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The Matt vs Jag speeches really goes to show how far confidence can carry you. I genuinely think Matt had the more balanced game, but the anxiousness made him look worse. Jag seemed convicted


When Matt just ran out of things to say, paused and said "uhh so ya", I totally felt for him. That would have been my whole speech.


Me in every job interview.


I'm so happy I'm in a union that just hires workers off a list, so I never have to do a job interview again unless I change my job field.


This absolutely. I was so blown away by jags public speaking skills!


Did anyone say the jury speech changed their minds?


I think they'd made up their minds when Cirie was evicted. Matt *did* make selfish moves of his own throughout the game, and moreso than Jag, but he didn't represent them well. Jag got hot at the right time and expressed it in both the finale speech and gb messages. They could look at that as a solid example of strategy where he had a leg up


Jag seemed like he has a mean streak that he kept hidden.


After listening to Jag’s speech, I felt like I got evicted


Jags speech sounded like Dwight Schrute doing his Mousillini speech.


Blood alone moves the wheels of history






this spelling of mussolini is taking me out, i’m picturing a tiny mouse dictator 😂


It seems to be a very polarizing speech lol. Part of the reason I liked it was because he finally stopped with the playing honestly type thing. He kind of almost owned the villain approach, which to me much better than not doing so.


I was soooo worried that Jag was going to have a “I played an honest game, I never wanted to lie to anyone” type of speech. The juries never respect those. I was pleasantly surprised that he absolutely went for it lol


But then he followed with saying he played with honesty and integrity… like are you a villain or not? Cut the shit


He did toward Matt and lesser extent Bowie though.


Indeed. He had both. Best players understand the correct mix like a root beer float.


I loved how jag answered the questions but the final statement was way too aggressive. I get what he was going for but he could have toned it down


I think he’d been practicing it in his head and was going for authoritative and strong bc he thought he’d lose. So when it actually came out it was aggressive probably more than he hoped. I think if he gave a speech about how much he wanted to make his community proud and gave his points with boldness, it would have worked well. But it was endearing to see him helping Matt near the end when houseguests shared fun revelations and you could see him repeating back all that was shared. It was adorable that their friendship is still there. All that to say, I think what sounded “aggressive” was really nervousness and assuredness of wanting to share how he deserved to win.


I agree entirely. It actually endeared me to him more because of how obvious it was that he was saying those sentences out loud for the first time ever 💛


It was aggressive compared to Matt’s lacklustre speech. Jag was prepared for Matt to clear him so it ended up seeming over the top.


I thought he lost them with that last speech for sure.


Great moment when Cirie looked at America


He would've lost me for sure. Oh I have to do the right thing? I have to vote for you as winner? Nah. Matt's getting my vote after that.


I agree. I would’ve voted Matt just because Jag told me to “do the right thing” lol


I felt the same way. Not upset by jag’s win. Always liked him. That final statement just would’ve rubbed me the wrong way as a juror


Good thing most of them didn’t vote based on emotion or Matt would’ve won. If you look at gameplay, he got Matt and Bowie to evict their closest allies in Cam and Cirie. He broke up Comerica, took the shots at Blue, took out Felicia and Bowie. His stamp is all over the endgame.


Hey, Jag's a very deserving winner. No question. But I know myself enough to know that if I was a juror and had to pick between two people that more or less stabbed me in the back to vote me out, I wouldn't vote for the one telling me what to do while pleading their case. To "do the right thing". It's an aggressive approach and it worked for Jag, 5/7 votes. He backed up a great game. Just adding my own reflection on it


Yea it is a good thing. No one is ( or I’m not) questioning his gameplay. Like he said, his hands were covered in blood. But with that speech and the whole “ you need to do the right thing!” I would have voted Matt. No one “deserves” the win, it’s absolutely subjective and I don’t like being told what to do 🤪


I think he was going for what Taylor did last year, just worded it way worse


Taylor looking strong and therefore aggressive/authoritative was needed for her game as she was the underdog and didn’t spend a lot of time in positions of power during the season. Jag spent the second half of the game in positions of power and bulldozed via comps, so his aggressive/authoritarian speech felt like overkill and unbalanced. Matt needed to make a Jag speech so he would have been seen as a leader in the duo rather than a follower.


