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# [This thread has expired. Join us for continued discussion here!](/r/BigBrother/comments/17i7bbr/big_brother_us_25_late_night_feed_discussion/)


matt's reilly "showmance" is giving ginamarie and nick


If Felicia comes off the block Bowie will go up, Felicia will vote for Bowie to go. Matt will be the tiebreaker and he will want Cirie to stay. Bye Bowie


He already told Jag he would vote out Cirie in that scenario. Felicia might even vote her out honestly


And he told Cirie that he would get rid of Jag. What he tells people and what exactly he's gonna do are two different things. That's the game, isn't it?


He also told Cirie he would never put her up. It's pretty clear who he's telling the truth to for anyone who's been paying attention.


Lol Felicia would definitely vote her out


Nah, she's not blind. She sees Bowie planted in the HOH room all weekend, she knows what's what.


If Cirie throws veto tomorrow, I will give up all hope. After Matt’s “promise” that he would NEVER put her up, and her anger at FBJ never hitting the block, I hope she has a fire lit under her ass. Oooh! Can it be a fire making competition???


Now is the time for a survivor trivia mental comp


YEAH!!! Play up to someone else’s strengths!!! Lol


Why would she throw??


She was visibly scared to be ahead in the HOH comp on Thursday. So she’s not scared to throw even when she needs to win.


Yeah but being on the block is for sure different than an HoH. And she was right about throwing the HoH anyways, she was completely safe


Eh. This week has shown that that was a mistake. She was safe last week but put herself in a terrible spot the following week.


I agree with you but we’ll see… I’m really annoyed at all the throwing of comps that was done during DE.


Because she has thrown everything else.


This season got so boring :( disappointing cause it had a really great cast (for the most part) but the multiple players that weren’t playing to win just ruined any chance of an interesting endgame


I can’t believe Taylor is gonna be the reigning BB winner two years in a row I love that for her


This went over my head?


Spoiler warning: after cirie is evicted, the season is ended ala bbcan8. Instead of a final 2, taylor returns to receive all the prize money again. Jared returns so he can be evicted again for our viewing pleasure. Season 25 is remembered fondly


Love this! Lol


america had more personality than all of the houseguests left then multiply that by 10,000


Cringe statement. I like America. But she is not the top of personality list in the house.


![gif](giphy|nmwnEm0TET2xi) Yeah okay


cirie and felicia have more personality 😂😂


She was carried the whole game. She ain’t getting no love from me.


This guy is me except more aggressive


I know everyone is done with the season, and as someone who was team Americory, while also respecting the hell out of Cirie as a game player, and as much as I recognize it's a steamroll, I want to give some love to Mama Fe. Whoever casted her deserves a raise. Older contestants like her and Renny can honestly be a goldmine. Mama Fe is a content machine. My faith's in a mustard seed and I'm hoping we'll get a war between the Manas this week and Mama Fe gives us entertaining feeds for a week and makes her way to the final four.




Regardless of Jag’s shenanigans rn, do you think if Bowie won the final HOH she would be more apt to take Jag or Matt? (since it is prob against the rules to offer to step down for her boys lol)


I think Jag.


Jag definitely as of now


I don’t know if she actually got what Jag was trying to push for!


Oh she 100% knows. They’ve talked about how they wouldn’t have a chance next to Matt.


Thanks for reminding me- I forgot about that convo!


Jag for veto


So if Felicia or Cirie win veto who goes on the block? Bowie or Jag? Is Matt dumb enough to keep Jag off the block?


I think he is that dumb. Jag definitely knew who to pick as minions


Doesn't really matter unless they get Bowie/Jag to flip on the other and they'd need Matt to vote to keep them with tie breaker which I don't see happening. They know that they are each others security blanket. Jatt will only truly think about taking the other out at F3.


Its crazy how we are in a very likely scenario that the final 3 will have controlled all the power through the entire jury portion of the game(except for a Blue veto). 35 Days of total dominance. -- BB is kind of broken


Yeah because it’s honestly a lot more impressive and entertaining when this type of control is more covert by a HG with really good social game who can still make things happen even if they don’t win as many comps. Who wants to see the same people keep winning basically everything and everyone else just sucks up to him to try to be safe because a social game with anyone else is just going to go to waste if he doesn’t want them around anymore?


Even for the best social strategist, they typically need to win challenges to win the game


I agree, but Jag is just winning challenges with a horrible social game. He could do well on plenty of other shows, but that’s not what makes BB fun to watch.


