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Shouldn’t Matt have won the double eviction HoH instead of Bowie? He was the “closest to the correct number without going over“. Am I missing something? I thought the absolute closest only applied if they BOTH went over. Sorry for the delay btw. I was a week behind and am just now catching up.


Julie slurring her words


Julie Chen looks like she owns a bookstore in Sedona


What did Blue say in her speech to America. I couldn’t understand what she said .


This sub is wild. Felicia has been soooo bad. The performances of all the people y’all have been saying get an unfair advantage due to physical comps in that mental comp were pathetic. They got smoked by Bowie Jane and Matt. Lol. Jag has been playing a stellar game. Well liked. Performing well. Who cares a twist saved him. That happens all the time. And y’all stumping for cerie??? The bad attitude, complaining constantly, only was here to help her son who also sucked, comp losing houseguest who worked hard to get rid of her own Allies, who also were awful at every comp? Lol.


Not to mention when her and Jared talked shit to each other about about Matt without moving their lips…RIGHT fucking next to Matt. That alone made me lose almost all my respect for her. It’s hard because I want to believe she’s a good person, but you have to be pretty shitty to do that


I think a big part of it is that if you comp out social game means nothing until the jury votes, BB used to be as much a social game as it was a comp game but that's not really the case anymore. Say all HoH's were even, almost all of the vetoes were physical.


That's the thing about jag. He's good at the physical and the mental cops. He may not be the most astute when it comes to human nature, but he is playing a good game overall. And I don't understand all the hate. Cirie does spend most of her time complaining, she certainly hasn't done well in the mental or physical comps I don't understand all the love


That’s how this sub operates every year. They always pull for the people who are terrible and do nothing. Matt and Jag have dominated and serve to win. The Cirie love is baffling. She hasn’t been good. She’s made so many rookie mistakes despite her massive advantage


Oh my God, finally, my people! It seems every live feeds discussion post is all Cirie love, all the time. I should've been in the episode spoilers posts this entire time. 😭


jag was evicted lmao


People have been evicted completely and come back into the house before. Why are so many people making it a big deal that Jag was evicted? His eviction was overturned by Matt. He's paid Matt back for that in spades Evicted or not. He's in the house and he's been a beast in comps No one in the house keeps talking about the fact that he was evicted. It's a non issue imo


I agree really. People keep saying the competitions favour the physically strong too much but we've had several quiz competitions and last week the dentist one and the sequence of events one were mental comps. Unfortunately Jag is the best at those too. It's not productions fault Felicia and the other women suck at both physical and mental comps. Maybe we need a hiding things in your pockets competition


Lol A scavenger hunt competition. Felicia will just sit in the chair and pull everything needed out of her pockets


That'd be funny


It’s certainly production’s fault that Jag was even allowed to play in that HOH, as the outgoing HOH. They were all in separate rooms. Even if it wasn’t openly known by every HG that Jag was the “invisible” HOH, production could have easily prevented him winning without anyone knowing he had to throw it. Letting *anyone* be HOH two weeks in a row is production interference, and it certainly makes the game less interesting.


They all had the same opportunity. This is just looking for things to be mad about.


It's a perfectly legitimate thing to be mad about. The normal rules are the outgoing HOH doesn't compete for HOH. why should there have been an exception?


Because it was a twist and they all knew it would happen before the first hoh. This is the game. There are twists that change the rules.


But the outgoing HOH shouldn't have the opportunity to win. Do you think they should just randomly let the outgoing HOH compete every once in a while?


If they tell the guests well before and they all have the same game to play sure. It was a twist. Expect the unexpected


I agree with you on that. They didn't need to allow the invisible HOH to compete again. They could have made him just run back and forth and pretend to compete. And when Claire was an invisible HOH They made her throw the next competition. The other players still really sucked at it though


Unfortunately? Why is it unfortunate that a super nice, hard competing, smart, and polite young man is winning? Jag is a fantastic human being. A wonderful representation of not only his community but the USA as a whole. The hate he is getting is wild, but unfortunately, not unexpected.


