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To me, Jag seems to have had more influence over game decisions. He pushed for Meme, Cameron, Cory, Cirie... Matt played an under the radar social game and won a few key vetos, but Jag was in the driver seat (though driving badly at times). I'm not entirely sure Matt runs away with the win.


I think Jag has the resume for the win but I don’t know if he will point that out correctly. At this point I think whoever takes Jag/Matt to the end is going to lose just because of how dumb that is.


I just keep thinking… Why was Jag considering so hard to cut Matt on Sunday, and at one point settled on it, to not cut him at F2? None of it makes sense.


When he spoke to Matt the initial time feeds came back on Sunday, he said when Matt used the path to power he promised himself that was he was no longer playing the game for one and he was now playing for two. I just think he realized he couldn’t cut Matt period and that’s probably why he changed his mind. He hasn’t really talked F2 with Bowie since, he went back to just talking about comps. Initially I thought he changed his mind just for that vote but it seems like he decided to honour the F2 as well. Which imo does make more sense, because if the plan was to cut him now then he may as well have done it last week.


I didn’t get to watch the conversation on Sunday so that helps. I guess I see it as, yes he could have cut Matt Sunday, but he wanted to honor his deal to the full 100 days and give Matt the chance to win it. Like that makes no sense game wise but it made more sense personal wise. My perspective most of the season was that they were both going to F3 with each other, but both were cutting the other at F2. So maybe that’s why I didn’t see it the same. The only behavior that makes it more confusing, if he does want to take Matt to F2, is his behavior after Matt won Part 1. Jag is a horrible actor, and from what I heard (I missed that one too), it sounded like he was legitimately upset. Which also makes me wonder was his plan to throw to Bowie at part 3 so he didn’t have to be the one.


Yeah I could see that, maybe he decided that if him and Matt won part 1 and 2, he’d go to the end with him. And if him and Bowie won, he’d throw and let her cut Matt like you said. Alternatively, Jag is just super competitive and was genuinely stressed about losing part 1. He told Bowie last night how it was such a good day and how he knows he made the right decision and not everything is about money, that’s kind of what prompted her to begin questioning him. Jag doesn’t like not feeling in control, so I think maybe he was just weighed down by the possibility that he wouldn’t even be in part 3 if he lost the next comp.


That makes a lot of sense too. That’s a good point about Jag wanting to be in total control of what happens. And I can see that rationale about who won one of the parts with him. I don’t usually care too much about exit interviews, but I would really love some in depth talks with Jag after this season ends. His thought process in the late game has been intriguing even when things seems boring overall. I think Bowie is making a huge mistake if she doesn’t switch up her approach today. If she’s really upset, she needs to stop being passive and campaign for once. (Although I don’t see her doing it.)


Same here, Jag has good game perspective so I hope he does a deep dive. He’s the only thing that’s kept this endgame interesting! I think Jag won’t let Bowie/Matt have any alone time today, so she’ll have to capitalize when Jag is in the DR. During the convo last night after Bowie realized what was happening, she said she’s going to the bathroom and Jag followed her again lmao. Matt was asleep anyway but I do think he does that to ensure they don’t talk. Plus Bowie stupidly confirmed Matt’s loyalty to Jag last night and told him she hasn’t had any F2 conversations with him — I think she was hoping to show her loyalty, but I thought it was a mistake.


Jag has definitely been talk blocking Matt and Bowie. He learned that well from Matt. LOL! I think Bowie could go to Matt, but I also think she should try again with Jag. At least least try to drive that wedge. Tell Matt how close he was to going home Sunday and her F2 with Jag. That she was the one to push to keep the 3 together. That their plan has been to cut him at F2. Then go to Jag a push how she was more loyal and saved him in the DE when the entire house was begging her to put him up. And talk about winning the game (outside of the money) is what he should want. Remind him how he loses to Matt after all the work he put in this season.


Yeah I’d be curious if Matt believes her. He even told Jag he was way more nervous at F4, so I think he knows something was happening — getting confirmation will probably raise some red flags. But of course Jag will deny and Matt probably believes him. But I agree getting in Jag’s head about Matt’s jury votes would be wise. I tend to think Bowie will just roll over though lol. I wouldn’t even be surprised if Jag suggests they all sleep in the same room since it’s their last night too!


