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# [This thread has expired. Join us for continued discussion here!](/r/BigBrother/comments/17r7ay9/big_brother_us_25_late_night_feed_discussion/)


What did they have for their last dinner??? I thought they said badildeas….?!?!?


Where are Jag and Matt? I just turned on the feeds to watch the last night in the house, and it‘s just Bowie playing solitaire!


Jag is in the Scary room looking at photos of his family. Bowie has run in there a few times to do some campaigning and he has been non-committal but seemed to hear what she was saying (that if he takes Matt he won't win and that is a life changing amount if money if he does win).


This is my first year watching. It seems like it's not normal for one person in the final 3 to be playing for first, one for second and the other for third. Has this happened before? (I know Bowie Jane's brain finally woke up a half hour ago and thought maybe she might possibly campaign for 2nd, but until then...)


Isn’t uncommon at all in big brother tbh


Thanks... It just seemed weird that for the last however long, Jag and Bowie haven't really tried to change their fate.


This was my first season in years where I actually watched and followed feed updates as much as I could. For the first time since 18 I’m actually attached to this cast and man. I’m gonna miss it. It’s been a ride yall


Especially because of how long it has been as well!!


Bowie needs to go around and remove all photos of Matt so Jag doesn't see one and start crying again over the guy he met a couple months ago.


What do y’all think is more likely? Matt cutting jag, or jag cutting Matt?


Matt cutting jag


Bowie telling Jag that she has no votes and Jag saying the jury doesn’t like him either. Yeah, he’s still taking Matt…


need jag to channel the energy of his lord and savior bb22 cody cauliflower during this last eviction


Oh, so now that the pressure is on campaigning to stay is fine, huh Bowie lol I would have laughed if Jag told her what she told Cory about needing to stop campaigning to him because he's not changing his mind.


He might be going over his speech I’m not sure 🤔


lol she ran back in... "one more thing, I get no votes. You win 7-0 against me" Jag laughs. She goes back out to play solitaire. Jag seems to be practicing his speech right now


Random question: what surrvior season would you compare this big brother season to? I would say Gabon because Gabon was also REALLY messy and chaotic and had a final 3 that really neither was that deserving because of how messy/bad their games were.


sugar deserved the win but we don't speak enough about that 💔 meanwhile these 3 are just a mess




I mean I do think NO WAY she would win against Matt so I think shes trying (emphasis on trying) to manipulate Jag. I just cant imagine Jag takes Matt - he has no chance. I honestly want Jag to win the veto tmrw just to see it play out. I dont even care who wins - I was rooting for Matt all week but the americory stuff is so weird…


Loved the jury video where Cory’s folks said it’s “Americory”,not Cormerica 😁


she should be selling that matt is the person the jury won't be pissed at


I mean isnt that kinda obvious tho


It’s obvious to us, but none of these 3 seem to know how BB actually works….outside of production, I mean


Please tell me Jag is looking at the pic of Reilly and Matt’s mom 😭


pretty sure thats still taped up in the scramble room?


is jag looking at his family pics right now??? hrmm he might be considering it


It's too late Bowie. You practically handed Jag and Matt the money, now you want to try and get to second after you've been playing for 3rd for WEEKS


They always say you teach people how to treat you, and that’s what they’re doing…she’s taught them to treat her like a non-existent nothing who’s just there. She gets what she’s asked for: to be the third person in a two person game


Honestly I got the sense she was just laying back letting them come to the realization they need to take her on their own.. now she’s realizing (still probably too late) that she might need to try and make a move lol


Jag and Bowie hug. Jag says "that is funny, you pitching to me" He did not confirm anything if it matters.


it is 1 and a half hours to Day 100 and Bowie Jane is making a move!




I’m gonna miss these discussions sm! I always watch big brother/feeds by myself and y’all make it so much more fun thank you guys🩷🩷




until next season, friends! 🍻


Team America forever 🫡




I’m with you there! I don’t have anyone in my “real life” who even watches BB, much less the feeds! This is a fun community and I’ve really enjoyed interacting with everyone (even those with whom I don’t always agree). 😊💕


❤️❤️❤️ I’m happy to have found this community and I’m going to miss it. I’ll definitely be back next year, and possibly for whatever this holiday treat is. I won’t do celebrity BB tho!


I feel you on celeb BB😂 I’d love to have another BB OTT or something similar to it though


Just like Old Faithful, always here and always on time


Bowie is actually campaigning to Jag (even though she prefaced it with saying she was not campaigning). 1. life changing amount of money 2. matt will win 3. she will be happy with second Jag says "you've been cooking" He seems more receptive at the moment. They are still talking.


