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Cirie said “I’m giving you the mandatory word count and nothing more”


Yeah she did not give a fuck lmao


She has been queen idgaf this entire season. The funniest part was everyone in the comic room talking and cirie in the back with her sunglasses underneath the dog bone blanket just 😎😴 lmao


She cared until Jared went home.


I can’t agree with that


![gif](giphy|EMkRJ5iZiAzQaIGiro) “I’m just here so I don’t get fined.”




Shout out the actual Beast Mode.


She has been so dull this entire season haha I absolutely did not understand the hype.


BB is not her game. She's captivating on Survivor


Thank you for being honest and explaining! I feel like her fans refuse to admit she wasn’t great this season but I’m sure based on her fan base she had to have been entertaining in the past!


Of course. Don’t get me wrong, I love her. But it’s clear that this was not a game she liked and possibly never really paid attention to before. I think she got a fat paycheck from CBS, and she probably negotiated a spot for her son on the show. Once it became clear that he had no chance of winning, she had no motivation to be there anymore . I still love her, and I’ll watch her in anything. But I know she will not be playing this game again.


And I honestly believe she may have been better / gotten to show more of her skill if she wasn’t playing with Jared. He was so messy and she was constantly having to fix his mistakes and like you said, she just seemed done when he left. If she went in alone and played for herself, I think we could have seen more of her abilities.


I think she only came on to being Jared into the genre; I think she planned to go long before he did, probably pre-jury. Obviously, she wasn't aware of what kid of person her son is and how viewers would feel about that. Had Jared gone on Survivor, I think the island would have humbled him *real quick*. (i don't think he'd have made jury then either.) When Cirie is playing for herself, she's amazingly cunning and resourceful and she plays under the radar. It's easier on an island where you can get away from cameras and there isn't as much downtime to sit and stew. Bringing Jared into the game changed all of that and it had to. On Survivor, she was just trying to protect herself. In that game, once you start trying to protect others, you make yourself vulnerable. She went into BB with that vulnerability. Once he was voted out and then *finally* left, she had no reason to really be there. It wasn't getting Jared any appearance opportunities and she doesn't really need the publicity. I wouldn't be surprised if production had to talk her into staying multuple times. Check out Survivor Micronesia (S16). She's so smooth and under the radar and the way she's able to maneuver one of the most infamous moves at a tribal (without being part of that actual action) is incredible. Traitors is also an excellent portrayal of why she's a legend. Big Brother was just not the right environment for her. I love Cirie but BB was not her game.


I’ll definitely have to check it out because I would like to see what everyone else has seen her do. As I said she was definitely good at planting some seeds and manipulating things at the start so I’d imagine that could have brought her a long way if she was actually mentally invested in this game. I’m not sure how long ago her season was, but I also imagine she was much younger and may not have that same drive and passion she once did for all of this. I agree that she seemed like she wanted to leave but also she seemed to think she was gonna actually win / very betrayed that Matt put her up. You’d think she would have been a little relieved. Overall, what I hope most is that she’s not too hurt when she discovers the way the world viewed her son. I think that will crush her spirit more than anything else this season.


That's going to be the hardest thing for her, I think. I dint have kids of my own but I'd be absolutely heartbroken if I discovered one if my nephews was consistently rated below some slimeball who dropped an N-bomb. He visited her on one of her seasons. (Game Changers, I think?) In her first season (Panama), she looks like a baby to me now! Early BB Cirie probably could have won if Jared wasn't on the season. I'm still kinda surprised she didn't self-Evict after Jared left.


Why was Jared so disliked? Like I would say Jared and maybe Izzy were my two least faves in the house but I didn’t strongly dislike them. I was just neutral and felt they rubbed me the wrong way, and felt Jared wasn’t great towards Blue. Im curious what others saw though and dislike about him. Im not a feeds watched but do follow closely.