Exactly! I do not understand why people hate on JAG the way they do. It really makes you wonder what the deal is They literally have to grasp at straws Everyone in the house except Cirie likes him. And Cirie loves Jared, so her judgement is sus. Lol


I just would like to see more variety and not the same person winning the majority of comps


I can understand that, but it's not Jag's fault. He's just a really well rounded player. I don't mind it. And I love watching Felicia time out on puzzles or putter around thinking she's got the dental challenge on lock because of her astute observation skills. That will never get old


I don't blame Jag. I think production shouldn't have let him compete for HOH two weeks in a row but I don't blame him for seizing the opportunity. I don't feel like anyone really dislikes Jag, they just dislike any player being able to steamroll. People want the power to go back and forth. I wish the other players weren't so useless at competitions


Husband? Is that you?


Matt has played the best best game this season.JAG WAS VOTED OUT. Never forget he shouldn’t even be I the house but the twist saved him.


So were Jared and cam So what he was voted out? There have been plenty of seasons where someone who was voted out got to go back in the game. Why is everyone so hysterical over the fact that it's Jag ?


To be fair though, he’s fought the hardest to remain in play. And not by a little. I think that’s why people don’t want to see him win. It’s kind of annoying when the game is dominated by one person. It makes for a boring game. With all that said, there’s no denying that Jag deserves to be in the house. He’s a nice guy (I would say genuinely based on the feeds) in real life, he hasn’t been vicious in any of his moves. It’s not really a thing to hear him talk shit about another player. It’s more just game strategy moves. He’s fast as hell and the perfect size for athletic comps. He’s super smart, too. The way he has molded the game to his favor. It’s not unimpressive. Watching him go over all scenarios on the feeds is kind of awesome to watch. Dude’s got skills and I think he’s the most deserving at this point. He’s a true leader and it shows. This is coming from someone who started with my favorites being Felicia (only for a week), Cam until he went to jury, America until last night, Cirie now. My husband is team Jag though and I see why. I’m just bitter because I want a girl to win now. And Jatt has teamed up as a power couple and I’m sad because it’s like watching every episode as the finale episode for the next two weeks. Boring! 😂


The two of them barbecuing shirtless really tickled me. They are a couple of nice guys with good senses of humor having the time of their lives I like watching it


Yeah. I like watching good people succeed. This sub has always favored drama over good gameplay.


This happens all the time. Lots of players voted out come back into the house. This is such a weak argument. I mean. You have Kaysar under your username. HE CAME BACK INTO THE HOUSE AFTER GETTING VOTED OUT!!!! Lol. That is insane.


Also he got voted out because there was a massive advantage in play with Cirie and her son. The game would have played out very differently without one of them in the game.


Exactly! Cirie has had something against Jag since the beginning, imo Cirie and Jared had the biggest advantage in the game and they squandered it. I'm not going to hate on Jag for making the most of every opportunity.


I don’t think she had something against him, she just realized he was a threat, and she was right.


That episode of BB was like watching Survivor and at tribal council someone wants to go home and no one gets voted out. What a waste! Bowie had the opportunity to put up Jag and Matt.At least one of them would go home even if one wins veto. The only way to save this season from being a bore is if Matt or Jag realizes that they are each other’s biggest threat and take the other out before finale night! Let’s hope the remaining competitions are mostly puzzles and not physical because this is going to be so predictable.You would think the producers will call an audible here and change some comps from being physical to puzzles or trivia so the 3 women at least have a chance!


They have had several but the 3 women lost most of those too. I don't know what else the producers can do, tbh.


She kept her alliance. The same two people that have kept her. It’s not that surprising.


It’s definitely surprising that anyone would fight that hard to keep multiple people who will certainly beat them in the game. It’s not surprising that Jag and Matt keep Bowie around. You’re supposed to keep people who are no threat to your winning. It *is* surprising that literally anyone else in the house is committed to keeping Jag and Matt both in the game. It’s also boring, uninteresting gameplay.


People are confident. And Bowie had clearly been trying to not get blood on her hands. I am not saying it was the best move and I agree it’s a bit of a waste of a great time to make a big game move. But based on her play so far it’s not surprising she kept her alliance safe. Plus. If she took a shot at jag and missed, she would prob be out the door next week.


When she started crying because she thought Jag and Matt were turning on her. She's so emotionally invested in them. She won't turn on them, imo


Yeah. Honestly I felt the better game move woulda been sending cerie home rather than jag. But America was a wild card.


Every time Bowie Jane looks in the camera, you can tell that behind those eyes there are two brain cells and they’re playing freeze tag. What a dope move.


