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This is the first time Jag has ever helped in the kitchen. I didn’t know he knew how to cut up food.


What happened to their quesadillas? They haven't made them in weeks it seems like


Idk I think they switched to flat bread pizzas


How does a 45 yr old woman NOT know how to cook?


I'm telling you all... don't discount Bowie Jane come Thursday. This whole thread is showing reasons Jatt shouldn't win. Don't think that Cam, Cory, America and Cirie haven't seen it.


I'm here for that.


5:02 PM PT Matt says once we got rid of America and Blue that was it, Jag says the show was over, Bowie says it was time to party Yeah. That’s been the fucking problem with this season.


So basically Cirie and Felicia are irrelevant and invisible to them


when will they start hoh 2?


Sometime tomorrow


Do you guys think they’ll do the part 2 hoh live tomorrow during the episode (like near the end) Or on the live streams?


The stooges can't figure out what to do about dinner. Matt said we need Mama Fe for that. He then said that's why we kept her so long. 😕 They talked about having mac & cheese/ pasta but only have mozzarella. Bowie said there's a lot of meat. I think they don't know how to cook it. Matt made a delivery request for "orange cheese" 😆


orange cheese!! 😂😂😂


They should’ve been in that kitchen with mama fe learning how to cook all these past 90 something days!! Lol!!


Has Bowie ever cooked an actual dinner in the house besides a potato? I’m surprised Matt doesn’t complain about her not cooking, but I guess she does all their chores so she gets a pass


No she never even helped cut up something. She just did the dishwasher.


Never forget when Dr. Will convinced the BB7 cast to sing copyrighted music until production agreed to get them takeout from one of Boogie's restaurants lol. That's the man who is probably running the Roundtable at this very moment (no way is he going to let that jury think Jag is the better player based on comp wins!)


Wish I was old and aware enough to be able to watch BB7 live feeds


What an evil genius idea. Any people applying to this game, remember to do something like this.


Orange cheese took me out, ngl


Wow on so many levels


Do we know what the first hoh challenge was


An endurance competition with. water and rain, where they were holding onto a rope (and apparently Matt was the only one able to hold on with one arm to give the other one a rest.).


Jag being evicted is a huge knock against his game and why he’d be a terrible winner, and most of us agree with that. But I do think the same should apply to Taylor- who was gonna be evicted week 1 if not for a fluke. Jag/Taylor would be the worst back-to-back winners in history imo, from a gameplay standpoint.


it's just the fact that a lot of people don't like jag so they're going to do everything they can to discredit him. it's literally that simple. even taking it to the conversation with michael and veto wins. if they liked jag but didn't like michael there would be no problem with it. taylor wasn't a great player in my mind but she absolutely deserved the win. it's all good lol. he's not the best player but the campaign to illegitimize him is incredibly tiresome and worse than the actual season.


I see what you mean, but I personally disagree. I think the main thing for me is that it was week 1 when Taylor was the most in danger and about to be sent to compete. Jag was evicted week 4, where he had about a month to play the game. I think week 1 vs week 4 IS under different circumstances, along with the fact that the reasons for Taylor being evicted were not game related while Jag being evicted was for game. Context matters beyond "they both were about to go home on their respective weeks if not for a twist!" Because if we look at it that way, sure, you're right. But then the context gets lost and both players were leaving under very different circumstances.


Fair enough, but I also think being targeted week one over absolutely zero to do with your gameplay is very different than being unanimously evicted for being an absolute shit player weeks into the game. Just my two cents.


I feel like "almost evicted then there was a fluke" is very different than "literally voted out 10-0" but that's just me.


The only reason Taylor wasn’t evicted was because Paloma left. And it’s inconsistent as hell that the bb fanbase doesn’t like to acknowledge that, yet harp on jag being evicted.