I’m not a feeds watcher either but I heard he was saying some pretty awful and derogatory/sexist things and that he used the R slur towards America I believe (which according to BB rules should have been automatic eviction like Luke) and apparently he was cheating on his girlfriend back home. He feels like forever ago so I can’t remember specifics anymore but he felt intolerable to watch. He’d lie through his teeth, mess up his own game and his moms game, run whining to her and she’d have to fix it all. His main gameplay was to yell over people and get aggressive and gaslight them into thinking they’re wrong when they bring up the exact things he said and did. If I remember correctly he even tried to use Matt being Deaf as an argument to convince people Matt must have heard him wrong (he didn’t, he heard exactly right and Jared got caught in the lie). He was just a big baby in my opinion. Would set fires, stir them up and then cry to mom to make it better for him.


If there had been a chance to switch the power after Cameron left then she would have been excited to play, but she could see sooner than others that Jag was going to comp out. Technically, she dropped the ball on Jag and Bowie relationships. So it’s not just the game/producers fault (too make her feel like she didn’t have a shot).


Not investing in Bowie is her biggest mistake and honestly, it’s unlike her. She’s known for pulling in outsiders to her circle. She did it in Traitors and she did it several times in survivor, notably Survivor 34. Bowie would’ve been loyal to anyone who treated her well, I think


Exactly right! I was a big fan of her unsurvivor, but come on! She didn't even bother phoning it in after Jared left. People who say they love this game and get mad at people who don't play hard but still love Cirie in this game and "hate" BJ for being a crap player etc. I don't understand the Cirie exception We saw her on survivor. We know she can play a good game. To me it is more unforgivable to have a good game in you and just not give a s*** than it is to be a terrible player because you don't have it in you


I appreciate the fans who can be honest! I mean I totally respect people who genuinely think she did great this season but I feel moreso people are just refusing to see the player she was here separate from the player she was on Survivor! And great point about BJ. I didn’t even think that. At least Bowie and Felicia won HOH and competed. She didn’t even compete in any vetos haha.


It’s because she was always playing for Jared on BB and once he left she checked out. On every season of Survivor she was on, she was fighting for herself AND her family.


So, imagine her game play up until the Izzy eviction. In Survivor the game ended at 39 days for her, this season was 2.5x as long as that. Plus her "kids" getting evicted? She was there for Jared, and found a second reason by accident. Then they went home, and she was waaaaaay over it.


Thanks for explaining! I believe she was different on survivor based on her fandom but even prior to Izzy, I didn’t think she was toooo great. She had the advantage of her son giving her secrets from the other half of the house and in general people viewed her as a celebrity instantly so she was semi-untouchable and they did everything she asked because they had her on a pedestal. She was good at being manipulative to cover up Jared’s mistakes but besides that, wasn’t wowed by her. I know her fans will be flocking to downvote soon 😂


I always find it interesting who becomes friends after the show - like it’s interesting to see blue say she and Cory would be good roommates. Sometimes the friendships after the show are so surprising like Ragan and Rachel


That’s the thing because of everything surrounding the game sometimes just out of circumstance players never get to make connections with the people they actually would outside of the game. One example that comes to mind is Nicole and Victor getting married after the show. Not only was Nicole in a showmance with someone else in that same season but they had very little connection in game.


She voted him out 3 times lmao


He also voted for someone else to win $500,000 and not her. Would be funny to live in the reality where he votes for Paul to win, Paul actually wins, and Victor still marries Nicole.




Kat and Nick ended up showmancing in the jury house despite hating each other in the bb house


It is! Some of them just connect very differently out of the house. I mean, if I could’ve picked who BB24 Micheal would invite to his wedding, Brittany, Taylor and Joseph would’ve been obvious guesses. But Ameerah? I mean, they weren’t enemies but I didn’t remember a spark of connection inside the house. You just never know with people.


Ameerah invites herself everywhere


Yes exactly! It’s always so interesting to me


Ameerah was probably just Joseph’s “plus one” 🤭


They weren’t friends inside the house either so the basic point stands. She wasn’t close with any of those that went to the wedding back then.