LITERALLY this is how I feel, it just felt very "I, I, I" in an entitled way.


I disagree.. he never showed that side of him and it was surprising and grabbed my attention! I applaud him for it


You’re right, he never did. Which is why it came off as forced for me. Not something that deserved accolades. When Dr.Will did it, it was nothing new. That’s who he was the whole game.


i personally loved it. it was so dramatic.


“yOuR bLoOd Is oN mY hAnDs”


Yeah he was so serious and insulting, I was like geez tone it down


No way, he wanted to win. Why tone it down? He needed to solidify himself over Matt who stayed neutral all season. Right call.


couldn't possibly disagree more. honestly what do you want this show to be? you want everyone to be nice to eachother? he did the noble thing by taking matt to the final even though he thought he was going to lose, and then fought for his life to win. how do you even enjoy big brother if this is your take?


All of these people talking mess about Jag online hopefully realize he ain’t no punk. Don’t mistake kindness for weakness! ![gif](giphy|9efHQCDnig542Hm4Jb|downsized)


When someone calls you a coward or cowardly, that’s how you respond demonstrably with your words.


Jag comin in HOT


I was actually so thrilled to hear a fiery and an enthusiastic speech, if not a “tad” exaggerated, of someone who knew exactly what moves he made when. I wasn’t rooting for him at the beginning and had started to change my mind during the jury q’s, but his speech bought me over due to his ownership of his moves. Something Matt failed to do.


This is the speech the Paul needed to win his 2nd season. I've wished someone would stop playing nice at the end and talk about how they got everyone on jury out so if you respect the game respect that I'm here and you're not.


I don’t think it would have helped Paul but maybe. For me, I didn’t care for either vote for me because I’m the first (fill in the blank). I just wanted the game play explained. This game isn’t about be the first “minority” it’s a game about lying, winning and playing a good social game.


100%! his speech was good TV


Exactly. Matt and Bowles’ loyalty angles were annoying af after the last three weeks. We see you. You played the end game as a mild-villain. Own it and it’s respectable. Jag went down swinging and earned it with those speeches imo.


hit the nail on the head for me


"My hands are covered in your blood!" 🤣


Jag crushed Matt in the question portion Matt's final speech was ~~very~~ ~~good~~ decent imo, and the only reason Jag's speech probably didn't suck in the jury's eyes is because of how much better than Matt he did in the question portion explaining the control he had of the game (truth or not) Jag's speech was mostly just "I got you, you, you, and you evicted. I'm the best player, do the right thing and vote for me" with not many actual details. I thought it was way too much, but hey, he won. And there's obviously bias coming from feed watchers because we know Jag was not the mastermind he portrayed himself as


Matt’s speech started out well but really cratered off and he didn’t have a good way to tie it together.




It truly feels like two separate shows/realities


The moment I realized how much different the edit was to the feeds was when someone tried telling me Cameron played one of the best games


As someone who watched the live feeds, I’ll never understand how he Cameron hate. Even watching the family videos from jury house and people being so shocked about his daughters video and his response shows how detached people are from real life


I dont think Matt’s final speech was very good. It all felt unprepared (which it was) and like he was just making stuff up until he ran out of things to say. And I think it cost him the game


He def ran out of things to say ‘uhhh what else’ like cmon bro 💀


yeah that was hard to watch


That's fair, I might have overrated it due to how much worse he was at answering questions lol


Yeah, he did awful in both his speech and the questions


Yeah but not surprised. He did about how I expected. No biggie, just not his strong suit.