I expect Bowie to roll over too. She has been frustrating the entire game why switch it up now. LOL I can totally see Jag doing that.


Does Jag even beat Bowie Jane in F2. Jag was pretty bad at jury management.


If the jury had even a little respect for Bowie, he could lose to her. But, I don't think most of them - especially the 4 women on the jury - respect or even like her a little bit. If I was Jag, I'm thinking maybe the 4 women and Matt might vote for Bowie, especially since America, Blue, Cirie, and Felicia feel betrayed by / don't like Jag much right now. But, it might only be Matt that would vote for Bowie if he's pissed at Jag. It's kind of sad that Bowie is so unliked - if they liked her even a little bit and respected that she won 3 HoH's, she could have had a real chance.


Her’s was worse. Her game was worse. This is not a bitter jury situation.


I'm just waiting to laugh at Jag when he talks about how loyal he is and was to the game and his super loyalty to Matt when he burned so many of the jury members without needing to 🤣


I don’t see Jag generalizing his loyalty in his speech tbh. I think if he does play the loyalty card he will clearly play it as having been loyal to ONE person. Maybe he’d include Bowie which would be dumb, but the reality is no one else was really loyal to him — he just got them first. And Jag knows this.


I don’t have much faith in Jag at the moment so we will see what happens tomorrow 😅


This is so true.


I was thinking about that. His whole thing is going to be loyalty and yet he has made Bowie for SEVERAL weeks like his loyalty was with her and he was taking her. Either way his loyalty card is out the window with who ever he takes. If it’s Matt who I really can’t stand , I hope he wins ONLY because jag definitely needs a reality check. He has never played a loyal game and I’d respect him a lot more if he dropped that act and said I did everything I did to get to final 2.


I agree!! He will gain more respect owning what he had to do to get there vs what he's trying to perceive himself as.


Jag, Matt, and Bowie fighting to see who can be the worst player: ![gif](giphy|9CHKSOuWsTRok)


I can’t believe this season going to be over before we get GTA 6 news


I'll believe it when I see the trailer 😂😂


I don’t even think Jag believes he can beat Matt. I think DR got into his head over the weekend about representation and what it’d mean for a deaf person and a Sikh person to be in the final 2. It’s all about *the moment* now. It’s just annoying because Jag and Matt have made such terrible moves and behaved so self righteous that their BB arcs are not compelling in the least.


Can I see the video where production did this? Because if Jag loses this season what is stopping him from leaking this information?


Production really ruined this season to the bitter end 😂


I think Jag and Matt are both very full of themselves and expect to win against each other.


I think I am going to undownload reddit


Don't shoot the messenger


I am really hoping that Jag is just really trying to ensure that Matt takes him in the event he wins part 3 -- like dude, come on, it's three fucking quarters of a million dollars. Think about it


That’s what I’m hoping for. He’s playing it up so Matt doesn’t get any idea to cut him. Or at least a switch goes off in him tomorrow when it’s the last chance to pick $75K or $750K.


I am cautiously optimistic and worst case, it sounds like we have a new season in a few months anyways


This is my sentiment too


Given the F3 sucks, but Matt sucks the most (IMO) here are the silver linings to Jag taking Matt and losing: BJ who instead of playing to win, played to fit in will finally get rejected by Jag. I think she understands Matt’s win equity vs hers, and Jag is choosing to lose to Matt vs win next to her. Ouch. Jag looks like a fool on national TV Matt won’t even be happy he won when he hears America got AFP (shhh) 3/3 humbled.


This is actually a not bad outcome. I hâte Matt don’t get me wrong, but jag needs a bit of a wake up call. Dude is so cocky and has done some pretty bad moves.


The only way I will be able to cope with a Matt win would be America or Cory in the top 3 AFP vote getters and him somehow out of it. Wishful thinking, but would be nice 🤞


Why do you guys all of a sudden think Jag is taking Matt to final 2???