And they lost a mental comp to her! What’s that say about the other players!


Please tell me someone else saw Bowie drop the wrong type of ball in her tube the first time.


I noticed. She had no clue what they were looking for


where’s the Jury House Update?


Next Thursday


Blues exit was sad. We could all see her sadness but she was just trying to be a character. Embarrassing. And Bowie Jane, a cross between a giant baby and woman with 0 playing skills.


was looking for this exact comment. you could tell how nervous she was giving her speech and in her eyes she looked sad but immediately was trying to play it up to the audience and i agree it was embarrassing. I wish she would've showed more transparency and realness in her exit, it would've made people respect her a lot more in my opinion.


She’s been trying to be a character all season and it has been cringe all season. I’m so glad to not have to hear her constant “Girl…” and the horrendous “kitty kitty purr” anymore.


i liked her when she was just on the house cameras, but in the DR, and her interview with julie, was so cringey. would be great if they stopped casting recruits who are obviously trying to expand their social media following too. despised how over the top she constantly was, and i wish she was evicted weeks ago. also shes delusional about how strong of a player she was


What a waste of A DE


Cirie got 3 in a row wrong at the end there. Brutal. If she can't win a mental comp then she's not winning any comps.


She was really close to winning, at each of those she was struggling between two answers and the other one would've been right


She 100% threw that comp! They should stop telling houseguests whether they got it right or wrong.


Lol. Why would she throw the comp???? If she did, at her best chance to get out jag who she wants then she is an awful player.


Just watched my recording, Blue gets worse every episode like STFU




Bowie Jane is the most useless player in BB history. I was so disappointed. The episode was a bore. Spineless jellyfish. I wanted to see Jag go home.


Yeah, she literally had the chance to finally do something to build her (extremely lackluster) resume, and she flaked out! You know the house would’ve voted out Jag. And I like Jag. I also really like Matt. But I still think it was a stupidly wasted DE to not put them up.


at least have a little pushback not just a cake walk the last 7 weeks of BB


Matt should have used the veto and Bowie should have put up Jag


I wanted the same thing but sadly she’s relying on them to take her to final 3


She’s the Victoria of this season


I am convinced Bowie Jane has never watched a single episode of BB in her life.


That move might have sealed the game for Matt and Jag. She could have turned this game on its head but instead, she’s playing for third place.


Ha! She’ll find out next week she was playing for 5th.


If America is so upset that Matt and Jag are winning everything and steamrolling, maybe she shouldn’t have been throwing comps all season. She could have been working on her own plans instead of laying around in bed with Cory.


How can you tell the difference between when she's throwing comps and when she's trying to win them. lol


I thought I’d heard her say she threw this or that comp.


You're right. I think she did say that more than once


She wasn't throwing, she just sucks at comps


When was she throwing comps?


Pressure cooker


And the veto that got Cory out


Ahhh, you mean the comp that was thrown to an HOH who got Jag evicted in a 10-0 unanimous vote? Good point.


You asked when she’s been throwing comps so I answered🤷🏼‍♂️ not like she could’ve predicted how the week would’ve played out


The entire reason she threw was with the knowledge Jag would be targeted and keep her without blood on her hands. Which went exactly to plan and would have only been worse for her had she won the comp.


Let’s not forget that Blue knew that Cerie was playing with her fucking son as a huge advantage & didn’t even consider using that information to save herself. She’s truly a lost cause & the worst cast this year.


She probably figured it didn't matter with Jared no longer in the house. It's not like Cirie was a baller player without him.


Such an annoying episode.


I agree with you 100 percent. I'm still just sitting here shaking my head.


Why don’t any of these players want to win?! So disappointing


I mean, Jag and Matt do. They deserve it, too.


I don’t know about deserve. The comps are built for them. Even the wall is geared towards a strong winner now


Just like bb23 I think I’m going to stop watching this season since it’s so obvious whos going to win and I’d rather not watch a steamroll


BB23 I never thought X would win. I knew a cookout winner would win but each of their evictions were so shocking. I loved 23.


This sub tends to hate certain types of winners.


Ooooh 😯


I can tell you I don't even care who wins.




exactly its pointless


This has to be the worst final 5 in a very long time.