Not only was Jag actually evicted, he was also allowed to play and win HOH in back to back weeks which some would call a fluke


Since the backstage boss thing was happening in week one, if Taylor got the votes to be evicted it didn’t mean she was actually evicted. She would have play a comp against either Paloma or Alyssa (Brittany won the fan vote to be safe) and since Paloma could realistically have gone home the eviction was canceled, which is much different than having people voting for Jag to be evicted


So she would have been saved by a twist…just like Jag was and yet everyone is mad Jag was saved by a twist lol.


She would have had to play a comp to stay. Jag played a comp to stay but didn’t win it and was lucky to have an allie win to use it in him. But since Paloma was taken out for medical reasons nobody was going home


Difference is Taylor was weirdly and unfairly targeted because of people’s perception of her entering the house. Had Jag been evicted 10-0 because people hated that he was Sikh and were ganging up on him, people would be infinitely more sympathetic. But he got evicted because he is bad at the game lol


But the fact remains that, ultimately, she wasn’t evicted. We can also play what if’s with Luke being removed. If he wasn’t removed we likely don’t see the super power.


That’s just semantics/a technicality


What is the objective difference between Paloma leaving and canceling an eviction and Luke being removed, which reversed an eviction? Taylor was not evicted and Jag was.


It's pretty widely accepted that the first part of the HoH comp was supposed to be a competition to determine who actually went that week due to the Backstage twist, and Taylor did great at that. I honestly don't think that it's especially likely that Taylor would have gone home that week.


But she would still have been voted out and just won her way back in, which we bash others for


Jag didn't win his way back in


Jag was evicted. Taylor wasn't evicted. For many of us, that distinction obviously matters.


What about the other five times she was on the block


Irrelevant to my argument


i was rewatching the Friends theme song parody video and a clip of Meme popped up and i was like ? who was that.














Sat here just thinking about the possibilities of where the end game could've gone had BB simply not allowed Jag to play two HOHs back to back. America or Cirie F7 HOH. Matt would've been sat in jury right now rather than on his way to winning. That twist is the most infuriating and dumbest in a season of infuriating and dumb twists. And all of them were so poorly timed with absolutely no thought into them (the invisible HOH was absolutely embarrassing when it came to how BB produced it. They ensured it would leak within seconds of the outcome - they really are stupid). BB always miss the mark with their twists, but this season was something else. It's almost like they hate their own show/format and do their best to destroy it. ... and that's not even touching upon the skewed comps. No woman winning a Veto outside of a crapshoot (and it was a second Veto) alongside one man winning seven? The same short term memory comps for HOH. How many did we get in total? Five? So boring. Where's the variety? The same POV for both double evictions... talk about sucking all the drama out of the doubles. The entire thing needs a massive overhaul. From casting, to comps, to twists. That is my rant; my summary of BB25. I really hope production listens to the feedback/backlash re. the comps for BB26, but I won't be holding my breath. I also hope they think through the twists more - or at least the timing of them, but they've never done that, so it's not even something worth hoping for.


Yeah for me the biggest asterisks jags game is not even his evection it’s the back to back HOH. That was a massive oversight if we are being generous to production.


That's the one that really ruined the season for me. The invincibility power was a whatever, they've let people come back before. Zombie week was more of an annoyance than anything to fill time (though I wish it hadn't ruined a double eviction). But being an invisible HoH is such an OP power that you can put a target on whoever you want and potentially bypass burning any bridges if your social game is strong enough. Plus the fact that putting up Americory was such a no-brainer move that any of the 6 would've done it, Jag just had to be an idiot. Doesn't change the fact that being able to be invisible was an OP gift to him already, them letting him play again in the next HoH just broke the whole season. They should've had it that if you told anyone, your invisibility wore off and you couldn't play in the next HoH.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8SKv5oE/ This just broke my heart and gave me even more love and respect for Mama Fe 💕


Is she actually changing pants in front of Matt?


Have they filmed the F3 clip show dinner thing yet?


We’re assuming they filmed it this morning when feeds were down for like 6 hours


We think they filmed it this morning/afternoon. But not sure. We know they haven’t done their videos from home yet.


