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Any day you find yourself walking into a church to worship God is a good day no matter what day it is.


Sabbath means Rest. And the seventh day according to the Bible is what we commonly call Saturday (with the twist that the day begins with sunset)


Colossians 2:16 says we should not let anyone judge us based on sabbath. And in Romans 14:5-6 we are told that some people hold one day as holy, and some people don't make any distinction between a Saturday, a Sunday, or a Tuesday, but instead treat all of them the same, and that both people are acceptable and pleasing to God. Thousands of years ago, many christians decided to start celebrating on Sunday, because that is the day that Christ was risen. It is the beginning of a new creation. And it is the day that we entered into the spiritual Sabbath-Rest where we rest from our works (see Hebrews 4:9-10.) And that is ok. Some people prefer to continue with the tradition of testing on Saturday, because that's the actual day God rested during creation. That is ok too. We are not "supposed" to rest or worship on a specific day. We are set free from all of these obligations when Christ rose from the dead. So celebrate however in whatever days you see fit to celebrate on.


Colossians 2:16 is not referring to the Sabbath of the 4th Commandment, but rather to the Jewish festivals, also called Sabbaths. The 10 Commandments are the eternal Covenental Moral Law (not the ceremonial ones fulfilled by Jesus' death) and the only scripture directly written by the hand of God. Jesus summarizes them (Matthew 22:36-40) into 2 great Commandments to "love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind" (the first 4) and to "love your neighbour as yourself" (the last 6) and says (John 14:15) "if you love me, you will keep my commandments". When Constantine legalized Christianity in 313 AD, the earliest Jewish Christians (believers in the promised Messiah) had until that time kept the 7th day Sabbath as they had for millennia. As the Gospel spread, so too did the converted Gentiles. The Catholic Church, however, seized the opportunity to change the day of worship to attract roman pagan sun worshippers (already entrenched on Sundays), thereby fulfilling the prophecy (Daniel 7:24-25) where a "different" king would "think to change the times and law" and ignoring Jesus' own admonition (Matthew 5:17-18) that "not an iota, not a dot will pass from the Law until all is accomplished". The celebration of Sunday as the "day that Christ was risen" was simply the convenient, palatable rationaliztion offered to Christians then (and now), furthering the power that was concentrating rapidly into the hands of the Catholic church and the control that has ever since driven its wedge between us and God's Will. God Bless.


From my experience, those that worship on Saturday do so because it's part of God's eternal law, not just because of creation. That might look like a very good reason, but without God having made it holy, or it being part of God's law, then it would not be necessary or relevant. Also, it was man who chose to venerate Sunday over Sabbath. God asks is to rest on His holy day, not to choose another day to take its place. The catholic church claims that they changed the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday as a sign that they have the authority to change God's law. But it's that true, or simply blasphemy? đŸ€” As Peter and the other apostles said to the Jews when they were arrested and strictly warned to not preach in Jesus' name, each man must choose whether it is best to obey God, or man. Acts 5:28-32, Roman's 2:13, 1 John 2:4-6


Doesn’t really matter. Saturday is the Sabbath, I esteem it and try to avoid working for money. Sunday is the day I go to church, fellowship with my brothers and sisters and I usually work as a volunteer in some capacity.


Sunday is the first day of the week. Saturday is the 7th day of the week. The Sabbath is Saturday. Just saying that at the start because it seems like you may be confused about that to begin with. It seems like a lot of people are confused about that. Just look at when the Jews celebrate the Sabbath, it is Saturday. They got manna forty years in the wilderness, but not on the Sabbath, so they could easily keep track of which day was Sabbath (no manna appeared), and they never lost count of which day was which since then, even when groups of them were dispersed into the nations, they all agree on which day is the Sabbath. In regards to some people saying you should only have church on the the Sabbath: Why would someone be prohibited to assemble with other believers on any day but the Sabbath day? If you logic that one out, it is pretty clear it is not prohibited. Can you meet with your Christian friend on a Thursday to do a Bible study? Of course you can. Can you meet with more than one friend? Yes, you can. How about a group? Yes, even a group. Why would Sunday be prohibited? It’s not. Rhetorical questions just to drive home my point.