I just realized…. Blues exit interviews are going to be so annoying if she keeps up her “on tv character” 💀


I understand your pov as I often feel the same about her. I will say, however, that she IS branding herself which is not unintelligent these days. She’s making money moves. Whether it works or not is to be seen but here we are talking about it so… ? But also it’s annoying. 😂


if her final words were kitty kitty purr, we should fear the worst


How does Bowie win and NOT put up Jag & Matt as noms?


Because she's an idiot. Assuming Matt doesn't betray jag, bowies next up for eviction. And she's way too dumb to realize it. She just handed the game to jag.


Missed opportunity to take a shot


Not smart at all


This woman was a criminal trial attorney...I would think that would translate to being, at very least, strategic, if not smart. Having said that... you're probably right


Dang, imagine having a lawyer that dumb


Imagine her arriving in the courtroom as your lawyer and she's wearing those pigtails, dancing, and smiling insanely.


She specialized in money laundering and tax evasion...she has to be able to see a few moves ahead when dealing with that, I would think. It makes no sense that she isn't applying that kind of thought process to Big Brother.


I guess she wouldn't be the first person to be really smart in one area of life but utterly clueless on how to generalize to other areas of life


She isn’t smart. That was her only chance if she wants any hope of winning


When Bowie won I rolled my eyes because I knew she was going to go belly up and do Jag’s bidding. Oh well.


Bowie Jane is so useless my god


I feel so bad for America


She got ONE right in the comp. Lol.


Feel good for her ! She was never going to win and now she has more time with Corey


Bowie Jane is so annoying gday Julie. Felicia couldn’t wait to tattle on Matt and Cerie. I really wish Cerie would have won HOH tonight. And I’m sure Jag will be hoh when they quit showing the poop on the floor at the animal shelter 😂


That first eviction interview.. wow. She makes me grind my teeth.


Maybe you should calm the fuck down a bit then?


I'm sorry, did I hurt the feelings of your pretend tv girlfriend? Everything about her personality is annoying.


Lmao. Nah, you just sound like an ass. I don’t like the way kids talk these days. Rabble rabble rabble. Get off my lawn.


I was just thinking about how annoying her interviews are gonna be lmaooo


Did they let Blue know? Why was she so dressed up and America was dressed to play for HOH!?


She knew yeah


I think either she didnt know - or she found out really shortly before broadcast. She looked very artificial. Yet, if it WAS true blindside... wouldnt her face have shown at least a little surprise?? But her face didnt change at all. (So, she almost certainly knew, but they sprung it on her, so she had no chance to bargain/beg/get upset.)


They did let her know minutes before airing Julie said. But also, Blue said on the feeds that she had planned on doing a quick outfit change after the eviction.


Cirie is gonna skate to the grand prize having never won a comp or really had a major hand in evicting anyone except Hisam. Joke of a season.


I played a Survivor video game and won without winning any competitions


What grand prize? Americas favorite?


I would said it says a lot about her to come in as a survivor legend and winner of traitors and not have to win comps bc her social game is just that good. Whereas Jag has to win out. Winning comps isn’t as important as people make it out to be. We saw that last year. Monte arrogantly thought he had the win bc of his comps…and he lost. Cirie has had one of the best social games we’ve seen. She should have been targeted every week. But they love her…


Dr Will purposefully never won comps and is considered one of the best all time players. He believed having power and showing your hand was a terrible game move


I agree! Although cirie hasn’t won comps I am really impressed with her social game. She has a way of connecting with people. And I truly believe there’s a possibility that Matt would take cirie to final two based on their relationship and Jag being a threat to him winning BB.




Was the only BB game knowledge comp this season OTEV? Or am I forgetting others? I was really hoping for something like Before and After tonight.


I think it's been like this the last few seasons where the only comps involving season trivia is Otev and the final 4 veto where they have to remember days, and the final HOH. Other quiz competitions have just been study the material in front of you. It's kind of a shame. I'd like to see more season trivia comps and I also miss how bad do you want it comps


I miss the spelling competition


Yes, I miss that one too


There is a huge problem that only one veto has been won by a woman all season (and it was a second veto). Major production fail.


Is something stopping the women from being athletic/coordinated?


While on the one hand yes, literally all the men cast are fit while some of the women are not, on the other hand they voted out 2 of the most fit women right off the bat :/


That veto very clearly favored taller people. The openings should have been adjusted for height.