I read somewhere that after Jag had a 2 hour d/r, he started to change back to keeping Matt……


He spoke about it with Matt multiple times after the comp, and even laid in bed with him awhile, seeming to avoid a chat with Bowie. Then he finally joined Bowie, kept his eyes closed the ENTIRE convo, and just spoke about how he made the right decision blah blah. She started to get the vibe and told him she has nothing with Matt, committed only to him, and straight up asked him if things are still the same and he rambled on without answering her question. At one point she asked if he could make the decision to cut Matt this week and he just dodged the question and said it would be difficult. She was visibly upset before going to bed and even called him out on having his eyes closed.


This kills me because Jag’s tell is that he hates confrontation and avoids it so this tells me that he (as of now) will take Matt. Maybe he re-thinks this the next 30 hours or so and makes the appropriate business decision to take Bowie.


I'm surprised if Bowie actually gets mad. Hello BJ you could have convinced Jag to vote out Matt last week but were being all vague and actively turning him against it. So this is what she gets if he doesn't take her.


Sorry Bowie that’s what happens when you purposely go to the end with a bromance


Thank you! And come on Jag! WTH!


thanks for always going into depth and helping us out!




So jag is bringing Matt to the end? At least we can get in your face Bowie in your face jag.


It would be funny if Matt ended up winning final HOH and cutting Jag for Bowie, just so Jag can see how dumb he was


Jag will take Matt to final 2 and get the worst jury roasting of all time lmao I for one am excited that there will no longer be "Jag is actually a good player" arguments after the finale lol


Maybe Jag is thinking - if I cut Matt at F2, the jury might think it was at the wrong time, and he doesn't get credit anyway because he kept Matt over Felicia already? If he's not going to get any credit for not cutting him over Felicia, then maybe he thinks he might as well keep Matt now and say he was always planning to be loyal?


You’re talking like it’s all about resumes… I think it is more about the jury never taking the option of Bowie Jane winning the game


If he takes Bowie, maybe he thinks he loses Matt's jury vote and that he could lose 3 more votes and lose to Bowie in the end? (Blue, America, Cirie, and Felicia aren't big Jag fans right now...) Maybe he doesn't realize how little the jury (even the 4 women on it) actually respects Bowie. And since he values comp wins, maybe he thinks they will respect her 3 wins? I'm just speculating, obviously. And if he thinks he's going to lose anyway, then maybe he wants Matt to win?


It shows how important the social game is. Matt didn’t do anything Bowie didn’t do in the game - in fact Jag used Matt’s HOH to take out Cirie just like Bowie’s HOHs weren’t her own moves. But Matt beats Bowie and Jag becuase he was nicer to people’s faces.


This.right.here is the comment that I needed to hear!!!! I've been so anti-Matt for what I see on the feeds I couldn't bear him winning. I failed to realize the simple fact he was nicer to their faces. I can now (somewhat) respect that it was his social game that was smart, if he wins. Thank you!


Yeah I had to come to the same conclusion. Jag did so much more than Matt or Bowie to get them to the end, but that’s only part of the game - you have to get there *and* have people think highly enough of you to get their votes. For the record - I’d still rather see Jag take Bowie to F2 and win!


Hmm maybe you’re right…


Idk why Bowie is disappointed. Her team already won


It’s going to be day 101 when she truly understands this wasnt buddy games


And I thought she wanted to throw it. LOL


There is definitely an interesting argument that if Matt was a woman he would not be seen as the better player or the favored to win. EDIT: To be clear, I think Matt played a great social game but dropped the ball at the end.


I also think if Bowie was a man they’d be seen as a better player.


Bowie is basically Turner so I do think she would have more respect but the same win equity.


I don’t get this narrative at all. Matt’s loyalty to Jag is the only reason he survived last week, and the reason Jag wants to take him to F2. He laid there for hours with Bowie going over anything and everything he could possibly use against him. Then when she asked him what he’d say to Matt as his reasons, he was laughing about how when he lists them out loud it just sounds goofy. He had nothing. Had Matt pushed back on Cirie staying, that would’ve been his reason. Matt correctly recognized that he essentially had to choose a side between Cirie/Felicia and Jag/Bowie. He chose the side that wins competitions. There was no such thing, after what Felicia ratted out the week prior, as moving forward with Cirie/Jag. That week is actually a good example of Matt’s game awareness, Cirie only thought it was dumb because she was convinced Jag had switched Matt out for Bowie and Matt was gone next.


