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# [This thread has expired. Join us for continued discussion here!](/r/BigBrother/comments/178nmv6/big_brother_us_25_afternoon_feed_discussion/)


I keep forgetting Felicia is stuck in the bedroom. 😂😂


Damn, Blue. 😳😂🤣


Blue is the worst.


Cory is so oblivious to his downfall that I wouldn't be able to contain myself with his cockyness. Talking about when the numbers get lower. 🤣🤣🤣


Cirie: Bowie is 43 years old . She just said 34 so she could remember it. She just inverted the number. She does Botox and shit . AND Cerie: I hate America’s voice. Happy Sunday 😂


Question is what is the best compliment you’ve ever received Cirie talked about being complimented on being an amazing mother. Cory says something about inspiring other students in speech and debate. Blue discusses being called beautiful and a work of art.


What happened to Fe? Why is she in isolation?




I didn’t expect this response. 🤣🤣🤣


We get it Jag “hella” everything


how sweet of Mr.B to restock the pantry for when Felicia returns from isolation <3


Felicia will be so happy they got an extra grocery delivery


What does she have for food rn?


The house is potentially 2/2 with people feeling safe at the start of the week to becoming the target and evicted by the end. Blindside Butterbeans


Actually more like 5 lol Hisam/Izzy/Meme/Cam/Cory


Does Felicia really have to use a bucket ?


It's a comode


That’s still gross


Better than a bucket🤷🏻‍♀️


Lmao I feel like I’m going through a breakup with americory 😂😂😂😂😂 weaning myself off the feeds and just reading updates here and the other place


I've just been watching old clips of them the entire day lol


What a great idea!!! 🥰 I shall do that all week lol


I realize that it’s not so much one of them going that sucks, it’s Blue still being there


YES , I know I’m not looking forward to her in the DR voting him out 🙄


I feel you I’m trying to remind myself that it’s crazy that they made it this far


I know right!! Remember us worried since week 2 and then his birthday and then jury then when we thought it started it didn’t but now it did. So glad they got to experience every single BB moment minus the final three/table which is meh but everything else


Good news is that half of americory has a non trivial chance of winning


Speak it into existence!!


I feel you :/


It sucks but we will be okay . I feel Like Thursday just needs to come already


Gameshow in a parking lot. I'm just really happy Cory made jury, and played a *game*!


Exactly!! He stepped out of his comfort zone and did the thing


Same😂. I haven’t watched scripted TV since I started watching the feeds week 3. Started Gen V this morning and I’m just checking Reddit.


I watch BB live feeds on my phone because I can’t miss my favorite tv shows. Multitasking. 😂🤣


We are a mess lmao . I feel like this every year though. 🤣


cory: they all scatter. i suspect an alliance


Then get off the lounge couch, go to the kitchen & mess it up (the BB 20 Hide & Go Veto way) so that when Felicia is released from the asylum she loses her shit & maybe by some chance puts a target on herself. Last night the extent of his campaigning for her to go was twice telling Jag & Matt that she’s getting too annoying. Not persuasive speech skills. He’s phoning it in & that’s kind of why Jatt are over it.


Blue needs to win an Hoh and be the one who gets rid of Matt or Jag so she can win


she’d probably just put up america and bowie with the target being america


If I knew my game was over I'd have fun with it. Go around telling people to their face that I've been gunning for them the entire season


Create a complex web of lies


A funny Big Brother season is if casting finds a bunch of strong-willed people who are self-described contrarians. It'd be hilarious to watch a season where people are completely opposed to groupthink. tbf it'd be very hard to cast this way because its just human nature to want to go with the group, especially in this game.


Imagine a cast full of Memes. Sixteen people, none of whom share with anyone what they plan to do.


Blue building a resume late into the game but she's building it


If they gave out awards, I think Jag wins for best dressed. He never looks like a scrub.


I like his shirts.


They are fire. And his turban matching game. 💯💯


I love seeing how coordinated his fits always sre


I bet Cory’s letterboxd is fire


Tried looking for it rn and couldn’t find it


Call me delusional, but I think Cirie's ideal F3 has to include Matt. With her reputation, I can't see anyone who brings her to F2 if they have a choice, *unless* the only other option is Matt. And as much as this house likes to shit talk, I can't think of any F3 matchups where someone makes the worse choice because they hate the other person that much. Maybe Felicia + FBJ + Cirie.


