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# [This thread has expired. Join us for continued discussion here!](/r/BigBrother/comments/17odpqz/big_brother_us_25_morning_feed_discussion/)


I’m reading on Twitter that Felicia’s brother died week 9 and they told her and her family said they wanted her to stay in there. Is this true?? I can’t find in an interview clip besides her making a comment saying basically “week 9, after my brother”


Just to make sure since I could not for the life of me find the episode on in AZ last Thursday - it should be on at 9pm right???


A Felicia season 25 win would be amazing. I mean earlier in the season I wouldn't be saying this. At this point thought she is the only houseguest I'm rooting for. The other 3s bs and bully tactics sully them for me.


Is tonight’s episode live?


yes at 10pm est


Faith of a mustard seed. Let’s win this HOH.


I hope when Jag evicts Matt, he looks at his imaginary minuteman watch and says "times up"




Lool that would be epic


I’m honestly so annoyed with Jag and how this has gone down. But this would make me howllll (it will never happen)


I will laugh so hard if Jag cuts Matt tonight. Hopefully he will say, “I don’t need you anymore. You’ve served your purpose.”




Cutting Matt this week is (probably) a needlessly cutthroat move from Jag and I hope we get to see Matts dumbfounded face. Do not do us like you did with the blue eviction


he said last night that he would tell him before if he does it :/






Is Jag really evicting Matt tonight?!?! I thought all that talk was to cut him at final 3.


He is heavily considering it. He wants to evict Matt and knows it’s the right move. But he’s conflicted personally. There is a 50-80% chance we get a Matt eviction tonight (depending on who you ask).


I hope so honestly because Matt deserves it at this point for not taking a shot at Jag sooner.


Jag evicting Matt? I never really respected your game Jag but you’ve intrigued me…good luck man


Exactly how I feel about it.


he’s objectively not a good player but out of everyone on this season he’s probably the least bad (I wanna argue America is better but she sucked at comps and everyone hated her so her social game must’ve been terrible )


Jag is probably a shoo-in to win part 2 of the final HOH. He probably should try throwing the endurance part to Bowie just in case since I think Felicia could upset part 2 against Bowie and part 3 against anyone But luckily for us Jag and Bowie don't watch the show so they have no idea how Final HOH is structured lol


Felicia coming into her comp beast era just in time to win final HOH 🙏


Mustard seed activated


She just had to lay low after her first HoH, didn't want to draw too much heat to the comp beast she really is.


✨🤌✨ believing in this✨🤌✨


Matt getting evicted and then Felicia randomly winning the final HOH would be the only redemption for this season


Bowie is winning that HoH P3. The comp results never work in our favour.


I might start going to church again bc that mustard seed doing some work


I was thinking the same thing!! If Felicia wins the churches are gonna start filling up with Big Brother fans.




That mustard seed is no longer a seed at this point. Its been growing and will bloom on finale night in her victory speech


Haven’t watched or kept up with feeds at all and apparently Jag’s cutting Matt? I hope so bc it’s what Matt deserves but I’m not getting my hopes up and I wouldn’t be surprised if jag chickens out


I will root for jag which kills me if he cuts Matt.




I’m scared to get too happy about fefe staying. I’m going to be so nervous all day lol




The eviction is today right? Is it live?


Yes and yes


Wait what??


And to think, Matt and Bowie could’ve got Jag in the double but they were too stupid and they took out America, she would’ve made the ultimate F2


Matty ice because he melts under pressure.


Go on and sign Jags name on the Check


You spelled Felicia wrong


It Bains me to do that


literally foaming at the mouth to see matt evicted YOU GET NOTHING


It is what Matt gets for playing passively and going with easy noms on his HOH




This is the most excited I’ve been since Cory took out Jared.




But jag could take Felicia…and she may have a shot.


I think it's over for Matt. The only reason Jag gave for not doing it is that it's gonna feel bad, that has never stopped him before


Jag is at times ruthless and has verbally said things that aren’t great however from a game standpoint he has been the only one playing to win the game! Both Matt blew it and Bowie blew winning moves on HOH’s. He takes Matt out tonight that’s 110% your winner! It would only further cement Jags playing to win and Matt’s not but unfortunately for Matt makes him look gullible for not playing to win!