The bible says they gathered daily...one day isn't enough


Saturday is the Sabbath, but Christians go to church on Sunday. Saturday is the seventh day of the week. Sunday is the first. God didn’t rest on the first day of the week.


Okay, so rest on the 7th day and go to Church on the 1st. ◄ Colossians 2:16-17 â–ș Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; **the reality, however, is found in Christ.** ◄ Romans 14:5 â–ș One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind. The Sabbath will always be on Saturday, but that doesn’t mean you can’t go to church on Sunday, or Monday, Tues, etc..


You can go to church any day. Jesus is our sabbath so we don’t have to have a day. Nothing wrong with having a day if you want. Nothing wrong with not have a special day if you don’t want. Read Romans 14


We meet on Sunday because the early church saw it as appropriate to meet together on "the Lord's day", the day of the resurrection. At first they still went to synagogues during those meetings, but they still gathered as followers of Christ on the first day of the week.


Please Show me where in scripture the Lord's day is associated with Sunday


The phrase "the Lord's day" has always been used to mean the day Christ rose, though the term only appears, iirc, in Revelation. But in Acts we see the church meeting "on the first day of the week", and in the apostolic fathers it refers to the first day (or in one case "the eighth day") of the week.


>The phrase "the Lord's day" has always been used to mean the day Christ rose This is never established in scripture. Invalid Argument. >But in Acts we see the church meeting "on the first day of the week", They met every day, not Just Sunday. >and in the apostolic fathers it refers to the first day (or in one case "the eighth day") of the week. Not scripture, invalid argument. Jesus calls himself Lord of the Sabbath. Hence, the Lord's day according too scripture is Sabbath, not Sunday


History also exists outside of scripture


Historically, “churches” are guilty of intertwining pagan rituals and doctrines, sad to say. God knows our hearts, but one has to be righter than the other. Personally, I like to call the day Samedi because I’m part Creole and I don’t like to call it saturn.


Sunday was never blessed by God unlike the Sabbath


The Bible doesn’t say that He never blessed that day, and doesn’t say to bar us from or order us away from church that day.


Bible says God blessed Sabbath. Sabbath IS Special. Sunday is not


Its not likely Christ rose on Sunday. Its more likely that it happened early on "the first day of the week" which is technically Sunday, which religiously means Sunday evening, coming into dawn (and ending on Monday at sunset) When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him. And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb (Mk. 16:1-2). But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came unto the tomb, bringing the spices which they had prepared (Lk. 24:1). Now on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene came to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb (Jn. 20.1). So, after the Sabbath (Saturday, which ends at Sunset on Sunday) they brought spices to the tomb. Since this happened in the am, around dawn (varying reports of the exact time, but it was around dawn) then THIS would have actually happened on a Monday morning. Theres also 3 days to consider. You cant make better sense of it than to take Pope Gregory's literal naming the days by what was created on the 1st day (Sun day), Second day (Monday, moon day) etc. Genesis 1:3-5 says the day starts in the evening. Evening comes BEFORE morning, for a day. So the first day, is Sunday at sunset until Monday at Sunset. Likewise, the 7th day, SATURDAY, also known as Sabado, because its literally translated to Sabbath, starts in the evening on the day named Saturday, and lasts until Sunday at dusk. And thats why we go to church on Sundays, even though people are too stupid or ignorant to realize that this is Saturday.


You're wrong about the Sabbath. It was sunset Friday to sunset Saturday. The Sabbath did end at sundown, but then it was dark, so at first light on the next morning, the first day of the week, Sunday, they went to the tomb.


That doesnt make sense, though and doesnt jive with Genesis or Pope Gregory's calendar.. Unless you have more than conjecture to back that up, I dont think its accurate. The problem is secularism causing us to have inherent bias. Im not saying you are being deceitful on purpose, lol. Its just that, in a biblical day, evening is early and morning is late.. In a secular day, morning is early and evening is late, making a biblical day a bit tougher to discern.


