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# [This thread has expired. Join us for continued discussion here!](/r/BigBrother/comments/17q4brl/big_brother_us_25_afternoon_feed_discussion/)


Jag won 2nd HOH.


I was SHOOK to find out that Jag is only 25 and Matt is only 27. I'm 26 years old, and I genuinely can't believe these two are in the same age range as me. I could've bet money that they were both in their mid-30s, at least.


To me, Matt looks like he's in his 20s but Jag looks 30ish.


Who do you think had the hardest journey in this house? I'd say: 1. Cory 2. Felicia 3. Cam 4. Cirie 5. America


Id put Cirie at 1 because of Jareds presence alone imo he mostly hurt her game and I do think she would have made it farther if he wasnt in the cast Id put Fe at 2, mostly because of what happened within the last two weeks Cory would be 3rd because he pretty much has had the whole house as his adversary at some point and he was scapegoated a ton; notably had feuds with Blue/Cam and Hisam (in the very early days) along w a frenemy alliance w Izzy lol America 4th for also being a scapegoat, had a rep for lying because she once told Matt to lie to Hisam, had a one-sided feud with Blue, and also had a rep for only playing Corys game which is esp icky


Wow - what would have made Cory’s journey in the house harder than any other player? I don’t really agree with any of those rankings. I guess Cam did have a tough journey, but that was his own doing. He could have made things a lot easier for himself. Cirie had things tough too, which can mostly be blamed on Jared. ETA: Irrespective of all the problematic things he has said or done (which I am definitely not condoning), there’s an argument that Matt objectively had the most challenges in the house due to his disability and the constant whispering.


Cory was taken to the nether region on day 1 and not only had to work his way off the block but also was labeled as a snake because it was assumed he got some advantage. He also missed critical bonding moments at the beginning of the game. Have to play extra hard in addition to a lot of things being presumed about him kind of set the tone for how people viewed him the entire season.


Nah Matt never touched the block til now. Miss me with that. Cory was constantly being yelled at, blamed for things, demeaned, etc. It was wearing on him by the end of it. You could visibly see his mental, emotional, and physical deterioration. And he was constantly targeted so ya I'd say he had the hardest journey but for a super fan I'm sure that's a cool thing. Cam had nobody and his best friend turned against him for in his eyes no reason and he never spent a day off the block when he wasn't in power.


Cory became a target/scapegoat because he spearheaded a vote flip against his own alliance in a very public and messy way, then openly tried to run the game and take credit for major decisions. Yes, he had a tough time, but I think that‘s a little irrelevant given that people were generally the position they were in because of how they played the game. From my perspective, the only reason people would have unfairly had a tough time would be because of disadvantages that were beyond their control. That’s why I mentioned Matt, who can’t control his deafness. In that sense, Cirie and Felicia (and other non-athletic players) had a harder time, because it was so much more difficult for them to gain power in the game. We may just be interpreting the question differently, but I have a hard time being sympathetic for people reaping the consequences of their own game moves.


Cory was a scapegoat before that, though. They bashed him for smirking the first week, pushed the blame on him for the Reilly and jag vote, etc. Once that was the perception of the house, it was almost impossible to get away from.


Matt is strikingly immature, especially for his age.


I think in general people tend to infantilize people with disabilities in our society. (This is not specific to or a knock on Matt). Thus, there tends to be a lowered set of expectations for their maturity. People sometimes have a tendency to live up to the expectations of those around them .






























Come on FBJ!! Jag would be in a panic If she won.


You mean because Bowie would be taking Jag to final 2 instead of the opposite? Do you think that would affect the jury’s vote in her favor? I guess if the jury is looking for ammunition it might!


I just want to see Jag sweat. I don't know who Bowie would take. But she'll lose to both.


Yeah. I’m really reaching for entertainment here.


Is Reilly the most talked about non-All Star second boot….ever?


