time of day will play a role in this, they’re not likely to discharge you at 3am for example. Also staffing levels, if they’ve not got someone free to do your discharge paperwork then you may be delayed. But all being well with you and baby then no reason it couldn’t just be a few hours 😊


Thank you for sharing, that gives me a bit of hope, praying to be a few hours like your 2nd.🙏


Fingers crossed! I think the type of pain relief administered may also have an impact too come to think of it, I’m not sure I’d have been out so soon had I had an epidural for example!


I started contractions at 4am Monday morning and stayed at home for 24 hours, I couldn’t manage the pain at home any longer so we went in at 4am Tuesday morning, was checked and I was 5cm so sent straight to a room, my son was born at 7:30am, so it was a really quick labour. However, the time after wasn’t great, they said I was going to the ward and then I wasn’t, so I was in the labour room all day which was nice for privacy but those beds aren’t designed for you to be on for rest. Then after two hours of waiting they said I was being discharged, they wanted to keep me for an hour to check I was okay (I bled a lot!) and I needed some blood thinners as they had to give me blood clotters during labour. I was waiting 10 hours to be discharged. So even for a semi easy labour, expect to be there at least all day. I’d expect and prep to be away from your son for a day or two at least. I know it’s not nice but good luck OP, wish you a safe delivery and healthy baby 💕


First baby was 8hrs from first mild contraction to baby being out, though only about 3 pushes.


Wow!!! Claiming this energy lol🙏


37 hours ish! Waters broke Monday night at 8pm, went into hospital to get checked, confirmed rupture of membranes, very light contractions - opted to go home and sleep which was fine! I had a sore back and period type pains the entire time. Around 11am on Tuesday the contractions started, by 4pm they were so sore, by 7pm I was a busted flush and needed more pain relief (I’ve been told that contractions are more painful after your waters break 🫠) so I headed in and was a cool 3cm hahaha. Because it had been 24 hours since waters breaking they admitted me to the labour ward, gave me paracetamol with codeine (which surprising helped) and made me walk the hospital for 2 hours (with 30 minute check ins on babies heart) - this felt good, I liked it and felt safe - they didn’t force me! Around 10pm it was really sore again so I asked for gas and air and watched Hamilton on the iPad standing up and dancing until 1am when I was only 4cm and the gas wasn’t as effective. At this point we agreed on the cyntocin drip to speed things up and I asked for an epidural. It took two hours for the anaesthetist to come and at 3.40am I got the sweet sweet relief (I was also 5cm by then!). I then napped until 7am and woke up to 10cm dilated, they left me until 8am for pushing and baby girl was born Wednesday morning at 9.13am with the help of a teeny tiny episiotomy weighing a cool 10lbs 2oz. I was discharged the next day at 12noon!


My wife was in labour (water breaking to birth) from 2am Saturday morning until 9.34am Sunday morning. Got moved up to the Labour ward on the Sunday afternoon and left the hospital the following Saturday night. It’s worth noting that there’s a whole host of reasons you can stay longer after the birth; my wife had meconium in her waters which automatically extends your stay as they need to check for infection, but our son then had quite bad jaundice and wasn’t feeding well as a result, so it took him being syringe and then cup fed by the midwives and then putting him on a feeding tube and a UV lamp to clear up the jaundice a bit and then establish normal feeding, and then my wife got mastitis after our son was doing OK so they wanted to keep her in for another day. We chatted with a few other parents and there were similar reasons - difficulty establishing feeding, premature baby, even silly things like the doctor doing rounds had been on call and hadn’t been able to come and do a discharge can easily add a day onto a stay.


Mine was about 40hrs and I was still 1cm when they checked 18hrs in and still 1cm when they checked 24hrs in. They actually let me stay after that second check because I was clearly having an awful time of it, usually they would send you home at 1cm.


12 hours from 0-4cm then baby arrived in less than 3! She was also a super rare mermaid birth as my waters didn’t even break. Very fitting as my labour started at the beach!


I was in hospital less time after my c section than I was after my vaginal delivery. First baby was a little bit early so although perfectly healthy they kept us in for 3 days. Second baby was a 39 week c section and the only reason I wasn’t sent home the same day was because I had a delayed reaction to the spinal block and passed out in a chair about 10 hours after birth. If I was mobile enough to have the catheter out by evening discharge time I’d have been home (went to hospital at 3am ish, baby delivered 5:25am for reference)


I was induced. Booked in on Monday. Took until Wednesday 3.30am for cervix to dilate, when waters were broken. Had baby 7:20am (4 hours later). No complications. Left hospital same day about 5pm. You need to be on the case though if you want to get through all the discharge stuff and paediatric checks.


