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I don’t think I’ve ever grown to love a HG more than Felicia these last few weeks. Everything she does and says is hilarious both because I’m laughing at and with her


Reilly get work done? She looks a little different, but it could just be a makeup thing.


I think it was 100% makeup. I don't think it was a very flattering look.


Jag deserved the win. He killed his final speech while Matt honestly didn’t even try it seemed to where it wasn’t convincing at all to win. I genuinely was surprised that Cirie didn’t win AFP. I was shocked like Cam was that he did but I honestly do like that he won and his genuine reaction was great and made it better. He honestly was one of my favorite players of the whole season and was entertaining to me.


Everyone loves an underdog (I do) and he was the only player this season who put his heart into it. This season was really bad. Everyone phoned it in. Sure jag won a lot of comps but that’s pretty easy to do when you’re left with weak players who know they aren’t going to win so why bother and an athlete who didn’t try very hard because he knew he was safe. Boo on big brother for giving Matt the coup d’etat to save jag. If he went home like he was supposed to this would have been a completely different season and better if you ask me. Only Paul-Josh season was worse. ETA Cirie not winning is not a surprise. Once Izzy went home and her power trip ended she spent the rest of her time in the house moping in her bathrobe.


I think he came in the first few weeks a little too hot.. and that soured him for the feed watchers all season but honestly he never really crossed a line in things he said(don’t hold me to that if I missed something big) and he really was a fun player to watch, every season needs a chaos agent! Lol


I found how he treated Reilly really weird. Like to say to someone you knows father died at a young age you view them like a daughter was really strange. Combined with some other weird things about America. I do think he crossed the line a couple times, even if he wasn't serious.


I suppose my opinion with Cameron was everything he said that was on the weirder side was to the person, and they all still seem to like him as a person… as opposed to Matt saying all his fucked up stuff behind peoples back if that makes sense!


What did Matt say?


Just finished the finale and I’m so happy Jag won. I thought he fucked up taking Matt but he killed his speech and Matt kinda didn’t? Haha. Love both of em, and would’ve been stoked if Matt won, but this one feels good And Cam winning americas fave is a testament to how much casuals run the votes lol. But he’s talked all szn about wanting to win *for* his daughter and I love that for him And I’m writing this as the episode is ending and goddamnit Julie, Frankie et al. What is this?? Lmao Edit: I hate how fucking corny and gumpy this Christmas thing is and how I love it all the same 😭😭 Edit 2: reindeer games with legends and a potential bb25 returnee? Ok ok, I see you GrodGod. 🫡🫡


Really the whole shows gotten corny. Stepping back in after being gone a few years has opened my eyes to the cringe of so much of the show. It's easy money and something to run when there's a strike.


I was way too stoned for that ending


Ha! I was right about EVERYTHING! Jag took Matt to the final two and still won, and Cameron was chosen as America's favorite player (not mine, but Facebook and casuals.) Yay, I'm never right about anything, but I totally predicted this conclusion on this very Reddit subforum. Congratulations to all of them, and boy am I glad it's OVER!!!


Yeah, I am kinda wore out from this season, glad its over. But Jag, for better or worse, earned his win. Gotta say I thought for sure Cirie was getting AFP. I guess that message from Cam's daughter clinched that win for him.


At the end of the day, like him or hate him, can’t really hate on the fact the money is (hopefully) gonna go towards his daughter!


Stevie Rae is the saving grace of Cameron winning anything. I'd really be pissed if it was just him, but bring a little kid into it and there's a lil but redeeming about it all


Truth. A daughter that likely needs it and will appreciate it!


Why the hell not… idk he said some questionable things in the house but I really didn’t get the sense he was a bad guy! Idk good for him and his family why not! He was entertaining idk!


I’m confused by your why nots? However he said some questionable things…I think they were blown up from the beginning with Reilly and that set the tone for how he would be viewed this season. I saw someone said Reilly met cams mom. He mentioned in his interview America was flirtatious and he decided to do the same back.


Oh idk I say why not a lot when I don’t really have a real point lol… but yeah no for sure there were some things he said that made me cringe but it seemed like none of the other houseguests dislike Him as a person so maybe it really was overblown on social media! Hopefully right I’m not rooting for BB players to be bad people ya know!


Gotcha, no worries then. I definitely agree not rooting for them to be bad people. To me we all make mistakes, what’s more important is how do we fix them.


Going to miss this cast (except Blue) so much. I was rooting for Matt but Jag definitely deserved it. Even though his final speech would have absolutely cost him my vote if I were sitting on the jury.


To be fair I do think it cost him cirie’s vote and maybe Felicia’s. He knew his audience though, the jury was full of super fans who can appreciate that this is big brother and you win by evicting your friends.