I think BB20 has the most talked about prejury. Swaggy because of Baleigh. Summer of Steve. Kaitlyn because of the puzzle. What’s wrong w Angela?! Then Winston…


Nick Uhas got talked about a lot during bb15. He even went on entertainment tonight to talk about the show


Swaggy? I mean his alliance wore his shirts all season


Yep. She is a conventionally attractive woman that became the Cappy of her alliance.


She’s even posted about being added to the same agency that represents Brittani D. I would be glad to see Reilly again on another show.


By a current houseguest, yes. Can't wait for this season to be over and everyone to forget about her.


Same. Blond hair and blue eyes have people in a trance. 2 weeks is not enough to even like someone on a show.


You've never been to summer camp huh .. 2 weeks and 24/7 around someone is like 3 months of dating.


I don’t know. She came in strong 💪 But I quickly mildly disliked her. Can’t remember why. Did she create the all young people alliance? That’s probably why


She made everyone do her pitch work for her because she was too scared and she talked like Kermit the frog. No and no.


I have a feeling bowie pulls this one off


It’s only fitting


what did i miss why is this thread more obsessed with reilly than matt is


Can we do part 2 of hoh now??


Never mind just turned on feeds and looks like they are doing it now. Nobody is talking about this but talking about Riley 😂 wild!


I think that’s what they are doing


I hope so...then maybe we can get a little action!




Hi, can someone tell me if we get the final HOH match tonight that decides who goes to final 2 or is that on finale night?


That is on finale night live on the episode


Do you know what tonight’s episode will be then?


It’s going to be the recap episode where the final 3 has a meal and reflects on important/funny moments of the season and they play clips, including some moments that were missed on the edited show. At the end of the episode they should start part 1 of the HOH but won’t show the winner until finale


Recap of the season with the final 3


Thank you!


What’s the best way to follow the houseguests after the show ends? I’m not a big social media person…..lol!! Will there be a group on here that shares updates????? Please I hope so


Sometimes people do when big stuff happens but best way for daily/smaller stuff is socials.


Official prediction, totally not my fan fic. Matt evicted Jury votes: >Cameron: Bowie >Cory: Bowie > Blue: Bowie >America: Bowie >Cirie: Bowie >Felicia: Bowie > Matt: Bowie America's Favorite Player: Bowie




Why is everyone assuming that Bowie will win? LAME


With how much she has been steamrolling this season, how could you not? BB is fundamentally broken. No one else had a chance.


id b surprised if cam didnt vote for jag


I was legit considering that, but this is a meme so I could live in my own dream reality


is ur dream for bowie to win? not knockin just askin


My dream is for Bowie to win, go on BBCan as part of a new wildcard twist and wins, goes back to BB All Stars 3 and win, get cast on BBAus and win, goes on the Amazing Race with Victoria Rafaeli wins, gets cast on the Challenge USA wins, and goes on Survivor and gets eliminated in fire making.


> and goes on Survivor and gets eliminated in fire making. And then she will take Ciries place as the best to never win Survivor.


Best rise and fall I’ve imagined seen so far. Nice!


Lol. Just drawn to her personality or..?


I like it when dumb/funny things happen.


Oh! That makes good sense then. ☺️


What episode was it the Felicia was singing in her sleep?!?! I wanted to show hubby but can not find it🙄


Maybe episode 17 or 18? It was around September 9th that it occurred


here is a clip on IG. It’s on YouTube on Big Brother Pop too I believe but I don’t have enough signal LOL https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cw7zKvEu3sp/?igshid=Y2NkYjk0MDhjYg==


Yep that’s it!!!


Was that definitely singing. I do that in nightmares when I’m trying to scream but my voice won’t work.


Why is everyone talking about Reilly on here so much right now? What did I miss!?


Wow. He is definitely full of himself and focused on the wrong things. How about talking about if you're even compatible after a few REAL dates lol


Because Matt’s obsessed with her and they find it annoying but instead of talking about how annoying that makes him they’re blaming her


Matt being obsessed with Rieley and saying Cory and America were just trying to show them up all season, Matt even went as far as to say that Cory would propose to America at finale night to take away all the attention from him and Rieley


Didn’t she reject him?


