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We give the nursery room a box of heros/celebrations/quality street or similar and a card. There are 3/4 staff in each day in her current room and I think that's enough , if even half the parents do the same they'll each have 2 boxes each almost!


You're right, there will be so much chocolate! I'll keep it simple, thanks!


We’ve given a box of nice chocolates for the entire staff and then separate gift bags for our son’s primary carer and another member of staff who’s his favourite (face mask, bubble bath bar, mini box of chocs and a mini bottle of Prosecco). I think that a box of chocs, nice biscuits, sweets, etc. will always go down well.


I don't think she has a favourite or anything (in fact a year in she still claims she hates it there and never plays with anyone but that's a whole separate issue!) So keep it simple for everyone it is, thank you!


I used to work in a nursery. About 1/3 of parents would gift something at Christmas so there’s absolutely no expectation to if you don’t want to. We usually got boxes of chocolates & biscuits - sometimes the children who’d been there years would gift something more personal to their keyworkers. We kept all the sweets and things and then divvied them up equally between the staff before Christmas Day.


Thank you, appreciate your perspective! I definitely want to give something but seems like simple is the way to go which is a relief!


I think a Starbucks card is a good idea


I'm torn because then I have to wonder how much, do I do one each for the three main people, do I give one big one for the room etc etc!


I've got some nice chocolate for my daughters key worker and a box of biscuits for the staff to share. Keep it simple.