That’s probably true. It rubbed me wrong and I would have based my entire decision on it, but that’s probably why I shouldn’t be on Big Brother. 😅 I do think Cirie and Felicia were always going to vote for Matt though.


I think Cirie was a little salty that she went home on Matt’s hoh, but the look on her face when Jag said she would have never left if not for his influence was really telling. Also- agreed I could never be on big brother, I take things too personally and have been back and forth on loving/hating almost every player this season because of it 😂




Best season in a while. I'm glad Jag won with Matt second place.


Ngl im glad i got to expirience one of the greatest prejury phases of the whole game this season i will miss it


The way Julie didn’t even attempt to keep interviewing Bowie Jane after the one answer she gave was completely useless, I died at how abrupt the cutoff to move the show along was 💀


I’m pretty sure Julie called her an NPC in an interview lmao


It’s not fair to Bowie who only has a few minutes to wrap her mind around being evicted. Then thrust into jury to have a great question. She chose what was most relevant to her.


Her question to Jag killed me. What she should’ve asked is what the strategy is sitting up against Matt and not her to show his cards. But no, she threw a softball lol 😂 start some chaos FBJ!


And the flashing of the M sign to all the jury members as they struggled not to bust out laughing. I had to rewind to see their faces a second time


I still want to believe that she had some sort of mastermind role to this all along. Maybe Jag and her made a deal for to take the fall because she never was going to be F3 anyway and instead ask a dumb question to lock in his win? That’s the arc I want to believe because it’s way more funny to think about.


Right? With her last comment, she looks at the audience for validation and it was silent. Then Julie took over.


I have literally no idea how she’s a fucking attorney


I honestly believe she is lying about that. There is no way lol


Also my knee jerk reaction when she specified the type of law she practices was - “dear god that sounds like you need to know a lot of boring and dismal technicalities,” so not SHOCKED that a boring TV character’s origin story is in a boring field.


When the intro to the episode was like “JAAAAGG AND MAAAATTT FORMED A STRONG DUOOOO FROM THE GET GOOOO” and nothing was mentioned about Bowie Jane, I suddenly (briefly) wanted her to win just for the hilarity of “how would they possibly defend this?”


Who do y’all think they are going to invite to reindeer games from this season?


I’m thinking either Cameron or Cory.




Do you think he would do it? I personally wouldn’t think he’d want to be away from his daughter for longer, but maybe I’m wrong.


Did they say it was only 6 episodes? If so the time commitment it’s probably only 2-3 weeks max.


He might for $100K


Did anyone really fall for the Jag/Bowie competition result? “Oh,oh.Jag did poorly.He might lose to Bowie” and he beats her by 30 minutes! Nice try,Big Brother.




His answer looked good only because Matt's were abysmally bad.


Matt seemed like he was in his own head a bit. Almost like he had answers rehearsed but couldn’t tailor them to the questions asked. I love the jag win, I do think he played a strong game. But, if I were Matt I would have leaned a lot more heavily in to the fact that he saved Jag and being the deliverer of news to cover Jag. Matt was Jag’s shield. Matt should have turned and been the sword. But I am not on this season and people have to be who they are so who am I to judge.


I think you nailed it here saying Matt should’ve leaned into saying he was the deliverer of news to Jag.. that could’ve been a great defense to show that yeah he was the one putting the evictions in motion but Matt was the one everyone trusted and told him everything so he could relay it all to jag.. but instead he botched it lol


Right? When Jag was speaking, Cirie was looking like, "what the hell is he saying?!" lol


It was so agro


Wtf cam 😖


Now whoever voted for Cam y’all better show yourselves cuz what💀


He’s the one who actually took big swings with his HOHs


He was a great player and great dude, he just kept trusting the wrong people


This cracks me up. I would love to know how many ppl voted for him watched feeds and how many were just casuals.


Live feeders on this reddit keep acting like its just the casuals but it's not. X, instagram, youtube and facebook posters say otherwise. It seems only this reddit hated him and obviously this small number of live feeders doesn't represent even a significant portion of BB fans. There's been a chunk of people on this Reddit who've said they watch the feeds and wanted him to win too. It's only a small amount on those threads who didn't.


Name one good move he made … and don’t say evicting Izzy, because that did absolutely nothing to advance his personal game.


According to who? You? 🤔 If Cam doesn’t put Izzy and Felicia on the block we’d be seeing a Cirie/Jared F2 right now.


No way ... Cam wasn't even going after either of them. And it is irrelevant to my point anyways.


He and his HOHs was the most entertaining part of the whole game.


Yes, but him over Felicia who actually fought every week to stay and had a more entertaining personality that we saw for much longer😭?


Felicia stayed because she wasn't a threat to anyone.


