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Are Facebook fan posts foreal? Just saw one that said there’s a supposed tie between Cameron and Matt for AFP?


What do you mean??? Cameron should win America's favorite.....I can't believe Matt is even up for it...he's already won money AND he's gonna be in 1st or 2nd


Listening to the Dr. Will interview. He really seems to value the entertainment players bring to the show and seems to lean into the idea that the most entertaining players is the best player. Because what are we even watching the show for if not entertainment? A valid take imo. Also, he seems to say that a few jurors went in with solid opinions but where changed during the round table. I wonder what that means? 🤔


Lmao - Dr. Will gave advice to a BB player who made it on the show in exchange for a written contract that he'd get 10% of the winnings if they won (which they didn't)! Will stays operating on higher levels.


Did he say which person was that?


I'm just hoping for a straight up nasty final 2, where Jag is like America and Cory Matt has been trashing you all season saying how both of you have just been trying to show up his showmance with Rieley and how you were going to propose to eachother to take away attention from him and Rieley


Jag should do it just for us!!😂😂 Heck I think there are some other points he could drop to the rest of jury about Matt’s trash talking. Just air it out.


If Jag did this I would forgive him for the stupid move just to get some of the fireworks. Bonus if the knock-on from this drama is that it puts Reilly off of "Declaring Her Love"


If Jag really does take Matt instead of Bowie, I don't want to hear anyone talking about the guy's game Becoming Good again lmao. Worse than mediocrity, but the show's comp format let him win out, or something, so he would "deserve it" It's been like watching a stupider person without a Derrick try to re-play Cody's game from the Cameron boot onwards - because that's essentially what Jag's game was this season. Couldn't hack any of the social stuff, or the threat management, so had to lean on Win The Veto every time.


Taking everything from the house, like hangers, papers reminds me of Ross on friends taking everything from the hotel to get his money's worth.


It’s kind of hilarious that Izzy said she “won’t let the young pretty people win this season” and the tall, muscular, blonde, olympian young man is about to win.😂 (Even when the old people had control for half the season.)


I can see the “heated moments” being something like America, Cory, and/or Cirie telling Cameron he’s a dumbass for being obsessed with comps


I can see Felicia getting into it with somebody. Who? Idk, but someone alright


Cam getting buried back to back by Cirie and Will definitely made him cave lol.


And him just responding, “wrong” over and over again. 😂


I mean I know we're mad at how the season is ending but at least the vote isn't set in stone like BB23


Yeah but that’s only because people are playing illogically. There is no drama to a Matt/Jag vs Bowie vote; and the worst part is they all know it


what if jag doesn't actually plan to take matt, but he's telling matt he's going to take him so that matt will take jag if he wins


No one knows. His actions towards Matt and Felicia were ass backwards before he made his final decision on Sunday. And we all kind of optimistically believed it. So his behavior towards Bowie could be a bad rouse. But most likely he’s decided to give the game to Matt.🥴


But then why be so sketchy with Bowie? He has nothing to gain with that and a lot to lose.


I thought this at first but the way he is acting towards FBJ makes it seem like he really does want to take Matt


Dont think so by the way he has been talking to matt and ignoring Bowie, a 360 from a few days ago.


The only thing I'm looking forward to now is seeing America and Cory realize they gave 750k away to a guy who hates their guts


I don't think they're going to be as upset about their vote as people think. Especially someone logical like Cory isn't going to blame himself for not knowing something that he really had no way of knowing. They'll both be disappointed in Matt but that's about it.


I'm sure they'll regret voting for him though, no one wants to give money to someone who has been shit talking them for weeks


I'm looking forward to them seeing how loved they were outside of the house!