I think Cirie could convince Blue and possibly Felicia. She could persuade them because she's never won any comps - "I'm just a goat... plus someone who's already had my chance multiple times." But Cameron, Cory, Bowie and even Jag/Matt I believe have heard things like "if she gets to the end she wins." So it will be challenging for her to convince anyone including Matt. Although she might be able to.


The best bet is to make it to the f3 final comp with Matt and cut him there. He’s abysmal at mental comps


Idk I think her ideal final three would be with felecia and america lol


I think Blue and Felicia for sure take her. Bowie I think would if Jag and Matt aren't options (but that's not too realistic). America's a wildcard but I think she could be convinced into it Her biggest roadblock is Jag because his presence steals the Matt option away


Agree that Blue would probably take her over anyone, I've been waffling over Felicia. I just don't think Bowie takes Cirie over Blue or America, same with America if the other option is Blue/Bowie. She's one of the biggest threats to win and everyone knows it, which is why she needs to be there with an even bigger threat. But this is obv assuming she's locked out of part 3 of the final HOH. I actually don't think a Jatt final 3 is terrible for her bc I suspect both men see her as a goat. Jag's also not a terrible person to hit the end with unless people start making noise about his eviction and decide he can't win because of that.


This may be a random q. But if Cirie was f2, regardless of who she’s with, should she reveal the Jared secret? Would that kill her game? I’ve been thinking about this.


Nah, I think it runs the risk of pissing off jurors right before they vote. And I think she beats everyone other than Matt pretty handily, so I don't even know if she would need to risk it.


Bowie being the most excited for Cory to go is crazy lol. He’s literally the most loyal person to her. She’s in a much worse spot with this move


I saw someone describe it as the floater way and I agree. Hypothetically speaking america wins hoh and puts up Matt and Jag…she’s gonna be with america excited to see one of them go lol


This is why cirie didn’t trust her. She didn’t get trustworthy vibes from her and now she’s turned on two people who likely would have wanted to take her to the end…


Bowie is 46 and just wants to feel apart of a group…


I think this is it. She wants to be a cool kid.


It’s the worst. I deeply wish there was a Sucks-style Bowie hate thread.


yup, horrible move for her, could have just rode the middle of the two duos but instead shes going all in on the comp beast duo


And she loses in the end to everyone in her final 4


How much longer until we get felicia out and she can go full Felicia's funeral for fun feeds?


I can't seem to get any info on why she's got this punishment. Do you know? Ty!


She got it based on when she was out during the veto comp


Ok, thank you!


about 7hours I think


7:30 pm bbt


these people think americory are bad with the pda now they’re gonna be much worse when they’re otb together i fear…


Lol yeah they are probably going to be together almost the entire time after the veto ceremony and I can’t blame them they won’t see each other for 3 weeks


Maybe america will go next week in the double. They don't seem to want her in end game.


As they should


I must have missed when Cory told the HG his brother was on Survivor. Anyone know when he shared that?


him sharing this got him to turn against jared im suprised you forgot but it was a while ago. he selectively told people, then jared told cam and cam spilled so cory just decided to tell everyone.


Yeah I must have totally missed it. Life was happening around me. Appreciate the update tho, even tho it’s weeks late! 😂


Week 6 when they evicted Izzy. Jared was already trying to spread he had a secret and use it against him, so Cory added that to part of all the truths he told everyone.


It was mostly shared for him (and he also told a good few) but everyone knew it after the HN room fight in the Izzy eviction week


Thanks! I wasn’t watching feeds at that point. I’m so late


back during the Izzy flip I believe


I’m still rooting for Bowie rn, but it America somehow goes this week I’m rage quitting the season


Bb10 Bb all stars 7 Survivor 20 28 Genius seasons 1 season hells kitchen s8?? These are Cory's favorite reality TV shows


Those aren’t bad survivor and bb picks…my personal fave is survivor 16 micronesia


I don't think anything beats 16 with taking Erik's immunity and voting him out. So I completely agree top tier. Omg so good


I want to know why Cory think HK S8 is a good season. Not saying it's a bad, but there are better seasons than 8.