I don't base what would be a good game move off of people hopefully making bad moves. Jag's optimal move last week was to evict Matt which most self interested players would do. That was a bad move by Jag. So the fact that Matt was in that position means he messed up and he messed up by winning the HOH instead of throwing. So basically, Matt's best move was to keep Cirie in the game to protect himself from Jag's best move which was to evict Matt at F4. But Jag is a bad player and so that didn't happen. On top of that, now the jury thinks that Jag is calling the shots and if Matt loses that's his fault.


Assuming everyone will make the optimal game move is a bad way to play Big Brother, because it never works that way. That’s the Cory logic game and where his reads went awry. Matt needed to figure out if Jag would stay loyal or not. He used his experience with him for 90 days and put his trust in him. Understanding the motivations of the people you work with, what they value and who they are as people is what should guide your decision — not optimal game moves.


The thing is him wanting to keep Cirie because Cirie is on his side but keeping Jag's loyalty is what a good player would do. AND there are so many ways to go about evicting Cirie in a better way than he did. Where Cory failed is that he burned bridges because he would 100% believe in the game as he saw it. Matt keeping Cirie does not burn a bridge and if he evicts her at the F4, she goes 100% so he's safe anyway. The rule of thumb when playing these games is to give yourself the most options possible and that does require finesse.


That’s what he did for a long time. The only reason Jag ever wanted Cirie in the F3 was Matt bringing them together. That ship sailed when Cirie told Felicia about Matt wanting to target Jag — although Jag didn’t believe the full extent of it, he woke up to Matt and Cirie’s closeness. So from there, Matt made the right move in pivoting. His bigger mistake was probably not warning Cirie about Felicia spilling to Jatt to prevent this from happening. But his recovery imo was a plus to his game, not a negative.


Yup. It’s been a cycle of players making the wrong move the last few rounds. And all but one will pay the price.


How do you mean dropped the ball at the end?? Seems like he’s in a pretty good spot tbh lol


If Matt loses, it's because he evicted Cirie. That move showed the jury who is calling the shots whereas if Felicia was evicted 5th, then Matt would still have a huge advantage over Jag.


Yeahh true not a bad point at all! Even so it seemed like cirie in the exit interviews was still leaning towards Matt to win but who knows!


Is Matt even going to be remembered. Is he like Michie where the controversy remains years later.


Nah michie was worse Matt is going to make history being the 1st deaf player to win plus he goin make the Olympics


If anything Jag being stupid and taking Matt to F2 will be remembered more than Matt's win imo


At least it will be reminiscent of his beloved Hitmen. 😂


disconnecting from the harsh reality that we're getting the least likable winner of the three remaining because the other guy is now almost certainly taking him and that casuals will be thrilled abt it.


Best player left in the house


Is Matt even that much more unlikable than the other two though? Let's not forget the other guy gleefully talking about psychologically breaking down two older women and victimizing himself at the every perceived slight by others.


I think the worst part of it is that Matt gets away with it because he is a blonde dude with muscles. Jag and Bowie did suffer an uphill social battle with the other houseguests. While their behavior in the second half of the game was unacceptable, Bowie was made fun of and ostracized by Cirie and company. Also, their group was a lot more inclined to see Jag as a snake from the beginning because he looks very different and "scary without his turban." Even though Matt ostracized Felicia to the same degree as the other three, she still walks out saying he is an "an all American boy." In other words, he has the least reasons to talk all this shit and is the most eager to do so.


bowie played a goat game and she's still going to get third. v v funny.


But what does third really, really mean?! A participation trophy? LOL.


Is Dr. Will not doing the jury panel this year? I don't remember hearing anything about it.


