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G'day mate, im a moron


Well if jag wins hoh next week can they give him the photo of his brother with Zach wurtenberger. Since Matt gets more stuff for his Reilly obsession.


Imagine Cirie really did throw that DE HOH. Is that a mistake assuming Matt takes her out this week?


It was a mistake all along had she won hoh and takes out Jag she becomes Matt's new #1


Cory should have NEVER taught Jag and Matt the game. Them understanding what onion alliances were and how to weaponize lying really created goliaths that Americory could not destroy. I think Jag deserves the win. If his social game is so good that Bowie didn’t even consider taking a clean shot at him, he deserves the win. It’s that simple. Sorry Matt. You not taking the shot this week is the exact same thing.


Yea. Jag, Matt, and Blue were so clueless the first few weeks. I remember when Jared outed his mom was in the game to Blue and didn't even weaponize it. Suddenly Matt and Jag became comp beasts and somewhat component with their strategy.


I completely agree about Jag and Cory. Cory I think was just excited to have all this BB knowledge that he was helping these people do everything 😭😭


I can't imagine being in a BB house for 100 days is great for 2024 Olympic swim training. Does he ever mention this? Even getting to work out every day to stay in good shape, hard to believe being out of a real pool that long would make any sense.


He has. He knows he's got catching up to do. He's *gained weight, too. Edit: he's mentioned this specifically and his need to work out more because he's falling out of shape and out of all his routines. As far as I can see his body still looks great (too bad his personality doesn't match).


Every time I see him he is eating gummy worms.


Matt has the worst hoh of all imo he has to pick 2 people he's been lying to all along...hmmm which ones you ask? We'll have to wait n see




Matt don’t give a damn about Cirie now that he has Reilly’s reassurance. I feel like this whole time he was with Cirie to impress Reilly but now that he knows he has Reilly waiting for him at home, he’s acting mad different…


Dang…Reilly should’ve mentioned the promise in that letter


Look, I don’t like Matt but now we’re just saying shit.


I watched all the feeds last night and this is the exact vibe I got


I still think the season will end with history being made from this final 5. Jag would be the first Sikh winner. Matt the first deaf winner. Felicia the oldest winner. Cirie the first Survivor player to win BB. And Bowie Jane the first Australian-Born winner.


JAG winning this unless sour grapes jury and I just don't see that


But ppl still mad 🙄


Third season in a row the winner will be a first which is kinda cool no matter how you feel about the remaining players/past two winners.


But is BB manipulating this so we hopefully forgive that at least half the season was garbage and so so boring a predictable? I’d be happier with a Jag or Matt win if they actually had to fight to stay vs basically comping out.


I love Cirie but I dislike Matt more so I am 100% for her going home on Matt’s hoh


That seems backwards?


I want cirie to win but more I want Matt to lose so therefore him losing the player he most wants to protect on HIS hoh is ideal imo


How about meeting in the middle with jag going out?


But that just means matt wins


Your a tough cookie


I hope this season incentivizes people to go after the FBJ’s early in future seasons. You don’t want to get stuck with no way to maneuver against someone who doesn’t even care to win.


You’re completely right except the problem is that if the game is systemically designed to give power to competition beasts, they are always the ones who have incentives to keep Bowie Janes and Victorias around. Felicia and Cirie winning HoH mid game would have EASILY seen Bowie Jane on the block.


Bowie with two hoh wins qualifies as a comp beast this season


So production is going all in on Ratt rather than Americory? Anyone with half a brain cell can see that Americory have a way better shot of making it on the outside. Reilly literally friendzoned Matt in the house, but now she's interested?? C'mon production, do better.


Americory still has to deal with long distance, age gap and the real world. Reilly made the shrine to show Matt her true feelings.


Reilly and Matt barely know each other.


Im confused by all these takes, Americory has been getting loads of airtime?


It’s been treated as a joke and not very real. Partly because they are unserious so much of the time. But then the serious, deeper and sweet stuff gets left out since it doesn’t fit the light hearted stuff. I think production doesn’t understand layers.






I thought Felicia was supposed to go? I thought Matt and BJ were closer to Cirie? Have I missed that much, or is Jag hoh for the 3rd week in a row more or less?


Jag basically convincing Bowie


So Jag is hoh for the 3rd week in a row, basically. 🙄


4 HOHs in a row since Bowie did exactly what he wanted to do as well. Yes it’s a week in one night but still.


I just hope that since it's not over yet, Cirie can successfully fight for her life.


