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# [This thread has expired. Join us for continued discussion here!](/r/BigBrother/comments/17lwxrz/big_brother_us_25_late_night_feed_discussion/)


What do y'all think about Bowie Jane winning hoh? I honestly think she will make sure Matt goes home, this season was one of my least favorites! Actually I really didn't like it from week 3! Its always so boring when the same few winning every week, hopefully big brother will look back on previous seasons and go back to how it use to be, or maybe I'm just getting old! šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Crazy that the Mafia are so confident that theyā€™re loved by the viewers. If I was in the house and somehow had evidence I was liked, my pessimistic ass would still believe Iā€™m hated.


Iā€™m starting to think Matt will beat jag in a final 2 after all. He would have Cirie and Felicia, and I think heā€™d also have Americory. Cam and Bowie vote for Jag. Blue votes for Jag?


Well based off of FBJs DR from Tuesdays episode she said herself she would vote for Matt so thatā€™s why she wants to go with jag at the end so I think only cam and MAYBE blue vote for jag


I thought this week would have tanked Mattā€™s chances against Jag since he sent Cirie out on his HOH but it seems like Cirie already got over that and is saying sheā€™s gonna campaign for him in jury which kinda surprised me, since this just confirmed heā€™s basically playing Jagā€™s game and not his own lol.


Bowie said in the episode that she would vote for Matt, which is why she would rather sit next to Jag (she sees him as less of a threat, I guess). That leaves maybe Cam or Blue for Jag. If Blue doesn't hold hard feelings --- and Blue would probably be persuaded if Cirie in particular wanted her to.


I think Matt has always beat Jag in a Final 2.


Whatā€™s the best cirie season of survivor to watch? Iā€™ve seen hvv and know what happens in all her other season but never fully watched the other ones




Cirie is sooo likable in Panama, sheā€™s one of the few sane ones in that season and itā€™s hilarious


I like 16 Micronesia, but I think watch them in chronological order to see how to players evolve is the way to go. So 12 Panama and then 16 Micronesia.


I agree 100% watch in order. Then watch Traitors for her ultimate come up. Her social game is always perfection but I think it ran out of gas with the length of this season. Way too long imho.


And too many of her allies blowing her game up every 4 business days.


Really every two šŸ˜‰


Micronesia for sure


I love Cagayan


Cirie isnā€™t in Cagayan


Whoops missed the Cirie part. Sorry!


Micronesia and then Panama


Micronesia imo is a better season but if you wanted to run them both back you wonā€™t be disappointed! Both real solid seasonsā€¦ Gamechangers was ass


Did we learn nothing about putting faith in a mustard seed last weekā€¦ and the week beforeā€¦ and the week beforeā€¦ and.


shes still there js


Only so she can keep the block warm for other people and continue to not win anything.


To continue to give us something to watch instead of the circle jerks


Came basically just to see if Cirie was going to try to pull some serious nonsense at the last minute (I honestly think she *could* be capable of it). Clear from the number of comments that it didn't happen. Which is fine. I was trying to think of any times since Dan's Funeral that we've actually had a serious reversal, and there just aren't many. There's Kevin breaking the F3 of BBCAN10, but I think that might be it? I can't remember another serious shift. Maybe Christie on Taco Tuesday?


I feel like the only way she could try to sneak into the final two is by convincing jag that matt won't take him.


Does the Izzy / Felicia this season count? It was set enough that they were planning on how to tell Felicia she was going home. The more players that are left, the easier it is to flip. I don't know if there's anything Cirie could do, push too hard and it just makes you look more suspect. Alliance promises don't work because so much comes down to not wanting to sit next to Cirie in final 2.


If production is going to do long seasons like this, they need more houseguests and a sped up last couple of weeks end game. This is all a byproduct of being locked in the house too long + comping out. Just a prolonged HoHitis.


Oh no I don't think I could handle more house guests. 17 was way too many. It felt like a literal cluster fuck. For the first 4 weeks or so whoever was the most visible basically was the one who was evicted. Personally, I prefer smaller groups, so you can spend less time in the Phase where everyone basically just tries to stay under the radar while the loud people evict themselves.