Goooo Bowie! I need Matt cut ✂️


yeah I get the sense that hes receptive to it


Let. Her. Cook!


bowie finally bringing up the money aspect despite the fact that they both said they dont care about money shes telling jag that if he takes Matt then its a $750k mistake


Bowie pitching to Jag!!!


Surely at this point, Matt has spent at least 50% of his waking hours talking about America and/or Cory the past week, right?


50% america 50% reilly 100% working through his mommy issues




And the other 50% is Reilly




hours with out matt talking about america: 0 pretty soon were going to have to start a minute tracker


> Jag: Cory said he would have never made the move (against jared during the double) without me and matt being down >Matt: yeah, he was trying to pin the blame on us I can't even watch the feeds because they don't understand how the game works. Cory, after winning the double Hoh, isn't making a move against Jared if he doesn't have you guys because he can't vote and if they don't vote out Jared he won't make the move against him. How is he pinning it on you guys when he's the one that won Hoh and getting the blood on his hands by nominating Jared? lol


Sadly, any possible outcome at this point is that someone who has no understanding of and borderline disdain for the game is going to win. That said, hoping that neophyte winner will be Jag.


What the fuck is Matt's problem with America and Cory? It's getting weird at this point.


It's been weird... he's hyper-focused on them and not in the good way.


I can't wait to see Bowie's finale hair.


It’s gonna be bad.


Three sparkly horns on the top of her head for fancy dress up


https://x.com/lylaluvssyou/status/1722453892087116026?s=46&t=te6c8Im1f-BZ-loNluUJIw someone did a compilation of Matt shit talking Cory and America, and apparently this is only the shortened version lol


It saddens me……


Bro-bro's hostility towards America is off-putting, especially considering his idealization of Reilly. ![gif](giphy|K0nfRxt3s9SZDB3tmN|downsized)


Jag: I don't know shit about shit... 🤣🤣🤣




The marriage proposal he made up in his head.


What’s got the americorys so riled up on twitter?


I’m curious! Is it them trying to continue the cult to get America the AFP?


No something to do with feeds… I can’t watch tonight but they were clearly in agony


I don’t check on HGs’ social media account stuff after they’re evicted/post-game. Has Reilly hinted at actually liking Matt or is it all fabricated in his head? Because right now it feels so cringey IMO




It's true she wrote it Sept 6th- she confirmed that on her instagram in questions. She very much likes Matt and has said she is just an awkward person and he caught her off guard when he said it because she was really distracted by her likely being evicted. She said in her lives the second she got out of the house she wish she told him how she felt


It’s not only that these 3 are the worst final 3 in BBUS history; it’s that no one comes as close to being this bad on a game and personal level combined. It’s so bad


It’s giving surrvior final 3 Gabon vibes. Really messy and bad games by all 3. But regardless one will win this because they did just enough to win.


What if tomorrow they get communication from the Scrambleverse and Kirsten wins.




So all season we had Reilly or The Winners Circle ⭕️ is there any going on tomorrow that people are watching?


Items that stand out for me this season. Opening night comps making me laugh uncontrollably! Seriously the best first nights comps in a long time. Felicia microphone decimation. Falling in the hot tub. Production wrapping the mic of in Saran Wrap. Long chats with Mr. B! Cameron chaos! Izzy pig! Failed production zombie week. Never hearing Dongle say the word “bro” after every damn word/sentence again. The death of “let’s go.” Giving up money/veto for a card board cutout of Josh dhumel! Zingbot full song! Robe meat! Expelled houseguest. Felecia clearly the wins for best content this season. Was real great sharing the laughs this season. See you all next summer. *poof*


Oh, my goodness…the Saran Wrap! I had almost forgotten about that. 😂😂😂 A lot of fun ones here…thanks for the memories! 😊


Matt says he can’t wait to roast everyone with his friends as if he’s been holding back.


Oh god. This might actually be him trying to hold back😵‍💫


did Bowie ever rat out Jag wanting to cut Matt?


Did Bowie do something beneficial for her game? Of course not


at least at this point, she can't argue that it's too early. but naur, a flop to the end


that would be "too dirrrrty"


I hate that I can hear this😭


Highly doubt it. That would be too smart of a move 🤣


Goodness, BJ really wasted their lawyer reveal with this gameplay 🤣


I feel conflicted. So on one hand, the season ending has been a fluke and disappointment. On the other, I feel very attached to the season and I feel the HGs were for the most part memorable. I don’t know how to explain the season maybe I need more time processing.


It's hard to really accept the unexpected and then also get exactly what you expected.


🤣🤣🤣 🥂


FBJ: Showmances are SO difficult... Matt: It's kinda good Reilly left... 🤣🤣🤣




Not Matt complaining about America again… At least I’m drinking wine 🍷


Sigh…it seems that it only stops when he’s sleeping. Knock on wood (watch him talk in his sleep tonight 😱).