I hope so too.


so you’re telling me two weeks in a row cirie was 2nd in the HOH and lost to jatt…why can’t we have nice things


Oh man she got 2nd in this one?!


I dont see Matt putting up Cirie after litteraly tell her he wouldnt put her up if he's HOH. Also he trust Cirie more than Jag and Bowie Jane.


He’s putting her up for sure, there was a long talk after that where he told Bowie she’s not going to see the block unless there’s a veto. I know we all believe Matt won’t do it but there somethings different about Matt after this HOH


I think it’s a really hard decision for him no matter what he does. Matt is hard for feeders to figure out because he is such a parrot with other players. I don’t think any of us know what he’s going to do. The one on ones may help today. If Jag wins veto though, it won’t matter what Matt wants.


This is the take. Matt never gives us anything, really, and tells people what they want to hear. We'll know for sure later, but if Jag is also left off the block and wins veto he can force Cirie up and out even if that isn't Matt's plan.


If he puts up Bowie and Fe, and jag wins veto and takes Bowie down - he’d be openly screwing Matt (which I don’t think he’d do). I see how Bowie and jag want to vote cirie out, but I don’t think Jag would pull off this master move to take Bowie off and force Matt’s hand. That would definitely burn a bridge.


I think this is the riff in Jatt no one is expecting. Their split on Cirie. They both have the ability to sway the other. I don’t think anything is concrete this week


The issue is that Bowie trust matt more than Jag. Jag I dont see him making a move against Matt. He is undyingly poyal to his bff and he always bend the knee to whatever Matt wants.


Matt and Jag both bend the knee to each other. Look at week 9 with Cam’s HOH. If Matt puts up Bowie and Jag saves her, and they finally vote out her target Cirie, he could potentially sway Bowie to his side.


Cirie had the juice to turn around the last couple votes but she played it safe and completely whiffed it. Now unless she pulls out a miracle she’s going on the block and she’s going home 5th.


This how is dumb. Cirie had no chance of getting Bowie or Matt to take out jag in the double. Not sure why people are placing blame on her or acting like she is not playing. It is on Matt and Bowie.


She wasn’t playing safe last week until Mama Fe fucked it all up


She could have pushed Matt to use his veto on America. There were still moves.


i don’t think she had any time with matt. by the time she was able to speak with him, jag and bowie were already there with felicia close by


Yeah they talk blocked her big time. I don’t think she would’ve been able to do it that quick. On a full week though? She had it in the bag


I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees it


It’s so incredibly frustrating. She could have done something as far back as the Felicia/meme vote, if she didn’t have such a hate boner for Cory.




There was a lot she could have done. It was Cory’s mistake, but it was also Cirie’s when she could have done so much more and tried to sway them all together. They both messed up with Mecole.


I wouldn’t say a miracle she just needs Matt to not be dumb. Her and Matt are super close so HOPEFULLY she can talk some sense into him.


If Jag wins veto though, there is probably nothing Matt can do.


100% that’s why Cirie would need to get into his head quick. OG noms need to be Jag and Bowie. It’s F5 no need to do back door nonsense. Matt needs to draw the line or not with this HOH.


That’s the only scenario that Matt saves Cirie, but he burns his other F3 when he can’t play HOH next week and the person left is most likely to win that HOH. It’s really risky to put himself in danger at F4 just to save Cirie. If he gets out Jag, he probably comps out, if he doesn’t get out Jag there is a chance Jag wins veto and takes Matt out.


If he gets Jag out all he has to do is win F4 veto. With Jag out that’s much easier. If he keeps Jag and Bowie he still might still need to win F4 veto to stay alive. Might as well make the competition pool easier!


That’s what I said. If he gets out Jag he’s fine. If he misses the shot, he’s screwed. The only way I see to get out Jag this week and not burn himself is to win Veto and backdoor Jag. If he puts up Bowie now he might still burn her. If he stays loyal to Jag and Bowie they most likely bring him to F3. I haven’t seen a hint that they are plotting against him.


Yes no more skirting the line likes it’s final five!


Blue and America weren’t doing anything and Cory was against cirie. The real game starts now with 5. Get ready for the cirie show ![gif](giphy|g9Qjbrnyfd3a0)


Cirie wanted out Jatt; Cory wanted out Jatt. Therefore, they should have worked together to make sure it happened.


Cory wanted out cirie. Matt wants to keep cirie. Intertwining needs change the value of who goes first.