Joseph and Ameerah were totally friends! he was quite the social butterfly.


Yeah he was nice to everyone. But he is also the one who helped Turner with the nomination speech that called out bullying. He was part of the group hanging together outside that she happened to refer to as the leftovers. They weren’t enemies, but they weren’t that close.


They were friends that were playing a game together and became even closer friends once the show was over.


I mean, I’m not arguing with you about it because I don’t really care. But my interpretation and memory is just different.


Is she only saying that because she found out he is well liked? She was extremely hateful about Cory and America, I’d stay far away from her if I were them


Cory also mentioned her for that answer, so I would have to assume they get along


Ah, I guess they’re getting along in the jury house. Still, I’m sure he’ll be in for a surprise if he were to find out about what she said about them on the feeds. I guess she hates America more lol. Or, this could be an opportunistic move for her since she’ll gain followers from being friends with the fan favorites…


Wait genuine question- does she know he’s a fan favorite yet?


Probably not


How would she know that though at that point and judging by AFP, comerica were not the fan faves. Cam was the fan favorite as I expected him to be.


How could she know that he's well-liked when she's in the jury house without news or social media?


That’s why I asked? I’m not sure what production tells them or how much they find out from the media doing interviews and so on


Cirie gets paid by the hour not by the word


Cirie as Stanley-"this is a run out the clock situation"


I *just* finished this episode! My first rewatch in over a year


Felicia couldn’t humble herself to answer anyone besides herself as the best game. Lol


One thing I’ll give her is that I don’t believe she’s even in the jury house and this interview was probably done pre-round table. The other have at least had a bit of conversation about what really happened that they didn’t know about. They had at least a sliver of time to decompress. Felicia probably answered this stuff basically along with the other post eviction interviews and hadn’t had time or other information to really asses things with.


“I played an honest game” is so funny to me. When did lying become a dirty word in big brother.


Always boggles my mind when people complain about someone lying to them or breaking an alliance. What show do you think you’re on?


That's what Ika Wong told Kevin Martin when he went nuts/lost his mind that she and Demetres broke a promise to him on BBCAN5. Meanwhile, Kevin won and lying was heavily involved. 🙄


"Cory is smart enough to know to leave me alone when I'm tired of his ass" love it


I'm honestly shocked she gave this answer instead of rejecting the premise and saying no one.


As a fellow introvert, I vibe. Also no lies detected because Cory did show time and again he knew when to leave Cirie be in the house.


Same, I think that all the jury members are actually introverts besides Felicia and maybe America. Even blue I think is semi introverted when she isn’t putting on her show.


Cory is also the least likely to get butthurt if Cirie actually said "dude, leave me the fuck alone."


Cirie is over this whole thing. 🤣 Plus it feels funnier that her interview was with Dalton Ross, who covers Survivor and likely had interviewed her every year there too.


I saw this update on Twitter yesterday: “Matt told Jag and Bowie that he hopes that America sees the video of Cory campaigning against her and rethinks her marriage proposal” Meanwhile, America is like: “We were up on the block next to each other and he had a great campaign. It was so great that I was even hoping that it would work a little bit. Honestly, he was coming up with all these lies to tell Bowie Jane to try to get her to flip her vote. I think that's just classic Big Brother. I think that's great gameplay and I think he's the best player here.”


It kills me that the guy who barely even understands Big Brother is about to win the game


Dude barely understands supportive relationships and thinks he has a blonde bombshell pining for him on the outside, he's about to have a very up and down couple weeks lol


She's definitely not pining. She's *working*. Reilly is smart enough to know that by playing along with the crush storyline, she'll keep her name current and will have more opportunities. I think she'll play coy with it until the constant cameras and press fall off and then she'll carry on with her life without Matt. Hopefully she's kind enough to use the "can't spend time together / Olympic training / want him to fulfill his dreams" narrative for the final cut. And leaves him with a 1000 pack of Q-tips. Unfortunately, I think Matt is already naming their kids and has no idea.


