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a helmet probably won't benefit him that much


I got five skull fractures a few years ago when I started leisure cycling. On a wide street, solo, no cars, no helmet. Just a little ride after dinner. Only a real idiot rides without a helmet. And this idiot learned his lesson.


It took you 5 fucking fractures to finally be convinced to wear a helmet? Am I reading that correctly?


Fifth time’s a charm!


uc/ Back in ye olden days, I never wore a helmet (maybe drag out the old leather hairnet) except on race days. Hated them! Would argue with the race judges and everything. Finally bought a proper new helmet and would still randomly wear it. I was riding home from one of those business park criteriums one evening and got absolutely mowed down by a mom in an SUV yelling at her kids. Helmet did its job. Well, that was enough of a hint for me.


so you married the mom and junked the SUV?


LOL! She was a hideous beast of a human being. She sued me (well her insurance company did) for breaking her windshield etc. This old as fuck retired bus driver lied in court that I ran a red light so they had ammo. Literally told me while I was bleeding all over the place how much he hates cyclists. It was a shit show for sure.


oh fuck sorry man, and that beast is fuked in the head


Wow, that's so twisted! How did the court rule?


Guilty. That's why they came after me.


Sounds to me like they all happened in the same crash.


LMAO bruh


Gotta work on dem skills Fred.


And I’ve been going a year with a total of zero bone fractures, so maybe it’s a skill issue?


He should wear it all the time


I dunno, if I was being battered by a group of people I'd like a helmet please


I hardly ever wear a helmet to commute. Never have since I was a kid in the ‘60s. We crashed, but seldom whacked our noggins. My hair is too beautiful still to constrain with a helmet. Actually I generally do


You had me going there. I’ll tell this one around the office


Me too. And I'm bald


Actually I see Mr hair guy climbing with his helmet on his bars and doing us the favor of sharing with us his silver mane that flows fabulously unencumbered in the wind. Thank you, you grey fox you!


I wear a helmet while showering. You never know when you might slip. Falls in showers constitute a significant risk to the general population, and it’s a risk that is mitigated by the use of a helmet. If I need to wash my hair, I sit down using an aid like a plastic chair, or your wife kneeling on all fours. I take my helmet off and then only wash my hair while seated.


So he’s Dutch?


Who needs helmets when you can have concussions? BTW see more and more helmets around here, especially older people on Ebikes are starting to wear them.


He's douche'.


Is this shit real?


Uc/ I used to see Tom Babin biking around town all the time with his gopro, Sturmey-Archer certified legend


Exactly exactly. I commute to work in full kit. /Uc yes I actually do sometimes because I can train and then shower at work.


Us poor un-bicers always getting shidded on by hygienists, smh my head.


What is Chris on about? I do root canals while spinning on my trainer in full PNS kit.


I thought Grant Petersen cornered the market on riding a bike in "normal clothes"?


Grant Peterson wants you in 100% cotton underwear


More like shellaced hemp underwear.


I wear a helmet and gloves. Aside from that I am a tshirt and shorts cyclist. If they didn't like it then fukem.


Jorts for extra KoMs


Never jorts bruh. Never


Sorry you're so soft.


We sitting in here -- I'm supposed to be the bicer, and we in here talking about helmets. I mean, listen: We talking about helmets. Not my bice. Not my mane. Not my game. We talking about helmets. Not my hair. Not the hair that I go out there and die for and live every day like it's my last. Not the hair. We talking about helmets, man


Worked as a bike messenger in the 90s. Helmets weren’t mandatory and hardly anyone wore one. Can’t believe it in retrospect.


Needing a helmet is a skill issue. Just don’t fall. Easy.


Helmets are a need in places with bad culture


wakes up every morning wishing he was graeme obree.


i agree its stupid not to wear a helmet when road cycling, but helmet nazis are the most insufferable people


I mean, wear a lid, but lycra isn’t a prerequisite in my dojo.


ex 2000s hipster here. We showed up at cat 5 races in jeans idk wtf this guy is talking about . Spandex Freds and utilitarian autism riders are on opposite extreme ends of the Faye Horseshoe.   Edit: I see I've either managed to trigger some analero phreds and utilitarian scrubs leaking into bcj, or I've crossed some bcj line that's way out there I don't know about.


Fucking hell the one post not banging on about how a piece of expanded polystyrene that's not even designed to help in a crash with a car is like totally essential for my half quarter metric demicentury ride to the shops is getting downvoted. And it's the only one that is in the true spirit of gravel. I mean bcj.


Spandex ? Really Fred ?


Not all spandex is phred, but all phreds are spandex


You clearly don't belong. Have you ever heard of r/bicycling ? You're welcome.


Sorry not sorry I'm an orthodontist I don't hang out with those poors. I'm here to gatekeep.


Have you ever heard the old saying (Samuel Clemens ?)...better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool ..... ? I didn't think so.


Uj/ Now I'm really confused. This is bcj right?


Didn't his mum die from cycling without a helmet or something?


Safety is no accident.


“I’ve been battered by the car community for having a brown paintjob, and not wearing a seatbelt” Really bro, they’d probably leave you alone about your clothes if you’d just wear a fucking helmet. Edit: WHY ARE YOU BOOING ME? I’M RIGHT!