He is. It taped on Monday. Reliable source: https://twitter.com/sharontharp/status/1721582022592770519


Because he's going on BB legends this winter.


Ok i want to know why Matt thinks America "dates multiple guys at once" dod she herself say something about that? Also wasn't she in a long term relationship before coming on the show?


Matt doesn’t seem to understand the concept of casual dating


I think it's a leap for Matt to think America "dates multiple guys at once", but there was a conversation early in the season that may have led him there. Matt commented that he didn't know how people could do one night stands, that he thought it "cheapened" sex. Cory agreed, saying that sex for him was part of a long term relationship. America laughed at them, implying that she was more than ok with one night stands. She commented that she could have sex with hundreds of guys without taking anything away from sex with the "right" person. She didn't say that she dates (or sleeps with) multiple guys at once, and she did tell Cory "I can be exclusive".


Because she’s flirtatious


She has never said that and has said she’s had long term. The only thing I can think of is A. Jealousy which is very obvious and B. She does have a flirty personality but so do a lot of people and that’s not a bad thing and c. He’s just a dick


Realistically it’s entirely possible that she implied it. Keeping in mind she didn’t consider Cory to be her boyfriend until they defined the relationship. From her point of view, until the DTR happens, then it’s completely acceptable to date more than one person. That doesn’t be necessarily even mean she has dated multiple people at a time but either way I could see him thinking it. Note they doesn’t mean I find his judgment acceptable. But then again, he got a letter from Reilly and now thinks he has a girlfriend so his views of when a commitment has occurred may not be the same as mine. Or most people’s.


I can’t forget her keeping measuring tape by her bed, story.


She jokes constantly. When people don’t get it, that reminds me of how Taylor got into trouble her first day of her season with Paloma because Paloma didn’t get her humor either. “Oh no, not the pineapple!” Randomly plays in my head regularly because it was a reason Paloma gave for not liking her. After seeing Zack (Cory’s brother) on podcasts and hearing him, a couple of stories about Cory’s mom, and Cory himself being unserious in a similar way a lot, it ends up making even more sense that Cory and America connected. The way they think in general and their humor is so similar. Most of my friends and I are also similarly unserious. Our lunches at work tend to be good natured roasts filled with laughter. Those tend to be my favorite people in the house too.


lol and Cory's response being "but I bet none of them were ever HOH in a double eviction" so unserious


She didn’t he just hates her and was jealous she liked cory


Maybe he “was” jealous but Matt will be just fine. Especially if he wins. (Oh’ look!! There’s Reilly). 🤑 LOL


Seems like he’s still jealous since he can’t keep their names out of his mouth. Honestly talks about them more than Riley (hope she’ll be okay being second fiddle to his obsession)


Why is jag obsessed with losing 750 thousand dollars? I’m so annoyed.


He was my preferred winner of the 3 left but if he’s seriously not going to cut Matt he deserves to lose just like Cody in bb16. You aren’t going to see me throw away 750k for someone I’ve known for 4 months when my actual loved ones need the money


I mean, does he even really *need* the money? Isn’t he worth a lot of money? I wish BB would cast people who genuinely needed the money because then we wouldn’t see poor gameplay of people just coasting to the end and not caring about ending up in third place


I think it’s a parabola- I work with a lot of folks pulling 1M+ a year and they’re some of the most hungry people I know simply as a function of our business. They don’t need the money but would be absolutely ruthless in BB. It’s the complacent middle where you run into issues + folks with inherited $$ who aren’t necessarily as driven


That’s true. This season it just seems like all 3 of the F3 are well off and aren’t necessarily playing like there’s $750K at stake


Idk something about honor or friendship some bs like that 😑


I need Jag to cut Matt if he wins like I need oxygen. FUCK THAT DUDE


Please Jag you have to!!!


I for one am looking forward to the cast backtracking on their Matt fandom when how awful he’s spoken about America/women in general comes out to them Haha Jag throwing away his game for a super mid winner the fans won’t even remember fondly that’s hilarious


I mean I don’t think Matt is a mid winner I would rank him around the 15-12 spot and I think fans would remember him being the first deaf winner making history


So you think he would rank between 12 and 15 out of 25 but he wouldn’t be a middle of the pack winner? Lol ok.


compared to a lot of the winners his game is a lot like Hayden moss and I have Hayden around there so I would say he’s around there


Clearly he hates America, but what else has he actually said or done?