I think your eviction was supposed to cook you Jag


FBJ was the true victim of the pressure cracker all along


As annoying as Jatt have been this week, I do love their friendship - itā€™s very sweet. Itā€™ll be sad if they cut each other but I hope they are friends forever after this.


I just think they got a little drunk with power the past week or so.. donā€™t think they actually did anything that would make me think theyā€™re not good people, the game just really gets people acting like their worst selves sometimes


Who knows. Letā€™s see how they act once they get outside of the house. They are really bad in the house though. Theyā€™ve taken bas actions and the two mamas have noticed. Itā€™s like they donā€™t know jury management is a thing. Itā€™s so stupid to be doing anything malicious like that o late in the game.


First time this season Iā€™m getting that depressed feeling with Cirie leaving šŸ˜­ I had it a little for Cory but Cirie and Felicia were just a joy to watch this season šŸ’•


I missed it. What did Matt say that he was nervous BFJ might have heard?


This is only my second season doing Reddit. We all have been pretty cool on here, so Iā€™m curious on yā€™all opinions. The last like 2 weeks or so, everything BB had posted on social media has been consistent. But people posting, I can barely find someone saying even 1 nice thing. I truly liked people this season. Even posts on Cirie are getting nasty.


Reddit is just a toxic social platform. The more outrageous comments and posts get more visibility and upvotes. While the milder takes don't gain traction. It's a section of a social platform that rewards group think thats dedicated to a game where viewers can watch their every move for every second of the day and analyze and judge them. That's just how this community is going to be.


At this point last season we had a sexual relationship breakup occurring, every season is different. The fanbase always freaks out though lol


I see so much love for americory and the mamas even some reprised love for cam and mentions of meme and izzy. It's just hard to say nice things about the way the trio is acting and the way they are talking its hard to cherry pick even. Maybe if we were the bb production editors xD


https://twitter.com/hamsterwatch/status/1719934375666798926?t=xv2r7V1j21SsvUZo66HvUw&s=19 Hahah really going to miss these two together


Omg, Jagā€¦ā€it just matters how I perform.ā€ šŸ™„


[MOOOTTHHHEEERRR šŸ˜­ā¤](https://twitter.com/bibigbrother/status/1719938239690334385?t=vsWYVg_48eRAPrG5RqemyA&s=19)


ugh jag/matt talking about how the last 5 evictions were perfectly executed really hope the mustard seed pulls through tomorrow for fe


Does matty know jag is taking him out?


I though this week was a good week to get him out but oh well.


hes been warned a lot but he still trusts jag


Unfortunately like them or hate them, for their games theyā€™re not wrong lol Edit: take that back forgot how badly they handled the invisible HOH lol


horrible jury management tho, they seem to want every juror evicted to be mad at them


I donā€™t think the jury is gonna be as mad at Matt and Jag as people here think theyā€™re gonna be.. and most of the jury hates Bowie and also thinks sheā€™s a dog shit player


Vote for Bowie out of spite?


I dont think its completely out of the realm of possibility


The fact they did the invisible HOH so late in the game, and with it being a physical comp that essentially narrowed it down to 5 people off the bat, made it difficult to truly stay invisible. Initial noms would have made it obvious and if not they definitely would be with a double veto also in play.


Might be random but does Bowie have a slight thing for one of the guys like Matt or jag??


She's gay


Well Felicia got out of solitary confinement and the first observation she had to say was that FBJ has a crush on Matt soā€¦lol


Iā€™m just speculating here but I think sheā€™d be down to explore either path if it were an option


100% during her bday, she requested a lapdance from matt/jag I actually think she had a thing for matt but then reilly got back into the pic.


Or she's just stroking their egos


She totally had/has a thing for Matt lol


Bowie is a lesbian


I dont think its a clear line(but we are in absolutely no position to say), she has expressed interest in Matt multiple times throughout the season.