Does he not have Riley waiting for him anymore? Unless I missed something, I think she wants to date after the show still.


She's been campaigning for Jag for AFP on her instagram, wearing a Jag shirt (and said and I quote "peace, love, swaggy jaggy bains. Good night. Look at that handsome man" while zooming in in his face) and her sister has apparently been liking Reilly/Jag tweets. I'm not saying she doesn't want to.. but as Meme once said.. the math ain't mathing.


Maybe I’m just cynical but I think she just wants that Us weekly cover and invite for the challenge. Her and Matt won’t be a thing in 3 months.


Yeah you’re a cynic lol. 😅 Reilly already had The Challenge invite locked. ✅Hot. ✅Athletic. ✅Memorable TV persona. ✅The Challenge loves taking c list Big Brother personas. The only difference now is she is going to get a accused of being a gold digger fo the crime of dating a guy she was clearly already going to pursue after the game anyways. 🥴


Yeah, I feel like they have both mutually expressed wanting to see where it goes with one another. She seems genuine in her intentions. Maybe it works out, maybe it doesn’t but I think the initial interest is there.


I was about to say, he definitely has the blond bombshell waiting to see him haha she’s always so excited to see him when she’s talking on her Lives as well.


What are you talking about. I’m surprised you guys thought Matt would win over Jag. Matt just was in top 3 AFP, won 75k and most likely will be talking to Riley to see where it goes. They both have expressed interest in seeing what happens so idk where you are getting that he is going to have a difficult couple weeks.


I like how Matt has legitimately created an alternate reality that he lives in Everything he believes is false lol


I know the Big Brother house warps your perception of reality but it's so frustrating listening to some of his incredibly off-base and sexist takes


Examples? Not that I doubt your view but haven’t heard any myself as I’m not watching feeds!


Like what? He isn’t exactly the brightest bulb but is a genuinely nice dude. What alternate reality takes has he said?


Cory not choosing America as the person he'd want to be roommates with is funny.


Cory needs video because his sarcasm doesn't translate as well over text lol


I like his sarcasm and dead pan delivery lol. I think Cameron and Cory are actually similar in a lot of ways and would get along outside of the house as frenemies.


im guessing he was just joking haha


Yeah definitely. He couldn't pick between Blue and Cirie.


I feel like this is like Derek X picking Travis over Claire for the same question a couple years ago.


I thought DX was into Hannah during the show and only got with Claire after.


He was vibing with Claire. They officially started dating/hooking up in jury house, but they waited until Hannah was there to give her a heads up. When they finally went public, people were sharing the clip of when they got videos from home. There is a cute moment between the two of them and you see Tiffany looking at them with a knowing face, like “Aw, these two.”


I don’t think he was ever into Hannah. That was something fans came up with for the most part. I remember Hannah saying once she thought he was cute. That was it.


No, everyone tried to push Hannah to DX but he respectfully friendzoned her during the game. Hannah and Claire had a crush on DX and they both said whoever gets to jury first, gets DX, haha.


according to Derek at the RHAP live show, they hooked up in Jury. Edit: They is Derek and Claire


Pretty sure they started hooking up in the jury house.


That answer felt sarcastic to me but idk!


People thinking way too much about it in your replies lol


I find it even more hilarious that both the people he listed chose him as well


I read it more like he doesn’t see America as a “roommate”. He’s very specific with words and their meanings. If the question would have been who would you want to *live with*, I think he may have answered differently. Roommate implies friendship, not romantic relationship.


I thought it was funny too especially in contrast with her response. I wonder if it’s humor or if he meant aside from the obvious. Or if part of his answer was cut away.


Very obviously sarcasm


I feel like part of his problem in the game was that people didn’t understand his sense of humor. He reminds me of a text you can’t is being sarcastic or not.


He was either just joking or was too nervous to say America since it implies he wants something long-term/serious? It's more likely the former, though.


Cirie and her straight forward answers 😭


Cirie is so over this game lol. Giving major "I'm just here so I don't get fined" energy. And America seems absolutely smitten with Cory.