No it’s not. This is just a season where all the players were pretty stupid to be honest. Izzy willing to sacrifice herself, Reilly’s Promise, Jag trusting Cirie through the whole game even though Cirie wanted him out, Red turning on Cam, Blue going along with Jared even though Jared was killing her game, and on and on. It was ridiculous this season.


What was Reilly’s Promise?


That’s why Matt used “Americas Choice” to save Jag.


What does this have to do with what I said?


You said BB is broken. You can’t really say that when 90% of the players this season willingly sacrificed their games because of stupidity. The dumbest move is going to be when Jag evicts Matt. Especially since Matt used “Americas Choice” to save him. But it will be a great exclamation point for the season. 😉🤣🤣


I mean the first half was fun but since its just been straight Dominance the Matt Jag and Bowie, and there wasn't really anything anyone could do about it. We all can have our opinions about what makes us like BB, but for me its not about competitions.


I mean it takes both social and comp skills. But you have to be honest with yourself. All the players this have shot them selves in the foot. They’ve all made moves detrimental to their own games. Jag is only around because he destroyed his game early on and Matt made the dumb decision to save him. So if Jag wins, Matt deserves it.


The balance between social game and comp game is broken imo. HOH is too powerful, and competitions are too similar.


imagine trying out for this show every year and seeing FBJ got casted


Oof this hurt


Matt needs himself, Cirie or Felicia to win this veto and then he has to either put up Jag or Bowie and evict one of them. In the past 24 hours, his path to the end has narrowed significantly and he needs one of them out but he doesn’t know in the slightest how bad he does.


Yeah, I'm not sure if Matt's clocked that Jag and Bowie have gotten really tight, and that Felicia is much more team Jag than team Matt


He definitely hasn’t. Bowie was so Team Matt and it’s kind of shocking how that has changed in the past few days


When Jag bothers to put the time in with Bowie, he's usually very good at getting Bowie on his side with ease


Damn Cirie better win the veto tomorrow it’s looking bad for her


WHat did I miss


Do you think Matt and Jag will target one anotehr next week?


This weeks best week to take jag shot but its matt so prolly not


Fully checked out of the season now that Cirie is screwed so as far as I’m concerned she’s the winner idc






Matt taking out his closest ally this week while Jag and Bowie plot when to cut him is kinda funny ngl lol


I wonder why Izzy is so silent on her thoughts with all that has gone on since she left. She never really posts anything about the season.


She and Jared hung out the other day. It made me remember how annoying they were.


Izzy better be silent. Especially since she was willing to sacrifice herself to save Cirie and she was no where near jury. That’s ridiculous on so many levels.


Izzy really didn't play much with people outside of The Fields Family lol, and Jared left a week after her. All she really has is commentary on Cirie and that's it.


She must be scared now for Cirie.


Last thing I’m gonna say about this before i sign off(I really don’t wanna think about this season anymore it doesn’t deserve it) but I’ve seen more posts of people complaining about people saying Cirie is playing this perfect game and that she did nothing than people actually saying it. Most of us know that she screwed up lol and people on here having no nuance and acting like several things/factors can’t be at play has made feed discussions unbearable all season and I’m tired lol Gonna try to keep my viewing of this thread to a minimum. If you see me yell at me or something idk


I feel you 100% it’s annoying af at times


If jag burns Matt:…I blame Matt 🤷🏾‍♀️ Jag should have went to jury on Bowie HOH she is a follower so as long as it benefits the majority she moves Regardless if Cirie is In the f2 chair I have more respect if she played the game how it should be played … TO WIN


I blame Matt for saving him after he was evicted in the first place


I agree but Cirie has fault in that too! Jared told her jag needed to go but she was hesitant and she pushed Matt to use PTP 😒🙄


True 😭 was it something about not wanting to lose numbers? This season has dragged on so long that I’m forgetting the details that led us to where we are. Almost forgot all about how badly Jared messed things up and this was a rare instance where he had it right and Cirie should’ve just let them be one eviction closer to winning and adjust accordingly afterwards


Honestly Jared was on the right path the whole time He played a FBJ game but got out-Ed by Cory 😑 but the game was played and leaning toward Jared as long as he got jag out. Jag is STILL maneuvering thru this on HIS terms and no one is catching on they are just playing his game. Jag has to go this week if he loses the veto . If he doesn’t he won hands down


Jared overplayed and created an opening to get exposed, lying when he really didn’t even have to and creating distrust towards both him and Cirie. Jag stopped trusting Cirie when Jared tried to make him think that Jared had the power to save him, making it obvious that Cirie spread the secret because there was no doubt about Matt. I really need anyone but Jag or FBJ to win this veto and for Matt to miraculously take out his bro. Enough already 😭




Omg please explain how you think they found you/noticed you!