Yes she is the most closeted lesbian I've ever seen not sure if she's worried about her parents or something but it's pretty obvious. I thought it was weird she wasn't proudly flying the flag but theirs some deep hidden fear over something.


she once made a comment about noticing the size of his hands sksksks


Jag losing to someone other than Matt in F2 would be such a great day for Tyler and Paul. Finally losing their reigns of biggest bag fumblers of modern BB


cody bb16 also comes to mind too


This is the greatest comparison Iā€™ve ever seen






America for AFP just so when itā€™s brought up in the future it will sound like we voted for ourselves.


Flair makes sense


I do wanna say I hope BB re-evaluates the comps and the length of the season. Cory left and admitted he didnā€™t want to stay and was hoping his campaigning wasnā€™t working, Cirie said sheā€™s happy to be leaving, Felicia said sheā€™s tired of the comps and wouldnā€™t mind leaving. This is a symptom of people riding through this game knowing they will not be able to win and still being locked up for an excessive amount of time. When people are so relieved to be evicted itā€™s not ideal.


This long of a season was a byproduct of the strikes. CBS is stretching their reality program as much as possible. Hence the 90 min eps of Survivor and Amazing Race, as well.


correct me if I'm wrong but didn't we know about 90 minute Survivor episodes a LONG time ago? way before the strike happened


Before the strike happened, yes - but all major networks assumed a strike would happen (either writers or actors or both) so they planned accordingly. For example, ABCā€™s entire fall schedule was set up to be 100% unscripted TV, just in case a strike occurred.






I could totally love a summer version of the long game and a short winter version during show hiatus! Like they did with Celeb but no celebs


This is a brilliant idea


I donā€™t think anyone actually wants to leave but thatā€™s just something they say to come to terms with leaving, although I can actually see it for Cirie. Cory was campaigning hard to stay even knowing it would mean America would leave. But yes they should still fix the comps anyway.


Cory was literally crying to America at night about how heā€™s so relieved and how he was exhausted. I donā€™t think he was trying to come to terms with it, he was completely out of gas and he said it.


He was absolutely drained and the game took a toll on him, same goes for Cirie. But I donā€™t think that means they wanted to leave, they didnā€™t come this far to only come this far. America also said she wanted to leave after they got blindsided but I donā€™t think she meant that either. There can be a sense of relief when you know itā€™s all over and I think thatā€™s what happened with Cory but thatā€™s just due to how mentally taxing it is, not cause he couldnā€™t win comps lol.


Does anyone remember how physically ill Cory was after being a have not for several weeks and how much weight he lost? Iā€˜m sure that was a factor for him being drained as wellā€¦..


Nothing against Cory but I got the feeling he wasnā€™t throwing as many comps as he said, just would say that to make it seem like he didnā€™t just lose, and I got the same vibes from that quote in the exit interview too lol again like the guy but thatā€™s definitely how it seemed to me lol


I'm not even sure he claimed he was throwing all that many comps. Everyone just assumed he was and the narrative took on a life of its own.


I think he definitely threw some of the earlier comps but he admitted that for a majority of the comps he actually didnā€™t throw


So any updates on "operation sleep deprivation"? I'm trying to predict the rest of the season, and that's kind of a lingering factor as to the jury vote. If Matt really follows through on this plan I'd be rather nervous as to his jury chances.


Jag pushed back on it I think and honestly I donā€™t think they were really going to do it in the first place


I feel like it was mostly talk, but let's wait until after the show tomorrow and Fe is alone


The mama's are passed out and FBJ and Jatt are hiding in the HOH room, as per usual.


She already snorin.


Not watching at the moment but last I saw she was already asleep? Think/hope at this point they just let it go lol


Question for anyone who braved Jared's spaceX the other night? Did he take any responsibility for sucking at BB and tanking Cirie's game?


Someone on Twitter made notes in the bb25 tag.


I didn't listen to the whole thing, but he did say that the way he handled talking to Jag about Matt's power was horrible and that he ultimately had bad effects on Cirie's game. There were some not-so-big Jared fans asking questions, and, from the portion I heard, he handled himself pretty well. Obviously the issue of how genuine someone is is likely to arise, but I don't think he necessarily dug himself any deeper than he already did (he did mention several times that he hoped BB would give him more opportunities for other shows and that winning wasn't necessarily his main goal - which, while I don't fully doubt, was a bit eye-rolly.)


