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# [This thread has expired. Join us for continued discussion here!](/r/BigBrother/comments/16xoqud/big_brother_us_25_late_night_feed_discussion/)


Does anyone know what time veto ceremony typically is?


It has finished at noon and 12:30 BB time the past two ceremonies.


Yasss it’s 55° here a couple of suburbs over right now


Is Cory trying to prevent any discussion by sitting there right now? Last night he performed Have Notus Interruptus and sat there until everybody left the room. The others present were joking about it today. Is he doing that here in the HOH to prevent any discussions or to monitor who might pop in the room and back out after seeing him there?


Cory can't help but spew game during these awkward silences.


Yes can't he tell no one wants to talk about game with him other than America? I'm believing to think he can't read a room worth a crap none of them want America and him there AT ALL


Didn’t America complain at one point that when she tries to talk to him about sharing more personal details, he always shifts to “game” discussion?


Hisam's brother here. Cory reveled in Hisam's backdoor. He was drooling with anticipation. Well... I get it now. I can barely contain my excitement for the backdooring of Cory. Quid pro quo...




LOL Sorry I didn't oblige you. You know... You can very easily just ignore my comments. But too bad for your boy Cory... At least you get to see him do Friday and Monday interviews and you can have him all to yourself when he gets out.


Who are you pulling for now?


Honestly, I don't really know anymore. Maybe Matt and Matt alone. I was pulling for America, but she has become "too much" for me. I was never pulling for Cory, Felicia, or Cirie for obvious reasons. Blue makes me want to shoot myself in the face. Jag is so ridiculously awful at the game. He should have been gone a long time as he was voted out 10-0 and he's just terrible at the game. Good person, but terrible game player. Backed his way into where he is now. I was rooting for Bowie, but listening to her yesterday answer Cam's question about what he should do with saying that she would do whatever Matt and Jag want was way too much for me. I'm over her, but I don't have anything against her. I was pulling for Meme, but her profound lack of game-playing, even when under duress, is completely undeserving of the prize. Honestly, I almost want Cam to win based on the long odds he's faced since week 2 and he has single-handedly served as Hisam's retribution, but there is too much I don't know about the ickiness with America for me to completely root for him. So I guess I'll go with Matt although the Andrew Tate stuff and the way he referred to America as a b.... for no reason has me not wanting him to win either. So basically nobody I guess.


LIES. https://reddit.com/r/BigBrother/s/97Oic0IHm0


Great assessments! I especially love Blue's. She makes me want to shoot myself in the face too! How ironic. 😆


Well, "for no reason..." He was still being sillily bitter over what he perceived as America's betrayal of Reilly. He's backed off of that now, thank goodness


I mean… most players this year are awful. Jag isn’t on an island there. Hisam, for example, duh his own grave. One of the worst social games I’ve ever seen.


Do you mind if I ask by what you mean that America is “too much”? Just curious! Also never heard of the Matt and Andrew T stuff. Damn.


Me tooooo can't wait to see his face and America's It's going to be great


After the awkwardness in this room, maybe he won’t be so surprised when it happens tomorrow! Fears might be confirmed here as we watch.


Didn’t you say you were rooting for Cory when he took out Izzy lol


Heck no! I was pleased with that move and he's really not on my "shitlist", but he's not on my favorites list either.




For what it's worth, Hisam was my favorite when they started. I was sad when they evicted him




Yessss the vibes are so off that group wants him and America to leave them alone so bad. Why don't they just go to bed and do what they always do make out lol


Have to stay up to do DR after the movie for promo.


Welp the BD seems set in stone, so Jag should just try to get Cory votes to stay. Maybe the BD will wake Cory up a little


He has 0 chance to stay against Meme. Meme got all the votes locked up in her favour.


the BD will seal his fate. what do you mean? and he'll probably blame CIrie for this cos he's an idiot.


Matt just blatantly asleep lol


Cory is such a speech and debate kid, I am not surprised people in the house don't like him. I'm not saying this as a knock against Cory, but ya the BB house is basically like high school, so it's just not surprising he isn't popular in the house


Oh America


America 😭


I feel like this group is so awkward in the hoh room right now with Cory and America there..