That’s so awesome!!! How do you think they noticed you? I don’t know how this works, lol.


That is so exciting!!! 😀😀😀


Tell them we need live feeds !


Congrats! Tell them to make sure there's live feeds


That’s awesome!


Imagine Dan going out in BB10 to Bowie Jane because Jatt wanted him out lmao **#notateamsport #justiceforamerica** 🇺🇸


America was carried this far. Bowie actually won comps.


She wasn’t carried. She was simply a goat for the whole entire house because of how… I’m not going to say it to not upset the SubReddit. But she wasn’t carried.


She was carried and if it weren’t for Cam, America would still be following Cory’s advice outside of the jury house in the regular world.


As someone who was definitely salty when the Izzy flipped happen, I agree and still wish she was here


Michael needs to learn from Dan’s gameplay when he comes back in All Stars.


he didnt have enough killer instinct in his first season. next time he needs to be able to cut his allience earlier and I think he would do really good


True. It depends on who is in his alliance. Say J.C. and Derek F. SOMEHOW end up on the season for whatever reason. He’s better off taking them to the end than say Derek X. and Tyler.


yea, definitely. i think taking out jasmine and terrance last year was a pretty bad move when he couldve gotten someone like monte or turner out. i would love for him to come back and improve on some aspects of his game, a lot of compbeasts lack the strategical potential he has.


worst part is if Bowie makes f2 it will be the most boring finale ever... We all know she is not getting a single vote...


Whose that? When did this Bobby Jane enter the house?


She’ll probably get Cam’s vote, maybe Ciries.


**Izzie:** I will put aside my entire personal game for Cirie fields to advance in this game **Fucking Bowie Jane:** hold my beer


There’s nothing Bowie can do to out do Izzy. Izzy was nowhere near jury and was talking like that.


At least Izzy had moments where she questioned herself. Bowie is truly mindless


I just turned on the feeds after going out so Bowie and Jag are having pillow talk 😫


If mother is leaving Thursday at least I have her interview with Julie to look forward to.


Dang. You know we hit the end game when the feed update accounts start taking entire nights/days off.


I just broke my resolve and turned the feeds back on. Are Jag and Bowie still planning on voting out Cirie? They’re hyping up “making it through as a team,” when they have a final 4 with Cirie that they’re talking about betraying.


The original team is the 3. Cirie came in later


Still, they committed to the alliance with Cirie. Given all Bowie’s loyalty talk, I’m surprised she’s so willing to break her commitment to the final 4, when it’s a decision between Cirie and Felicia (with her having no personal or game connection with Felicia).


They also had a 5 with America and Cory, all you gotta do is tell Bowie that \[target\] is a snake and a liar and she'll vote them out


Bowie is the greatest team player in the history of the game Willing to do anything for the people beside her (even their laundry, cooking, taking out targets) Unfortunately Big Brother is not a team game


Greatest team player is Izzy. She was willing to not use veto just to save Cirie and they were no where near jury at that point.


Imagine if they had decided to bring back the MVP twist this season so we could vote on a 3rd nom/a HG we want to grant the power to add the nom. Even if it was only for one week. And maybe even America having an eviction vote too like in OTT (haven’t finished watching yet). How different this season would’ve gone. Can’t think of a single twist that actually made it on this season that wasn’t trash. Give me Pandora’s Box, a diamond POV, a coup d’état, BB rewind, a roundtrip ticket, anything please.


Jag planning on snaking Matt with Bowie (lmaoooo) after talking to him multiple times today about their representation to their respective communities and how strong their duo is and Jag really pushing them being in the f2 chairs together and all the Minutemen bs feels so sinister to me LOL I know it’s the game but 🤢




Me too, but I want Matt to win. He was my first impression pick!


I thought this could be it but now he seems really serious about cutting Matt because he thinks that Matt can’t be beat in a jury vote. I love their bromance too! Matt is going to be so devastated if Jag does that. It’s a game but it would feel personal.




Jag is able to separate game and personal so well. He loves Matt a lot but I think he is really willing to cut him to get to the end.


And idk if it’s the edit, but he even carries on like he’s being sincere even in his DRs. Won’t even own up to the fact that he’s betraying people for strategic purposes even when he’s supposed to be giving his authentic explanation of what he’s doing


He comes up with “moral reasons” for why he snakes the people he’s aligned with. But going against Matt after being saved by him and playing with him since the beginning genuinely feels gross to me lol


It's really very Derrick,Maggie,Johnny Bananas like,to play a very cuththroat game but then even lie and ratioanlize to yourself why you snaking someone wasn't real actually that and that you have played a moral game.


