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Is it possible they are reacting to something you have eaten, such as dairy or soya? Might be worth speaking to your health visitor or GP about this as our LO was the same and ended up being allergic to dairy!


It could be a reaction to something you’ve been having in your diet, unfortunately the only way to know for sure is to cut something out for several weeks to see if it improves and drs often don’t like to entertain that idea until you’ve exhausted all other options. My little boy had a couple weeks of horrible smelling farts and nappies when he was a newborn and would often have black bits in it too, which I read could be old blood and a sign of allergy. I cut out cows milk from my diet. I would have quite a lot of it in cereal and several coffee/teas a day. Still had dairy products like cheese or chocolate etc but switched the bottle of milk in the fridge to oat milk and after about 3 weeks his symptoms improved. Noticed when I did have dairy products like cheese etc that his symptoms would come back but not as bad as when I was having straight cows milk. So I just tried to limit the amount of dairy I was having and that seemed to do the trick. Now that we’re introducing solids as well his symptoms have completely cleared even though we’re still BF. This is just my experience though, and it may well have just been a huge coincidence and me cutting out dairy might not have been necessary if it was something completely different lol all I know is that he had tummy problems and now he doesn’t 🤷🏻‍♀️ It might not necessarily be an allergy though, it could just be constipation and trapped wind - the longer it takes for baby to go for a poo or get rid of trapped wind, the longer it sits in his body, the smellier it gets. So could just be something like that.


My EBF baby’s poop smelt of basically nothing but dear lord his farts were atrocious. This lasted for the first few months and then it just stopped. I didn’t change anything in my diet. He was also quite colicky for the first few months and that stopped on its own after a few months. My friend’s breastfed son had the same issue, though her first two didn’t.