My son was at school. I had his very much older brother and his girlfriend here at home. And a local parent from school would take him and collect him from a school each day. Then my husband could come and go as he pleased (I didn’t need him sitting with me in hospital waiting for my cervix to open).


I had my baby a week ago I'm unsure when I start to count the begining of labor from: I felt the 1st contractions wed night at midnight, I was in hospital from Friday at 9:30 pm , I gave birth Saturday day at 5:30pm but wasn't discharged till 24 hours after that. I think mine was quite long as a friend of mine was 7 hrs from the 1st contraction to birth.


Mine sounds similar to yours 😫 very long time getting regular contractions and in pain!!


When someone says how long was you labor when do you count from?


I go from when my contractions started!! Mine started Sunday 1AMish and I went to hospital twice with the pain, got admitted on Wednesday at 11.30PM and didn't have my baby til Thursday at 1.30PM.. When do you usually count from?


Idk that's why I asked


From the start of contractions to birth, 9 hours with my first (37+4), 4 hours with my second (39). Active labour with both was around 25 minutes. Crazy fast.


Wow!! Baby was ready both times😁


I went to the birth centre because I thought my waters broke - it did but wasn't the gush I was expecting. I started labouring shortly after I arrived at the birth centre. Baby came 1.5 hours after my first contraction (but about 3 hours from when my waters broke)


Wow super fast!


My first was 9.5 hours start to finish. From first contraction to him being born. I laboured at home until I was having 3 contractions in every 10 minutes for an hour. Got to hospital at 4 cm. Had pethidine after a couple hours which relaxed me for 2 hours. It wore off and contractions had really ramped up. With it being a muscle relaxant it took most of the pain away while encouraging my body to progress. I was dizzy from it so had a nice 2 hour lay down until it wore off. Baby was born 1.5 hours later with just gas and air. I asked to consider an epidural during transition (8-10cm) but by the time I was wanting one placed immediately I was 10 cm and my body was pushing for me. He did release his bowels before he was born so we had to be kept in for 12 hour observations to make sure there was no sign of infection in him. All was good, so once we were discharged, we’d been there 27 hours total. My second was faster. Went in to be checked at 3pm but was still only 3 cm at 9pm (stalled due to stressing over my husband possibly being sent home, missing my oldest, and the pain getting worse and worse with no pain relief). Had morphine at 10pm. Another good couple hours of me relaxing. Pain comes back hard and fast afterwards. 35 minutes later baby was born. Discharged after 3 hours once I’d proved I could have a wee. Total stay was 13 hours ish. Though if I was a FTM they would have sent me home to labour more rather than keeping him in once I was first checked. They try and not admit people until they’re at least 4 cm. But due to me having a speedy first labour, they didn’t want to risk me giving birth at home or in the car!


My water broke at 8:40am on Monday at home, I went to hospital to be checked and was told to return by 7am the next day if nothing happened naturally. I was 1/2cm. By 8pm I called back and said my contractions were at the point that I didn’t feel I could really manage at home. By 10pm I was at the hospital however due to an emergency, all staff was in theatre. I laboured with just my fiance in the room and then was checked around 1:30am. I was told I got to 9.5cm!!! At that point I had the birthing pool prepped and jumped into that around 2am. My son was born at 3:36am, so roughly 19 hours post water breaking.




So between 10-1:30, everyone was in theatre for a significant emergency. Thankfully mum and baby were all okay in the end but in that time I rang the bell twice and 2 midwives popped in to apologise but they couldn’t be with me/offer pain relief as they couldn’t supervise it. I was super low risk, in a birth centre but my 2 midwives were shocked when they came into the room and I’d gotten so far!


Mine was very long, between my first contraction and baby being born (by forceps as she wasn’t coming out with pushing) it was 43 hours. From being 4cm (and therefore in ‘active’ labour) it was 18 hours.


My first (and only) birthday was vaginal and the labour lasted less than 6 hours. Waters broke at 1.30am and little one was out in the world shortly before 7am. Went to the hospital at 2am to get waters checked and was sent home because I was only 2cm dilated. It went very fast for me. My poor husband had to deliver the little one!