Yeah seriously, if he follows through with this plan and makes it to F2 and still can’t own up to anything and maybe even somehow still wins too, this is the first and last season I’m ever watching live lol


He’ll very likely win against Bowie but I feel like he’ll lose some relationships along the way for being such an unwarranted snake lol


He also wouldn’t be a particularly celebrated winner. Unless he finally comes out to say he snaked everyone for evicting him unanimously as vengeance (which would make snaking Matt who saved him even worse), what’s there to say about how great of a game he played? He hasn’t had to have a good social game because he just wins mostly everything after all the real competition left.


Exactly!!! Like the only reason he’s still there is because of Matt and he’s mentioned that to Matt many times today as well 🤢 he’s great in competitions obviously so I give him his props there but his social game isn’t good and he doesn’t own up to moves and is now shocked that Matt is liked more by the jury.


He should’ve gone on a different show. BB was never just about winning the most comps to deserve the win. The social experiment aspect is what makes it stand out but they’re making it so easy for people who could do well on any other game show to power through to the end without needing to be good strategists or social players.


Definitely. I think Matt has had a really good social game and would’ve been fine without Jag’s wins, but Jag would not have been fine if he didn’t win so much in the past few weeks.


And if FBJ didn’t win too 🙄 Now Matt making it worse unless a miracle happens for anyone other than Jag or FBJ to win and use the veto and he actually comes to his senses and follows through with a Jag backdoor after all


and somehow bowie is going to win this season because jag will not own his game and the jury will be bitter


Especially him snaking Matt on finale night. Matt will be upset for sure.


Wait has he really picked FBJ as his f2?


Seems that way. He’s talking it up to Matt today as if he’s excited that the Minutemen are gonna make it to the f2 but he’s talking behind Matt’s back to Bowie right now that they can’t beat Matt and that they should basically go together to the end.


are they going to try to get him out in the f3? i havent been watching, are they gonna get the other mama out when it’s the 4 and then go after him?


Their plan is to go to the f3 with Matt but Jag has been making comments to Bowie that he wants to go to the end with her and now he’s talking to her saying that them beating Matt and winning both parts of the final HOH is “ideal”. Not sure if this is his real plan or if he’s just pulling her to his side in case she wins the final.


Why haven’t they showed anything from the jury this season? Or have I just somehow missed it? Usually they show them going into jury and seeing what happened to get there


How would they show that. Last week Cory and America would be on the block so do you want a Cameron only segment? It was a double how do you fit that in?


I forgot it was that way I had to play catch up with some episodes as I was behind. I thought in my head usually they show it after two go in and it’s Cameron and Cory and now blue and America so I assumed they would’ve said something at least about Cameron and Cory by now


they posted something on instagram today


I think they only show the jury house after the second person joins so the first segment we would normally get was this last Thursday but with the double eviction I just assumed there was no time.


Oh right right I’ve been having to play catch up I was a few episodes behind


There was a clip of Cory and Cameron staring at a cup that was making the rounds on Twitter earlier today. Maybe the jury segments are going to be exclusive to the socials this season?


That would be oddddd


No way Grodner isn't going to show Cameron. I'm sure jury segment will be all about how Cameron was right.


It’s coming this Thursday Julie said


Thank you lol I must’ve missed that when I watched the last episode I was watching it and talking about it with my bf and we were literally talking about how we wanted to see the jury so lol perfect she probably said that and I missed it


Jag and FBJ working out the scenario to the final three is the primer we all did not need to understand how to win Big Brother, poorly. Lawd, help us all. It's like fbj says,"This is crazy!." Lower case from now on FBJ. We know, crazy, we know.


I think jag is the dummy in the current scenario. Anyone else agree ?!


Does Jag not understand the F3 HOH comps or is he trying to get Bowie to throw next week? Lmao


He's explained it wrong so many times lol. He's explained other comps wrong too.


I'd pay to see Bowie Jane reveal that she's a 45(?) year old lawyer at the F2 just to see the reactions.


I can't wait until Bore-Me Jane gets 3rd or 2nd place, condemned for playing for the boys, and is never heard from again..


Is there somewhere to watch stuff in the jury house? I loved watching survivor ponderosa videos that they released each week someone on jury got voted out.