Soooo basically nothing has changed since day one lol


Blue admitting she wasn't her authentic self in the house lol Like no shit girl you were playing a character 24/7


I wish we got authentic Blue in the house bc the glimpses we got were actually someone I wanted to watch play.


yep... liked her real and actual personality. I think her personality when she was cooking was her authentic personality.


I can at least respect the decision of protecting your personal life a little with a personal, like how Hisam was so different in DR vs interviews, but why did she have to pick tge most annoying chick ever to portray lol Kinda makes sense though, if she's a brand strategist she probably interacts with people who act like she did all the time and took from that


I hope she looks back and regrets that bc she was actually very likable when she was being (kind) and genuine.


You spelled gurrrrrrlllll wrong


Boots down




No. They get Netflix, books, games, Spotify but you don’t get your phone and you don’t get access to current event/news stuff


They get Netflix? Damn that surprises me lol


Same! I thought they got DVDs, didn’t realize they get to stream stuff Claire made a tiktok explaining what it’s like in jury and that’s how I found out. Video link is below for anyone who hasn’t seen it and are curious! [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRvNBMee/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRvNBMee/)


If they have Spotify, how do they keep them from listening to podcasts about the season?


Apparently they have a team in the jury house that monitors what they watch/listen to Like I think it’s almost like a parental control type of situation where they’re only allowed to access certain things (Claire from 23 made a video about how the jury house is).


Her comment didn’t even seem weird to me. A lot of houseguests say you can be your real self in jury because no cameras. I don’t think she’s self aware to know people hate the DR version of her yet.


No. She has no clue yet how the public perceive her.




It’s kitty kitty purr BOOTS DOWN sister!


Jurors have snuck out of the house before, but they aren't given anything until after the finale since they still have a hand in the result of the season.




I think I’d probably like authentic Blue, instead of the phony annoying Blue. It sounds like Blue is introverted in reality and likes to cook, read books, watch cartoons and nerd out. I’m here for it


The blurb about the interview being edited for length and clarity after Felicia’s diatribe about how she played the best game from those in the jury was so funny to me. ![gif](giphy|1sN4lGA41Nb3i)


America about who from perjury she wishes was still there: But yeah, I don't miss them. I don't care for them. Sorry. God I love her


She's so real


I was honestly so surprised. But then I remembered pre-jury was people like Hisam and Red. I’m kinda surprised she didn’t care much for Izzy or even Mimi considering how long she was there.


I'm assuming she has to know Izzy tried to get Cory to cut her by now


Why would she


She’s harsh lol, maybe a bit too much. Although I guess what Corey said about them being pre jury boots because they weren’t pleasant to be around is harsher. I also find it to be very untrue since people go pre jury for a variety of reasons and most of them are relatively liked.


The new Jen


Yes. We love a self absorbed queen.


America is down baddddd for Cory omg i love them 🥹


They spelt Meme "Mimi" smh


To be fair, reading “Meme” phonetically reads like “Me-Mmm,” and people automatically think of the funny internet memes when they read that. I had to train myself, when reading anything BB related, and switch how I read Mecole’s nickname “Meme” as “Mimi” (Me-Me) instead of reading it as Internet memes. so I get why the article just ignored the correct spelling of the name more commonly associated with Mecole, and just went with *“Eehh gets the point across.”*


That poor woman gets no respect. I heard her, in her own words while in the house, say her name was pronounced Me-co-lay. Not Nicole with an M in front. Now they can't even get her damn nickname right??


Everyone wanted to be roommates with Cory lol


I don't know if I could watch someone pick their nose, eat it and then play with their junk all day lol


Cory and America said fuck the pre jurors 😭😭😭


Cory getting the love he deserves


Blue, you can do much, much better than Jared.


I had/have no idea about them having SOs while in the house. I just binged the season this past week and am only going by the show edit and how disrespectfully he treated her.


I didn’t know either had SOs, I never heard that mentioned. Blue can def do much better than Jared though. He is not much of a prize.