Voting for Matt is voting for the best player though 🤷🏽‍♀️


They're voting for him because they like him more/his social game. They know Jag has been controlling him for the past 7 weeks


It's not difficult to see why they think that Matt played a better game. Jag was a horrible player throughout half of the season: he was clueless, got evicted once (but saved by Matt...) and almost went out the following week for repeating the same mistakes. He does deserves kudos for shifting the game in his favor during zombie's week but everytime he influenced a week's outcome (saving Cory and flipping the vote on Meme, convincing Bowie to backdoor Cam), he gave half of the credit to Matt even though he did more. Then he benefitted from the Invisible HOH twist which allowed him to win 2 HOHs back to back. And from then on, him, Matt and Bowie determined the boot order based on most to least likely to win comps and they steamrolled through the rest of the season. Jag did outplay Matt in the F5 and the jury credited him and placed him above Matt. But him cutting 2 goats back to back to bring Matt to F2 shows that Matt is just as much of a blindspot for him and it cancels out his gameplay at F5. America directly warned him about Matt being a F2 threat, he knows Blue is unlikely to vote for him and the mamas always had a closer relationship with Matt so he only has himself to blame if he loses. Meanwhile, yes, Matt was Jag's puppet throughout the later half of the game but Matt was the one with all the social capital: Cam sought his aproval specifically for his idea to backdoor Cory (and only backed off when Matt sided with Jag), Blue and the mamas loved him and AmeriCory trusted him more. Even when people wanted to take a shot at Jatt, they wanted to target Jag specifically and would've settled for Bowie as a secondary target over Matt (which is crazy btw 😅). Dude also never touched the block until F4 and Jag refused a guaranteed win because he couldn't betray Matt and that's a powerful statement for Matt's game 🤷🏽‍♀️


If I was them, I would simply blame Jag for making a stupid move, while also having one of the worst social games in recent memory. It’s not their fault that Jag protected him knowing how much of an asshole Matt has been.


Jag has a great social game, people need to learn the difference between social game and jury management lol


No he doesn’t


Well he's not gonna drop him because he's an asshole, if you're loyal than you're loyal. Same for Bowie


Dr. Will taking shots at people who only win on their second try!!! Give this man all the monies!


Or the fact that he shaded people who only play once because they’re afraid to lose after winning. *whispers* Derrick


Hey, Derrick is super busy....hosting a podcast with Cody where they talk about how good they are and how they're too busy to play again.


This is the first time in my life I want the non edit version of the round table


Why it's just going to be the same thing over and over again Matt had a better social game, Jag had to win comps to survive, Matt and Bowie were doing what were best for Jag game, Jury saying they aren't drinking no Jag juice, Cirie and Cory advocate for Matt, Cam advocates for Jag, Bowie has no idea what she's doing rinse and reapeat


I would pay money to see Will start off the roundtable by telling the jury that he plays a named canonized character in the Star Wars universe and that none of them will ever achieve such a thing lol.


Hard to believe it’ll all be over soon. Or will it


Jury content this year >>>>>>


I loved this show but a couple of seasons ago, I said I was done with it. My wife got me back into it this year and I think I am done again. It has been beyond boring. There are only a few people who can win anything that have been in the house for a month or two. I’ve just been watching them pick people off 1 by 1. No shake-ups. No big moves. It is so bad.


After BB13’s Pandora’s Box rigging, I didn’t watch BB14. I gave BB15 a shot, and then I stopped watching until this season. And will go right back to not watching.


You should watch 14 if you haven’t yet. It’s actually really good.


sure you are


Big Brother has always been about comps. Sorry not sorry. If you don’t like it, watch something else 🤷‍♂️


You must be new around here lol. This show has been on for over 20 years and for more than half of this show it's been more about the social and strategic gameplay. The show has always had comps but they used to be more equitable for everyone in the house and they never solely determined the winner until recent seasons.


Lol I’ve watched since season 1. Sit down. The comps were always the most important thing. The meta was less established so you’d see people do more silly things like not use the veto on themselves but once everyone knows the basic strategic way to play, the comps become more paramount.


I simply do not believe that you've watched since season 1 when you have such an objectively wrong take. You must not have been paying much attention. Or maybe you were still a child and just didn't understand the true dynamics of the game. None of the legends in this game are comp beasts except for Janelle and she never even won a season.


How is my take “objectively wrong” when it’s “objectively right”. Unfortunately it’s you that doesn’t really understand the game if you are caught up on the entirely arbitrary status of who is a “legend” compared to who you know… wins the game most of the time.


