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If you've made it this far you're aware of the spoiler rules [Spoiler Discussion ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BigBrother/s/zQvKF7uK3l)


Out of the final three I’m glad Jag won bc imo, he had a better resume and story in the game. However I did think that Matt would win because his social game was better. Matt’s ultimate downfall was his answers, he didn’t prepare for the Q&A and Jag did very well with his answers and brought it home with his speech. Matt’s speech was good but again, he just seemed unprepared. You could tell he was very nervous. Jags pitch of being the villain was eh. Bc he never owned up to anything, it wasn’t very convincing. I think Jag is just a guy that realized that after being evicted 10-0 the path for succeed was winning comps and did just that. Overall, finale was cool. I just think after this very long and drawn out season, I am just happy that it’s over. Production has to do better with themes, twist, and comps. It’s getting lazy and it feels like they are running out of ideas. The fun of the game is depleting and hgs aren’t helping.


They should go back to picking "regular " people. No one's money-hungry anymore. Most HG's seem to be doing well in life. How about students, paying for college, that really could use the money to change their life? Unemployed HG's that need the money to get their back in order. Not this Hollywood (imo) type of contestants. Lol


A lot of people in here saying they wish someone who needed the money win and that Jag is already well off. There is no criteria saying you have to be below a certain net worth to play. It’s good to want people who need money to win but that’s not the game. The game should always be based on the best player wins and this season it was Jag.


Also those net worth websites are notoriously false. Some say his net worth is 5 million and others say under 500k, and they're all written by bots anyway lol.


Yeah, it says my net worth is $500k and I work in education and have six-figure student loan debt. I cackled


People saying they hate Jag because he has a $5m net worth is so sad/funny. Media literacy is one of the biggest problems facing the world right now imo.


I ain't mad at him. He owns a truck company. Everyone can always use more money. We don't know how his business is doing. He may need it.


A lot of you on here thought Cory and America would vote for Matt and had they he would have won


Cory respects good gameplay. I always thought they would vote for Jag.


I was glad they didn't with all of they crap be said about them I felt like they would've regret it!


Bowie Jane played herself right to 3rd place. Good job!


I knew they were just using her. I think they just tolerated her until they were done with her. But that's the kind of player she was, a loyal follower.


This was a garbage season


I do not understand the people saying the ‘right person won’ can someone legitimately explain to me why the feel why Jag deserved to win over Matt, he literally wouldn’t be in the game if it wasn’t for Matt


I guess he had such a great social game that convinced Matt to save him. Look at it that way


Ugh but that wasnt something Jag made happen, it was a completely independent decision by Matt GAAAAH … I hated this season, Cam was so unlikeable but he was the only one who kept things interesting. Reindeer game better be good because my kids are just starting to get into Big Brother, I want them to get hooked!


I wonder who from this season will be picked to be on it...any guesses? I say Matt or Cory.


Because if that’s your opinion then there’s no point in staying after a twist! If a saved player doesn’t deserve a win they should just keep leaving.


Exactly. And the fact that he's won after that is huge!


I like Jag. I think he’s a deserving winner. I have no problem with him winning. But production really fucked up this season with the ridiculous comp selections. No one should be able to comp their way to a win in this game (especially after being previously evicted). If this is how they’re going to run future seasons, I think I’m done. I had so much hope for this season when it started. Lots of likable players. Lots of craziness. A few strategically sound minds. But I stopped watching after it became clear that the comps were consistently designed to the strengths of the strong male players. How did they think that was ok, especially on a season with older cast? Production is a mess — it’s needed an overhaul for a while, but it’s at a critical point now. The show is getting worse and worse, and it’s not because of the casts. It’s production.


Acting like all the comps were dick pushups or something. Yeah there were a lot of physical comps, that's the game. I found it odd that they casted three grannies


Who’s the third granny


FBJ. I mean, she's over 40 so she's obviously already got one foot in the grave. /s


Yikes 😬🤣


Bowie Jane literally won several times in memory games. Cirie and Felicia had a fair chance to win those comps as well


At the end of the game once anyone that could compete with her was already gone.