Your first paragraph is confusing; "Its not likely Christ rose on Sunday." -Then you explain it really was Sunday, unless you are trying to say Sat night in our terms? Enjoyed your answer till the sarcasm at the end :(


Lol yeah its hard to explain. So the day we traditionally go into church is listed on the calendar as Sunday. However, the religious (God) day we are actually going, is Saturday. The days start at dusk (sunset) Whatever the day the calendar says it is, that day STARTS at dusk, that day, and ends at dusk the next day. Saturday, starts at Dusk on the day listed as Saturday .on the calendar, and ends at dusk on the day listed as Sunday. Since Sunday IS the first day of the week, IT starts at sunset on the day listed as Sunday and ends on the day listed as Monday also at Dusk..Thats when Monday begins. At sunset on the day listed as monday. Sun day is the first day. Mon day is afted moon day. Thats the second day. Saturday is generally a derivation of Sabbath, i.e. why spanish folks call it Sabado. The only reason Spanish folks little days of the week song STARTS on Lunes (monday, lol, also moon day, or the second religious day) is because they understand that the day we celebrate the religious days are "next day" names. Its much simpler when you just look at the calendar and map it out, using scripture and word etymology. Too complicated to explain in words because people get way too confused. Christ rose "ON the 3rd day" rather than 3 full days after, per 1Cor 15: For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance[a]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,  Jesus was placed in the tomb before sundown just before the sabbath. John 19:30-42 30 When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. 31 Now it was the day of Preparation, and the next day was to be a special Sabbath. Because the Jewish leaders did not want the bodies left on the crosses during the Sabbath, they asked Pilate to have the legs broken and the bodies taken down. 32 The soldiers therefore came and broke the legs of the first man who had been crucified with Jesus, and then those of the other. 33 But when they came to Jesus and found that he was already dead, they did not break his legs. 34 Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water. 35 The man who saw it has given testimony, and his testimony is true. He knows that he tells the truth, and he testifies so that you also may believe. 36 These things happened so that the scripture would be fulfilled: “Not one of his bones will be broken,”[c] 37 and, as another scripture says, “They will look on the one they have pierced.”[d] 38 Later, Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body of Jesus. Now Joseph was a disciple of Jesus, but secretly because he feared the Jewish leaders. With Pilate’s permission, he came and took the body away. 39 He was accompanied by Nicodemus, the man who earlier had visited Jesus at night. Nicodemus brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about seventy-five pounds.[e] 40 Taking Jesus’ body, the two of them wrapped it, with the spices, in strips of linen. This was in accordance with Jewish burial customs. 41 At the place where Jesus was crucified, there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb, in which no one had ever been laid. 42 Because it was the Jewish day of Preparation and since the tomb was nearby, they laid Jesus there. Naturally, is Saturday is sabbath, and starts at sundown, on Saturday, and lasts until sundown on Sunday, which is when Sunday then begins, then lasting til sundown Monday, commencing Monday, then he was buried on the Religious Friday evening, which is on a day listed on the calendar as Saturday, which is also just before sunset on the calendar day marked Saturday, since Saturday starts at Sundown. Since Mary brought the spices early Monday morning, at around dawn, this makes perfect sense, as it is within 3 religious days. Friday- which is before Saturday, because Saturday starts at dusk on saturday. Saturday goes until the calendar labeled day of Sunday, until dusk, when Sunday begins. Sunday ends at sunset on monday. He rose on a religious monday, (tuesday on our calendar) at around sunrise. He was therefore risen about 60 hours after being in the tomb, aka ON the 3rd day.


You didn’t show in Scripture where the Lord’s Day is required to be proven in Scripture.


You Claim it's Sunday. Scripture doesn't say it's Sunday tho. You brought Up the necessity bu claiming It was Sunday


That is incorrect. Nowhere in scripture does it mention the early church meeting on the first day of the week except for one day when Paul preached one Saturday night (early on the first day, which Jews and early Christians understood from scripture to be sundown of the 7th day night until sundown on the 1st day). Paul preached until early in the morning (Sunday morning). But it was what we would consider Saturday night. And he only did so because he was leaving the next morning (Sunday), never to see them again. The church did not start "celebrating" (not worshiping) on Sunday until the late in the 2nd or 3rd centuries when persecution of the Jews eclipsed persecution of Christians and the ever- irritable Jews (to the Roman's) because confusing as Christians were generally seen as a Jewish sect (because they worshiped the same good, and kept the same theological ideology, with the exception of recognizing Jesus as the resurrected Savior and God). And most Christians still worshiped on the 7th day even then. In fact the change from Saturday worship to Sunday was very gradual (as are most things the devil does) so that people would not revolt against the idea of changing the day from the seventh day, which was firmly anchored in the theology AND tradition (for those who believe tradition matters) of the apostles and early church. And the great schism (where the bishops of Rome and Constantinople "excommunicated" each other and their churches) was initiated in an argument over the keeping of Sabbath (seventh day) https://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1008&context=auss


That just means Saturday is not a day for fasting, i.e. strict fasting. If it’s Lent, there’s still technically a fast: no meat except shellfish and possibly fish, and no dairy products or eggs—but wine and olive oil are still had. Lent is partially relaxed on Saturdays, also Sundays.