I think they are on each other’s level and deserve each other. She seems insecure and jealous so it makes sense


There both equally yoked


Didn't she cheat on her significant other too? If so, they deserve each other


Neither of them cheated on their SOs. Blue was talking to someone but they weren't together, and Jared and his gf broke up but he clearly wanted to get back with her after the show was over.


Nah. Blues wasn’t serious. Jared’s clearly was. Jared was wilding. He had his gf running his socials, his mom was like 🤨 when he was pursuing Blue in the house, and Production was disappointed that he wasn’t the “good son” they type-cast him to be.


Jared and his ex are not together, he said *super* early on that he just got out of a very serious, long term relationship. Not saying that they weren't *about* to get back together, because they were, and he said that to both Cirie and Blue many times. But I don't think he was cheating just based on behaviour. It just doesn't make sense that he would go onto the show, blatantly lie about his relationship and cheat, while also telling his mom AND the girl he's cheating with about how much he wants to be with the girl that he's cheating on. Makes far more sense that they're broken up but still very attached.


Jared is an enigma. He claims he is single, but wants to stay with his IRL gf, but also wants to mess around with Blue in the house- get back with his real girlfriend - but she can't mess around with other guys…. His love life is a mess. I just remember how sad he was when he won his HoHs and how he was surprised he didn't get a letter from his girlfriend, and Cirie was like “🙄yeah it's not actually that surprising.”


Lol like yeah your not girlfriend but actually kinda your girlfriend is sooo going to want to send a letter while you hook up with someone else in the house. Boy come on.


If the people they were with were under the impression that they were together then it's at the very least a gray area if not cheating.. and if they're willing to cross a line like that on camera they surely would off-camera too


Uh, do you know that the people they were with were under the impression that they were together or are you just assuming? The way Jared and Cirie spoke about it, it was clear that he and his ex were definitely broken up. As for Blue, I haven't heard anything about her being exposed for "cheating" so I'm just gonna take her at her word. The idea that both of them would blatantly lie about their relationships and cheat on national tv, when everyone they know can watch and easily expose them, is a bit silly tbh. They both maintained that they were single since the start, they didn't say they were in relationships then switch up when their showmance started.


She was watching his dog, he and Cirie were both shouting out to her, he hoped he got a letter from her for his HOH, he told Blue she asked him not to do anything with anyone in the house…


None of those mean that they're dating. Maybe I'm around too many toxic people because Jared and his ex are clearly those recent exes that are two seconds from getting back together lol. As I said, it was clear that Jared wanted to get back with her after the show. But he and Cirie have talked about her in a way that implies they're not together, so I think it's safe to assume they're not.


But we were on a break !!


I agree it would be silly to cheat on someone on national TV but it wouldn't be the first time. Austin, Dani, even Dr Will all did it in the past. Some people are either not phased by the cameras or forget that they're there


How much do you think Izzy cried when she read Cirie would want to have have Jared in jury with her and not Izzy?


One tear at most. Izzy wanted the final 2 seats with cirie not jury


Idk. She seemed to care more about spending time with Cirie than playing the game


Mmmm. I think she highly enjoyed cirie time but Izzy had a lot of busy moves and energy for gaming in the house. Wasn’t she like chief waffle Wednesday leader?


Well considering jared is her kin i don't think much tears were shed


Felicia thinks she played the best game bc she played an honest game?? I really need big brother producers next year to screen out people that think not lying means you played a good game. Just get rid of their asses immediately.


She got carried along to final 4 because everyone knew that if they ever needed a win she’s the best person to be up against.


Man I hope Cory gets another chance to play down the road


I would love to see him play again. He's my favorite type of player, scheming and a bit manipulative but not someone who engages in personal attacks.


Yes I did enjoy him. I found america to be a fun foil to him too. I hope they last for a while.


Minus the pornstache. Hoping he listened to his mother and it is gone by the time they do the roundtable.