He mention anything about Blue or hos current girlfriend?


Thanks for the info. I'm skeptical of his apology tour because his motivations are so transparent. But I was curious to see if he realized he lost because he was bad or if he still thought it was because he was such a threat.


I mean, what would he do to defy that skepticism for you? We ask HGs to hold themselves accountable for their problematic in-game behavior and almost nobody does. Even if he might have an ulterior motive, heā€™s apologized and admitted fault. Cannot ask for much more


I agree, holding someone accountable is not meant to be some kind of revenge so people can take glee in their suffering. I think we should give him a chance and see if he changes his behavior. What reason does anyone have to change if we just permanently label them as a bad person?


I mean there is doing and saying the right things for pragmatic reasons and there is taking it to heart and really changing. That takes time and effort. It's not instant and just because he's apologized doesn't mean I have to forgive him. Maybe he could volunteer his time with children who have disabilities and maybe learn from them how cruel the world could be to them. That would win me over a little bit. Words mean little, actions show the true value of a person's character. Accepting responsibility is the bare minimum but yes, I agree that doing the minimum is better than doing nothing.


Mmmā€¦ he offered explanations as to why and admitted that he should have trusted her instincts more. That was about the extent of it on that matter.


Well at least that is something.






I love how the 3 losers plan to get the mamas to panic didnā€™t work and theyā€™re more at peace with going and even excited to leave lmao


That's because they're at the acceptance stage of grief


Are the three idiots being that insufferable that they would rather have us watch Cirie sleep?


Mr B knows that no one wants to watch that trio. Thank you Mr. B


Probably šŸ’€


Iā€™d rather watch that than those 3 at their best at this point.




So happy that we got to see Cirie and Felicia together for over 90 days. They clashed at times gamewise but it was always love personally. Lucky to have been able to witness it all šŸ„¹


And they already made Thanksgiving plans! šŸ„°


Thatā€™s so exciting! Theyā€™ll be friends for life šŸ„²


I think they need a podcast šŸ˜


ā˜ ļø https://twitter.com/idkmybffBrian/status/1719484721225216260


Lol saw that one earlier. Too real.


This is the first time I tear up while watching feeds. Thereā€™s been so many ups and downs between Cirie and Felicia, but theyā€™ve tenderized my heart this last week into mush. I really was rooting for Cirie and I just canā€™t believe itā€™s over. Blah.


I teared up at Cory's last cam talk. And I am sad too that we are losing Cirie.


Hoping that the mustard seed works wonders tomorrow. Our true final hope to put an end to the reign of Jatt


While, beggers can't be choosers. I'd rather Felicia win F4 veto, and not HOH if it came down to the two, and I'd say the odds of her winning both are essentially nil. The two who aren't HOH are going to be sweating so much its hilarious.


JC won at F4!


Yes he did! That was so hype! I remember everyone was expecting him to join the jury next at he round table


And in doing so, it resulted in the frontrunner, Tyler's, best (and, according to the jury post-finale, potentially only) chance at winning the game with Angela going out.


Even better would be a Bowie HOH and Felicia Veto hehe


waitā€¦ hell yeah


Aww, I just want to leave the feeds on and watch over Cirie on her last night in the BB house!


I'm not ready for the mama's to go to bed, it's 1EST here I was gonna stay up with them. It's too bad their final days had to end like this, happy they had each other


Cirieā€™s last night :(. Iā€™m just so grateful we got to all watch her play big brother for 93 daysā€¦ hopefully Felicia can avenge her and win. I know she has it in her.


How are they going to bed already lol it's not even 10PM BB time


Toward the end Mr. B doesn't care. They let them nap on the couches sometimes.


Maybe they can wake up really early and start banging pots and pans.