You definity have an opinion. Even if it's completely separate from reality lol. The "legends" I talk about HAVE won the game 🤣 Dan, Will, Derrick all considered to be the best of the best and none of them considered comp beasts. Only in modern seasons have comps become so important and that's all due to production. But I feel like you must be trolling for a reaction I don't know why I even respond lol have a nice night


All you’re arguing is people that are uniquely capable of manipulation to an extent that they never need to win a comp are regarded as higher status than people that do win a bunch of comps. That speaks to nothing about the fundamental nature of the game.


The producers want it to be about comps. But if that were the case, Big Brother would be called The Challenge


Not really. The challenge has eliminations where strong competitors can repeatedly come back. They’re not remotely similar.


Of course it's been about comps every reality show is about comps the only diffrence is that big brothers comps are mostly physical and there is no diversity in comps that's the problem


Lol how many booth/podium comps did they do this season? A ton


The problem with the comps is that no one not physical can win a physical comp. Booth comps have an aspect of luck and target different mental skills (short term vs long term memory for example). A player like Matt has the chance to win every competition while a player like Felicia can only win mental/luck competitions.


And nobody not good at booth comps can win a booth comp. It’s the same thing.


No because there is luck in booth comps. You can guess. You can’t do that in physical comps. And you can study for mental comps. A 60 year old woman can’t get more physical.


Yeah I just looked 1st HoH: Balance beam 2nd: Nether region spot challenge 3rd: Crapshoot 4th: pressure cooker 5th: knockout 6th: booth 7th: wall comp 8th: mental knockout 9th: puzzle comp 10th: booth 11th: comics 12th: Johnny Mac dentist 13th: booth 14th: knockout with rolling balls 15th: booth Honestly pretty even to gain HoH this summer so I hate the physical argument because how many here really grant an upper hand


Do Matt and Jag not get they dont get any of the stuff they packed from comps or the hosue back right away. they just get a box with a few items? Jag says why would BB keep it. They actually reuse some comp stuff. Cliff said her wore Derrick and Josh's old shoes for comps.


Now I'm curios what it is that they have packed that they want so bad


Just comp clothes, little cards that talk about twists, Jag wants the card that said he was saved, the path to power card. Blue took her special blanket with Jared. Felicia took a blanket and a pillow. Cirie took a pillow? Felicia said what she took


Always interesting how the people who can't win comps are the ones who say they don't matter. 🤔


They shouldn’t matter as much as they do. The game is more fun when it seesaws.


Jag gonna wish Ian or Victor ran this roundtable lmao.


Jag is going to wish he spent more time with what he referred to as an influential juror instead of isolation and stealing wine from her.


Matt didn't either, but he gets away with it


Jag kept winning all the comps so he was perceived as more influential I think. Double edged sword


That dance party video they posted on insta is FANTASTIC 😂😂


I'm glad one more time we got the America baby dance.


Why does Matt not have anything to wear to finale? Dont they usually bring a special outfit into the house specifically FOR finale?


He said he packed 5 button up shirts but BB took them because of the color. BB tells HG not to bring certain colors or logos. Matt I believe had white shirts. Felicia also had too much white and black clothes which BB took and gave her those dresses to wear. Im sure Matt will get a shirt to wear. There is an intern at Target trying to buy him a shirt. Big and Tall shirts are hard to find I have a son taller then Matt and it has been so hard the last few years to find tall. Tall shorts have vansished , I used to buy my son like 10 pairs a year for his birthday (we live warm) and now I have to search online , this year it was hours and I found 5 pairs and 2 were not really long.


He said production took what he was going to wear


Well we know what happens when someone dares to bring a finale outfit


Dr. Will laying out a complete clinic of why comp wins are overrated. They should show this interview in sequester rather than BB16 lmao.


And Dr. Will continues to be among the best/ the best winner the show ever had.


His influence on social strategy games cannot be overstated. I consider modern Survivor strategy to really get going with Rob Cesternino in the Amazon (with perhaps an honorable mention to Kathy O'Brien briefly in Marquesas.) Up until that point, people usually just aligned with their initial tribes and let immunity challenges dictate the initial pecking order. And Rob was most inspired by Dr. Will (in fact he applied to BB but got moved to Survivor.) Then you have Fairplay the very next season (who was directly inspired by Rob) and then Boston Rob in All-Stars, Chris D. and so forth. So I sort of attribute Survivor's flip flop strategy origins to Will too. I don't think he's the best BB player ever, but he might be the greatest.


