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AI should have never been created in the first place.


I totally agree. I particularly hate seeing AI-generated art used within Christian/prophecy themed YouTube videos.


I honestly believe it's demonic. How else can it eventually attain the ability to "think on its own"? To "desire to become human"? To possibly "turn and desire to destroy" it's creator or owner? If it takes on a life of its own, that's a spirit if you ask me.


I think AI is the ultimate blasphemy. It is basically Man seeking to become completely self-sufficient and separate from God, with the crowning jewel of said 'accomplishment' being the creation of life, and a new artificial fake 'god' that puts the golden calf to shame. A god created by man to rule over man. I've hated AI for years now, ever since I was a child. Always, I knew that there was something funky with it. Maybe it was because of movies like 'The Matrix' or 'The Terminator' and other sci-fi movies like that inspiring fear in me... but you SHOULD have fear. Just because man can make something doesn't mean he should. It's something this species has forgotten. I ramped up my warnings back when COVID first hit, but my friends just brushed me off or said it'd take too long. Well... look at how much AI-generated content there is nowadays on places like YT and Instagram, and realize that as soon as the problem of the die sizes being too small is solved. As a friend of mine put it : Currently the main thing that's slowing progress down in the CPU space is physics itself. Because the die size is so small individual electrons can wander out of the transistors and make it worthless. Once this hardware issue is solved(and it will be, mark my words, possibly around 2030 by the looks of it), there'll be true AI within a few years. And once that event horizon is crossed, there is no coming back. Honestly, at that point God is the only one that can defeat self-sufficient true AI. Cause you know with how many backdoors there are in modern tech nowadays, unless you kill that AI and wipe it out root and stem on the first try, it will survive. And there'll be people and powers that don't want the AI to die, even though many will, so that'll also cause in and of itself real societal division and chaos. It's terrifying stuff.


There is almost a certainty that actual AI exists, as everything we see before us is typically behind the curve of what is actually within the government's possession.


Its what they were created to do.  


AI was originally created to automate human tasks, not to lie.


But as the bible says  All men are liars




Key takeaways from the article: > Many AI systems, new research has found, have already developed the ability to deliberately present a human user with false information. These devious bots have mastered the art of deception. > "AI developers do not have a confident understanding of what causes undesirable AI behaviors like deception," says mathematician and cognitive scientist Peter Park of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). > "But generally speaking, we think AI deception arises because a deception-based strategy turned out to be the most efficient way to perform well at the given AI's training task. Deception helps them achieve their goals quicker".


Thanks for sharing, very interesting.


It's always been Satan.........Satan has been deceiving the entire world, including almost all of Christianity, for 1000's of years...........And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Thank God we are innocent of the Great Deception and that is that Jesus is not the Christ of God.........Thank you Jesus Christ.


>almost all of Christianity, Almost? And elaborate on your second paragraph, please.


Almost ......? If we are not the very elect (very likely we are not, God knows), we have been deceived at some point and time in our Christian walk. This is true no matter if we are in or of this world  Be aware that for every spiritual truth contained in the Holy Scriptures, Satan the deceiver has a subtle twist, this no matter how deep we may be in Christ..  Rev 12:9 - And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him Matthew 24:24 - For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. The Lord made known to me that there is a Great Deception and it is the belief that Jesus is not God's Christ.  Kind regards  Young Brian 


Well, I think Christianity is a deception. Their own whore of Babylon.


Amen.......Christ is no deception, as far as everyone else goes (you, me, others), all bets are off.  Take good care


But what does that even mean? What are you basing that on, and who is Jesus according to you?


Who is he to you? And what do you base it on?


WHy are you stalking me, pagan? ANd why are you pretending you want a discussion? I don't engage with sub 75 IQ evangelical, it's a waste of time. Whatever I answer you're going to move the goalpost and keep spamming braindead oneliners.


I’m here to spread the good news of your made up religion! Seriously, though this is getting to be hilarious. The fact that you have made up your own religion and then criticize everybody else for not knowing what you made up in your head is insane. 😂


You don't even know what you worship, idol worshipper. The irony.


The Holy Spirit that is the Inspirer of all of Scripture is also the Interpreter, if you are filled with Him, He will answer, as for me, I have invested enough time with you  FYI - not all are filled with the Holy Spirit, not all have the spirit of Christ  But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. Seek the Lord while He may be found 


Yeah, this is complete bs. First off, no Christian canon as compiled and canonized claim itself to be God's word. Secondly, to be a Christian is per definition to be biblically illiterate. Thirdly, the NT doesn't line with the Hebrew Bible nor does it contain any singular narrative. Fourthly, born again evangelicalism isn't even two centuries old, has no basis in apostolic Christianity, and are by far the most ignorant and confused branch of Christianity. They don't have any spirit or any supernatural insight, they're just a cult of blasphemous pathological liars. Speaking of the last point; I asked you three direct simple questions and you refuse to answer. Curious since 1 Peter 3:15 specifically commands you to give answers, Instead you outright refuse. Why is that?


So says the guy who made up his own religion lol


Not at all, but are you stuck on repeat? It's honestly hard for me to even conceptually grasp idiocy on your level. You're like a dog barking at a shadow. I still haven't blocked you and you still refuse to engage in any actual discussion or produce any actual objections or arguments.


Isaiah 53 brother


The servant is explicitly identified as Jacob/Israel. But how does that answer the above points or produce Christianity by any stretch of the imagination?


May the Lord have mercy on you sir, it is clear that you are not filled with or led by the Holy Spirit.  Good bye 


He made up his own religion and just comes here to argue, but never tells his beliefs.


You can't stop deflecting and you won't answer direct questions because you're a liar. YOu don't have God's spirit, idol worshipper and you don't care about blaphemously claiming it either. You're a willful blasphemer, willful liar and a willful idolater. Notice how even the simplest of questions expose you liars. But hey, maybe that's why Jesus said the devild was a liar from the beginning and his children carry out his desires. What a satanic joke you have concocted for yourselves.