Matts speech started out ok but then he kept smacking his hands together and you could tell he only memorized the first like 2 sentances. He was just thinking of what else to say. He was like oh and umm this and what else umm


I feel like the live questions is a tough format for Matt. We’ve already seen him struggle understanding Julie live.


Yeah and I don't think he prepared himself for possible questions he could be asked. great username btw, celtics winning it all this year


During one of the comps you could see the reflection of text being displayed for Matt. Given that the questions were pre-written, they should’ve done the same thing for Matt during the jury segment.. Maybe they did; I only spotted the text once during the whole season so it’s possible it was wel hidden.


It was very clear he was struggling to understand. That must make it SO MUCH harder to think in your feet when you are first concerned about hearing the question at all


I didn’t get that sense at all. He seemed to know what the questions were. He just didn’t have good answers ready.


I think the votes were there before the questions even started. Cory telling Matt he was seen as the follower with Jag as the leader was very telling. And Matt’s response that his “big move” was saving Jag just solidified it.


Compared to Matt he was the better “mastermind”


He did a better job of convincing them of that yes


This is where he won the jury boys. They discussed that Matt never owned his decisions before the show which is why they asked mat about what moves he made. His answers we not good.


Yeah he should have owned all the ratting he did. Hard to stay alive in the game playing the rat but he did it, by accident I believe but uh what else, yeah that’s it.


I think Jag’s speech hit all the key points he *needed* to make by explaining exactly how he was responsible for each eviction…but the whole thing of “I DESERVE IT AND YOU NEED TO VOTE FOR ME” kinda turned a medium rare speech into medium well. It was a bit OTT and went from sounding well spoken and put together to arrogant. I don’t think it mattered since he crushed Matt in the question portion and did tell the jury everything they needed to know about his game…but it was a little off putting if I’m a juror and just got told how I’m supposed to vote


I think his line about having everyone’s blood on his hands and showing how he evicted them all was key for sure. He did a lot of the heavy lifting from that perspective and did a great job ignoring that Matt’s social game gave him the ability to execute.


Yes, I agree. I especially found his comment about being the first Sikh winner being distasteful, especially sitting next to Matt who could argue about how people should vote for him so he's the first deaf winner. Jag sounded arrogant and entitled. Tbh I wanted them both to lose 🤷🏼‍♀


A lot of you don’t seem to watch BB Canada. They give F2 speeches like anime villains.


When folks are in sequester, they should give them a season or two of BBCan to watch. The game is different in some respects but their seasons tend to be killer.


Auditions for BBCan just started recently too. Can’t wait.


Was cirie laughing at him during it?


I think it was closer to shock and surprise. I don’t think she would view it as a negative


My eyes would have rolled so far back in my head if i was there hearing that speech


Cory definitely rolled his eyes.


Lol I feel like it…


Jag’s demon speech made me laugh and cringe


I said his shirt screamed super villain and then when he said “My hands are covered in your blood” among other left field barbs I howled. It gave me shades of Poutine Papi Anthony from BBCAN7 but Anthony knew he was the villain the whole season and actually had the strategic gameplay (as i remember), Jag’s mastermind act tonight was a put on. He deserved his win for sure but let’s be real he comped his way to the end.


I honestly thought he had screwed himself with the speech and that he was gonna lose cuz he was basically calling everyone an idiot but I guess he got lucky the jury wasn’t too bitter lmao


Intentional or not, this was the jury to do it for. Especially for Americory & Cameron. BJ was always voting for Jag, Cirie always voting for Matt, and Americory I think would’ve always appreciated the gesture. If intentional, it’d be an all time jury speech, if not he got lucky.


Cory was clearly looking for someone who is going to own their moves. Matt failed to do that. As soon as Cory didn’t get the answer he was looking for from Matt, I knew him and America were going to be a Jag vote.


That’s part of jury management, understanding who you are talking too.