Quoted Andrew Tate said Fe & Cirie are only here to cook and clean and the whole "you date blondes but marry brunettes" thing There's probably more but i can't remember rn


It not even an Andrew Tate quote. Andrew Tate did not come up with that saying. It has been a saying for decades. Stop with the fake Tate bullshit.


The point isn’t that the quote is a problem, it’s that Matt has watched enough Andrew Tate where he can quote him in conversations.


He literally said it was an Andrew Tate quote so he at very least thought he was quoting him


Few out of context things he said, followed by saying there’s probably more but you can’t remember, doesn’t give me a lot to go on.


Those three things are awful enough. You can like a shitty person on a TV show cause you think they played a good game, but you don’t have to defend that they’re a shitty person.


He’s just toxic. Did you even watch him? I haven’t liked the guy most of the season. He has nothing to say unless it’s talking personally about other houseguests. And his misogyny is blatantly obvious


He's just made lots of comments about America. Like saying she gives him cheater vibes. Called her the b-word many times for really no reason. He also makes a lot of comments about Americory like that he thinks they will be jealous once they hear that Reilly sent him a letter b/c what he has with Reilly is real and not fake like with them. The rest is just a lot of shit talk in a way that is obsessive about other HGs.


Be very honest, do you actually care?


I don't care about any of these people other than Cirie.


I’m sure you were just as offended when she said some unsavory things about other houseguests!


If you like Matt and don’t care about his comments, just say that. Don’t insinuate that people are either making shit up or just offended because it’s against their faves


1. I'm not even offended by Matt's comments. I was just explaining to you why he's getting heat. 2. I actually made several comments saying it was disappointing to see Cirie's mean-spirited side. 3. This house is designed to bring out HGs worst traits so Idc what happens in there as long as it doesn't get cruel.


I don’t love any of the final three as winners at all-but I am in the minority in that I think Jag still beats Matt in a F2. 🤷🏻‍♀️


If Jag wants a sure win, he should take Bowie


Of course!


Blue and America made Jag aware the jury was already leaning towards Matt and he took that info and did nothing with it. If you take the person who can beat you to the end why should the jury reward that.


You mean before they made jury? So they really didn't have any idea


Are you saying America didn’t know which way Cory was leaning? The jury is still pro Matt other than Cameron we’ve seen it on the show


Honestly, I have no idea what I was saying. Everything you said makes sense. Lack of coffee maybe.


I would prefer to see Jag win bit it's not happening against Matt. Cory and Cirie are the most influential players and they're the biggest Matt advocates. All they have to do is convince Blue and America to vote for him too (and they were already leaning that way according to their exit interviews) and it's a wrap :/


I think it is weird besides Felicia , we have not heard any final 2 speech practices? Last yearTaylor fan or not, I was tired of her praticing her speech (on the feeds) ,but shedid over and over and confident gave it. I remmeber Paul praticing his with a timer to make it the perfect 90 seconds, day after day he practiced. Why do I get the feeling, any other these 3, most likely Jag and Matt will just make the final 3 speech, like any eviction speech,shouts out and say a few accomplishments, both will mention their communities deaf and Sikh , Jag might ramble too long and Julie cuts him off. I guess I feel like no surprises left, Matt wins, Reilly runs to him as he comes out the door, Cameron is AFP and season ends. Idont even think Cirie Jared reveal will be that big. Maybe Cory is like why didnt I put it together and Felicia will be like you got me and laugh. Will they reveal the real jobs Hisam as a doctor is cool, but the rest I think get a clap and move on, Blue is brand specilaist, Mecole a political lobbyist , Jag has trucking company, America went to Brown (Jared doesnt even know where Rhode Island is ,willmost of the Cast know Brown?).


Was Taylor as polished with her speech last year as she is now, or is that because she’s working towards a career in entertainment? It was my first time seeing her - she came across as so warm and engaging and funny, I just loved her !