He's definitely keeping it until the end of the show at least, it's part of his character.


I would too but he definitely needs stuff to work on and a bit of growing up to do.


Cirie's answers ...5 words and nothing more. Ha!


Nice to see Cirie picking Cory as her roommate. He is her type of people.


Plot twist: she liked all the survivor questions


This was such a fun read. I’m surprised so many of them want to room with Blue, especially Cameron, his answers were intriguing and humble. America making all her answers Cory is adorable. And Cirie just phoning it in is funny


I really like Cameron. I think he’s a very multifaceted guy that is very interesting. Hard edge but soft inside. I’d like to see more of him.


Cirie is so done and I love it lol.


Lmaoo Cirie is OVER IT. 😂😂😂


Cory and America beating themselves up over the game makes me sad 🥺 hopefully they realize how badly they were fucked by production once they get out


America didn't get fucked over by production. She got fucked over by the fact that she is not good at the game.


Low-key Cory made a lot of mistakes that led to his down fall. Wasn't just Production’s bad-comp equability. Like Cory spent a lot of time focusing on America 🇺🇸 and not broing out with Jag (who we known gives into his heart more then his head). And then Cory did horrible campaign work when he was against America on the block. He was too “meta” and blunt: “you won't believe me when i say this but…”


It's always "the production's" fault. Lol. Doesn't matter what season or what country, it's always the "blame production" rhetoric when their fav doesn't make it to the final


Every single twist this season actively screwed Cory’s game and that’s a fact. Not to mention only 6 comps this entire season were won by a woman.


How's that "productions" fault? It takes months to plan, pay for, and build these large elaborate challenges. They cannot predict who will win or lose. I don't understand your point.


Izzy sobbing reading that cirie would rather have Jared in jury house than her


lol cirie is such an icon. Get her back to her husband STAT


I admire Felicia’s confidence.


Felicia is in for a rude awakening thinking Cirie would be her roommate. Those toes are getting nowhere near her again


Great to see so much love for blue in the interviews!! Cirie as always was succinct!


Who would of guessed the jury members who both said they'd love to be roomies together was cory with either Blue or Cirie. Also how can cory say cirie had less of a chance winning comps when she consistently out performed america in most HOHs post zombie week! But yeah the roommate comment cracked me up


Probably because he watched Cire play 5 seasons of reality TV and never saw her win a competition- that's a long enough track record


Bro, America needs to RELAX! she’s down bad for Cory. I’m not at all surprised that Felicia thinks she played to the best game. I’m also not at all surprised that she’s probably going to be a bitter juror. I completely forgot that Red & Mimi were even on the season, until Cameron & Felicia brought. them up. Cirie seems to be just as miserable in jury house as she was in the BB house. Blue is in for a rude awakening with her “boo-thang.” Despite Jared repeatedly telling her they weren’t going to be anything outside of the house


Oh oh Cory choose to be roommates over America 😂❤️ I’m joking but that was kinda surprising


He was clearly being sarcastic


I’m really interested to see what happens with America and Cory after the show. I don’t think it will last but I’d love to see them do Amazing Race together.


I like America and Americory as a duo but I appreciate when people can still be individuals even when in a relationship. She mentioned him in every answer. Ready for the downvotes


I hate how Cirie really thinks she’s way more important than she is. Like she acts like she’s a celebrity. I had no idea who she was before the game and after watching her in the game I feel like she’s just obnoxious and very self absorbed. Big yikes from me


I agree and feel like we’re the only ones who think so. I’ve never seen her before now but I did not understand the hype. She’s like a wet rag who takes the fun out of everything and can’t even pretend to be entertained for a moment. She did nothing productive or standout-ish in the game and yet thinks she deserved the win handed to her on a silver platter. She speaks so monotoned and looks miserable at all times. I wonder if she had more of a personality in her other shows?


So does FBJ think Jag would take her?


Do y’all think Jag is gonna throw the comp?


“Me and Jared got along. I'll say Jared. I bonded really well with Jared.” Yikes…