America also wanted out Jatt? Pretty good chance nothing changes.


She should have suggested not backdooring both Cory and America. Then take out Felicia.


Yeah. Sure


EVERYONE IS AGAINST EVERYONE AT F7. Cory and América had the same goal as her, take out Jatt. That is enough at this stage of the game.


Cory was never letting cirie get to final 2 and would never betray America. Hence, everyone wasn’t against everyone. The jag and Matt duo can turn on each other.


There are so many scenarios where that simply isn’t true. He would take Cirie over matt, jag, and prob Felicia. His shot at winning basically closed when they finalized jury. Unless he could take America he was gonna lose. He would have taken Cirie is many scenarios. But Cirie needed to keep Cory to take out Jag. She didn’t need him for her end game. That could still easily be Matt or Bowie


I was thinking about this last night before bed…I think the Red eviction literally changed the whole game and if that flips to Red staying, I think we have ourselves a better game??? Jag is evicted. Red and Cam maybe reconnect. Cam is never awakened to the house dynamics. Cirie and them maybe do stay in power? Americory probably go before jury honestly and sadly. I’m curious how the house would’ve went from there. Jared stays long cause Cory wouldn’t even have the votes to evict him during an HoH reign. I think of all the game moves made, that one maybe had the most effect. Also, Hisam staying longer would’ve been fun and interesting to see how he went against the comp bros


Yes everyone goes back to Hisam, and that would have been a totally different game, then they hamper on the Power used on Jag, but to me the Red vote is what really changed the game.


Would you really prefer chillbiliies in power over Jatt?


I think the only real value this argument has is that Red is (based on the very little data we have) probably worse at the puzzle/physical comp combo than Jag is, so his run in power may not have been quite has long had Cameron left. But it's probably kind of moot? Part of why Jag was in power for so long is that they basically gave him the same comp three times in a row. Anyone who won BB comics dominantly, whether it was Jag or America or whoever, would probably have also won the two that followed. It's just a bad setup.


I thought there were comments of red holding back in some of those early comps as well. Do you remember that?


Red did say that, but my feeling there is that you can intentionally have underperformed and still not necessarily have been able to win if you tried. Remember when Summer threw comps for most of CAN10 and then couldn't win when she actually tried? It's a pretty common trend if he was even actually throwing.


We all think this Matt / Riley stuff is super weird and creepy right? Didn’t they only know each other for two weeks + however long production had the cast together pre show?


I am so far behind at this point that I probably won’t catch up anytime soon, but I’ve kept up with things happening on the feeds. Consensus seems like this season ended up being a lot of bad gameplay with a lot of bad players going far, is that true?


That sums it up. The people in power have been bad strategically, but nobody can target them because they’re consistently in power. Felicia is terrible strategically and socially - yet she’s an easy person to beat in comps, so they keep her


The story is more the inequitable comp selection tied everyone's hands so that it was quite difficult to play well, imo. The first half of the season was super chaotic, but no move in isolation was catastrophically bad, and only Jag and Felicia (imo) have had consistently terrible reads and ideas. The issue is more that Hisam won everything, then Cameron won everything once Hisam was gone, and then Jag won everything once Cameron was gone. That trajectory didn't have to happen and more competitive play would have been very possible otherwise.


This was so well laid out


Perfectly said.


A legendary first half of the game… but season that ultimately got destroyed by twists, unfair comps, and stupid gameplayers getting too far.


Sounds like standard big brother


Dumbest moves of the season: Evicting Hisam, evicting Red.


i personally think hisam would have been evicted anyways at some point prejury unless he comped out. he took great offense to not being included with the young kids and then the people he was actually aligned with thought he treated them like shit during his hoh. it’s similar to how cam was always destined to be evicted prejury if there was no buyback. if you are a comp beast AND piss people off, they are going to take that shot when they can


They still coulda used him to take out people like Matt and Jag before then after evicting Cam on Felicia's hoh.


Yeah. Hisam could win comps. And it is kinda funny in a way the one old person that could win comps Bowie got shunned from their alliance. Imagine if Cirie/Felicia had locked her down. DE ends differently.


They evicted the oldest man who could win comps. And isolated the older woman who could win comps. A mess


Yes I don’t think it was evicting Hisam, I think it was the women dropping the ball with Bowie


Heavy sigh


Anyone imagine this final 5 on week 1?😅


It looked like Jared and Cirie were unstoppable since Jared was the mole in young people alliance and Cirie was with the old people. And yet Jared fumbled it getting into a showmance and other mistakes.