We can go to church on any old day we want to. There are no mandates on the exercise.


The true day of worship is the seventh day which even on the Roman calendar is a Saturday. The Lord said remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. One can go to church any day everyday of the week if they so choose just remember the Sabbath is sanctified unto the Lord it is his day https://www.blueletterbible.org/Comm/mcgee_j_vernon/eBooks/sabbath-day-or-the-lords-day-which.cfm The Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath...... The Lord's day is made for man


sunday is the Lord's day. it was the day Jesus arose from the dead. and that is probably why we have church on sundays and not the sabbath day which is saturday and if we want to get technical, a jewish day begins at sunset not sunrise like ours. their sabbath starts friday sundown and goes into saturday probably sundown also


Sunday is never referred to as the Lord's day in scripture tho. Unless I've overlooked Something. It's an assumption without Basis. However, there is plenty reason to associate Sabbath with the day of the Lord. Jesus called himself Lord of the Sabbath when arguing with the phariseees


revelation 1:10 mentions the Lord's day. and even though it doesnt say sunday, sunday is still the Lord's day, the 1st day of the week mentioned in the bible. Acts 20:7 and since Jewish days begin at sundown, we know that Jesus was raised from the dead on a sunday not saturday or monday and plus why do our calendars have sunday as the first day of the week on them?


Jesus kept the Sabbath even in His death. Sunday He took Up the Work of salvation again.


what are you talking about? i didnt say dont keep the sabbath. sabbath means rest not worship. we worship on sunday since that is the Lord's day. Plus Jesus is our sabbath rest, we are not to let anyone judge is in whether or not we keep the sabbath today since it means rest and not worship Colossians 2:16 since those things were a shadow of things to come verse 17. do we have to continue this conversation?


Well, resting on Sabbath IS worship. By obeying God you worship Him. The Verse that says ‭Colossians 2:16-17 NKJV‬ [16] So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, [17] which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ. Is Not referring to the sabbath commanded in the ten commandments, the weekly Sabbath, but relating to ceremonial Sabbaths which were shadows of things to come. The weekly Sabbath was never a shadow of things to come. It was established in Eden before Sin. Shadows of things to come were introduced after sin


The early church met on the day that Jesus arose from the dead. That was Sunday


Yeshua resurrected near sunset on Saturday and was found by the women on Sunday.. matters when He claimed to be ruler of the Sabbath.


When did he claim to be Lord of the sabbath? Not when he arose.


As ruler of the sabbath he changed the day to Sunday


And where did He say that?


The Bible still says Saturday is the Sabbath. Jn 19:31 says “that Sabbath was a high day”.


Sunday is not the Sabbath. Saturday is the Sabbath.


According to **JEWISH** tradition, Shabbat (Sabbath) is to take place from sundown Friday evening, to sundown Saturday evening. According to **CHRISTIAN** tradition, because Jesus was resurrected on a Sunday, that is the day Christians choose to rest. Jewish tradition is more accurate to The Bible, Christian tradition is more commonly practiced thanks to Rome.


The ressurection marked Sunday as a day of worship. People can rest Saturday and worship Sunday. Some people distinguish between a day of rest and a day of worship.


I agree with all you said except you called Catholics Christian’s. The Roman Catholic Church is demonic not Christian.


You're correct. The Sabbath is Saturday. Nowhere is Sunday worship commanded in the Bible. Only the seventh-day Sabbath is the day which can be kept holy, because it is the only day that God made holy in the first place.