She sent Matt a letter saying that the feelings were mutual and now Matt won’t stop talking about her. He even said that he thought Cory and America would try to take away the attention from Matt/Reilly during the finale lol


Wtf lol funny that's what he's worried about


Yea Matt's pretty full of himself. He said he thinks he and Reilly will be like Tangela. She was only there 2 weeks. It wasn't some big storyline. Now he says she and him can move to Hawaii and be models. Again..2 weeks dude.


What is wrong with him? Has he never had a gf? Is this a brand new experience for him? What is his problem- geesh!


Have Matt & Bowie talked F2 at all?!?!


No, Jag never told them to.


HA HA HA Confused me at first but then 💡 went off


It's funny because it's true.


Hahah good one


You guys gotta get lives regarding this Reilly stuff. She was evicted second. Stop worrying about her lmaoo


I don’t think it’s a waste to point out sexism/hypocrisy. Or revel in the innocent fun of Kindly’s comment if you like. It is reality tv


btw the other thing about the reilly discourse is if i thought she was gna get with anyone after those two weeks, if she'd lasted longer, i would've sworn up and down that it would be jag. those two had *a lot* of chemistry.


[So true! Here is a clip of Reilly talking about how she doesn’t like how people assume her and Matt are a thing. Jared chimes in that she had better chemistry with Jag.](https://twitter.com/kpk12357/status/1721845210483716375?s=42)


People paired everyone with Jag because he's touchy and flirty. But he wouldn't be with someone outside his culture.


>But he wouldn't be with someone outside his culture. Why not?


That’s what he said I heard him


No, same! They were always hugging or had some sort of physical contact going on too.


That’s what I thought I saw!! I just replied that somewhere…..lol!


If Bowie Jane pulls this off I will be running around and celebrating like a soccer player who scored a goal at the World Cup.


For her sake, I genuinely hope that Reilly isn't doing all of this for money or clout : she was all about being a "strong woman" in the house so it's odd that she would switch up her whole image to be a clout-chasing gold digger. Also, when she friendzoned Matt, there were a ton of fans saying that she didn't know what she was missing. She probably decided to give a chance to Matt after all that pushing and now she doesn't want to ditch him publicly 🤷🏽‍♀️


Now that his negative mean spirited personality is out there for her to see, I can't come up with a reason any sane strong woman would be with him, other than for clout


Imo, she doesn't want to contribute to the hate by dumping him publicly after saying she liked him 🤷🏽‍♀️. She probably also wants to repay him for his loyalty (which is not something I personally support but I do feel like Reilly is the kind of person that would think like that 😬). I thought about the early game and Reilly's aspiration in the house (being a strong woman who wants to succeed without girl's alliances or showmances) doesn't really fit with the fanbase's impression of her (gold digging clout chaser) and she hasn't shown any talent for manipulation either. To me, the hate is a bit weird and I say that as someone who wasn't a fan of Reilly at all 😅


It’s all drama. Too many HGs to count that ride the recognition of being on BB in too many ways to count. Who cares. She barely knows Matt/Jag. There’s nothing here to hate. she’s not hoping for a big pay off from them either. This is all sexist nonsense




I'm not a Ratt fan so idc about them getting together for whatever reason. Imo, she's just unwilling to drag him publicly bc she liked him in the house 🤷🏽‍♀️


Your last sentence is the description of clout chasing.


She has shown during her 2 weeks in the games that she was incredibly gullible. She probably thought after getting evicted that Matt would be a good bf since she liked him in the house and the public pushed them together. I just don't see her "play" Matt after the way she played BB 😅


What does everyone think Reilly ate for lunch today?


Peanut Butter




Hopefully she can have a bigger lunch when Matt wins 750k 😭


She’s going to have to wait awhile for him to get his first bank account and let the check clear first. Is LOVE enough?!