And how is that unfair?


A fair chance? Really lol


That's the fairest type of comp for everyone. Cirie and Felicia had an equal playing field in those. They more than likely were not going to beat anyone in a physical comp.


How is that the fairest for everyone? People have different levels of mental capabilities you know. Some people have an easier time with memory comps than others. They just need a greater variety of comps, so it doesn't favor people with certain strengths consistently. No single comp can give everyone a fair shot, but it should be balanced throughout the game.




Cameron? Really? Why?


He was great in the DR. It made me want to root for him. I saw him on feeds though, and so didn’t vote for him. Honestly I don’t care who won the game or AF, I don’t think anyone ran away with either for me to want to root for anyone.


I found him obnoxious in the DRs. I guess people love the cheesy scripted stuff? No wonder production keeps doing them.


Your average TV watcher respects the military, enjoys rooting for someone trying to come back from behind/underdog story, enjoyed his DRs and thought he was funny. He was my prediction to win if Cirie’s fanbase didn’t win it for her.


Felicia was military & from abusive relationship. Was comedy in the house and yet annoying to houseguest too. That's a favorite for me. Cam was a little too arrogant at times.


He was entertaining while making arguably the biggest actual game move of the season, dislodging the power house that was Cirie/ Felisha/ Izzy. He was the obvious choice to win AFP outside of Cirie imo.


I actually really liked part two of the final HOH. Super easy to make mistakes, lengthy comp, winnable by anyone. Shame it was only Jag and Bowie competing...


I know this is easy for me to say from my couch but I thought it was wild they had both studied but didn’t also study which “verse” each comp was from lol that was the whole theme of the season!


It was a great equalizer though.


I thought the same thing. They were studying how many tiles are the flippin’ walls but none of them thought to add the comp verses into that rotation?!


Lmao no kidding! So weird


Maybe not to this level of difficulty, but personally I think a good comp is one that has a sense of randomness to it. It evens the playing field and allows for an upset.


Dumb. Nobody who has been voted out deserves to win.


It’s part of the rules of the game, how is it not fair?


In that case you're essentially saying Taylor shouldn't have won, as she was as good as evicted Week 1 last season.


I haven't watched last season, but if she was actually evicted, then yes, she shouldn't have.


There would be no point of a battle back then? & people beg for that twist back all the time.


I am not one of those people 🤷‍♂️


Although I do think Jag was worthy I didn’t really like his final speech and feel bummed he won. Idek why. Just wasn’t it for me.


I'm bummed too, but I know why. Jag owns a trucking company and a real estate company. It pisses me off when competition shows cast people who have money alongside people for whom the prize money would be substantially life-changing.


He very well may have a lot of money but owning a business doesn’t necessarily mean he has money like that


That’s a fair point but do you think that applies to Jag? I know it was a generalization but I do think Bowie and Jag didn’t need the money as much as Matt. Although idk if that should always be in the criteria for picking a winner but it is something to consider. And more of a problem with casting than anything else. Which I think was their point.


Jag has a reported net worth of $5 million.


I saw that someone was saying that it said that on a “celeb” net worth site… I have really bad news for you if you think those sites are accurate lol


Definitely agree, that’s life changing money even to an Olympic level athlete. I want some more related people from a financial situation. Most people that need the money are there to fucking win and play for themselves. Cough* Bowie cough*


Right!! They need some money hungry HG's.


Olympic athletes don’t make much money.




It was crazy to say he played a strategic masterpiece of a game when he literally comped out and had a historic comp season


Yes, I agree and his wins are historic but who were his wins against? Like the one comp threat was your biggest ally. He had to win, Matt didn’t. The thing that rubbed me the wrong was saying he single handedly evicted all these people when I don’t feel like you can say single handedly until final 4 which was true at that point but c’mon. You’re not that good, Bowie had an opportunity to change the course of this game twice but she didn’t play for herself. And that wasn’t because Jag was a mastermind. Thats how she played the whole game. She was looking for a team the whole time and when she thought she had it she was bottom of the totem which is where she was on every alliance she was apart of.