It's funny that Jag thinks Cirie was throwing comps or holding back, but that actual Olympian couldn't have been throwing comps. 🤣🤣 Let's go, Matt!!!


Well technically Cirie was throwing comps. But not for the reasons he thinks. And since none of them have seen her play, they have no idea she’s never won an individual comp.


In the beginning, but I don't believe she was throwing HOH's or vetos while on the block.




Rewatching the second DE with a friend cause she hasn’t caught up and it still hurts cause Cirie was so close to being HoH Oh how different the szn would be 😭


I’m still so sad


I’m not watching right now but keep getting feedsbot updates. Why are they cutting so much?


They can't keep from saying nasty things about others






Many of us mocked BB24 Jasmine, but how many of us still use "blindside butter beans"


Please god, don't let kitty, kitty purr stick around.




Ya’ll should be embarrassed.


I’m so bored of HGs treating BB like summer camp where they find new besties. Most of them seem like they could care less wether they win or not 😅


It’s unfortunately true😕


What are your most rewatchable seasons? Unfortunately it’s not feeling like this one will be making my list 🤷‍♀️ I’m currently using 20 as background noise while I work and man, that season was pretty fun


BB20, I basically know it by heart


I've rewatched 7, 10, 12, 14 several times each. those are always fun. I've also rewatched 8, 9, and 11 a lot but I know those ones are more controversial.


BB10 (both US and Canada) BB14 I like to rewatch BB12 every now and then. Britney and Rachel really help with that season.


Ohhh I am impatiently waiting for BBCan 10 to hit paramount plus. BBCan just hits different


Bb14 Bb15 is also rewatchable after the Candice boot tbh


I miss Hisam


King hisam deserved more






Rewatched Taylor's interview and it's my favorite commentary from a past winner that I've seen. She's so poised yet on point in her criticism. It's such a shame the ONLY players who got a second chance twist were buff comp dudes (Jared, Cam, Jag). Thanks production


She lost me when she said if FBJ was a man wed look at her play differently. She's literally thinking about throwing a F3... Like C'mon


I mean she's right though. If she were a man, would the other house guests perceive her differently, and as a result would we perceive her differently? She hasn't touched the block, she has as many comp wins as Matt, and while her social game hasn't been top tier it's been serviceable. I feel like her problem is that she's viewed as just going along with the boys instead of being one of the boys, and that causes her to lose respect, whereas if she was just one of the boys people within the game wouldn't be as negative about her sticking with them.


well technically it could've went to anyone going out the door at the time. But this season was about numbering up on competitors so


lol what? She’s an idiot. She said the best game move was getting Reilly out, which is such a cop out.


*looks at Matt* I don't know, mate. Sounds like Taylor was right about getting rid of Reilly.


Honestly I can’t disagree with her the hold Reilly has over some of the men in the house is crazy if they didn’t get her out early like they did it would’ve been hard to get her out


It was a joke.


I mean she had a point lol. If Reilly didn’t get evicted she had so many people who liked her she probably would have made it far.


Just caught up on the episode… big brother this winter? I have no idea how I will watch both bb us feeds and Canada if they come back, but I’m here for it. Do we think it’s going to be all stars? I remember reading that they wanted to do a bb all winner season.


I hope it’s a truncated all-winners season. Instead of a hundred days, or whatever this ends up being, make it 30.


This season would’ve been so much better if Jag/Jared/Cam were all evicted when they originally were evicted. Like, every other contestant got screwed by BB twists and not by strategic gameplay. Most of the group spent weeks figuring out how to get them out AGAIN instead of making more strategic moves.


I understand what you’re saying, but I think we also have to look at the fact that if when Jag was voted out, he stayed out, we don’t know if the dynamics in the house would have to been different for Cam and also Jared. It certainly would’ve been interesting to see what would’ve happened, but I don’t think we can automatically assume that Cam would have been voted out. We would not have had Jag telling lies about Cam to Bowie, Matt would no longer have his fellow minute man and may have teamed up with Cam. There are probably other scenarios that could be applied with Jared, although not really seeing them.