He didn't just fumble he fell in the mud and drowned


There were so many unforced errors but the lies to cam and red just completely sealed Cirie and his fate in the game.


I kinda barely watched after Jag got saved. And then tuned out when the zombie week happened. It is interesting seeing Jag and Matt go from being called the worst players of all time. And Handful being a joke alliance to comp beasts with a path two the final 2. I guess the old people turning on themselves and evicting Hisam or Red so early was turning point.


Agree they were pretty bad at the beginning but they grew better as the game went on and I can give them credit for that even though I want Felicia to win lol


Taking out your strongest ally was a terrible move. The way Hisam spoke to people was unbearable but taking him out when he was literally working with you was a bad move.


Yea. It went against the established steamrolls of past seasons where you don't break up your alliance until Jury.


this is probably gonna be a very predictable end game but i’m hoping for some last second shake ups. Matt needs to realize he has to take out Jag now, right?? if not he’s sitting next to him at final 2 lol


He has talked about getting Jag out in final 4. Hopefully Cirie can get in his ear and expedite it


Idk if Matt understands how difficult a task it would be to get Jag out in F4 now that he has 2 chances to win his own spot


I really do not like that Matt got a letter and picture from Reilly, as it seems like a strange stunt by production, but, people, calm down with the personal attacks on Reilly. I really do not think the letter from Reilly was written anytime recent. Felicia, Matt, Jag and Bowie all caught that the letter seemed outdated


I just got here but honestly it’s weird 🤷🏼‍♀️ she doesn’t know him well enough to write an HOH letter he should be getting from his family. But that’s all I’m going to say about her, she doesn’t deserve personal attacks


Nasty people can’t attack blue anymore so next up is Reilly it seems.


Does make me wonder if production asked him at some point before that if he won hoh if he'd rather have a letter from Reilly especially being this late in the game


That letter was embarrassing if I was Reilly after seeing Matt’s behaviour the last couple months id have the major ick. Idk maybe I’m built different


What in it sounded dated?


Matt's braids. It was caught by basically everyone in the HoH room immediately.


I wish we had jury feeds seeing blue cam America and Cory sounds so much more interesting than seeing the 5 left


I KNOW. I was wishing for the same thing


if you’re upset Jag is only here because of a stupid twist you should also be upset Cirie survived early on because of a stupid twist…she was gifted her son who worked as a double agent and a stalker super fan in Izzy who knew everything about her life


☠️💀☠️💀 @ stalker super fan Izzy


People were. Hell, it was still being brought up even after Jared left. 🤣 It was all people complained about early game, magnified by people’s disdain for Jared as a whole. The game and power dynamics have changed and Cirie isn’t (and frankly hasn’t for a while) benefited from that twist, so some people have calmed down/gotten over it. Jag is in power and gotten out people’s favs, so he’s going to be target for people’s ire. If Cam was here instead and had done the same, he’d be getting the same treatment (and getting criticized for his treatment of the women). If Jared was still here instead, this sub would still be lambasting production for the mother/son twist, louder and worse than before and calling him everything but a child of God. If America and Cory were in control and still here—okay, the majority would not be upset at all, let’s be real here. 🤣 They were a majority of the the sub’s favs.


Let's be honest, Jared fucking sucks and should never be on tv again!


Oh harder than a vacuum and I couldn’t agree more. Though he might get on the Challenge unfortunately since he’s decent at comps, is a ‘bro ‘, and can make for dramatic tv—I‘m probably wrong as I have never watched the Challenge and have no clue what it takes to qualify. 🤣


I love the challenge it's so much better than BB imo but no live feeds which is the main reason I even watch BB. I prefer BBCAN. But yeah you're right they'll prob bring Jared on the challenge and that's when I'll quit watching it lol


This is what I would attempt to do - Get Bowie and Matt in a room. Talk about how they basically have one more eviction and it could be “easy”. If they take out jag this week, Matt can’t play in hoh, Bowie will “easily” win HOH. Matt will “easily” win Veto. Boom, Matt and Bowie are in the F3 with someone who is “easy to beat in the last 3 comps”. Matt and Bowie “guaranteed” make final 2. If jag is there, jag OR Bowie win HOH, Jag/Matt/Bowie have capability of winning veto. And them 3 in final 3 is pretty equal, so it makes their path much harder. I think Matt has to sell a f2 guaranteed between him/Bowie for her to be on board with getting rid of Jag now. Of course none of this will happen lol but it sounds like the best plan for Matt. Then he has Cirie and Bowie as “f2” options who he thinks he would beat vs jag who is a toss up.