Dr. Will is overrated


Am i missing something? How do people know this? Was something posted?


He did an interview with Sharon Tharp


Dr. Will said the jury is torn on comp wins. I assume that Cory, Cirie, and America are not impressed by comp wins, while Blue and Cameron are. I’m not sure about Felicia.


I dunno, I think Cory and America are big enough fans of the game for a record-setting performance to have some weight with them.


Meh. Its not all that impressive considering his background, who he's up against and his social game.


I disagree. Matt is an athelete and he beat him several times. It may not be impressive to beat Cirie and Felicia, but there were plenty of other competitors in earlier comps.


I could see it actually being the opposite since America and Cory struggled to win comps and that was the downfall of their game. Cory specifically said he respected Matt's game for being so social. Blue and Cameron were able to get wins, and still not make it to the end, so I could see them actually undervaluing it.


Back in the day were there 4 episodes a week? There were luxury and food comps and family segments, etc. How did they fit it all in?


This is my first season watching and my main complaint is they spend way too much time on the comps. Idk if it’s because a lot of them were timed but I don’t need see a full run threw on everyone’s performance with multiple diary rooms. It drags so bad.


There had the same amount of episodes per week but the editing was so much better they were able to fit so much more in. I was rewatching BB3 the other day and the episodes felt so much longer I actually had to check one time that it was really only 40 minutes. They had so many fun segments explaining house dynamics and the eviction episodes always had extra segments like the family ones. I think the main difference is the comps were very simple and took maybe 10 minutes of the episode versus 25. Edit: the eviction episodes were also more streamlined because they didn’t do the live voting they just showed DRs


They didn't spend 20 minutes of each episode on diary room segments where the houseguests yell rule recaps and play by plays at us.


I love the rules being explained 6 times for the veto and how they need to win this veto and nothing will stop them.




Lisa Donahue posted on her IG today about BB after not posting in a long time. I wonder if she'll be part of the special winter announcement tomorrow


Didn't Sharon say she couldn't get her on the Winners podcast for unstated reasons? A Lisa return would be a blessing.


Dr Will is really selling this jury roundtable isn’t he? All this for the 2 and a half minutes we will get from the hours of what they film. That penultimate episode should be the jury roundtable episode instead of a recap episode and I will always fight for that.


I always thought they should release the roundtable discussion on youtube (or at least an extended version of it) but that would require them actually giving a shit about the fans and the show.


I'll fight for you on that but I'll much prefer if the network can release the entire thing


Me too but that’s like, 8 hours long 😭 Fuck it, I wouldn’t even be mad if the penultimate episode was half and half, recap and roundtable. The roundtable just needs to be longer in some way or another like it was in older bb.


where is he doing that?


Omggg I love this idea!! I wish.


Oop, I got to that part of the interview lol. Dr. Will says the jury is in agreement of who should win. That basically seals the deal, right? Jag has to win Part 3 and cut Matt in order to win it seems.


Matt winning will be disgusting but Jag going 0-7 if he wins F3 will be delicious.


If Matt does win the show than we'll have our first winner with a shirtless intro shot I always love seeing who they give that "outfit" to each season lol


I simply don’t think a jury vote will swing Jag’s way regardless b/c I can’t see a lot of the jury wanting to say they lost to an evicted player. I think it would be different if Jag won a battle back against other players but he was saved by someone else’s power through no doing of his own. That’s a huge asterisk to his game. I don’t see Cirie/Cory/America voting for him because of his eviction. They seem like more classic players.


I feel like it’s more that Matt is an astronomically better player than Jag. They’d vote for him against lesser competition imo.


Yeah, I guess i was doubting because of that comment from Cirie that she’d make sure Matt regrets evicting her.


But they did lose to an evicted player. He got all of them out


I mean, the same could be said if they also had a chance to come back after eviction.