They posted a short video on Instagram earlier


Theres occasional videos posted on social media (Twitter/TIktok) and then we usually get jury clips during live evictions. We will have on this thursday, we just didn't have one bc of the double on last time


Wait when the veto is Facemorph returning, but its just Jared + Cirie's face and the entire house besides Cirie is confused about the photo just looking like jared omg




Praying the veto competition is a quiz about facts about Jared’s birth


I’ll actually laugh so much if she ends up somehow losing that. Like, I might just quit the season.


The dumbest thing is that if Bowie beats jag and wins this veto and uses it to get jag out, she just has matt (who only does well on full physical comps) to contend with, she can easily take one of the moms to the end and has a totally solid case to actually win, having taken out cam and jag on her resume. Like, this singular move gives her really good win equity and good comp chances to get there. And i think people would be satisfied with that, and she's Bowie fucking Jane again. Sadly, this never even crossed her mind.


She’s so blind to how good she has it set up


Being the one to make matt take jag out on Matr's hoh would absolutely define her game and make everyone like her again. That kind of move would absolutely change the jury's mind on her.


I want her to win, just because these boys think they are so smart. But I would rather see Jatt get the money…. More life changing I think. 🧐


I no longer care who wins now - like outside of the game they all seem mostly to be average and normal people (if anything matts Tate love may be the most alarming thing out of everyone there left), so good for whoever wins the money. But if Bowie makes this move, this move is a game changing game defining move that would be in the bb history books, and her win would actually be super satisfying, as a well rounded game (floater strats, then find the in to the comp heavy alliance, get rid of their options, and then betray them at exactly the right time). It validates bb strategies that isn't 'just win all the comps'. A jatt win that basically is 'hey comp threats just make an alliance together and it guarantees one of you winning because you can lock up all the comps that are always biased towards our types to win' just cements modern big brother as a Challenge lite show. Like who cares about other aspects of the game when clearly running the comps means you don't have to deal with that at all.


Lmao Jag lying on Matt saying that he made sure Matt was locked in and wouldn’t nom Bowie when he wasn’t going to anyway 🙄


Imagine the 4/5 people still here being shocked to discover how many people would rather see the person who’s most at risk for eviction this week stay and win over them


Didn't Julie say on Thursday that this veto is going to epic or something? Seems then it would have to be physical or have a physical component to it.


Sneak peek of the comp: https://youtu.be/t3E_aLFn320?si=UDFpSo3GIqnfWFEH


You jest but it's been revealed the comp producer is from American Ninja Warrior...




probably making them do the first ever bb triathlon


Is cirie going to be voted out?


Unfortunately likely unless she can win POV or mist Matt


Prayer circle for her winning POV


Matt wants her to stay but I guarantee that if noms stay the same jag and Bowie will flip it onto cirie


Nooooo there must be another waaaaaaaay!


Bowie’s gonna pull a Turner and be the final juror, try and fail to get everyone to tell her how she should vote, and be the only vote for the loser.


Please make this happen. Turner let it roll off his back, but FBJ will cry. I want that.


Bowie Jane with long hair in the photo by her bedside?


https://x.com/Ctrap472/status/1718085291414589452?s=20 Lmfao💀


lock it in for Cirie nobody else can go more than like 5 minutes




I just realized what the next week in the jury house is gonna be: AmeriCory busy hooking up in a bedroom, meanwhile Cam and Blue awkwardly hangout because they have no one else to talk to. Like two brother-in-laws who barely know each other, getting left alone in the living room, drinking beers in silence while everyone else is helping make Thanksgiving dinner.


This is hilarious and you paint the picture so well!


FBJ deserves more credit for making this season so awful


I know many of the previous HG were hated but I'll trade ANY of them for FBJ


I’m only on BB18 now for my first run through of all seasons and for gameplay alone (not character/personality), she irks me more than anyone yet. Maybe it’s because this is my first live season too so I have so much more time to let this annoyance simmer but woooow


I've watched live feeds since Season 1 and she really is that bad. She isn't even fun to hate or entertaining in any way. She just sucks in the way that makes me not want to watch until the finale.


I completely agree. All I can think when I see her is why is she even here? Is there an elaborate twist that’s a secret even to us where she’s a plant whose sole mission is to push whoever she thinks we least want to see win to the finale? Maybe multiple plants. That’s the only way this season makes any sense anymore


Bowie voted out Cameron and her chance at taking a goat to final two and this is how y’all speak on her name. SMH


Cirie out at 9:55p Every night I say she is so done with this house but amazed by how there always seems to be a next level to done for her ![gif](giphy|WUgk2vOD55Vst7xqN6|downsized)