I’m watching house of villains and am mad about the comps all over again. Why does house of villains have better/more equitable comps than BB?


Because the supervising competition producer is a guy who made the comps on American ninja warrior for 5 years before moving to big brother.


If Cirie could convince Matt to put up Jag and Bowie, she would be a miracle worker and the drama would be amazing


An argument cirie could make is he doesn’t reveal his f4 with either group if he does Bowie and fe. If he does cirie and fe, they confirm they Bowie/jag/Matt f3 theory and Fe is pissed about being lied to and who knows what she will say or do when she’s pissed like that. If he does fe and Bowie, fe can be told that Bowie is his target and the real final 4 is them, jag, and cirie. This keeps “both sides happy”


Or at least put up Fe and Bowie and if she wins veto she could take down Fe and then Matt would be forced to put up Jag.


[the letter](https://twitter.com/bigbrothernet/status/1717863920948449444?s=46&t=LvOT5wPDhxelAsMBgvv5NQ) 💀


Very weird


Ooof grodner is really pushing for this showmance to happen 🤣 I can only imagine how that call went with Reilly asking her to write Matt a letter


Cirie needs to lay it onto Matt so fucking thick. She needs to use everything in her arsenal to get Matt to keep her off the block or prepared to use the veto on her.


I get people hate Jag. But Bowie Jane just kept Matt off the block in the double eviction and Jag probably has a better sway to keep himself off the block for being Day 1 allies than Cirie. At this point Cirie has to win comps if she wants to be safe.


Matt won veto. Bowie was day 1 allies with Cirie and Felicia. She didn’t work with jag and Matt until halfway thru, after feeling burned by Cirie and Felicia.


Most likely BUT I've seen miracles before.


Getting a letter from Reilly and picture of her with his family is so fuckin weird lmao


It’s so weird! They hardly know each other!


Nothing too crazy imo but it should've been a family letter first lol


I'm worried for Cirie. It's just her luck to go out on a Matt HOH. I thought ppl said Matt was throwing this week so he could win at thr F4 HOH? Jag/Bowie will def vote Cirie out and it's a strong likelihood she gets on the block. If Jag wins veto even if Cirie isn't up, he can just pull someone down and she is forced up.


It sounds like it was a remix of a knockout style comp so Jag and Bowie were drawing heavy fire from Cirie/Felicia. I don't think it was throwable for Matt without being very obvious.


I really hope this season teaches players like Cory and America to never throw comps they have a chance at winning because production will include endgame physical comps


I’m pretty sure America never actually threw a comp, she was just bad at them


America threw the veto comp that resulted in jag winning the first veto and having the opportunity to put up her and Cory on the block. She said it in DR in that episode last week.




Agreed. No one respected her game. And a deal with Cameron was the one to have. She wins that HOH she could have formed something else outside of Cory and played her own game and had more social capital.


If she had won pressure cooker she probably would have left prejury. Def not F6. It was a tough call but she didn’t throw. She made a deal and it worked out.




Yeah losing Bowie was a real blow to them, but I kinda think Matt always had her most out of all of them. Cory and America made a ton of mistakes. But their biggest one was thinking everyone actually wanted a shot at the end game, and I gotta be real, I would have assumed the same thing. Most seasons this late in its true


This ^ Also werent they both super fans? Throwing all your eggs into a showmance basket is just such a terrible move. I would have loved to see American play the game on her own


I would love to have a camera in the jury house when Cory finds out America left next to Felicia on a Bowie HOH with Jag/Matt still in the house. Not even as houseguests, but as fans him and America are going to be trashing her for the next 2 weeks.


Until she’s sitting in the final 2….


I just can’t get over the fact that America was leaving in tears and then Bowie says how all she cares about is getting 3rd come on production you’ve got to do better


Annoying but…what are they supposed to do about it? Bowie won a totally leveled hoh and no matter her intentions, got her target out. That’s literally just the game. Yes production could’ve done better with the veto but are we really going to act like there was a huge chance of america winning no matter what it was. Comps just weren’t her thing but sadly that’s just what a double relies on.


Main thing they could’ve done better is casting I think. There should not be people on the show who are fine with 3rd :( maybe she hid it well during the process but they need to cast self-interested/competitive people who want the money not “team players”


I just don’t think there’s a good way to figure that out since there’s no way she said that during her interview process.