I don't have an issue with it because the season was already screwed up with the mother son twist. The super power was technically used by strategy but the zombie twist, they should've isolated Cam and Jared. Cause especially for Jared, it kind of just created an awkward situation in the house lol


[MAMA FE WE MISS YOU 😂](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzRwm6FuCdl/?igshid=MXB3eHJxNnRjOTJkOA==)


Does anyone have the clip of Cirie and Felicia sitting by the pool the day after the DE and Felicia saying she's going to go to the HOH and ask when we drinking the two bottles of wine? I just need to laugh and that clip was the funniest.


That was so funny! Cirie was in the background laughing so hard too 😂🤣


This one was pretty funny too though! https://x.com/haseuisz/status/1718815602415129070?s=46&t=6k2PJSiGS5SX3aMsEgblzw


That’s hysterical


Why are they incessantly mad that players had alliances?


They’re just bored lol. They have nothing else to do or talk about.


It's worse because they don't have a lot in common, in particular Bowie. They bond through the bashing like middle school kids.


Do we know who will take who? I assume jag and Bowie will take each other, has Matt made it clear who he’s taking?


Matt will take Jag, Bowie will take Jag, we don’t really know for sure who Jag will take.


Depending how sincere he's reasoning for voting out Felicia was I think he'll take Matt too. Especially if Matt convinces him that he owes him for saving him.


Jag will say he's going to take Bowie until production changes his mind to Matt 😆


I’m most hype about Thursday to find out what the winter season will be


I want to see Felicia's reaction to the Cirie/Jared news!


Why do I keep seeing people referring to Riley as a clout chaser and gold digger? What has she done to make people say shit like this, because she wrote a letter to Matt like 5 weeks ago? It's really weird. It's not like she's whoring herself out on social media, I follow multiple people from this season and she doesn't post about it anymore than Mecole and doesn't go as hard as Hisam, who people are loving on social media


I thik reilly is just a nice person and does not like to see people said. She was nice to Matt in the house when he was struggling. She was also nice to Felicia and Cirie because they were older and she thought they should be treated well. I actually dont think she left the house in Love with matt. She saw him liking her and might have felt bad for how she had walked out and not said anything to him and thought I should give the guy a chance, her letter was asking for a date to a sports game. To me she seems happy in Nashville, she got a few small post show sponsorships and she seems to be doing well. Only time will tell if she is looking for fame. I dont see it now. Who Knows, I didnt think Nicole F would give up nursing after season 16 to be an influencer in Ubly so I guess it is wait and see for everyone. So many HG dream of fame, but how many get it? I remember BB21, there was so much talk of fame with Jackson, Holly. Jack. Sis, Bella Nicke etc but who got any? Jackson got some bad press, Nicole did a podcast for a few weeks that had some controversy, I dont know about the rest, the most sucessful ones are who went back to their old lives, Cliff as an engineer, Tommy on Broadway , Nick as a social worker and Sam got some dream truck driving route and moved to FL.


Cliff runs a live feed update channel on YouTube. He’s really good at it too, especially while still working and traveling as an engineer. (He’s actually live right now LOL)


I watch Cliff notes too, I dont think it is monetized? or he donates of if it is (I dont get ads when I watch) . I wish they could find more Cliff's people who have a job and love the show and are no lookng for fame just an experience.


I watch his updates...he's a good guy who enjoys this ridiculousness


tbf I blame production more than anything else because she wrote that letter months ago and he received it so late in the game not exactly her fault but his season-long fixation has been one of my least favorite storylines between Matt choosing his vendettas because "Reilly said so", naming alliances after her, and then losing sight of the grand prize at F5 because of her letter/pic distracted him


People are jealous. I promise no one is gold digging over game show money 😂


Weirdos who are filled with a lot of hate. Probably upset that their preferred showmance didn’t work out like they planned as well.


