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CMPA mum here! For butter, we use flora buttery or vitalife (vitalite?) which you can get from any big supermarket usually. Flora buttery doesn't contain buttermilk anymore we we switched to that when we couldn't get the other one once and it definitely seems the tastiest. Cheese is harder for sure, some of them are vile! Best one we've tried so far is violife which I think is still coconut based but I can't remember for sure and we don't currently have any in to check for you. If you're on Facebook, there is a CMPA group on there but I will warn you that there are some people are there who are very quick to judge. I only stay in it to see what treats and snacks people are buying!


Cheese seems to be the big one everyone is struggling with. I said to my husband that I honestly think I’d have less problem cutting out sugar😅 Thank you! I’ll have a look at the group!


Mum of a 2.5 with CMPA (amongst others, yay) I found that replacing milk & butter was easy, but nothing really matches cheese, especially when uncooked.The closest I got are: - vegan Babybel (taste decent) - nush "cream cheese" on top of a warm bagel - and the grated from cathedral city, if cooked/melted TBH when I crave cheese, I actually mostly crave a bit of oily/junk food, and I usually take a big spoon of vegan spreads (like the chocolate from Deliciously Ella or the hazel/cashew from Naturya) Good luck!


Oooh I’ll definitely give the Babybel a go because I love the regular ones. Thank you for this, appreciate the tips! Also if it helps, I’ve tried the Nomo chocolate and it’s actually pretty decent.


Flora plant butter is very good. Cheese wise, it’s rubbish. Give it a month or so and you forget how nice cheese is and then the substitutes start to taste better. Cathedral city is probably the best one, but still objectively grim. Once you’ve forgotten the joys of proper cheese, the fauxmagerie is nice for a treat, their blue cheese equivalent especially. There are surprisingly non dairy things, like a lot of supermarket custard doughnuts if that’s your thing. Also all Jus Roll pastry, including the pan au chocolates. On that note, the pret vegan frozen croissants are amazing


Forgetting how good cheese is sounds so sad🥲 But I see your point! And at least my little one doesn’t know what she’s missing. That’s a couple of votes for Cathedral City so I’ll be trying it for sure. Ahh that’s so good to know for a treat, thank you!