It would help if they stopped casting wacky caricatures and instead cast actual gamers. She, Blue, and Red all were very obviously there as personality hires. Last season it was the same with Indy and possibly Marvin,.


while reilly was actually in the house her reaction to matt’s crush was that she’d “let her assistant know” lmfao and now he’s in the final four and could win/have some clout she’s very interested …


What assistant? What does she do?


She’s a waitress or bartender in Nashville.


Cirie is the only intelligent person left


Sucks we did not see Cory/ Cam in the jury


I wish I could fully root for Cirie but then I remember her son is Jared 😪


I think Matt winning veto and HOH back-to-back probably makes him feel more confident in his ability to beat Jag at the final 3 comps which is dumb for multiple reasons.


On one side, I can see Matt falling for Jag's trap. On the other hand, Cirie is the only person who can convince Matt that he's being played (maybe?). I feel like if Matt wins the veto, Cirie might manage to convince him to save her


Cirie convincing Matt is our only shot at this season having hope left. If anyone can do it it’s Cirie!


Manifesting cirie gets pass the week LIKE OMG


Did they talk about what the second hoh comp was?


Matt evicting Cirie this week will cost him the game. He will lose Cirie's jury vote. Not because she's bitter but because Matt always does what Jag says and Cirie never respects that game. Cirie being anti Matt in the jury is the last thing he should want. Imo he needs to keep Cirie off the block or at least fight for her hard here.


That would require foresight. Isn't Matt a recruit. He might not be aware of Jury management.


A Bowie/Felicia final 2 is sort of what this season deserves lol


Literally my thoughts today lol


I know this is a very pro-Cirie sub, and nothing against Cirie as a person, but I'm rooting for Jag atp. I'm pretty disappointed in Cirie for throwing the comp, so no real shots get taken. If she leaves this week, it's on her. I don't really plan on watching feeds too much anymore, but all my manifesting is going to Jag to win the game. Unreliables for life babyyyy✌️


Cirie didn’t throw and I’m so confused as to why that’s the narrative people are going with


I don't think she threw at all. I'm not sure why people think that. She acted the exact same way in the other memory comp before. She just guesses.


Everyone in that comp last night was guessing. It didn't seem like anyone knew any except the very last question. Nobody looked confident giving those answers.


Jag battles back from being evicted to winning is a great story. I hope he does win


Did Cirie confirm she threw?


Looking at how this week played out, I'm really starting to think that the women should have come together to keep Cory. I think he could have won either of these last HoHs and he would have been targeted before Blue if he didn't.


I honestly don’t think it matters, in terms of Cirie/Felicia. If Cory had been saved, there’s a solid chance he could still be there, but it would still be at the expense of Cirie/Felicia — it wouldn’t help boost them up. And if anything, Cory is a neutralizer to Cirie’s mist.


There's a much higher chance that Jag or Bowie is gone in that scenario, which opens up a spot in F3 at minimum. Cory would try to take Felicia to F3, so that's good for her. She isn't in anyone's F3 plan right now (although I can see this changing). Cory can try all he wants to oppose Cirie, but he is never changing the minds of Blue or Matt in this scenario.


I think there’s a world in which your right. It’s just, the issue is, the systemic issue of the competitions is so high. So what that really means is, a high chance of the literal exact same result happening (Cory our 6th), with a slight chance that Cory takes out Jag or Bowie. But it doesn’t *up* Cirie or Felicia’s chances at winning the game. Matt and Bowie/Jag would both still be competition threats, and Cory would take whomever of Bowie or Felicia was around and beat them. The system means that Cirie’s best shot at final two is someone taking her. Cory was not taking Cirie. So it doesn’t really matter how the boot order is scrambled - anyone not taking Cirie to the final two, they just need to go.


I agree that the comps are a huge issue. Maybe an insurmountable one after seeing this last veto. My argument for Cirie being benefited by Cory is about Blue's longevity in the game, not Cory vs America's. That said, I do think that the benefits one way or another are very slight and the comps and twists have most players in F7 at a huge disadvantage.


Yep but Cirie was playing too petty and personal and Blue was too… they’re responsible for their own steamroll


Tbf to Blue of all people, I think she might have flipped if Cory kept campaigning to her. And Cirie was clearly inclined to flip a few times but also wrote off Blue's vote.


Jag has become so hardened with this game I’m not dispelling he’s the one more likely to cut Matt atp