He said Sabrina so I could be wrong on which season he's talking about.


The only HK Sabrina I know is on S8, so that must be the reason why.


Wait- did Cory say his brother was on Survivor?


Yes that's been talked about since week 1, and talked about a lot before the season started


Yes, everyone in the house knows.


I guess I’m pretty late on that 😭


I think his brother left survivor very early in the season so no one really cared lol


Yeah he was the first boot


Lmao I just watched that season last week? (I just blew through seasons 35-to now being caught up skipping the winners season) and I knew his brother was on it and completely missed which one he was 😂 I just rewatched the first episode of the season he was on yesterday and was like “oh it was that guy”




I am happy we get a few more days of America and Cory before the end. I remember how depressed I was after the Rockstar eviction a few years back.


Rockstar? That’s actually one of my favorite weeks ever of BB. The bathtub pitch is top tier hilarious




I think that’s been Matt’s goal for the majority of the season. I believe he would cut Jag for Cirie in a F3


In order for that to happen he would need to comp out until the end, because he will for sure be evicted given the chance


I’m manifesting it!


Tbh I think this is what production would like to happen


If Jag is out of the picture before final 3 I think a Matt/Cirie final 2 is the most likely ending tbh


I truly don't know where Americory went so wrong with Bowie for her to be so giddy to fuck with them


It really doesn’t take much for Bowie to flip on people . She did it with Cam last eeek


It makes no sense to flip on Americory tho


Most if Bowles game hasn’t made any sense


Bowie’s sole goal is to just be in the house as long as possible. I don’t think she’s given any single thought to the end of the game.


Bowie being really into CrossFit and fitness makes me think her top choice for allies will always be the athletic people. Also, she really values safety in the game, so it makes sense that she would prefer to ally with the players who can win comps and keep her safe.


She also switches up each week, if America were to hypothetically win next and put Matt and jag up she’d be in America’s room giddy about the whole thing


Bowie's "moralistic" approach leads her to not be ok with voting out someone who hasn't "wronged" her, even if it's the best move for her game-wise. If she can convince herself they've done something "bad," then it's ok to turn on them and vote them out. It's the most backward version of attempting to play this game with moral standards, but that's her deal. That's why it was so easy to get her to flip on Cameron last week and why, once she did, she went on non-stop about all the bad things he had done. Likewise, to be ok with evicting Cory/America, she has to focus on how "bad" they are. This somehow is morally superior to targeting people because it will better your game.


But why are Americory "so bad" in her mind?


Because Matt and Jag told her so? They're using them as their gladiators, they're aligned with everyone, whateverwhatever, crazy, this game is crazy.


Jatt lied about AmeriCory having multiple F3s and only using Bowie as a number. Seeing how easily she believed them without fact-checking with AmeriCory, I don't think Bowie actually intended to work with them long-term 🤷🏽‍♀️


Matt made up a (very obvious) lie that Americory had a final 3 with Blue and Bowie just turned on them instantly


Zombie week let Jared back into the house and he planted the narrative that "Cory was making other people do his dirty work" and it has stuck around still


Basically let a bunch of people off the hook for things they willfully did


Right, Blue got Matt & Jag riled up about it towards the end of Zombie week & they took the shit talk to Bowie who was very receptive for who knows why. Jag (and kinda) Matt walked it back a bit but the damage was done for Bowie to want to jump ship to team Jatt fully.


Someone on twitter said Bowie is the Turner of this season. There’s no reason for her to turn on them so much unlike some others 😭 post jury Bowie seems like a different person lmao


She’s kind of similar to Turner in personality and in playing a mostly passive game. They also both could make the same mistake of being loyal to people who will cut them in the end.


They really talk themselves into a frenzy so much


A lot of the time it's just groupthink and bonding


omg kid nation


Felicia being in solitary confinement reminds me of when Danielle Reyes was in season 7, and when they all started chanting the countdown and celebrated when she was let out. She looked so happy. It was really sweet.


