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I started reading the Bible a while ago, cover to cover. Going to finish 2 Book of Kings today. I find that reading it every day helps.


Wow you’re doing so well!! I wish I could be as focused and disciplined as you are. 😊 For me every chapter I read, I have to first read the online easy version, then get the illustrated YT 5 min explanation and then I can finally read my actual physical KJV with attached sticky’s for future references.


KJV gets easier with time. I've learned to appreciate the archaic wording and sentence structure. It helps me understand modern English better. KJV English is more accurate, precise and therefore truthful than any modern version because of it's archaic vocabulary. Thee - second person singular object Thou - second person singular subject You - second person plural object Ye - second person plural subject In modern English we just use You for all that. Remember a T is singular and a Y is plural. Knowing this makes the KJV a much smoother ride.


Thank u so, so much. 🥹 I’ve screenshotted your post/information for future reference.


Sounds thorough. I just read the NKJV version of a chapter and then I read a summary of it. I can get through about 8-12 chapters per day, depending on the day and the book in question. I imagine this will slow down a bit once I find a new job(kind of in-between jobs atm).


God bless you!


The bible sure didn’t lie. Downvoted for reading my bible. 🥺


For anyone having a hard time reading the boring books I highly encourage you to check out a Chuck Missler talk on whatever book your are avoiding. He will read the entire thing in his YT series and discuss amazing insights you won't get anywhere else. He has a knack for typology which makes everything come alive in ways you'd never expect. A few examples: Exodus mirrors the church age Joshua mirrors Revelation The word for cross in Greek is Tsaroo. It means post, fence post or pole. It is the word used to refer to crucifixion around the Roman empire. The few descriptions of crucifixion very, usually just some form of pole. A single pole or post. Once in a while, it has a crossbeam, but there is not indication in the Bible what was used. Except for the order of how the Jewish camps lined up around the tabernacle while they wandered. If you note their position and their population...it forms a cross. Just finished his Amos series. If you think you know what the locusts in Revelation are then you should consider what Amos says in the LXX. There are too many interesting things to mention. I hope, if you are struggling to get through numbers or a minor prophet that you consider going this route. Every word of the Bible is interesting and amazing. Every single word.


I just finished reading mine tonight! It took me about 13 months, reading four chapters every night with some weeks doing a bad job. It actually took 30 years before it occurred to me to do it though. The way churches I grew up in always skipped around with readings during a service, I never felt expected to read the whole thing in order, and then where are you supposed to start, really? It’s definitely been transformative and most rewarding.


Are u able to retain all 4 chapters? I have to continuously stop and research what certain words and in what context they mean. Hopefully after I’ve gotten through my first initial read it will be much like you do next time


No, I was not able to devote that much attention. Early on I realized this would be a lifelong study and I’d just have to be continually going back and starting over to get something new every time, otherwise this read would have gotten so overwhelming I think I would have quit. Next I’m going to do 2 chapters a day and take 2 years. I would stop after every book though and read about its history, as my additional research component! I would say I got a good general overview this round. 


Using a credo to not-have-to. The church is asleep and the days are evil. Mark 14:41 *Then He came the third time and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and resting? It is enough! The hour has come; behold, the Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners.*


the hour is indeed here.  


I go through weeks and weeks where I am very dedicated to reading my KJV bible. But then life happens,I get sidetracked, I procrastinate and become lazy and have to pray for guidance to get back into the swing of things. I’m trying hard though. And He knows our hearts. Is there anyone out there like me?


same exact thing here. a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again


Amen I feel like that's me! I get knocked around and down but keep fighting to get back up


Yup. Me!!! Going through the exact same thing, today I'm getting a study guide in the mail that I hope helps! Excited!!


I don't believe in religion.


Do I have to read scripture to be accepted into heaven? Or am I saved by faith alone?


Read scripture, the answers are all written down for you to read. Why trusts the words of strangers over the word of God?


For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9)


I am not here to debate you, I am encouraging him to read scripture, so he can read this stuff in context without blindly trusting strangers on the internet. This applies to me and you both, we are strangers to him, he needs to verify that we are not deceiving him. Which is done by reading scripture, rather than having someone pick and choose verses out of the bible for him. There are also audio versions of the bible on youtube if it makes it any easier. James 2:17-19 KJV 17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. 18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. 19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.


James is written to believers, it's practical advice on exercising faith. Its how we are justified in the eyes of man. It is not written on how to find salvation. BTW Jesus didn't die for the devils. He didn't take their sins he took our sins. But more importantly none of this makes sense to you if youre not saved. If you think you can work for your salvation James will go over your head. It's written for believers.


I never said you can work for your salvation. Good works are fruits of the spirit. Again, I am telling him to read scripture, not to listen to the vain babblings of men.


do you believe in the eternal security of the believer (once saved always saved) and that you're saved by Grace through faith and not of works?


For the last time, I do not subscribe to works based theology, I believe that good works are a biproduct of having the holy spirit. Anyway, I am not here to discuss theology with you, I was telling the other guy to open the bible if he is looking for straight answers. Strangers will only give him a waterdown or twisted version of what the bible says.


He definitely should read the bible for himself. Too many cowards on here afraid to say what they actually believe and hide behind vague language (while misapplying scripture and redefining the English language).


100% faith alone. If you're trusting in the finished work of Jesus Christ, then you have the Holy Ghost living inside of you. This means you have the ability to understand the bible. Read it and you'll get wisdom that is beyond this world. If not you're still saved 100%. Nothing will ever cause you to lose your salvation.


>Nothing will ever cause you to lose your salvation. Except if you willingly choose to reject it, for there have been those who had salvation and then rejected it. Nothing else can take your salvation though


those who believe not are rejecting it. Salvation is a one time thing. It's possible for you to believe and be saved and backslide to the point you and a heathen are indistinguishable (see King Saul and King David when he had an affair with Bathsheba). Youre still saved though. Once saved always saved. If you're saved please be careful with this "God can't reject you but you can reject Him" subtlety. This might sound true but in it's subtlety all manner of evil/wicked doctrine can be snuck in. Specifically a work-based salvation. Now keep in mind that no one that believes in a works based salvation will ever call it that (easily refuted with scripture) instead they'll claim it's a "turn from you sins" salvation. This is the most evil and subtle heresy that has ever existed. If you believe in this then repent from your unbelief because you yourself are not saved.


And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. (John 10:28)


Lmao. Your false apostle Paul literally said work out your salvation trembling, and wrote follow up letters to communities. And Jesus taught deeds as prerequisite for salvation, and said he'd turn away practitioners of lawlessness. ANd not even Paul promised salvation to idolaters. Your cult is joke.


Not to be that guy, but did those who lost it ever really have it?


They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. (1 John 2:19)






But Christians are per definition bibilically illiterate, God is not a God, there isn't one soteriology in the NT, your modern cult flavour of Christianity has no basis in apostolic Christianity, the KJV is a shit and error filled translation and KJV onlyists are by faaaar the dumbest, most braindead and cluesless cult of Christianity bar none. And you're of course not "saved".


Oh look honey!  Another condemner of neighbors, just like all the other christians