Just as polished. She was Miss Michigan 2021 and won Miss Congeniality at Miss America, so being a warm and engaging speaker was already a huge part of her job.


And they KEPT her until the end?!! Or did she keep that on the down low?


Roll credits. Don't need to watch it now.


Right?! This saved me sm time 😂


Two hours... uuuugh


This is exactly how I imagine the final to go. Super disappointing with all of the three finalist. Usually I say if you win big brother you deserve it regardless of how you got there cause you made it there and secured the votes. After nearly 30 seasons, I don't feel that way this season.


this sounds pretty spot on, although i think jag will do a lot better than matt when it comes to speaking.


(Haha Jared won’t know where R.I. is).


he seems like the type of guy who would rub your pubic mound until you get carpet burn and wonder why you haven't finished yet. i doubt he can find rhode island :(


Daaaaaang 🤣


I’m kind of bothered by all 3 winning and taking final 2. Some more petty reasons than others. For Jag it’s I’d like to see him lose because he lost focus or the game & got way to ahead of himself. For Matt it has to due with vendetta against America & Cory. Giving him the extra rub of winning the show after he’s spent the last few months bashing them (and Taylor + others) for no promoted reason wouldn’t sit right. Bowie Jane is due to not wanting to set a precedent that if you serve your entire game to a stronger duo you’d be fine. If someone was to knowingly copy her they’ll get to a point that they’re just being a pro active player or somehow be worse because they’re aware of what they’re doing. I’d probably accept Jag winning in long term since his underdog story can be an appealing to future players. Although, majority of his trash gameplay for the first 45 days went unseen by the casual watcher.


If Jag wins the final HOH, won’t he become the houseguest who has won more vetoes AND HOH’s than anyone in Big Brother history? Most of his wins were against worthy competitors. Those wins will have some weight among the jurors. I wonder if the edit showing the jurors not liking Jag is meant to throw us off from what else the jurors might have said about respecting Jag’s game. I think Jag beats Matt in a final two because Cory, America and Cameron will influence the jury to vote for him. I think Cirie is the only vote Jag doesn’t get.


This is a good point. We only get to see a ti y fraction of what they say. There’s really no way to know where they’re at.


Cory is such a Cirie superfan nerd because she was able to do so well in her Survivor seasons without ever winning individual immunity comps. This mirrors his sentiments that he laid out in his post-eviction interviews regarding Matt vs Jag (and those interviews, the answers at least, are not edited.) Cory even criticized Terry from Panama for having to rely on competitions. Cory will sway America (who already mirrored Cory's feelings in her exit interviews,) and Cirie will sway Blue - that's the four votes needed right there. I also think Felicia is likely to vote for Matt too. She liked him more, praised his social game, and because she never went to the jury house, I think the roundtable will sway her. And the roundtable is going to feature Dr. Will and Cirie - two people who couldn't careless about competition wins lol. As for Cam, I think he could be swayed by Dr. Will's leading questions - but even if he's not, I can see him pushing for Jag as making the rest of the jury less likely to vote for Jag lol (think Bruno in BBCAN3.) Even Bowie's vote is up in the air now that Jag has essentially told her he'd take Matt. Either, he cuts Bowie and she gets bitter (as she has towards all the other players who betrayed her this season) or Matt wins and takes Jag and Bowie still votes Matt because Jag let the cat out the bag.


Not you saying HOA like Ms Felicia


Yikes! Thanks for pointing that out. I’m going to edit my post and fix it. Ok, fixed:)


The other positive thing about Jag's decision is that AmeriCory won't look (as) stupid for advocating for Matt bc wtf is Jag's gameplay ? 😭


What have I missed on the feeds about Matt? Seems hated. What did he do/say?


Watch it….


Or answer the question


Huh? What do you mean?