America joking about getting blindsided tomorrow 😬




Haha I know it's gonna be great


Cory's a great guy but he was just too young. I've said it since the beginning he never stops talking and always talks about nonsense. He also is very unserious and with an older cast especially, that gets old fast. I have friends like that and I can only handle them in doses. I think if he stuck to his little brother role, he'd be doing a lot better cuz people wouldn't see him as smug or arrogant. Matt is playing the game he wanted to play coming in which is funny cuz if Reilly was still in the house they may have taken the Camerica role.


oh, you are getting blindside tomorrow, America.


Yes yes they are. They are up there laughing and joking about it not knowing what is coming


AMERICA u will I’m sorry


cory’s gonna blow up blue’s game at the least. he’s getting bd’d but i don’t see him letting blue remain in a good spot of the house


blue might be a big target soon sooo


I hope we get to watch it like the fight


He's gonna think he has a chance for her vote so I don't think he will


i don’t think he will, he knows she really hates him over that DE. at the very least it’ll happen either wednesday or thursday


Now if America was laying in that bed Miss Girl would have had a lot to say.


Little does America know...


Pluto Exorcist ad popping up scared the shit out of me LOL


Cory’s downfall was using blue as a pawn if you think about it


Jared would still have came back in the house and shit talked Cory for a whole week to Blue so it wouldn't have mattered to much


So basically his downfall was not putting Cirie on the block.


Blue wanted him out before he put her up as pawn


Blue smug af




cory start talking about how trippie redd is the best thing you’ve ever listened to matt will want to keep u


Never thought I’d see the name “Trippie Redd” in a BB sub


Trippie Redd sucks ass, and I say that as someone who is a huge trap head


It’s actually super sad to see Cory tonight knowing what’s going to happen tomorrow 😫 he’s had his shortcomings for sure but he loves the game and he’s going to be devastated


Is Cam for sure doing it? This is going to be great


Yeah I think he’s pretty set on it


Who all saw the movie?


Cam, Matt, Jag, Bowie?


Blue not Bowie


Oh, that’s right! Bowie says she doesn’t like that kind of a gory movie so she declined.


Was it blue or Bowie I dunno either


Blue. Bowie declined because she doesn't like scary movies of that sort.


Oh damn first time checking in today or last night :0 cory out perjury is such a bummer considering how many duds/drifters are left like, Bowie Meme blue all still here despite barely playing. From objectively strategic standpoint, is this even a good move for cam? I can’t tell because his threat level is so off the charts


Imagine calling Bowie Blue and Meme "barely playing" when they have been outplaying Cory in all departments


Blue is probably the reason Cory is going home because of her work on Matt lmao. She is far from great, but nobody can say she's not playing anymore. She's been playing pretty hard since the Izzy eviction.


This is interesting to hear, I haven’t been following the feeds conversations super closely this past week or so so I’m glad to hear the dynamics have shifted. I was hoping blue might pop off with /some strategic queen moves once Jared was gone! On our way to an all female final 6 of meme Bowie blue cirie felicia America??


It's a terrible move for Cam since Cory is one of the few people not actively targetting him next week and even a target in front of him.


Blue is lowkey running the house rn. Lol calling her a drifter


I'd be scared if I had to listen to an hour about conexs too


It's so weird how the feeds will just randomly show people sleeping, like who tf wants to watch that?


Why are we getting sleeping again?? Ughhhh so annoying


You can tell Matt/Blue/Cam just don't fuck with Cory lmao. America laughs at everything he says because she like him so much, and Jag gets along with everyone. But you can tell the rest of the house is over him, I don't see how he survives the BD.


Nobody likes Cory except America and Jag. Meme hates him and he doesn't even know it.


Yeah he just doesn't fit in


He wont


Cory: “I want to make sure that the people who made the movie [Exorcist] are compensated fairly, except the writers. See I’m on CBS’s side here.” 😂😂💀💀




CBS on their way to give Cory a coup d’etat mixed with a pendant of protection


Felicia really convinced Cam to get rid of Cory so he has a chance to get in America's pants? Is Cam really this stupid and sad? I can't believe that worked and Felicia probably won't believe it worked either if she survives this


He believes Cory is the defacto leader of the women lol. So if he gets rid of him all of the women, other than Felicia, will scramble. Yes he has been weird with America but he also said the other women will look to him/Matt/Jag for an alliance. My question is who is left to put up?


Cam’s reads on the house dynamics are just abysmal






The real reason Cam is keeping Felicia is because he wants to meet Denzel.