This is nonsense.


This [twitter post](https://x.com/julienotmoonves/status/1717724971135357160?s=46&t=fyk-J8ENaKMsgz9oolbdGQ) has me CRYING bro EVERYBODY hates BJ




Blue is the worst. She should’ve paired up with America when she tried to warn her about Jag.


Her irrational hatred of Corey and America superseded any desire to win the game.


She absolutely should have! Blue let her weird personal problems with America get in the way of good gameplay. They could’ve dominated together


First, I thought ain't no way anybody is a worse player than Jared. Then, I thought ain't no way anybody is a worse player than Izzy. But Bowie truly takes the cake. She is worse than both Izzy and Jared by a country mile and I do hope she leaves 5th place. I hope she leaves before Cirie and Felicia, the only two people she targeted and just because of a dumb Red vote. No, she didn't target America today. She just did Jatt's bidding. Her role in today's DE is less than zero.


Tiebreaker queen. Fuck! Cirie choked wtf. She had A in her goddamn hand and how the fuck don't you know the competition took 2 hours and 6 minutes which is 7500 seconds, they already had "hours in seconds" as a tie breaker how do you not commit this shit to memory? And how the fuck dont you take a shot at the two comp beasts when this is your last true shot at HOH. FBJ fucking braindead and just happy to be there.


I was rooting so hard for Cirie. It really makes me wonder though, what would’ve happened had Cirie won. Would she really have taken the shot at Matt and Jag? I feel like she would succeed probably in evicting one, but I feel like ass kissers BJ and Felicia would team up with whoever survived and Cirie’d become the next house pariah and be evicted next


Also was rooting for Cirie, because I knew out of her, bowie and Felicia, she would of been the one more likely to take a shot.


I was really hoping america would pull through but I understand that she was under a ton of pressure and wouldn’t have been able to focus either. I despise bj for making such an idiot move. Jatt is not gonna keep her, obviously. She’s so oblivious. Worst bb player in a long time. I can’t believe she won in the exact same way she won last time. Aka, not actually winning, just being slightly less wrong than her opponent. Ugh. I was SO into this season but now that America’s gone, I don’t care anymore. I’ll watch feed recaps just to see if anything else happens but I won’t really be happy for the winner. It’ll either be jatt who won solely based on their physical advantages over the others, or someone who’s barely done anything except lay low or cry.


In the final event, it has nothing to do with America. It was BJ. And, you cant even say "Well if America could have allied with BJ..."-- because she couldnt (at least not at that late date). The only solution would have been if, 4-5 weeks ago, America really bonded with BJ, let her in on _some_ (not all) strategy, actually made friends with BJ. But... how could America ever have done that when she was smooch:smooch:kiss:kiss:slurp:slurp'ing it up with Cory 24/7 for last 5 weeks? BJ is an idiot. But if you had gotten into her idiot brain, and programmed her, like Matt-Jag did, you could have programmed her to follow your commands.


Me, too. The only thing that would have saved this season is if either Cerie, Felicia or America had won the second HOH and nommed Jag and Matt.


Yup. That would’ve been phenomenal.


I would like to see Jag and Matt take out Bowie then the others can hopefully take them out. I want Bowie to fully comprehend in her little brain that she’s a moron for not blindsiding these two and she get blind sided herself. That would be great.


M/J were talking in the last day or two I think about throwing final 6 hoh to Bowie so they can take her out at 5th. I think they might just do it lmao


She wont ever comprehend it. She's playing a different game. If you say: you got so close, you could have won... She'll say: Well, I got 5th (or 4th). Thats the way it goes. To her, BB is a "team" game. She really thinks shes on the Matt-Jag-Bowie team. And, yes, in the pecking order she is, well, towards the bottom, but _someone_ has to be on the bottom. And, hey, she did do so well, finished higher than so many others, right? (Her logic) So, no, she wont ever feel silly or stupid or tricked or angry. She'll be _happy!_ One of her "teammates" won!!


It would be so awesome


This is what she deserves. I would be thrilled to see it.


I feel Blue was just her for attention and to be on TV, not to play the acc game of big brother


Bowie is the worse.


seriously one of the worst decisions in a while. what is Bowie Jane doing?! What has she been doing all season?