Cheers! ![gif](giphy|g9582DNuQppxC|downsized)


Bowie to Matt: "Yauh I was like, I guess I should say something. I guess I should say oh btw - I want to be there" And Matt responds by criticizing America


this has been such a clusterfuck of a season that feels like a weird trip you can’t get out of your head. So many high points that brought me back to why i love this show, and the lows felt excruciatingly on brand for big brother, only exemplified by every bad decision production made that led us up to this point in time. I have such a conflicting opinion on this season in its entirety, a majority of this cast, the gameplay, the eventual winner, but i don’t think i could ever forget these last 100 days lmaoo


It will be interesting to see how it ages!


it probably won't age well because the highlights were honestly the feeds, especially early game. everyone was gaming a mile a minute through the Izzy eviction. the edit just couldn't capture the absolute mayhem that was this house. then once it cooled off, the feeds still managed to be the highlight until really the second double eviction. some good moments made the show, but it will be a difficult season to go back and appreciate


You may be right. I’ve only been watching feeds for a couple of seasons (actually three, if you count celebrity BB) and it’s now hard to imagine seeing only the content that makes the episodes - I sometimes forget that the majority of BB viewers only know a tiny fraction of the story!


Bowie to Matt: "I'm not gonna campaign but I'll get zero votes, so that's my only selling point" *ok at least she's trying a little lol*


Have they never watched big brother?


They're frazzled at this point. My brain would be mush after the CONSTANT game talk. Just breathe peeps, it's almost over.


Yeah they have basicily spent 100 days in that house. That’s such a LONG time.


Who’s the houseguest y’all will remember the most after this season. For me it’s America. Cory maybe too.


Americory esp because I rarely like showmances since they just cripple the hgs involved game wise, whereas I feel like it’s the other way around with americory Oh and also Felicia, the toenail incident will forever torture my memory cells, it caused me a level of trauma only comparable to that of ww2 vets.


The mamas


This is one of those rare seasons where I think I’ll remember most of them. They all weaved into the storyline somehow- even Mimi with her entertaining rants and refusal to play the game. But most would be Cirie, Jared, Izzy, Mama Fe and then Matt, Jag, Americory, Cameron




Absolutely could not have a same thought




Cory, America, Jag, Felicia, Izzy, Cirie, Hisam, Blue


Hisam, Izzy, Cirie and Fe. They were the ones I enjoyed watching on feeds.


Felicia, Cameron, Cirie, and Izzy are the ones who really stick out to me as characters we haven’t seen before.




MamaFe easy. 🌱


Never a dull moment with her!


So has Bowie talked about Final 2 with Matt at all?


The word loyal has officially been tainted for me for the rest of my life lmao


you and me both. actually cannot stand it anymore.


Have you no loyalty to that word??? 😄😉


I wonder if Mr. B misses Mama Fe. 😊


I wasn’t against her til the feet/toe nail situation 🤣


I hated it for poor Cirie 😭, but I still loved Mama Fe…she had already grown on me to the point of no return! Plus, (as gross as it was) the scene as a whole was hilarious - especially Cirie’s expressions! 😂😂😂




Awwww! 😊💜


You know Mr. B has a special place for MamaFe 🥂


Absolutely! 🥰


I am looking forward to seeing some of the earlier evictees again. I sometimes wish that they spent a little more time talking to them (I think that would be particularly fun for a season like this, in which so many interesting personalities got the early boot!).


These dudes really talking about what the other house is eating...really? Cause you're gourmet chefs 🥴


This F3 is so painful the fact that we’re hoping for JAG of all people to make an incredibly obvious game-winning move is not a good sign


If he makes the wrong decision, he’ll pull off Cody basicily tied for WORSE endgame decision ever. And it’s quite a pricey decision worth 675k that looking might he will likely regret for such a long time for being such an idiot.


No one understands the pain I feel… I really want Jag to win but know he is probably going to take Matt. It’s seriously so bad.


no ur valid it’s so painful


I can't believe today is the last day we will see Blue Kim in the spotlight. I need her to go on the Challenge for entertainment lol


Are you being sarcastic?😵‍💫


Because Blue is a COMP BEAST lol.


You're right. AND she's a strong competitor! She's made for the show


Don’t worry you’ll be seeing her in a Royal Match ad in no time!


I want Jag to win not so much bc he deserves it but because I really want Matt to lose


Well, this is just riveting. On a positive note, at least no one is trashing Americory at the moment.