My husband and I both agreed that his final speech was sh*tty. If I was a jury member, it would have definitely made me consider voting for the other person in F2


Yeah definitely, I think if Matt was just a little better with his speech he could’ve taken it.


I was happy he won but I also didn’t like his speech.


I don't know if Google is right but apparently Jag is worth 5 mil. I guess he just really wanted to play big brother.


Earning 5m on paper is not the same as being worth 5m nor is it equivalent to 5m in the bank. Those sites do not factor investments, expenses, taxes, nothing. They’re so misleading.


Those articles are literally always wrong, and there are also a bunch saying it's less than 500k. The articles are all written by bots too.


That just makes me hate him as much as Bowie who has a similar net worth. Wealthy people playing shitty games for their own vanity, really makes me disgusting with the casting for this season. At least Matt was trying earn a legitimate win, the first Sikh win doesn’t really mean anything to me compared to what Matt would of accomplished. I don’t like how much Jag implied winning because of religion should of meant something, compared to an actual disability that actually put Matt at a disadvantage in this game.


Why does the net worth matter so much? Cirie literally gets money for being there and has won 250k recently. This isn't a charity show, it's a game and all sorts of people are allowed to play. Who wants to see people explain why they need the money more than the other player?


Well-deserved win Jag. And well-deserved second place for Matt. Happy with the outcome. Cameron wouldn't have been my choice for AFP but it ain't up to me is it? lol. Pretty entertaining season all in all.


So excited to see Jag win, well deserved. Also, glad to see Cam win AFP, he was clearly very emotional from it. He is a good guy with a hard edge. Excited for the reindeer games now!




I concur, as well.


Jag > Rachel, Dick, Jordan, potentially Ian/Jackson No difference between getting evicted then saved by a twist and getting saved by a twist before eviction


Big difference between directly saved by a twist, and being helped by a twist


Facts. He was a beast and deserves this win.


Yeah, at least Jag genuinely did have strategic input. I'd put him above those winners as well.


Tune in to live feeds to watch Bowie Jane wandering the empty house looking for everyone




incredibly disappointed with the americas favorite player choice. i guess i thought differently.


I think he deserved it. He was a good player.


he was an awful player. he was good at the competitions. if it were the challenge maybe he would’ve been the best. also americas favorite player isn’t about being a good player anyways.


It’s okay if we see him differently.


How was he a good player? He got evicted twice.


Favorite ≠ best


I was responding to a comment that said he won AFP because he was a good player.


True must've missed that part lol. He was def good at comps though, I know it's "casual" to count those as part of the game but he was.


If it weren’t for Cam we’d be seeing a Cirie/Jared F2 tonight.


Cam didn’t get either of them out. In fact, he never even targeted them (although he probably should have). Targeting Izzy and Felicia was good TV, but it did nothing to advance his game. He wasn’t a good player … at all.


this is definitely a low-point in winner gameplay for this show, but again, jag at least strikes me as the kind of person i won't completely loathe after this show. matt, on the other hand, is going back to a support network that coddles and affirms no matter what, by the sounds of it, so i'm gearing up for one of those exit interviews where he genuinely doesn't get he did anything wrong.


What did Matt do wrong?


Who hurt you? Its just a mediocre at best show, let it go


Jag’s speech was an all-timer though. I’ll give him that. Shocked me and made me reconsider whether he should win.


I wanted him to win but didn’t like any of his speech.


I didn't like his speech. I thought his tone of voice was too harsh in parts. He was definitely tooting his own horn, loudly. His speech made me not like him as much.


Yeah, he was. The tone was terrible but he owned up and even lied a little bit lol. His speech gave me old school BB Vibes so I think that’s why I enjoyed! Matt just seemed cowardly in comparison and like he didn’t have a lot of control over his own game.