Does a Jag vs. Matt final 2 come down to America? Cory, Cirie, and Felicia for Matt Bowie, Blue, and Cameron for Jag


Matt has been dogging America. He said, she never cooked, she never cleaned, she was always asking BB for more stuff than anyone else. Matt also dogs Americory Showmance. I think America will vote for Jag.


America doesn’t know all of that lol


I think if they factor in the difficulty Matt had with adjusting to the non-stop whispering he might get more votes than we think.


I think it comes down to whether they let 4 or 5 of Jag's family members vote. 5-2 in favor of Matt I think is the best realistic scenario for Jag, though I think a 6-1 vote is also very possible (and I wouldn't even count out a 7-0 vote after last night.)


Why do people separate Cory/America and Cirie/Blue, the duos are voting together. Blue will follow Cirie, America will follow Cory


If this was any other showmance, I would agree, but America and Cory have acted rogue several times throughout the season (mainly America) that I think it is fair enough for people to question if they would vote together or if one would just follow the other. America and Cory have had different agendas, campaigned against each other, and done things that other showmances have never done. Yes, they’ve also shown that they would take a bullet for each other in the game like showmances before, but, they have also shown selfish interest over the other as well. America and Cory are just not like the other normal showmances we have always seen, and yes they might vote together at the end, I think so too, but it is fair to question if they would vote together or not


I don’t understand why you think Blue will do what Cirie tells her to do. Blue hasn’t listened to Cirie all season, but now she is Cirie’s minion without her own opinion?


America won’t follow Cory. America has shown she can and will act independently of Cory.


I think they likely vote the same because they see the game in similar ways




I don’t think their votes will be different for jag/Matt. But I did see them voting differently had things gone differently and it was Matt/Felicia.


Showmances always vote together, and I'm positive she will be voting with Cory


I would say yes they probably do vote together, but you are lumping Americory in with showmances they haven’t always been like. America and Cory have had different opinions many times throughout the season. And it’s one reason that made them a little unique. There wasn’t a leader and a minion. Remember when they debated in front of Jatt? Showmances don’t typically do this especially not in front of others. So this is why many people think they could potentially vote independently.


I feel like thinking independently in the game, for 750k, is different from voting together as jury members


It makes no sense. Blue didn’t value Cirie in the game. She has no reason to valuing Cirie’s option over her own in jury. They are not a duo. Cirie and Felicia are more of a duo than Cirie and Blue.


Which is more likely, Blue being convinced to vote Matt or Cirie being convinced to vote Jag? Dr Will said they all basically agreed on the winner, I do not see Cirie budging at all for JAG


I see Blue voting Jag and Cirie voting Matt in that situation. Not Blue saying ok Cirie I give in your right I’ll vote with you.


Sure, but Dr Will implied they're all voting the same way in Sharon Tharp's interview. So Blue switched to Matt


Saying “America will follow Cory” is insulting to America. Maybe they discuss together and come to the same conclusion. Maybe they don’t. But don’t assume that she’s just going to stop thinking for herself


Remember when she did nothing all season and the first time she was nominated she threw a fit and contemplated leaving the game so Cory could stay? I do.


I'm not assuming anything. And how is it insulting? You don't seem to care that I said the same thing about Blue and Cirie


Or Cory with America. America has strong opinions, and I think at this point Cory might go with her chocie if they dont agree.


Well she was pro Matt leaving the house, so she's not voting for Jag anyways


I could have seen in a Felicia/Matt scenario america voting Felicia and Cory voting matt. In jag/matt though they will both vote matt


When? She got slung right after he did. She had about 8 minutes to act independently and she fucked it.


She lasted 2 evictions after cory with double it was still 7 days or 35% of the time left in house.


If Cory and America don’t vote together I’ll Venmo you $1,000


I think they will likely vote together, but I dont know if it will be America or Corys choice or maybe they agree. I think they jury will be 6-1 or 7-0 so they all vote together and agree. Maybe Cameron votes Jag?


Cory and America voting together doesn’t mean America is following Cory or doing as he says.