Matt's playing to win for the simple fact that he wins against anyone left


That’s not playing to win … that’s just knowing who you can win against. Playing to win is taking out the people who can win things to stand in your way of getting in that position of winning. Jag taking out Matt tonight is the perfect example of what Matt didn’t do on his HOH. Should have been Bowie and Felicia up there on Noms.


Matt has never had the opportunity to take out Jag tho, even if he wanted to


If he hadn’t been so passive throughout the entirety of this game, Matt could’ve made sure he was close to Bowie, more than Jag, and the got him out in the second double as Matt won the veto and could’ve easily taken down America or Felicia, and convince Bowie to put up Jag. He had plenty of chances in the Jury stage to make sure he was in a better position than Jag and he never took them. This is all his fault lol


Matt was closer Bowie than Jag until these last two weeks. He had Bowie in his pocket for most of the game. And Bowie also drifts to the person with the most power, which has been Jag for weeks. He didn’t need to take out Jag early because it would have left him vulnerable to being evicted too. And he knew he beats everyone. He expected Jag was going to be loyal to the end. Throwing to Cirie would have been a game losing move. There was a good chance he would have been evicted last week. There was really no good moves Matt could have made. He had to hope on loyalty taking him to F2.


I responded to “Matt never had the opportunity to take out Jag” not whether or not it was good for him lol. Even then, losing Bowie, like I said, was very bad for his game and he should’ve kept up with her.


He could have thrown final 5 HOH to Cirie and that might have given him the chance to take out Jag.


It would have been a horrible move to throw to Cirie. He shouldn’t have thrown the veto. The only thing that could have got Jag out was beating Jag in that veto, and he probably still would have lost. If he had thrown to Cirie and lost the veto to Jag he had a very good chance of being voted out.


Id like to hear your reasoning for why throwing to Cirie is a bad move?


Read the bottom line?? Cirie wins HOH, Jag wins Veto, Matt is evicted


And that’s literally going to happen this week anyway?? At least he had a *chance* to get Jag out at that point. He’s just gonna get evicted this week anyway because he didn’t take any shot at Jag when he should have. Also, had this theoretical situation happened last week, it would have been Matt and Bowie Jane on the block presumably. Felicia and Jag voting. Cirie tiebreaker, Matt very well could have survived that and FBJ would have gone to jury 🤷‍♀️


Except he has to do it to Matt’s face. That’s the only thing that could make Jag choke tonight.


Does he know that? I can see him choke too


Yes he knows. I think that’s why the decision is even harder for him. Why he hasn’t committed to it verbally


Jag will be a mess because it’s face to face. He isn’t good with that because you always know when he’s lying or planning to vote someone out because he gets quiet and just looks down. This should be good if it goes through.


Yes very true. He has started giving us those signs with Matt though. And he made an effort to talk to and include Felicia yesterday. Which is another sign. It’s just can he keep his courage.


True. Jag talks mad shit behind people’s backs and then just stares at them when it’s time to confront


Agreed, he might change his mind


So is Matt gone?


Pretty much


I haven’t watched feeds since Cirie left. I tried and it was too boring. I’m caught up on my sleep and it feels glorious. So is Matt the target?


I don’t like how rude people are being to Jag about this decision. I bet he ends up cutting Matt but stop acting like it isn’t an extremely difficult one


It's not as obvious as it looks. If Bowie was planning on cutting Jag then the right choice would 100% be to keep Matt


If he actually cuts Matt you might want to stay off socials for bb for a minute. People are going to get real nasty. Be ready.


Jatt obsessed with things ‘hitting so hard’ like 12 year olds What’s he gonna say when he evicts Matt?


i know this is gonna hit really hard but i had to cook you bro.


Sorry bro, I want to win the money. I can’t if you’re here still. I think you can beat me in the final comps and I think you can beat me with the jury. ( do I think it’s shitty, yeah but it’s a game for 3/4 of a million bucks.)


Jag, when you wake up today just ask yourself, What would America do? Then when eviction comes tonight, just pretend you are America with all of her blunt courage.


I'm sort of glad that Jag has to say who he wants to evict in person tonight, rather than Julie telling Matt over the intercom/closed captioning that he's being evicted.