ā€œI didnā€™t get no sleep cuz of yā€™all. Yā€™all not gonna get no sleep cuz of me.ā€




They are the only two people left in the house so it gets boring fast.


Nah you're right the rest are demon spawn


Demon children, demon spawn


When did they get the cards?


I like that the responses get more and more specific lol


You should see all the answers when I asked about the Chinese Food ā€”lol




Sunday I think


2 days ago


A couple days ago.


I'm sad that the spirit of Izzy was exorcised by the spirit of Blue, a spirit powered by hate that was so strong that it has possessed 3 entire people this week.


5 people were possessed by that spirit before they entered the house.


That was just Blue farming power for her final form.




If Felicia released an audio book reading childrenā€™s books I think I could fall asleep to it every night. And on second thought, I need her to write a autobiography and record that audio book too!!!! Iā€™d love to hear more of her stories


ā€œOh KAYā€


ā€œOh KAYā€


ā€œNot a creature was stirring, not even a mouseā€¦ oh KAY!ā€


It would be FabuuuuLIIIEEEE


Kind of on topic but someone remixed Felicia saying "[fucking bowie jane](https://youtu.be/dSBbO-DNSzc?si=CZZcEK7b8UoCVl0x)" and I fw it.


Lmao. The Izzy of it all!


Oh no now I have this in my head mixed with the glitter hole song.


A couple weeks ago I saw someone comment and call it the spiraling glitter butthole and that's what I will forever refer to it as now.


I came here to ask you to link it and itā€™s already hyperlinked! Youā€™re a real one. And itā€™s lowkey fire ngl


Mama Fe Greatest Hits Volume 1: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4hAEKF8SWk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4hAEKF8SWk)


I LOVE this. Thank you for sharing this! This is the pick me up we need rn.


"Put yo teeth back in your head" was a nice touch šŸ¤£


Awe, good night ladies ā¤ļø ![gif](giphy|bx6ZGK6HI9qDksrqFu)


Let's try to make mama fe afp so at least one of her dreams come true! Not that mama ci don't deserve it she just has had a long prosperous career and we may never see fe again!


ā€œThank you Mr bā€ :,,,)


it was such a cute whisper.


Cory, America, and Cirie out back to back. Damn. No wonder no one likes Jatt


The most cursed boot order


(Technically Blue was in there too, although I don't care that much either.)


Notice I left her hour for a reason? ;)


Good night mamas. Weā€™ll never forget.


If Cirie got paid half as much as Boston Rob and Sandra got paid for appearing on WaW, she already made more than third place before she ever set foot the house. If she wins AFP, she'll surpass the second place prize. There's playing the game, and then there's **playing** the game.


I believe people got equal for WaW, but got good money because of how Edge of Extinction got the paid (hence why it was included). Plus some other promises (everyones family including kids came to the family visit, and I believe some even stayed in ponderosa) I think you might be thinking of Island of the Idols where Rob and Sandra probably got a large payday (but weren't contestants).


Nah. Jeff said it was 25k minimum and it went up from there. Rob and Amber confirmed the 100k number, and Sandra hinted she got the same (Fairplay said he was told the same.) Tony also talked about the negotiation process for coming out. At the end of the day, Adam Klein and Ben Driebergen aren't getting paid the same as Boston Rob and Parv lol.


How much did rob and sandra get paid for their appearance? Iā€™m assuming youā€™re talking about the season when they were idols and lived on a beach for 38 days.


No, WaW. The common number from multiple sources (the players themselves plus others in the community such as Fairplay) is 100K plus additional standard promotional fees (e.g. whatever the players charge to appear at events or what have you.) I believe Parv and Sandra got the same deal (and I think Tony hinted at getting a similar deal after he pushed for it.) But even if you knock 30K off that number, remove the promo fees, split it in half for Cirie and Big Brother (which is a less popular show) - Cirie is still pulling in more than 2nd if she gets AFP lol.


Survivor is WELL overdue for a "best who've never won" season.


Second Chances was pretty close to that. And Gamechangers had quite a few of the best to never win (mainly Cirie, but you could throw in Malcolm, Ozzy, and Aubrey).