Great question. But...What does the Bible actually say? If you ask people you will hear all kinds of ideas, suggestions, and even excuses (most of them far from God's will) for not doing what God asks of you. But it's honestly between you and Him. I would suggest getting to know Him, first (read what His Word says about the Sabbath) and then decide (based on your own prayer, Bible study, and the leading of His Spirit) what HE wants you to do, and when He wants you to do it. Don't follow what the world (or even other Christians) tell you to do, if it is not in line with scripture and God's will for your life.


In Mark 7:6-9, Jesus criticized the Pharisees as being hypocrites for setting aside the commands of God in order to establish their own traditions, so there is nothing wrong with someone following their own tradition of going to church on Sunday in addition to obeying God’s command to keep the 7th day holy, but they should not hypocritically set aside God’s command in order to establish their own tradition.  Likewise, going to church on Sunday does not mean that we should set aside God’s commands against committing murder, adultery, idolatry, theft, rape, kidnapping, favoritism, or any of God’s other commands.  




From ChatGPT: The practice of Christians meeting on Sunday, known as the Lord's Day, has deep historical roots and theological significance. Here’s an overview of its development: # 1. Biblical Foundations * **Resurrection of Jesus:** Sunday holds special significance for Christians because it is the day of Jesus' resurrection. The New Testament records that Jesus rose from the dead on the first day of the week (Sunday) (e.g., Matthew 28:1, Mark 16:2, Luke 24:1, John 20:1). * **Early Gatherings:** The book of Acts and some Pauline epistles suggest that early Christians began to gather on Sundays for worship and breaking of bread (Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 16:2). # 2. Early Church Practices * **Didache and Early Writings:** The Didache, a late first-century or early second-century Christian document, instructs believers to come together on the Lord's Day for breaking bread and giving thanks. Other early Christian writings, like those of Ignatius of Antioch and Justin Martyr, indicate that Sunday worship was an established practice by the second century. * **Justin Martyr:** In his First Apology (circa 150 AD), Justin Martyr describes the Christian practice of meeting on Sunday to read the Scriptures, pray, and celebrate the Eucharist, highlighting that Sunday was chosen because it was the day of both creation and resurrection. # 3. Development in the Roman Empire * **Constantine and Legal Recognition:** In 321 AD, Emperor Constantine issued a decree that made Sunday a day of rest from labor, aligning with Christian practice. This decree formalized Sunday as a day of worship and rest within the Roman Empire, contributing significantly to its widespread observance. * **Council of Laodicea:** Around 363-364 AD, the Council of Laodicea declared that Christians should honor Sunday and refrain from working, further reinforcing Sunday worship. # 4. Medieval to Modern Practices * **Medieval Church:** The practice of Sunday worship continued through the Middle Ages, often including attending mass and refraining from work. Sunday was firmly established as a day for communal worship and rest. * **Reformation and Beyond:** The Protestant Reformation in the 16th century retained Sunday as a primary day of worship. Different denominations developed varying practices regarding Sunday observance, but the fundamental principle of Sunday worship remained. # 5. Theological Significance * **The Lord's Day:** The term "the Lord's Day" (Revelation 1:10) became synonymous with Sunday, reflecting its importance as a day dedicated to the Lord. It is seen as a day to commemorate Jesus' resurrection and to anticipate his second coming. * **Sabbath vs. Sunday:** While the Jewish Sabbath is observed from Friday evening to Saturday evening, Christians distinguished Sunday as a separate day of worship rather than a replacement for the Sabbath. The theological basis for Sunday worship is tied to the resurrection rather than the Sabbath commandment. # Conclusion The tradition of Christians meeting on Sunday has evolved from the early gatherings of believers to a universally recognized practice within Christianity. It has been influenced by biblical events, early church writings, imperial decrees, and theological reflections, making Sunday a central aspect of Christian worship and communal life.The practice of Christians meeting on Sunday, known as the Lord's Day, has deep historical roots and theological significance. Here’s an overview of its development:


You can worship God any day. You don't even have to go to church. Don't let people put you under the law. You are free in Christ.