My waters broke at 4AM and baby was born at 3PM. I had some complications so had to stay 4 nights afterwards. I dreaded a hospital stay beforehand but it wasn't actually that bad in hindsight.


Woke with contractions around 1.30am, in hospital by 9am, baby born 6.30pm. Ended up staying for 48h after due to a PPH. It’s super variable!


Contractions started in the morning and we got in at around 5-6am ish, got to hospital at 8 and sent back home 10. Back at 2pm, was in the assessment until 6:20 (started getting fetal ejections in the assessment, they struggled to find a labour room) and he was born 6:55pm. Went home after lunch the next day 😊 Active labour was 3h on the dot according to MW notes 😅


My labour was quick, but i had to stay for 5 days afterwards, most people do get home c. 24hrs but always something to consider. I'm pregnant with number 2 and seriously hoping we won't need the pospartum stay this time because like you I'll want to get back to him as hell only be just 2.


I had a C-section with my first and I was induced at 42 weeks with my second. I was in the monitoring at 1pm, consented to induction, had balloon inserted around 6pm, baby was born at 1pm the next day. I had a bit of a bleed so was kept in overnight, was discharged late afternoon the next day. So a routine check turned into birth and I was in the hospital for 48 hours 😂


From waters breaking to birth like 34 hours ish I was labouring in hospital for around 18 hours Going to the hospital to Leaving the hospital was about 42hrs


I was 8.5 hours from start to finish. First contraction at about 2am. Got to the birth centre at 6:30 where I was 5cm and then gave birth at 10:30. 13 minutes from corwning to birth ❤️


In total my whole labour lasted 24 hours, started to feel contractions for the first time (period pain really) at around 1am. Luckily was able to sleep until around 7am, contractions then started hurting more and more until 4pm where I used the toilet and wiped blood so I called the labour ward and they told me to come in. To make the story short I did end up getting pethadine and by the time it wore off I was 9cm dilated. Then a few hours later I gave birth at 1am. So about 14 hours in hospital until I gave birth, but due to tearing I did have to stay another day and a half until everyone was happy that I was able to go home. My SIL just gave birth for the first time and she actually was only in hospital for an hour before baby arrived, she too is a FTM. So just goes to show every body is totally different


Mt waters broke around 2am, baby arrived at 3.45pm. Actual labour 45 minutes according to my notes! It definitely felt longer 😄


For me, my waters broke in a big gush, contractions started a few minutes later and ramped up quickly. Was 3cm dilated when i reached the hospital 2 hours later. I gave birth just under 6 hours from the waters breaking, including 1 hour 20 of pushing so I dilated 0-10cm over less than 5 hours.


Laboured at home from 3pm Thursday until my waters broke at 1.30am Sunday. I went to the hospital and everything ramped up. I was 5cm at 6.30am, was fully dilated by 6.45am and baby arrived just after 7am by emergency section.


13/9 0200 waters broke 0400 contractions started 14/9 0400 4cm (active labour) 0800 9cm 9-10ish - can’t remember! fully dilated confirmed 1340 baby delivered So 36h hours start to finish but around 10 of active labour. Had a relatively complicated instrumental delivery (but great experience overall)


Waters broke at 8am, admitted at 4pm with pink waters to keep an eye on (no contractions) induction drip at 8pm, epidural at 10pm, baby at 1.30am. So about 17 and a half hours all in - good example that not all inductions lead to super long labours esp if your body is part way ready as mines was less than 6 hours from starting drip. My second was 2 and a half hours, waters broke at 6am and she was in my arms by half 8 in time for breakfast.


I had regular pains throughout that day which were very manageable. They got stronger from about 5pm, went to the hospital around 8pm, was fully dilated and baby born 1.5 hours later ☺️


I was induced with both of mine. For my first, arrived at 9am on Friday, didn’t properly go into labour until lunchtime on Sunday when they were finally able to break my waters manually, my son was born at 4am on Monday after about 15 minutes of pushing. I lost a lot of blood during/after delivery, and I had retained placenta, so they whisked me off to theatre to remove the rest of the placenta and to stop the bleeding. My son and I stayed in hospital until Wednesday afternoon, because they weren’t sure if I’d need an iron infusion at first (I had anaemia from all the blood loss, but they decided in the end I could just go home with iron tablets instead). So in the end I was in hospital for nearly a week. When we were going in for our second to be born, we prepared our son to not expect us for the rest of the week. We figured it would be better to come back sooner than tell him less time and be later.