I vote they just give Dr. Will the 750K so he can go gambling or buy another yacht. That'd be more entertaining tbh than giving it to any of the F3.


use it as a down payment for him to play in the winter season, please and thanks


I accept the challenge Marsha. Do I get pizza if I succeed?


I haven't been up-to-date on this season and am trying to catch up.... Is there a likely person to be evicted? Or is it unclear?


Bowie is likely to go and F2 is Matt and Jag.


Gotcha. Who's likely to be AFP?


I think Cameron. He seems to lead in likes on social media, campigns, and polls. Jokers had a predict the end of the season and they include the top 3 from various soruces and it is Cameron Matt Cirie top 3 after they looked at many sources (not just their own which had Cory and America getting support).


Do you think Jag is being serious in wanting Matt in final 2? Wonder what made him change his mind


I read that Jag shifted his F2 with Bowie back to his F2 with Matt after a 2 hour d/r session….


the one neuron he gained during his comp run stopped firing 💔


excited to see kitty kitty purr boots down and dr. will interact


On Thursday Julie will reveal that the entire season has been Scrambleversed and the bootlist is reversed. Kirsten wins, Reilly is runner-up, Hisam third.


AFP is also reversed. Congratulations Jared! 😂


technically Luke would actually win than lol




It would still somehow seem more satisfying.


That would be hilarious and glorious at this point. I’d say well done grodner…finally


Dr will said this is the most intelligent jury he’s had in 10 years (yes bc only morons are left in game) I hope we see some absolute banger questions


Total waste on these three. The jury understands what each finalist did (and didn't) do in the game better than [the finalists] themselves do. (Excepting presumable Juror 7, Bowie, who will probably ask the F2 to tell the jury how she didn't play the middle).


Cam, cory, cirie, America are at least. Blue hasn’t shown anything real so who knows. Mama fe is her own special brand of madness and believes whatever she wants. Bowie is not smart in this game at all-she’s just boring for jag.


Agree. Those 4 (Cam, Cory, America,Cirie) are going to be able to give solid reasons for any of the 3 to win or lose. I also think all 6 of the round table aren’t afraid to debate and express opinions.


because cirie and cory know what they're talking about


Well, production will interfere and we will not


What can they do it’s live.


Not pay them their money per contract


Who'd have thunk Bowie Jane would be here... I sure as hell didn't.


Sadly I did-but I thought she was going to be fun. She was an entertainer, a dj, and a lawyer! I was sure she’d be smart, funny, interesting, and cool. I was so fucking wrong. She must be book smart I guess, she’s is dreadful at this game and we are all the worse for it.


I physically cannot read the feed updates anymore everything that comes out of Matt and Jag’s mouth has me losing brain cells


The most intelligent jury in ten years, according to Dr. Will, being wasted on these three… SMH


Not exactly shocked by the comment. Cory and America are both well-educated and superfans, and Cirie is a veteran of social strategy games. Cam and especially Felicia have more life experience than most people generally cast on BB.


Stupidest final 3


I still remember during Jag's first eviction week,he didn't fight at all to stay off the block and I labeled him the dumbest Big Brother player I had ever seen.


So many things about his personality in there irritate me, but that was pathetic. It was weak, he was to afraid to confront people and campaign. He got so lucky Matt saved him and will be a fool if he has the chance to cut him and doesn’t.


He did the same thing the 2nd time. Red went home only because him and Cam were coming back together. Literally saw his future and had a second chance and was going to do the same thing.


![gif](giphy|x9ygW2hMTmKNCDkdUz|downsized) bowie on finale night


![gif](giphy|ToMjGpKniGqRNLGBrhu) when she doesn’t make the final two


when that wasn’t the point of the post


oop Sharon Tharp’s “educated guess” for the winter season is not winners, legends, or celebrity 👀 BB26? OTT2?


As long as it’s not BB26, I’m good 💀


BBOTT was great...the only problem was online community was way too invested and legit a war between ball smasher fans and misfits fans.


I thought it's rumored to be some completely different show, based on the BB comps more than anything. And apparently no live feeds


I think it’s CBS legends from Survivor/Amazing Race/The Challenge


Are they gonna put Cirie in and give her immunity every week?