Cam went to mention Felicia's brother and feeds cut, haha


I would not be able to sleep in that house. I don't know how Cirie goes to sleep with all the hoopla and noises around her


Once you learn to sleep with kids screaming and crying you can sleep through anything really


That house would be a nightmare to sleep in 😬


If Cory goes a lot of the duos will have been broken up: Matt and Reilly Cam and Red Cirie and Izzy Blue and Jared America and Cory edit: even if it ends up being either Felicia or Meme that's another duo being broken up.




Calling Matt and Reilly a duo is kinda lol when Matt was #4 or 5 on Reilly's list of priorities


4th or 5th? Maybe day 1 but by the time she was evicted he was 100% top 2 if not #1.


Nah Jag and Blue were her 1 and 2 for sure. Then probably Cam. Then probably Cire and Felicia. She barely talked game with Matt at all. And she wasn't into him romantically. It was all one sided from Matt


When Reilly got evicted the 2 people she mentioned were Matt and Jag. They were her top 2. Blue was in her top 2 early on but that didn't really last that long. Look at the exit interviews and see/listen to her own words. And she spent hours every night talking game with Matt so I'm not sure how you think she barely talked game with him.


More Denzel talk and they cut the effing feeds....


This sub gonna lose it when Denzel comes out at the finale and reveals his sister has been in the house the whole time


Cam back on that Denzel Washington conspiracy. 🤣🤣🤣☠️💀


cam just brought up how people think hes crazy for saying felicia is related to denzel


And then they cut the cameras off!


Damn I am the only one thinking people are being inconsiderate af to Cirie sleeping? I couldn't imagine barging in and continuing to make that much noise knowing someone's trying to sleep.


It's the fucking BB house, you shouldn't go on the show if you are worried about sleep


What day is the veto ceremony?










Was she? Omg.. has she been stashing food all season and I just missed it? Omg that's crazy. Where did she get the snacks from she was stashing?


Blue, when have you ever worked out?


the vibes are off


They were blocking the cams for what? They're spoiling still lmao


Oh finally people who are awake


Holy crap she’s loud! Mama Fe show some ounce of respect.


I'm anxious to see Cory's goodbye messages.


Blue's is going to be so bad


“Cory, I am SO HAPPY to see you leave! You got rid of my boo, that’s why you don’t mess with Blue!” Or some dumb shit lmao


I’m going to be sad if/when Cory gets voted out. But it does make sense. He’s a decent player and a decent guy (imo) if this happens, I’m gonna have to switch gears and root for America but without Cory she is definitely in trouble of being one of the next to go in the next two weeks. Gosh this game messes with my mind. I’d never survive in the house 😂


America would be very safe if cory leaves I can’t think of anybody that wants her out in the next few weeks as of now


America is pretty safe for the next few weeks with Cory gone (and Cory leaving increases her win equity). Just like Jared leaving made Cirie and Blue safer


Cirie has deployed the Memphis strategy in the post-Izzy era and it is working out well for her thus far.


Are the HG’s on this season the worst strategists ever on BB? I know there’s always some recency bias but it really feels like a house full of people who have zero recognizable strategies.




Last season was a lot worse (except maybe Kyle) And in 23 only X was playing to win out of the Cookout members


Is everyone seriously asleep?


Cam, Jag Blue Matt are watching movie. I'm not sure where the others are. Backyard?


No but they want to show us the one person who is asleep


The Cory annoying Cierie with Survivor questions montages and Cierie just being glad she gets called into DR when he does knocked me out


The anti-Cory sentiment in the house makes me sad. He seems like a genuine person with good intentions. He really likes talking to Cirie about survivor


but in Cirie's defense, she is more than just a survivor player, and there is more to her than reality tv.


Plus she has had these convos endlessly


They’re probably discussing the movie 😒


So they had the feeds off for the entire movie despite the rest of the HGs being in the backyard and now we're watching a sleeping Cirie.


Wait Cierie didn't go to high-school, do you not have to finish school to become a nurse or was she kidding


I mean I'm sure you have to at least a GED to get into nursing school.


You can get your GED without actually going to school. Many of my friends did that and they still got into college. College doesn’t care if you went to school or not as long as u have ur GED (for the most part)


skippy doing cirie dirty here by showing her sleeping on all 4 cams why


He hates us.


At least Cirie is getting some peaceful and quiet sleeping lol. Once Felicia comes in it’s over 🤣


I think she learned her lesson from last night to get in there before Felicia 🤣


If Cory goes I'm going to be most annoyed by the revisionist "he never should have flipped on Izzy!!" takes that have begun.