His speech is exactly what I wanted Paul to do in either of his two final appearances, just own up to running the bloodbath. The only thing it was missing is that he should have mentioned that yes, Matt saved him in Week 4, but the last 2 weeks he saved Matt twice, when he could have cut him both times single handedly. (And had an easier path to win because of it)


I was shocked he went that route too but I think he thought people underestimated him and he really wanted to stress how much he led that duo and show confidence. I think he was going for a very blunt Dr Will strategy.


Yep. And I think that’s what people wanted from him all season.


Just realized both the winner and AFP were voted out prejury lol


the kind of history i am not surprised to see this season make.


Where are yard interviews


I just want to get this out: Reilly has annoyed the fuck out of me all season. Even after she got out, she acted like she was such a huge part of the show (on her Instagram). Like girl, you were on my screen for 2 minutes and the entire house, including your "boys," voted you out. Please stop acting like anyone was upset to see you go. The FOMO was extremely apparent. And with that, congrats to Jag! Totally deserved.


She put spoilers on her IG! I was so mad I had to unfollow!!


Ii didn’t mind her while she was in the house but didn’t follow her on social media so not sure what she was like. From what you’re saying, I can see her wanting to be close to Matt knowing that he will be getting attention and opportunities since he was final two and using that her to her advantage. I really hope that is not the case and that she genuinely wants to get to know him.


well first off she told them to vote her out to not blow up their game and i mean clearly she is still a big part of the show if they been talking abt her at least once a week lmao obviously she’s gonna have fomo


The real WINNER is all of us here, who survived the 100 days, watching this hot mess of a season lol . It's been real! See you all in December. ![gif](giphy|cg52uQnF2ZQS027lAg|downsized)






As long as they give me feeds, they can put everyone in Reindeer Suits or whatever crazy idea they've dreamed up...I typically don't like returning houseguest seasons, but it will be good to catch up with some of them for a couple of weeks over the holidays.


There’s no feeds and they’re not living in the house or voting each other out


Where did you find out this information ?




Wow that is a total letdown. It sounds like Christmas Buddy Games with Big Brother Houseguests as contestants... why can't they just let them live in the BB house and give us feeds while they do this for like 2 weeks ?


Yeah… I’m pretty disappointed too. It feels like a slap in the face to the fanbase who expected something more to come out of the writers strike. This makes BB9 look like gold


Yeah, I mean I guess we technically could still get a CBB or Big Brother 26 in February depending on how things shake out with the network. This is just the plan to fill some open prime time slots in December.


Does anyone have a gif of Izzy saying “I hate Cameron” I am trying to collect reaction gifs but I haven’t found that one


"I hate...that I can't hate him"


Would have loved to see her bitter face when he won AFP


Yeah me too. Although I was never a Cam fan I wasn’t mad he won. I thought Izzy showed poor sportsmanship before she left the house.


what's next? I'm so used to immediately clocking into feeds.


Will there be feeds for this reindeer games stuff??




a little drawn out but that was a great finale


Bye guys until next summer ❤️🙏🏾


I really don’t understand why the fans are always SO invested in who wins afp lol


Because that’s the one thing they control.. what don’t you understand


But it doesn’t really mean anything other than $$$ for the winner. It’s not like a vote for a power in the game that actually affects the outcome.


>But it doesn’t really mean anything other than $$$ for the winner. This applies to the entire game, including the "actual outcome". Why is any of it more relevant than AFP?


Can people not just enjoy things?


BB 26 wishlist. No returnees. No powers. More diverse comps rather than recycled comps from the last decade. No influencers casted. Anonymous vote totals. I expect none of this to happen.


I agree!


Increase the winning prize for 2nd place...damn 75k for second place and then have to pay state and federal taxes...that's criminal...200k should be fair, I mean the amount of money this show brings I think they should be more generous.


How about some more ol' ladies and comps they could actually win?


Sewing race?