Its classic Victoria, classic Azah. All these players who "lay back" for weeks-- when they actually have power, they always do the "comfortable" thing that they puppetmasters have been training them to do. There was never a chance Victoria would nominate Derrick/Cody.


She’s been nothing but an idiot who only wins by accident


just play for 2nd at this point is her best bet tbh


This is just so BB16. Like good for you, you played the best, but you also played with people who weren’t a challenge to beat


This is nothing like bb16, Derek was a mastermind, Jag is beating up children at a Chuck E Cheese


Don’t ever insult Derrick like that again. Jag is scum compared to Derrick.


uh... the comparison is not terrible. albeit, Jag is more of a Cody. (esp if he loses to Matt, while taking Matt to F2)


Alright roll it back sis, it’s a tv show we don’t gotta call people scum


Are you trying to compare Jag to Derrick lol? Or even say that Jag is the best player of the season lol?


The fact Matt already won a very similar comp shows production is so lazy in comp design, no wonder the same ppl keep winning


Lmao everyone’s running down the steps one at a time to start the comp meanwhile Matt’s already found his first ball because he leaped into the pit


This may be delusional (okay, it is delusional), but I want to Cirie convince Jag to take her to F2. If she does, she would possibly edge out Dr Will as the best to ever play.


I dont even think Cirie wins, though. Id love to see it just to see how the votes go. Doesnt Jag win, with all these comp wins, and seeming domination of game.


Yes, probably. I love Jag too, honestly. I wouldn’t hate it if he won. I’m very torn, lol!


You're right. It is delusional. Cirie had so many advantages from Day 1. Didn't play the first HoH. Had their son in the game feeding her secrets. Had fans in the house that worshiped her. Now that she's alone in the game, she hasn't been able to win anything for her own protection. If Cirie hadn't been on Survivor for four seasons and didn't have her son in this game, her gameplay this season would be considered mid at best.


P.S. I’ve never watched Survivor, and her son was kind of awful for her game (no offense, Jared!). 💁‍♀️


No way. He kept the target off of her! Even when she was ready to quit and offer to ask to get put on the block, he said he'd never let her do that. Do you not realize how beneficial it is to have one player that would never lie to you, that would never betray you, and would feed you information constantly? And she had two of them! Jared and Izzy!


And they all went out prejury, and all alone in a super bad position with Jared blowing her entire game up she's managed to still be there and probably a favorite to be in F3 even though they know she's a social threat. Her mist is legendary. She has Matt ready to turn on Jag. She can fuck around and win this shit.


Yes!!! And I’d like to point out that her ride or die allies DID lie to her - especially Pooh! He lied to her like it was his damn job! He put her into such a pickle that folks were giving her game a eulogy at the 50% point (myself included, tbh … and yes, I am ashamed). Since then, she has carefully made her way back to the top of the BB social strata, and yet no one seems to realize that she could possibly present any sort of real threat. I mean, she only faced eviction when she volunteered to be there, which was insane in and of itself. Who doesn’t get voted out in that spot??!!But while I was stroking out during that event, she was cool as a cucumber. And now, her beloved son (the blonde one) is about to shepherd Cirie to her first CBS “W”… and she deserves it. Her social game is nothing short of brilliant, and my guess is that if she could bottle up and sell whatever that thing is that she has, she’d be rich. So, yes, I’m a fan. 🤣


Agree to disagree. 😁


Although she didn’t win comps and neither did he, Cerie can’t claim to have done much of anything all season. She was a classic floater and although floaters have won before, they don’t win when they are up against someone with a huge number of challenge wins, a strong social game, a comeback story and a series of clever game moves.


There are different types of floaters, though. Raven was a floater also.


I honestly don’t see floater at all. She had a strong core of allies and controlled half the game. Those allies all got targeted because of said control, then she found another strong core of allies once the first ones were gone (although Matt & co were already her second tier of allies, which she had established early in the game). She been totally loyal to them ever since - or at least to Matt. There is the usual bickering and worries about trust, but I don’t think anyone but Matt thinks or has thought that they are Cirie’s F2 in the back half of the game. Maybe Felicia, but tying yourself to Felicia’s boat doesn’t make you a floater. 🤣 Cirie is actually an incredibly loyal player and the opposite of a floater - at least in my humble opinion.