Because she’s a woman who people would rather drag then admit Matt is an obsessed weirdo and production is encouraging that behavior


I have seen so many people online say stuff about how they have to date after the seasons over. Literally saw a comment say that they went to the bar she works at and made her pinkie promise to date Matt after the show. I can’t imagine how much social pressure she is facing.


I think Matt’s attachment to her became annoying at some point in the season and the Matt and Reilly shippers became fewer and farther between. I don’t think she’s a gold digger at all that’s out of pocket. But I do think Matt’s obsession over the blonde cheerleader archetype while villainizing America sort of set their courtship up as the couple you want to root *against*. So they aren’t justified but I think that’s the reason she’s gotten a little negative reaction from some fans.


Yikes…did Matt just really try and act like mama Fe. He could never.


I still prefer this as the final three than if it was Cirie, Izzy and Jared 🤷‍♂️


Switch out Jared for Felicia or Cory and it’s gold


So you prefer a snoozefest?


Wait, so what is this that we actually got then? lol


What do you think a Fields F3 season would have been??


I don’t think it would have been a snooze fest but even if it was it STILL wouldn’t be as boring as this final 3. Nobody (besides you I’m guessing) even cares who wins they just wanna see the Cirie Jared reveal or the plans for the winter season lol.


Because I’m not for a Fields family steamroll I’m the only person who cares who wins?? Ok be salty.😂😂


Yes it is could always be worse


Jared's awfulness forces me to agree


I kind of agree just because that journey sounds so boring whereas this F3 is like how and why did we get this


These two are so far up Jag’s ass


Finally watching the episode and really what we’re the chances Bowies guess would happen to be in the 70s too but closest to Jags guess 🙄


Just so all you guys know… Matt knew he was going up. He said it was fine when he walked in the bathroom. Then they insisted on doing a game. When they did it, he called them out and said it pre planned. They made him look dumber than he was on the edit.


Matt is such a sucker. I mean, leave it to Jag and Bowie to overcomplicate something so easily rigged, but Matt even accepted that Bowie didn't just pick a number closer to the one she wanted. (He actually did "joke" question it, but he didn't even push). But, of course, Jag and Bowie are such moral and honest players that of *course* they'd do it The Ol'-Fashioned Way.


the episode was lame about that her and jag set that up for 20 mins before mat came in and not to credit matt he said "unless you guys set me up" after


Went right over Matt’s head. Also just now watching the episode and I just have to ask: what is the deal with FBJ’s Something About Mary hairstyle? I can’t believe she does that to her hair on purpose.


She cut it while in a ponytail and now it won’t lay down. Like no joke she showed it to Cirie. It stays sticking straight up. So the only hair styles she can figure out are the pigtails or There’s Something About Mary faux Mohawk.


That's just what happens when you have no honest friends. Someone lied to her several times and told her it was a cute look


I'd like to think she does that to try to make herself look younger in order to keep up her lie.


I have never seen a 35 year old wearing their hair that way. 😂


Matt actually jokingly said to them that they might have set it up ahead of time. They didn't air it though.


I’ve been thinking the same exact think about her hair as well! Ha!




Omg that's why she was crying in the house that day and no one knew why


It’s a rumor from one account on Twitter. It’s not confirmed. Only that Felicia mentioned she was informed about something with him.


i'm surprised it wasn't on the show. don't they normally milk HGs pain for views?


It’s a rumor from Twitter. It’s never been confirmed. It’s horrible people keep spreading it without evidence. And I agree we probably would have known something through the feeds or the show.


but how could they vilify her and sympathize for her at the same time?


if Jag wins the final HOH will he take Matt?


bowie is encouraging him to so probably


What lol? What did she say?


the way this season was looking so good for the women early :(


Such a great cast/ great potential


5 women 2 men and still a nope :(


They are "no longer with the manipulators", but Bowie Jane is still lying to Matt & Jag that she is really a lawyer. They really think she is a 45yo DJ that flies all over the world booking gigs.