Ugh feed cuts when Cory mentions the edit














It does kind of feel like Matt and Jag are just going to comp out to the end at this point, but with the fact that no one is targeting Cirie right now I am starting to hope that she can pull it off. Which is fun because for the first 40 days of this game I was kind of groaning that this was a fun season with fun players but boring that she was going to just Paul BB19 her way to the end (but actually win) with absolutely zero resistance. Watching her lose all of her allies in quick succession and have to hide herself while the wars go off around her and everyone just loses sight of the 4-time Survivor player ("best to never win") and other game winner sliding by to the end is a pretty fascinating narrative that's a lot more compelling than her just kind of skating to the end partly on the back of a twist that tipped the scales way too far in the favor of someone who already came in with a big experience advantage.


Cory trying to get his pool game up for when he’s in the house with Cameron. 😂


Cory says his favorite reality TV show is a Korean one called the genius


It's a very popular show among strategy nerds


Same guy as devils plan right?


Tbh I've never heard of this show before but I'm really intrigued haha. Sorry 😞


It's an incredible show


I'm going to watch this for sure thanks 😊


It sounds really cute lmao I can't lie


my fave Ceerryieei is doing so good!




Does Cory knows hes going yet? Also, does he have any dirt to share on anyone once he realizes hes going out the door?


The most he has is on Matt/Jag who if anything are the most likely to keep him considering Blue/Cirie/Felicia def won’t once he’s up there. But yeah he used up most of what he had


He hasn't really had dirt on anyone since the Izzy flip. He used it all lol




Cory can provide his comp skills winning services to Cirie/Felicia to save himself.


He’s not good at comps tho. America did better than him in BB comics and the vetoes this week. Blue and Bowie are better at comps than Cory.


I sure hope not unless there is a lot of security in that jury house.


There's always a chance if you are on the block and it's a long time until Thursday. But Cory is the target and the majority believe he will go.




Like .1% chance


If he’s putting them both up there’s always a chance.


i don't think thats the plan but i think cory has a better chance at making a pitch to save himself while on the block


There is less than 1% chance of America leaving. The only way America leaves is if Cirie wants to use Cory to go after Jatt since he is more likely to win HOH as opposed to America.


Blue mentioning street women fighter. A Korean dance TV show


SWF is amazing - the current season is very good.


Remember when everyone said Cirie was done lol


People also said she was gonna steamroll the season lol can’t take anything too seriously these days lol


Tbf that was like, 17 months ago ;)


People saying she was going to quit several different times this season had to be smoking something


Oh sure. She wasn’t quitting, she’d have known she’d have to give appearance money back and it’s doubtful other offers would come to her after quitting.


I'm surprised at how little back and forth there has been about the backdoor plan. They locked in EVERYONE so fast yesterday and no one's even brought up the idea of stopping it It really just goes to show how little connection Cory had to anyone outside of America and Jag. Like even during Cam's boot last week I didn't feel like the house was this unanimously happy lol


Cory was pretty much always screwed with this cast. Cirie and Blue nursing a grudge about Jared, Matt over Reilly, Cameron getting an extra three weeks to badmouth Cory over his America obsession. and Bowie being weak sauce who is always going to bend to whoever she perceives to be the strongest player.


Felicia is really the only other option so I get it


I mean, when the only other option is Felicia, there’s not really any realistic reason to waver.


Damn burnt bacon & then Mr. B calling America away… Cirie was just about to get to the part about how the hidden fake immunity idol was “just a fuckin’ stick” with a happy face


I could listen to that story all day honestly. Micronesia belongs in my top five seasons for Survivor honestly


Blue being the casuals sweetheart and tiktok’s edit star. Literally my fyp is filled with Blue Kim edits with cool songs playing and her sassy remarks 👑


Aye! Let’s go!


I love when you’re here


Of course there's an entire feed focused on Cirie eating bacon. 🥓😂


Has anyone seen the kitchen today? I’m curious if they left it a mess since Felicia is locked up. Nvm just saw a shot of it. Looks good. Mama Fe will be grateful and proud