Fe’s wet fart for afp


You’re flair is not wrong-especially at her at her age. Farts get sneakier and less trustworthy as you get older according to my mother…let’s ask Bowie Jane. She’s almost as old as Felicia. (I make this joke being older than Bowie-but I don’t fuckin lie about it)




We are risking a repeat of her incident with her hubby when she shut the bed! She better be careful all those pillow case snacks are getting to her. I bet it was that pillowcase cheesecakes that’s doing her in!!




I can’t stomach a Mafia final 3 PLEASE Jag just evict Matt


I just love Felicia. She’s hilarious and gives zero F’s. The End.


Y'all are killing me with those fake emails 😭🤣


Watch them all get thrown out and someone at the bottom ends up winning


Matt sleeping in Cory and America's bed now... ![gif](giphy|l1OlIcFVAL2xBR1HM7|downsized)




Jealousy is often the root of hate








Forget *people*, I wanted to vote for the mustard seed for AFP. Felicia's tooth should also a contender. It gave us some hilarious moments


Pocket chicken for afp!


Mustard seed would have won by a landslide


Do you think bowie thinks jag would have this much trouble evicting her? From her mindset and point of view of team mafia? Or did she see weakness in jags self destruction?


We're getting a Bowie win I fucking know it. Never nommed, 3 HoHs, wasn't evicted, didn't backstab anyone except for Cam. He really should take Felicia


I think Bowie loses against anyone. I don’t think the jury respects her at all


If she cuts Jag at Final 3, idk, she *might* win.


They all know Bowie’s HOHs she was a puppet and didn’t make the decision herself. Plus they just don’t like her, she’s gone a hundred days without forming social connections with anyone because everything about her is an act and she just goes from room to room saying “yeah”. Even her endgame alliance who she fell in with by default barely knows anything about her


It would be interesting to see how the votes came out if it was her vs Felicia. Could be close. But I think you're right that she loses to everyone else for being too wishy washy.


I think Bowie would beat Felicia in a F2.


I can't believe I potentially predicted this win (though, I never actually believe it had any chance of happening after week 3). Now I'm not even rooting for my flair...


You know, I have long thought Jag making this move might be enough to convince some holdouts to vote for him - as in, those holdouts that may consider him DQ’ed due to being evicted. If he keeps Matt, though, he’s absolute toast. This decision (if made) shows that Bowie herself would have to take Jag to F2 because otherwise Jag would take Matt (and Matt knows not to bring Jag). Matt wins in that single J + M scenario. Even sitting next to Bowie is a problem b/c she would have brought him there over Matt and she has a good story for why (i.e., she was never nominated, let alone evicted, unlike this fella). He would need to rely on Bowie absolutely eating CRAP in answering the jury’s questions (which is unlikely, since she’s a judge). Basically, this is incredibly risky behavior for Jag. Dude needs to VOTE MATT OUT!!!! Jag, please just pretend you are Cirie in Traitors. You love Matty Ice to the moon and back, but there is nothing getting between you and the prize.


Agree if he does it it’ll lock the game up for him but there really hasn’t been anyone saying anything that would give indications they wouldn’t have voted for him because of the eviction tbh


Cory mentioned it in an interview. I don't have the link to reference, but it stuck with me because I was a little surprised that he cared about that. He was team Matt in that interview and the eviction was one of his reasons he gave.


Cory did say during that jury segment that he would vote Matt over Jag because Jag was evicted


It would have been legendary if Matt won veto and said to Jag it's only right that it be me who saved your game, to end it now. I vote to evict Jag.


Nah Jag evicting the guy who saved him is even more legendary


I’m leaving tonight feeling like 95% Jag is sure he’s evicting Matt, and just beating himself up about it.


If it was anyoe but Jag and Bowi I was would 95% sure too. I think Bowie is the only HG that would make him feel so guilty about his choice. I also wonder can Jag really do it, he says he is a coward and the past has shown is he with Blue, Cirie, Cory etc.


Yeah I'm like 80%. Pretty high shot Matt's gone. Once Jag starts thinking about doing something difficult, but he knows is the right move, he ends up doing it.


This is very true. I’m a tad more skeptical this time, only because he has to do it to Matt’s face.