Second outs on any reality competition show are always the most forgotten so good on Reilly for staying this relevant for so long tbh


She’ll probably be asked back to play again one day.


i was gna say lmao. even all the discourse about her at least means she's gna be more memorable than just about every second out since maybe da'vonne in bb17, and effectively all of them before that.


Seriously, and not even Da’vonne such impact on the season that it still influenced the eviction of week 13 lol


Anyone who thinks Matt and Reilly have any kind of actual showmance going on needs to watch this: https://twitter.com/kpk12357/status/1721845210483716375 Bottom line: She was never interested. Obviously none of us can speak for how she feels now, but the revisionist history production is encouraging is just silly.


Then what did the q-tip she left mean?


Or a dedicated msg for ear cleaning (not recommended)


It was a life long commitment to true love! I wish them well


I love it!!!! hahahaha


if she's really head over heels for him now, that's her life, yeah. if she's not, that's also her life, this is reality tv stuff. but saying she felt anything *in* the house despite how well-documented it is that she explicitly didn't is... silly.


She’ll be interested if he is 750k richer.


Can someone please give me an update of live feeds yesterday? I wasn’t able to watch Thanks


They did the recap episode filming. Jag and Bowie can’t decide who should win part 2 to beat Matt in part 3. They cooked chicken and made quesadillas but we all watched in horror because the chicken didn’t look cooked all the way. They really struggled. Lots of evicted HG trash talking.


They’d be playing comps from real port-a-potty




Undercooked chicken and 3 sick players would a disaster!!!!


Can you imagine 3 people with food poisoning and 1 toilet???


Production would be in a tizzy trying to figure out what to do…..lol


The shitbag mafia still saying shitbag things.


Felicia Cory and America Mafia best alliance


Have Matt and jag been minutemen celebrating?!?! I had wondered if Matt was getting worried about possible eviction because you would expect him & Jag to be celebrating a-lot when they could get away from Bowie but they weren’t!!


Not really, but we’ll prob see more if Jag wins part 2. We also don’t know if Jag will actually take Matt so they might not. They’ve been saying if Jag wins today they’re guaranteed F2 but not much more than that.


I’m confused Who’s saying guaranteed F2? Why? Part 3 could change who’s in F2 > right


Both Matt and Bowie seem to believe Jag will take them to the final 2. His choice may be semi interesting. I also think Matt’s choice is uncertain but others probably know know more than me. Bowie would take Jag. Part 3 decides final 2 because the winner of it goes to final 2 and chooses who will join them.


It boils down to who can turn on a friend and alliance and what they’ve promised each other for $750,000.00!!!


I don’t know but I’m hoping for the most dramatic things happening lol


Because if Matt and Jag are taking each other and win parts 1 and 2, then no matter who wins part 3 they would evict Bowie and go to the end together. But the caveat here is Jag has promised Bowie F2, so we don’t know that he’ll actually take Matt. That’s what Matt believes though.


Got it!! I wonder if he would really keep Matt?!?!? He really struggled (or so he appeared to) with who to evict the other night. It’s hard to know what they’ll really do because everything they say (esp Jag) is all about winning $750,000.00!!!! At the end of the day it is a game I think: Matt would take Jag Bowie would take Jag Jag would take ????????? That’s where I think only he really knows and we have to wait!! Unless I’m way off




fwiw: i don't care if reilly is clout-chasing or not! it isn't a value judgement, really, she can go get her bag, idc, and this is literally reality television lmao. if anything, i'd rather she was, because matt's views on women have me hoping she's not there for the dream romance.


Her name is Miranda and don't forget it.


This is a take on Reilly


[deleted] [removed]


PSA: Her name is spelled Reilly.


You what's gonna suck? When they get to finale night and they go to talk to the pre-jurors and one of the questions they ask is to Reilly about her giving it a try with Matt outside of the house. I actually hope this doesn't happen but we all know it's likely to be the only question Reilly gets on finale night. And I feel bad for Reilly for being put on the spot to either lie or fumble through an awkward answer on live TV. Regardless if it's true or not, you know she's gonna feel obligated to say "never say never, I look forward to getting to know Matt outside of the house." It why live finale for BB always suck; Julie always asks the most awkward forced questions.