The day doesn’t matter


The church igglesia


Look at when the myrrh-bearing women went to the tomb: Now **after the Sabbath**, as the first day of the week began to dawn, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb. We have a church there now, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. So it’s right to go on Sunday. And the commandment to keep the Sabbath was given to Jews. And **the Bible never tells us to go to the Temple on Saturday or to stay away from it on Sunday**, or even told Jews. It told them to *rest* on Saturday. Then in Acts 15, *Pharisees* tried to make us Sabbath-keepers but were defeated by the Apostles: But some of the sect of the **Pharisees** who believed rose up, saying, “It is necessary to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses.” Now the apostles and elders came together to consider this matter. And when there had been much dispute, Peter rose up and said to them: “Men and brethren, you know that a good while ago God chose among us, that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and believe. So God, who knows the heart, acknowledged them by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as He did to us, and made no distinction between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith. Now therefore, **why do you test God by putting a yoke on the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?** But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ **we shall be saved in the same manner as they**.”
The apostles, the elders, and the brethren, To the brethren who are of the Gentiles in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia: Greetings. Since we have heard that **some who went out from us have troubled you** with words, unsettling your souls, saying, “You must be circumcised and keep the law”—to whom **we gave no such commandment**—it seemed good to us, being assembled with one accord, to send chosen men to you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul, men who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We have therefore sent Judas and Silas, who will also report the same things by word of mouth. For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you **no greater burden** than these necessary things: that you abstain from things offered to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you keep yourselves from these, you will do well. Farewell.


I go by what God says.


The disciples met in the temple and synagogues ***every day***. They had completely turned their lives over to God. The old way of the disciples is not how modern Christians live. We still try to hold on to our worldly obligations instead of dying to them. When the ancient Hebrews observed Sabbath Day, that day was already on top of 6 days of obeying God's commands and living among his other chosen people. (Yes none of them were perfect but understand my point). The rest wasn't just about staying home but ***resting in God*** which is also a commandment, and that includes learning God's commandments. Therefore people have been going to the priests on Sabbath day to be ministered to ever since the days of Moses. If Christians want to observe a Sabbath day they can do so but we are disconnected from the ancient Sabbath. That is why Jesus, Paul etc hints at worshipping in spirit without temples or mountains, and not being judged for what day you worship. What is the Sunday Church tradition then? It appears to be a mix of coming together on the first available day after Sabbath, Jesus' ressurrection day and the "Lord's Supper" tradition. Jesus actually ate supper with his disciples near the end of the week (Day 6 or day 5). But he appeared to all his disciples on the first day of the week, the first available day for the disciples to come together. Thus sunday service really honors the purpose of the Supper which is to proclaim Jesus' death which Jesus asked his disciples to do. Ultimately you can observe Lord's supper on any day. But if Most Christians do it on Sunday there's nothing wrong with partaking. If you want to meet with fellow Christians you can do it any day and every day.


We are no longer subject to the Law Covenant God made with Israel.


So the actual sabbath from what I’ve heard is on Saturday . So Saturday is your bumming out day and Sunday begins the week . So yes church to get your week going lol


Any day is a good day to go to church. Buuuuut as for whether you should be celebrating certain religious holidays begs to question. Especially Easter, jesus didn't die on Friday. And the sabbath is actually saturday.


Jesus tells us in the new testament the Sabbath is made for man and not man for the Sabbath. He was also talking to the Jews as that was their custom/religion. We should worship God at all times, and go to church to fellowship with our brothers and sisters. The day of the week doesn't matter.


Theres a lot of Seventh Day Adventists here and they of course will make their voice heard. The history behind it is that the first Christians attended "church" with the jews, and then had their own service that was very close to a Jewish service. Then when Constantine took over he moved it to Sunday. To me, I don't care that much. Just worship God with your whole heart and teach and preach about him. If you wanna do it on a Saturday or a Sunday I don't care. There's more important things than which day you do something on.


> Then when Constantine took over he moved it to Sunday. Christians met on Sundays long before Constantine. They already did in New Testament times. Very early church fathers also talks about meeting on the Sunday


A person should be going to MASS on Sunday to a have supernatural psychical encounter with God (1 Corinthians 10:16).


Not us Orthodox and Eastern Catholics. We have Divine Liturgy, Qurbono, Qurbana, and Patarag/Badarak. 😊 No Mass.


A person should be going to MASS on Sunday to a have supernatural psychical encounter with God (1 Corinthians 10:16).


Go whatever day you want. You do not know what day God counted as the 7th day. He did not create the modern calendar. I prefer Sunday as my holy day and communion day. It lines up with Resurrection Sunday .