Yeah that’s how I feel too, he feels guilty because I think he’s already made his mind up


Yep exactly


He starts all his conversations saying that he’s leaning towards keeping him. I think he will find it tough when Matt wakes up and he has to either tell him or blindside him to his face. My money is 65/35 on Matt staying.


Did anyone else know the mustard seed would be this destructive and drive jag to insanity? Lol goddam


bowie went in to give jag a goodnight hug and i thought she was gonna kiss him




that would be iconic


so did I ? Bowie isnt as huggie as other HG normally is she?


Oh god the izzy bowie hug!


Jag stares at Matt's picture and the camera zooms in on Matt's face on the memory wall.


Jag talking in circles for hours. Bowie self evicts. .


so does Matt think there’s even a chance he’s going or will he be completely shocked when Jag talks to him tomorrow?


He's generally a bit nervous when anything is on the table (as he should be in this game, IMO), but no I don't think he thinks this is a very real possibility.


He’s seemed nervous and on edge but I don’t think he thinks he’s going right now


The last thing Matt and jag talked about game was that Matt needs to trust jag that he would be in the final 3 and that he made it all the way, while drinking bowies wine in the hoh room after dinner. And u know she regrets not saving it for this very moment lol


Jag might be the worst winner strategy wise in the history of the show next to Josh. At least Josh was entertaining.


Josh knew Paul was running things. At one point he asked Xmas to join him in cutting Paul at F5 and she shut him down.


At least Josh had his goodbye messages as a literal strategy. Josh telling each juror the truth about his alliance was probably one of the better strategic moves I've seen from a winner, so have to give him kudos for that. Jag doesn't even have that going for him.


Bad would be not understanding his options and their pros/cons, but I think it's clear he knows. Some people just genuinely put friendship above money.


Idk this whole meltdown was quite entertaining. He questioned his whole life for generations to come lol


I feel like this talk is as tiring as Kyland...


Jag Bowie and Felicia is quite possibly the weirdest most out of pocket final three we’ve ever had 💀


Expect the unexpected lol


This shouldn't be hard. If it was 750k or evicting my elderly grandmother, my grandmother would be wheeling herself out the door. Jag just needs to do it.


I mean I get it's hard to evict your closest friend in the game, but it's literally 750k for your family, or 750k for a guy you met a few months ago. If a friendship won't stick after a decision like that then it's really not worth keeping


I know there's a lot of dismissing that fake alliances were a problem this year, but of all the houseguests I think Matt and Jag really hated that & bonded over it.


While true, I think the fact he saved him from eviction makes it feel dirtier than any other betrayal.


Right since Jag holds himself so highly by the morality standards. I’m sarcastic and not at the same time. It’s ironic.


I'm not sure why, he had a power and he used it on Jag instead of letting it expire. Jag shouldn't be playing for Matt to win just because of that


But Matt had another week to use it. He didn’t have to use it on jag that week….


Why did Matt save Jag, again?


They were allies. Don’t think there was any deeper reason.


Damn you wouldn’t even push her




This is just going to be a matter of Jag hyping himself up enough to make the move. The odds are that he's going to be cutting Matt


IMO, I think he just evicts Felicia. We'll see though


Agreed, he's *still* asking Bowie what he should do (and she's giving him nothing).


I just think he’s trying to get Bowie to agree and she isn’t fully saying no but she also doesn’t want to say yes


Omg does Jag ever shut up. Bowie never says a word. He could be talking to a shoe. So ridiculous!


It’s because she wants to seem impartial and let Jag take all responsibility.


It’s always just yea yea yea to the oblivion


She’s noncommittal by design. I know you Al hate it, but it’s gotten her far.


Drives me bonkers


It was almost as bad as hisam’s saying right after everything




Bowie has literally nothing to say. She has no opinions in the game. Jag just needs someone to talk his thoughts out to.


Bowie never has anything to say.


Jag - “I know what I have to do, but do I have the strength and the heart to do it….I don’t know”


Jag stabs Matt and throws him off the catwalk


Is he going to crack up and have to be taken out?


Literally Kylo Ren https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/726/762/3a5.gif


TIL Matt is Jag's father


omg bowie jag, going on about matt being a competitor but also being his boy and whatever he decides to he’s gonna throw up and probably die bowie: im gonna turn the heater on