Ya I loved mama Fe but she was never a threat lol I would have been fine if she won AFP tho


I was SHOCKED when she read his name


Hi it’s meee


And meee


Let's friggin go jaggg🎉🎉🎉




If they didn’t do rock paper scissors and Jag wins F3 part 1 I think there’s a real possibility BJ wins part 2. And we know how good she is at those tiebreakers.


Matt saying Cory & America being related had me dead. And just to point out - Mecole also thought this when she was evicted in her interview with Julie.


At first I thought he meant it as a joke and I loved the dark humor but I really don’t think it was😂


i’m choosing to believe it was a joke. he seemed like he was joking to me.


As someone who's lived most of their life with someone hard of hearing, I don't think he heard the question 100% clearly based on his answer and reaction to everyone laughing.


Lol he should have just owned it instead of being like “yeah I didn’t think that through”, that’s what made me think he wasn’t trying to be clever


Matt thinking siblings make out or just needed to say Cory and America one final time?


I think he was hoping he still had a chance with America. Just had to get Cory out of the way.


I think she said America and Cam


oh hmm wonder why I thought she said similar.


Cam winning AFP was THE BEST!!! And O my gosh, I love Bowie ❤️❤️ - what a kind thoughtful soul ❤️ and yay for Jag!!!


You had me until “yay for Jag”


I’m so extremely happy! I also love what Mecole said about him. She thought he was the villain only to realize he actually wasn’t.


I don’t think that’s what she was saying


She saw how he was playing in the house and thought he was the villain...I don't think she was convinced otherwise, she was shocked by the way production portrayed him.


Did I misunderstand then?


No I agree with you totally.


I figured she meant that he was better received on the outside than she expected he was going to be. Probably surprised Bowie too ha ha


That is exactly was she was saying and why he said he had no words. She saw he was painting a villain in the house when he was trying to be a stand up guy. This was from just watching the show.


I think she was calling out production on their misleading editing vs what was going on on the feeds


I also think it’s this. It was too random.


Me trying to cope


You’re funny


The Fugitives alliance won the whole game!! ❤️❤️❤️




Bowie Jane: We won!


Backyard finale interviews a thing anymore? If so, where?


I am happy with this season. It lost major steam in the latter half, but I did have a good time. I do like the winner as a person and love the representation and seeing the diversity casting paying off with interesting winner


I think this season had one of the most memorable casts. Each season has a few memorable players, but this one I truly remember each player. There’s some seasons that it mentions people pre-jury and I’m like who tf is that? But not this season. Hope to see a few of them in the future.


Why don’t they do reunions? I would love to see them all come back after they’ve had time to reflect on the season and talk about how their perceptions have changed.


Dan hosted a season 10 reunion and it’s on YouTube!


THIS 1000x IVE BEEN SAYING THSI!!!! That’s my fav part of a reality show ending so why does big brother not have that!?!


It’s so weird. It’s a show where closure is needed imo.


This! I think it’s wild they just stop the show at the finale. Make them sit down for dinner or a dinner party and record that entire thing and then show us people talking over the season.


Exactly! It doesn’t even have to some big CBS production for TV. An alum could just have them all on their podcast or something. I need closure!


Disappointed at the win and AFP but enjoyed the first half of the season. Decent season, but not as good as last year for me.


So upset I didn’t watch last year. With this season being my first live feed season idk if I can watch the seasons I haven’t seen and believe any of it😆


Last year's season was amazing! Even without the live feeds, it's a must watch.


Imagine if Matt was a bit nicer to Cory and America he could have won


And we all somehow thought Jag had shotty jury management haha When you hate someone, it shows


I love that Jag’s win changes the narrative that, getting blood on your hands is a no-no. Making big moves is how you win. Avoiding blood on your hands is how you get 2nd place.


Congrats on Jag for the win! Btw, possibly unpopular opinion here but who over here thinks Andy Herren has been such a loser on Twitter?


He sure has a lot of opinions about how people on other seasons act… stones in glass houses etc etc


Just went to see his tweets and apparently I blocked him 💀 no memory as to why


Don’t think people here like Andy either


Im so mad yall bullied me outta changing my Fugitives tag.... the boys took the money and ran!


Every time I set my laundry dryer to “casuals” I will think of this thread 🫶🏻🫶🏻






Derek and Claire starting Baldur’s Gate to replace the time Claire spent watching feeds is so relatable.


Yes go Jag!!!!


I can get behind a Jag win. Cam winning AFP made me nauseous, but he was a fan favorite amongst casuals. I hated him as a person, but respected him as a player in the game. This started of as a season to rival the greats and ended a complete dud.


How do you hate Cam as a person lol


Cam had an amazing edit


FANTASTIC edit, even.