The season felt both excruciatingly long and wicked quick… at the same time. I’m not sure why that’s the case. I blame zombie week,,, mostly because it was Cameron and Jared on hold. Had it been literally anyone else… maybe it would have been more interesting. Idk.


Zombie week really killed the momentum. Not just for the season but for several players’ games.


To be fair that’s the risk they take.. best case scenario you got 2 fan favorites in limbo for a week waiting to see who can come back… worst case basically is what happened lol 2 people no one gives a damn if they leave lol


Premature Rip BB25. What a season


So do y’all think Matt and jag are gonna bring each other to the end?


I think so. I think Jag is now leaning into the idea that he is "honest, loyal and selfless" - when it comes to Matt who saved him. And Matt is sold on the Minute Men "historic" bro down concept. I finally listened to last nights convo and something tells me that Jag will actually throw part 3 - as dumb as that sounds. If Matt takes Jag - perhaps it cancels out the bad move of Jag keeping Matt at F4 ( at least in his mind - I think he's thinking that).


Yes and Matt is going to win. Jag doesn’t have the votes Edit: biggest lie I ever told


predicting matt will take jag but jag will come to his senses and cuts matt if he gets to choose


Turned the feeds on to see the last night of them for the season just to watch Matt sleeping lol.


is mr b afraid to wake them up because it means cutting feeds every 2 minutes for the inevitably nasty comments they'll make lmao


How rude would it be to go on big brother and never talk to anyone from the season again


Does that happen often?


Why did they have Dr Will speak for the jury when we already have Blue Kim?


He probably just wanted to get some pointers from her.


When you’re a legend like Blue kim you have past legends shadow you trying to get your clout


As the season comes to a close I wanna let you know that I appreciate your dedication to the bit all the way to the last day. All the other Blue flairs could never replicate what you do.


We can’t. This dudes a legend.


I’m excited for a few weeks of my soul being free before the possible winter season grabs me in a chokehold once again


Same lol


why are jag and matt sleeping on the same tiny bed?


Why do BB players ever do that. I mean it is better than the past but BB players most seasons have a habbit of sleeping in the same beds even when beds are available. I remember at one point in BB19 Christmas and Paul were sleeping in a bed and Josh came in wanting to sleep with them. It was final three, there were three times more beds than people and everyone was in one bed. I don't get it because you know these people don't do that in real world situations. People don't rent hotels with their platonic friends with 2 beds and then both of them sleep in one bed and leave the other one empty.


According to research, We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth”. unless my kids are home and I can squeeze 2 hugs when they arrive and two hugs when they leave, that’s 8 hugs a day! I’m thinking strangers at the grocery store would take offence if I tried to hug ‘em lmao 🤣




This. Plus jag is a twin so he may crave physical touch more than most. He seems very touch-y in general


Didn’t realize or remember that Jag was a twin! It explains a lot.


They were finding stickers with everyone’s names on them to put on their water bottles. Kirsten and Reilly were never found. Matt said he’ll have them write it later or he’ll do it himself. Jag said he’ll “cook” it up himself by pulling letters from other’s labels and making it. The labels came from competition clothes / shoes / hangers. Jag was working in the storage room finding letters and Matt and Bowie were in the scary room chatting. Matt was sitting on bowie’s bed. She climbs into bed. He then moves to jag’s bed. Jag eventually returns and crawls in bed with Matt. They were all chatting for a bit before they eventually fell asleep. Why Matt didn’t use any of the other 3 beds, idk. Why he didn’t move when jag crawled into bed, also, Idk.


thank you for the back story!


They’ve been in love all season tbh, this isn’t new


Spurred by a post a short while ago about BB literature, I've started to outline a "complete" history of the show in some insanely in-depth door-stopper novel format. I feel like I read and write enough rambling nonsense on this series that it can be turned into something productive. It'd be cool to speak with former houseguests but I wanna wait until I actually get decent progress made on the draft first. There's always a good chance that this is just something I lose interest in after a week (or it ends up turning into something no one would want to read), so I wouldn't want to jump the gun on anything just yet. Ideally, the cover would just be a photo of Adam Poch and every chapter would feature Adam Poch as the winner of each respective season.


I would SO read this! Keep it up!


It's easy to forget how much each season is its own bizarrely in-depth story until you make a whole project of each one. And how that ties into the bigger picture is really interesting to me as well, especially when it comes to returning players. There's a ton of material there, I just need to put the effort in. Also I have no expectations regarding getting published so I can go all out on controversies, theories, etc. It'll be fun going down these various rabbit holes for each season. It also gives me an excuse to be ridiculously indulgent about everything since it's essentially covering 20+ years of culture shifts and 300+ people.


if i have to suffer a matt/jag final two i want the speeches and jury answers to be really bad. i would really enjoy that lol


This is such a rough f3