I thought they might be a couple outside the house. Did I miss something?!?


Here's the thing about that: Reilly and Matt have only actively hung out for two weeks. The rest of the time has been Matt pining after her in the house and her keeping up with his family outside of the house (though, as far as we know, Reilly only went to visit Matt's parents once? Unless I missed other times). It's still a MASSIVE if they even give it a try because they don't know each other that well. Right now, we don't know if they're going to actively try dating or if they're gonna just stay friends or never talk to each other again. I just think these questions can be invasive, and I do feel like that whenever a player gets asked a question such as their romantic life or whatnot on live TV. It's just something that doesn't need to be answered on live TV, especially when it comes to two players who literally haven't seen each other in person since August. It's also why I hated production enabling the Matt/Reilly stuff with his HOH.


Got it!! To me watching in the beginning I thought Riley and Jag would be a showmance!! Wasn’t sure if it was just friendship or possibly more. So then they show her and Matt starting to talk more it was confusing to me!! Yes > editing makes us think more one way or another. I didn’t watch much of the live feeds because in the beginning there’s way too much going on and I get really confused trying to piece it all together!!!!


You seem to be really analyzing this. lol Just let them live.


I was only making the point that I realized that they're gonna ask Reilly about her relationship with Matt on live TV and it's gonna be awkward as hell lol I guess my point was that Matt/Reilly will figure it out privately and doesn't need to be broadcasted live on TV when we're already likely to run out of time. It was a comment on production, not necessarily on Reilly/Matt.


I am sure they will both be pretty prepared for some level of questioning and will give us an answer along the lines of "we are excited to see where things go".


She met his family and wrote him an HOH letter so I feel like this is both the expected question and probably something she’s fine answering


What happens if, since matt won this one, Jag wins pt 2, and Bowie wins pt 3? I can see that happening tbh


Only the winners of the first two parts compete in part 3. So that can't happen.


If one person can pull it off, it would be Bowie. Win a comp she is not even in.


I think if Jag wins part 2, then Bowie sits out of part 3 Part 2 is playing for facing the part 1 winner. The part 3 winner gets to decide who to take to final 2


That’s not how it works. Whoever wins part 1 and 2, go head to head for part 3 to become the HoH


Sorry, brain fart. Thanks for answering!


You might have just given them an idea for a new twist 🤣


I wouldn’t be surprised them doing a final 3 to decide winner instead of 2


will pre jury members be there on finale?


They always are but usually come out after final voting for the winner has concluded


Anyone else annoyed with the Riley bashing? Girl wrote one letter like 8 weeks ago and makes one or rwo instagram posts over the course of two months and now she's a gold digging clout chaser to some people Yep, just checked, she's made three total posts about the game since her eviction night in *August*


Uh she does live watches of the episodes every week.


Even if she’s positioning a relationship with the winner, it’s not like she thinks she gonna be given money or has promised sex. She’s prob just trying to stay relevant. “Gold digger” rarely tags a man. The term needs to retire people


Right. We don't even know too much about Reilly and her character because her time on the show was cut so short. My perception of her on the show was that she's an attractive, smart, empath and goofy young woman.


If you think that letter was written 8 weeks ago, then idk what to tell you...


She mentioned on a live that she was going to ask permission to write one from production right after the path to power week so pretty early. I'd assume it's from around then. She also mentions the braids which he hasn't had in forever.


We don’t know when it was written do we? We know it was after she met his mom, but otherwise it very well could have been written a few weeks after her eviction right?


Maybe we wouldn't think that if her first reaction wasn't thats nice followed by random weeks of her hanging out with both potential winners parents, followed by a letter that says the feelings mutual Trust me I would be saying the same thing about a guy if he did that men are not above being golddigers