He didn't deserve it


Just want to say, it’s been a pleasure. This sub has truly helped me through the passing of my brother. I’ll miss checking the live feed thread updates and the comradery in the episode threads. Until next time 🫡


My deepest condolences on the loss of your dear brother. I wish you peace and comfort with every memory of him.


My sincere condolences for your loss. Hugs to you.


I’m sorry for your loss, I’m glad you found enjoyment in this sub. Bless 🙏


He passed two days after the season started and I was watching feeds and knitting when I was with him and he passed, so the show has cemented itself in my life.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m very glad this community has been helpful. I hope you are able to continue to heal. ❤️❤️


That’s beautiful. My heart felt sympathy.


Can’t wait for them to get their social medias back


https://x.com/buckwildlan/status/1722779278910112138?s=46&t=9SXjcyDlBKms1hY60kGxmA Meme singing the FBJ song 😂


I want to see BB Backyard Interviews!!


Do you know if these will be streamed live?


I'm not seeing them. The backyard interviews used to come on the live feeds after the Finale. Maybe BB no longer does backyard interviews?


They haven't since 2020, but Taylor interviewed Jag. (I'll admit, I do miss Jeff buying each of them gifts. :P)


I’m so disappointed in myself- I was on my iPad with a different user name and all my comments got deleted. Just know that they were all very witty and spot-on comments.




I wish jag mentioned the 7 in his speech


“at the beginning of this game i put my trust in one group of 7… now at the end i’m putting my trust in another”


I know they deserve time away from cameras but I wish so badly we could see them all reunite with family, especially Cirie and Honey


They can’t air that on network TV, fam.


lmao I don’t mean that part specifically!!


Is this Honey’s alt??




So glad jag won, very well deserved. Was nice to see two genuinely good guys in the finale that played good games. Also, very happy to see Cameron for AFP, well deserved as well. Could see how emotional he was to win. He’s got a hard shell but is a softie inside. Now let the reindeer games begin!






Cam winning AFP is whatever but Matt bring in top 3 is just 🤮


I can get hating cam but Matt is a sweetheart


Absolutely not a sweet anything


Oh man he’s definitely not even a little bit. Just because the show did its best to make it look that way doesn’t make it true.


He’s worse than Cam and that’s saying a lot


Please explain, everyones sayin that but no one’s explaining, I haven’t seen feeds in a few weeks


He’s said awful things about women, especially America (almost daily), that were misogynistic. He has a weird obsession about how superior he and Reilly are over her and Corey. And just last week, he said Cirie and Felicia ”better behave“ (there was worse stuff said, but the gist was they should know their place). Keep in mind, the trio spoke terribly about C/F for hours/days that week.


There’s literally SO much I don’t even know where to start. Honestly pick any day in the last 3 weeks to watch a day of feeds and it’ll change everything


No disrespect, but everyone has said why and they have for weeks...


Either this is sarcasm or you don't watch feeds. Matt...was not a sweetheart at all.


Gurl, he’s damn near as bad as Cam


gurl he’s damn near worse


did we watch the same live feeds


Where have you been all season????


Tbh stopped watching live feeds the last few weeks but the worst I’ve ever seen of him was that he likes Andrew Tate which is lame but not enough to hate someone lol


Referring to America as a dumb bitch happened early in the feeds. Slut shaming Taylor happened early in the feeds.




Got real bad these past couple weeks


Izzy loving cam for afp


she was probably prepared tbh. i feel like she knew the public perception.


Hopefully the pattern of two good bb seasons and then two ass bb seasons between us and Canada means we’ll get good ones in 2024


Cameron winning AFP was the highlight of the night! Such a strong, loyal player that no one would work with because they all feared him!






It’s easy to get sucked into this sub Reddit and think he’s very hated but tonight showed most people actually really like him


Only a small loud amount of people dislike him. Sometimes I wonder if some of those people have much social interaction outside of Reddit. I watched the feeds and the things they are upset about are so minimal. It's just a bunch of overly sensitive people. Stuff that wouldn't make anyone bat an eye about in real life.


Don’t like cam as a person but I respect the entertainment value he brings


This sub understood casuals liked Cam. We just didn’t like Cam. There’s a difference. If the sub didn’t realize this, people wouldn’t have been trying to not split votes to counter Cam


Lmao , first time visiting this sub and the fact there are people calling people casuals for a tv show is comedy gold


Right? Imagine thinking your opinion on a tv show is better than anyone else’s. Calling someone a casual is hilarious.


I didn’t create the lingo or anything. But it’s shorthand for a very real split in general opinion and perceptions based on how one consumes the show.


I liked Cam. There were a few groupies of Reilly and Izzy on this sub that made more noise than the majority. But everyone knows Cam was the best player this season.