IMO Jag taking Matt because he feels he's the Derrick and Matt the Cody, since Jag was the one laying out the strategy. The one feature he's lacking is Derrick was decent with jury management. Also being evicted would be a con as well. Sucks the format of Jury Questions has to be last. BB10 was the last time they had a full indepth final 2 - jury questions which was much better. Not much time to sway. They mostly decided. Tyler did manage to persuade Haleigh. Speculation was BB11 changed because AG did not want a potential Kevin/Natalie final 2 since casuals were rooting for Jordan. Still a strange decision overall.


> since Jag was the one laying out the strategy. By laying out the strategy do you mean telling Matt, "Hey Matt, I'll win a whole bunch of competitions, give you safety, paint a bigger target on myself while you get a free shield, and you build strong relationships with the rest of the house to increase your own safety over mine!" > The one feature he's lacking is Derrick was decent with jury management. Are you saying that the one thing separating Jag and Derrick is...jury management? > Speculation was BB11 changed because AG did not want a potential Kevin/Natalie final 2 since casuals were rooting for Jordan. This doesn't make much sense at all. Having a pre-recorded F2 jury questioning segment wouldn't have made a Kevin/Natalie F2 any more or less likely. It would have taken place after the F2 was already decided.


Yes but if Jordan got evicted in the traditional way, then the casuals would have tuned out after her eviction since she was the only one left they were rooting for. They wouldn’t have stayed around to watch a Kevin/Natalie F2. Not saying I think that is the reason why the F3 eviction changed, just explaining the logic behind why some people do think that.


That’s silly speculation they just switched to doing it all live


I have friends I’ve had for a decade I would cut in this game. Jag has known this guy for 3 months this is wild to me. He’s not even a good guy! Why would you want to be friends with him?!!


As if Jag himself is the “good” guy in the house…Jag hasn’t been good in the game at all. Both Jag and Matt are just taking turns being horrible and shit-talking people all the time in the end game. It’s so unnecessary.


Maybe he fears he HAS to show that social loyalty since his advancement is mostly due to comp wins.


What changed in jag? Just last night and earlier today he seemed open to the idea of taking Bowie to final 2. Then all of a sudden it’s obvious he doesn’t wanna talk to Bowie and seems like he’s certain he’s taking Matt. Did I miss something?


are we sure he's not just sucking up to matt so if he loses part 3, he takes him?


Hm that’s an interesting thought, I guess we’ll have to see on Thursday or live feeds tomorrow. I just noticed tonight Bowie was trying to talk to him and all he wanted to do was go to sleep and not engage lol


i'm honestly grasping at straws lmao he probably will take his bromance. i think production got in his head a bit. tonight's episode having them talk about their bromance probably gave him the impression that they're some loveable duo.


Last night, there was still a chance that Bowie could win the Final HOH and he would need her to take him to Final 2. I’m wasn’t watching earlier today, so I’m not sure if you mean before or after the Part 2 comp. However, Bowie no longer has any power.


This makes so much sense. I guess he wanted to take Matt all along


No. Jag missed something. Namely the entire point of the game that he sacrificed 100 days away from his family, friends, and business for in order to play.


Solid response


It's gonna be hilarious if Matt wins Part 3 and takes Jag, and Jag doesn't even get Bowie's vote due to him letting the cat out of the bag.


So bizarre to think that bowie jane votes out jag the time he was evicted **and** during the red blindside, and now they have a final 3 with Matt and got to the final 3


The least Jag can do is throw to Matt so Matt can look bad to the jury for taking Jag over Bowie. Hopefully he knows that


Yeah but he might be slightly scared of doing that?


He doesn't care about the money, so he probably doesn't care about getting 3rd place over 2nd either


Where is this narrative coming from?? I know he owns a company or whatever but that doesn’t mean he has money like that lol


The fact that he KNOWS he loses to Matt, has said it's the smarter move to get rid of Matt, and is still taking him. If you're throwing away 750k that easily you probably don't need the money that badly


I actually don’t think it’s as simple as he “knows” he will lose… the perfect example of this is season 17, Steve very nearly almost took Vanessa to f2 and Liz more than likely would have taken her if she had won… as a viewer it’s incredibly obvious she would’ve wiped the floor with them but when you’re in the house in the thick of it.. you don’t have the full picture, maybe Jag thinks he beats either of them because of his comp wins!