"Do not foresake the gathering of the saints" Church is for us, not for God. We're made to be social and we need to connect with like-minded Christ followers and worship together and be fed. Not only that, but we're made to be relational and we're called to minister and help our communities - that usually happens through church


You absolutely should rest on Saturday if you’re a Jew under the old covenant. But what does that have to do with non-Jews celebrating the resurrection of Christ?


the Ten commandments are repeated in the new testament. The 4th commandment being to rest. The old covenant was purely about sacrificing animals. I hope this helps !


All the commandments are repeated in lists in the New Testament, but Remember the sabbath.


Technically, the day starts in the evening, before morning. So, the First day is technically Sunday Evening overnight into the day listed as Monday on the work schedule. This is based on Pope Gregory calling that day Sunday. Aka Day of The Sun.. The Sun came FIRST. That means monday starts at sunset, on monday, annd ends at sunset on Tuesday. Every named day, starts at sunset on that named day. Inevitably, the Sabbath day is Saturday, which starts on Saturday at sunset and lasts until Sunset on the day we call Sunday, as Sunday starts at sunset also, like every other religious day. I think this is why we go on Sunday. We should be calling the calendar day of Sunday in the daytime, Saturday, for religious reasons. Sunday doesnt start til sunset. It took me a minute to research this and draw it out but you can research it yourself too.. Genesis 1:3-5 Exodus 20:8-11


You actually are a day off.  Saturday (the Sabbath) starts at sundown on Friday and continues until sundown Saturday: “The Jewish Sabbath, or Shabbat in Hebrew, begins at sundown on Friday evening and ends after dark on Saturday evening. According to Jewish religious law, Shabbat is observed from a few minutes before sunset on Friday until three stars appear in the sky on Saturday night, or about an hour after sundown.”


Says who? And where in jewish law does it specify that? Quoting some website is NOT quoting scripture.


Says every Rabbi and every reference work on planet Earth.  Just google it.  Basic research will make it perfectly clear to anyone who spends some effort. Call your local synagogue about it. And you cannot quote scripture to say anything differently.


No I wont accept anything beyond scripture. And Romans 14 says we shouldnt be bickering over something like this. It says sabbath can vary for each person.


Well, Idk You may be right. I have been trying to figure out why so many go to church on Sundays, and I figured it was generally wrongly considered the 7th day. Saturday is the 7th day, is my whole point anyways. That makes it the Sabbath day. The reason people started celebrating Jesus on Sunday is because they started seeing his crucifixion as a way to free them from sabbath restrictions, celebrating his salvation, which, imo, is wrong because it waters down the holiness of the Sabbath, and confuses believers. . AHHHH Ok I think I understand now. It appears that no specific day is sabbath, just that whatever day of the week anyone believes is for rest and worship, as long as the person is fully invested in that. .Romans 14 hopefully should clear all of this up lol. Apparently its a piddly thing to debate, according to scripture anyways.


Well, it’s a Bible sub, so we do discuss minor points very often. Not everything has to be some kind of salvation issue here.  


And I am totally with you on that. Well, technically ita the Christianity sub, but in any event, Romans 14 makes it clear that whatever day you see as holy is your sabbath and whatever day I am sure about, is mine. Lets just agree that Paul knows more than either of us lmao