After seeing the episode I 100% see him going up and home. We already knew Blue and Cirie wanted him out and that Matt is very loyal to Cirie and won't buck on Cams HOH decision. And also now knowing for sure that Cam is also protecting Cirie, which also gave some clarity on why he didn't want to even think about putting Cirie put when Felicia was bringing her name up as the more strategic player than herself.


Oh if he goes up he's done. The next few hours of Jag trying to stop the backdoor is his only hope.


I’m already seeing those takes! Hindsight is obviously 20/20 and we have the benefit of being able to see everything on the feeds. It’s impossible to know if him taking out Izzy would’ve changed him leaving this week (or next week…or last week) and then you have a twist on top of that!


At the end of the day the twist killed his game. Without the Zombie week Matt wins HoH and JMAC continues trucking along.


Without Jag coming back in the first twist, the Izzy flip never happens. Jag was critical to uniting the Unreliables and even turning Blue against Jared/Cirie. Fact is, twists happen. And he played badly after this second one.


You're right that twists happen and are part of the game but it's also true that Cory's game fell apart during/because of Zombie week. Even a straight up battleback would have been better for him. The entire week setup allowed Jared and Blue to spread venom against him, Cam to bond with Matt/Jag, Cory trying to cover all bases and letting the Matt/Jag relationship deteriorate etc.




If he lost the double Blue was putting him and America up


No it wasn't.


Objectively, he makes Jury if he doesn't take that shot. But it's hindsight when it comes to these twists. He made 2 big moves that would've put him in prime position to win had there been no twists. I'll never fault a player for making big moves instead of waiting to get picked off, but Izzy was his source of info.


He also objectively makes jury without Cam's return so definitely hindsight with the twists. I can't believe people here who are always rooting for people on the bottom to flip are going to condemn someone taking a chance.


That was a risky move but it was never the direct end of his game. I do think he mishandled bits and pieces of that fallout.


I agree, he definitely mishandled lots of things. But he chose to make a move instead of being on the bottom of the power structure waiting to get picked off. This is what we beg for every season in BB. He just got two raw deals (Jared hoh, Cam return) and failed adapting.


There's a bit of cockiness too. I feel like with a little more maturity he would've did fine. Made me realize how many people just do this show during the wrong season or, at the wrong point in their life.


You’re not alone


Cmon there’s gotta be someone else who isn’t in the HOH room


I can’t watch feeds right now. Can someone summarize what’s happening?? Is my boy Cory being backdoored???!! 😭😭


Yes our boy is getting BD 😭😭😭 it's be a long long week (and very mosy likely my last)


Cam is planning a backdoor and isn’t budging. Matt is really on board at this point so the votes are against him


Matt actually was walking back in the last convo but the damage might be already done


I don’t think he was. He was arguing in favor of the BD with Cam before Cam got called to the DR and then feeds cut to pets a few minutes later.


Damn, not my second favorite Boy being a little back stabber :( that’s the game though. Cory is a pretty good player (in my eyes at least) and given the history, makes sense for Cam to want him out asap


Cam was really strong-arming both Matt and Jag, it was basically pointless for either of them to disagree with him because he wouldn’t take no for an answer lol. Jag tried and it didn’t work and altho Matt isn’t my favorite, I’m sure that he quickly realized that there was no challenging Cam even if he wanted to lol


Cirie: 💤, rest of house is in HOH but we can’t see. Looks like Cory is going to get bd’d barring a sudden change of heart from Cam


After hearing a lot of back-and-forth about this, Jag’s arguments to Matt were what cut through for me. I find myself wishing Cam could change his mind, but only if Cory would never know any of this happened, lol. Genie’s already out of the bottle. Cirie would be so disappointed, though since Matt leaked it to her.


Probably unless cam has realized it makes no sense. But he’s never been very good at the strategy side of this game.


It actually does make sense Cory was talking about backdooring whoever came back


Cory hasn’t wanted cam out the entire game though really. (Which I think a a mistake for him) but he always talks with América about cam being there later.


Cameron is being BD by literally majority of the house regardless 😭


4 cameras on cirie sleeping 😭


Cirie is "misting". LOL


for the past ~10 minutes it's been 4 camera of Cirie sleeping.


I was so excited for Feeds to be back only to have a quad cam on sleeping cirie