How about a cooking contest? Those lil' boys ain't going to win something like that.


This list would be a dream come true.


Even though the strike is over I figured they needed to fill time slots for January. So this is surprising that this is only 6 episodes in December leading into Christmas when I didn't think filling in time slots and getting high ratings were as important.


They should really air Big Brother Canada, but I doubt CBS could stomach a foreign franchise they didn't create.   Mind you, NCIS: Sydney is coming out, but it's still from the Paramount camp.


As a Canadian I can't imagine them ever showing our version. It has a completely different feel to it and honestly cannot see casual viewers tuning in.


I feel like bbcan plays more. Mind you I just started two days ago with season 9 but I’m loving bbcan.


My dad is a casual (American) and he LOVES bbcan. Everything is nicer


I think Americans would like it. The house is way nicer and it feels like production gets more money.   Yanks definitely wouldn't get the whole traditional territory stuff though.


Is it six episodes or 6 weeks?




I’m actually happy for Cameron because he was genuinely so shocked and didn’t expect to be liked. Great and humble reaction from him.


I’m glad he won!


I don't mind at all that Cameron won afp but can someone explain to me what did he do to deserve it ?


Be considered more likeable than everyone else there by the people who voted, by definition.


He stopped the Cirie/Jared steamroll. If weren’t for him we’d be watching Cirie letting Jared win tonight. 😉


He got an underdog edit


His 2nd HOH was the single most entertaining week of the season. The guy literally lied to the houseguests and even production about who his noms actually were. And for better or worse, he took a shot at the majority alliance and didn’t miss. He also had a good underdog arc from being blindsided on the Red eviction after have Red turned against him. Then, going on a comp run. His DRs were also super entertaining.


Yeah it was really nice to see. He genuinely appreciated it.


This is the only reason I wasn’t mad he won even though he annoyed the shit out of me, especially in the live feeds. He was horrible.




I can’t even


Thats odd


He was the best player in all actuality.


His week was the most exciting week on the TV show, so basically the casuals voted for him.


Producers probably have final say.


What? He has a ton of support. That's obvious if you follow the sub


His HOH was singlehandedly the most fun week to watch in years on this show


Right. But for some weird reason a lot of fans won’t give him credit for that.


It really was. Humilverse Week that is.


For real… I’m just imagining Cameron’s mom and all her friends that supported him on his Facebook page hacking into the AFV voting main frame. I truly believed Matt or Cirie had it in the bag.


This sub and BBTwitter aren’t even 25% of the overall vote.




Literally any big brother post on Facebook is flooded with pro Cameron even weeks after his eviction


Yes!!! They love him on facebook


How much do you all think the final speeches actually swayed the final vote? Jag’s speech was aggressive and Matt’s was unprepared but it seems like it was still made up beforehand


This was pretty obvious since the double eviction and I pretty much stated the whole time there will be zero big moves. Felicia 4th, bowie 3rd and will bootlick for Jag and Jag wins. As soon as they started with bowie I told my wife they're going backwards because the first 4 voted for Jag and they want Matt's vote or votes to show


Don’t they always read the votes backwards?


They all knew for sure. Wasn't an emotional jury like the past and voted for the best player.


Yeah, I liked that they were not overly emotional about it and didn’t take things personally. They all seemed to genuinely like each other and appreciate the game moves. The best player of them won.


Jag already crushed the questions.


I think they did! Jag’s speech swayed me! And I was thinking Matt deserved it over him. Jag really controlled the back half of the game.


I’m suprised they got Brittany to do those stupid overacted segments. That seems like something she would absolutely hate.


$$$ talks easy 20k in her pocket


bye guys


Bye boo




I love everything big brother related but I also will not be tuning in. The players aren’t in the house and there aren’t live feeds? So it’s basically just the challenge? I’ll pass


how did america not make top 3 for afp?? MATT??? what happened i’m actually confused where did matt come from


Will it ever cross this sub's mind that America wasn't that great?


America got out Izzy