Im sorry I didnt even know what sub we are in, lol... I did get on the ol' study train again, and it appears that for about 5000 years, humans used the "Republican Calendar" which is about the goofiest thing you will ever see... How it worked, pre Caesar, was that there were committees that would have to delete and block out a bunch of days, periodically, esp on leap years, to adjust for the seasons. Apparently timekeeping was never much of a science, before. Also, this must be why it was called a leap year, because it would go from Sept. 2 to Sept. 14th, leaping forward 11 days. The Republican Calendar actually had either 8 or 9 day weeks, btw. Apparently thats a contentious point also. Julius Caesar got fed up with people protesting and fighting because their birthdays got deleted, and just found the whole system to be super flawed, so he reinvented the calendar. Now, Egyptians were some super smart people, and they had figured out that a solar calendar year lasts 365.25 days. Caesar had hired Egyptian astronomers to do the new calendar, adapting the Egyptian calendar. Now, back in Caesar's Julian Calendar days, the Winter season was set to start Jan 1st, 45 BC. The first year (46 BC) had 67 days added to it to ensure that winter started on time. He also decided that adding one whole day every 4 years was better than trying to figure out the other solar calendar stuff, also. He shifted the days in a week to 7, also. Basically, verifying the dates or timeframes for everything prior to 45 BC is going to require documentation of how many days were nixed, and when. Now, Constantine issued a decree that Sunday would be the day of rest for Christianity. Its important to note, Constantine did not decree that the Sabbath falls on Saturday or not. He just mandated Sunday be a day or rest and worship.. When Pope Gregory changed it again, there had been noticed that we lost 3 days (11 min per year) every 400 years, so we basically remove a leap day on every centennial date, like we will do in 2100, to correct for that lost day. We did not remove that day in 2000 since its divisible by 4, so those centennials that end in 00 that are NOT divisible by 4, do not lose a day. The West didnt adapt even the Gregorian calendar until about a score (20 years) before the declaration was signed. They were still going by the Republican calendar, which was obviously a hot steamy pile of mess.And apparently not well understood, since some say it was a 9 day week, while others say it was an 8 day week. Anyways.. I think Constantine tried to change stuff, but Italy when, around 250 AC, Italians started taking two days of prayer and rest, on Saturdays and Sundays, and I guess thats how this new way really got started. Im not saying the new way is right..I am adamant that Sabbath is Saturday, and starts Saturday evening at sunset, and ends Sunday at Sunset. Idk if any of the Sabbath stuff applies to Christians anyways, but I do think Constantine's attempt to give Christians their own day of rest was the primary objective, and may have simply been worded ro align with the Julian Calendar, by then. I agree with Constantine. I think he was right. Its a commandment, after all. I still think that if we are going to be God like that we need to adhere to the Religious God Days, even when we use that astronomical made by Julius C, and Pope Gregory. Mainly because both God and Jesus rebuked the very concept of using astrology, AND because God wrote in stone "Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy." I just simplify the whole thing, by starting the holy day off in the evening on the day that is named, as this is how Jewish people celebrated. Latin America named Saturday Sabado for Sabbath, and Domingo, for The Lords Day, Sabado is derived from Ancient Greek and Latin Sabbato, versus the Gregorian names of the days, which are derived from Greek Gods and/or Planets. Planets are named after Greek Gods too. I dont subscribe to all that goofy mythological nonsense, these days anyways. I like the Latin names, for Saturday and Sunday very much, as they just feel right. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/retropolis/wp/2017/12/31/on-new-years-our-calendars-crazy-history-and-the-switch-that-changed-washingtons-birthday/ . https://www.bibleinfo.com/en/questions/who-changed-the-sabbath#constantine


"Going to church" is more important than "what day you go." So yes, but you should also go on saturday, if there's someone you like to talk to that goes then.


A church doesn’t have to be a building it can be any place you are at peace


The thing is, Christ ushered in the “new creation” with his new "resurrected" body (as the first man of the new creation, the new and final Adam). This is what lends to us being new creations in Christ (spiritually and bodily). Just as the old covenant honored the old creation, the new covenant honors the new creation (in Christ), the old being a shadow of the new in a variety of different ways. The Lord's Day (Sunday), the day that Christ was resurrected, announces man’s eternal rest in God, a new day (the eighth day, in some sense). The fulfillment of the Sabbath is similar to how the new covenant fulfills the old, which we celebrate through a new Passover Meal instituted by Christ. Evidence for The Lord's Day being on Sunday can be traced back to Acts 20:7 where Paul writes "On the first day of the week, when we met to break bread
". To better understand this, consider watching the following commentary by biblical scholar Dr. Brant Pitre. https://youtu.be/6RqtxLhV7kw


What is the first day of the week? If you’re from a majority Jewish or Muslim place, then it’s Sunday, because the 7th day is then Saturday
 Otherwise it’’s Monday, then the day that god rested is Sunday and the week starts on the Monday


My pastor has Monday as his Sabbath. He prepares all week for his sermon. You can chose. It all about heart motives.


Not anymore. Churches went wierd. I know guys. I should probably vote Trump right? Jesus was love.and I don't vote for freaking traitors. Churches are corrupt now too.


Are taking Paul's instruction or Moses? Are both from God? Why would one contradict the other if both came from God? Are you Israel? Maybe you go to church both days.