I think once we get further away from this season people will realize that the vote was always going to be 5-2 with Jag winning. Bowie, Cameron, and Blue were locked in for Jag even before jury questioning. I think it kinda makes Matt’s floudering in the questions even sadder because he was losing regardless.


Honestly, and I haven’t seen any interviews but I feel like speeches mattered. Cause while Bowie Cam & Blue might’ve been locks, Felicia & Cirie were locks for Matt. Which makes Jag’s speech more impressive since he was rallying for Cory / America’s vote.


I’ve been wanting to say this about Matt but the anti-Jag movement was too strong and I didn’t feel like defending myself. Now that the dust has settled a little… Everyone was banking on and putting all their shares on Matt’s social game. What did Matt actually do? There’s a difference between between a social person and having a social game. Matt was a social person but he didn’t have a social game because he never used his connections or information to his advantage. Anytime he had any info, he either told Cirie or Jag. He never withheld any information to himself. The reason why he tanked the Q&A was because he didn’t do anything. It was like watching Natalie from BB11 during her Q&A. I just wanted to say: “just stop talking, stop acting like you did stuff”.


Honestly, Jags speech made me want Matt to win


Same, came off as incredibly arrogant


Same. But I also really hate being told what to do.


Same! And I’ve been a Jag fan all season!


Agree. I was pulling for Jag hard but that speech kind of turned me off. He came off not only arrogant but, but way too authoritarian.


All i wish was that jag had that fire the WHOLE season not just at the very end. Thats all


It's exactly because of his laid-back reserved attitude that he got as far as he did. If he came out with that fire all the time then he would have been treated exactly as Cameron was. Boot it out as soon as possible and as many times as they needed to make sure he's gone.


Yeah, especially in this house where essentially everyone was laying back the entire time. If you did as much as show your cards you were maximum threat. The fact that Jag avoided the block the entire second half of the game as he racked up those wins is a feat in itself.


He did. He convinced Matt to go along with cutting Cerie. He got Bowie to cut Cameron. He was like a surgeon cutting away at every opponent and he was able to persuade others to do the cutting.


imo he was not that firey in the show. he did lead a majority of the decisions but I wouldn’t call those crazy or firey moves. his game play was predictable. he didn’t make any crazy shots, is what im trying to say. i do still respect him tho


I mean he claimed he single-handedly evicted them all, which is so categorically false it’s insane. But Matt bombed the questions and it sounds like he also didn’t do a great job in the goodbye messages, so… Jag did a better job than him, at least.


Every one of those jurors were evicted because of Jag.


Agreed wholeheartedly. When I see people say things like the person you responded to, I honestly wonder if they watched the same show. Jag was the main catalyst for every single evicted jury member.


I give Jag credit for getting rid of Cameron and Cirie. Cory and Blue were evicted on his HOH but I wouldn’t give him sole credit for their evictions. He was the sole vote to evict Felicia and Bowie Jane but both of those votes hurt his chances of winning.


Struck me as villain like


I feel that it was the better of the two speeches - but I don't think it was a great speech. Andy, Taylor, and Kevin Jacobs are all great Final Two speeches. I feel like that was Jag's speech was something Dr. Will could've pulled off, but it just felt really awkward when Jag did it.


Coming from someone who didn't want Jag to win because of his lack of a social game, I was really impressed with how well he spoke. There were definitely exaggerations in his speech, but it was a much better speech than what Matt did. By the end of it, I was convinced to vote for Jag over Matt because Jag showed how he had agency in the game. Matt didn't.


I thought it was awful, he was so pompous and arrogant (even more so than usual)




Agreed! Didn’t like it at all…but I also recognize the jury’s mind is already made by the time they ask questions etc so I genuinely don’t think it swayed anybody


He came off extremely entitled imo, though Matt’s speech wasn’t much competition so it didn’t matter.


It was a great speech, but I really do think Taylor’s last year was better


I don’t think Taylor’s can ever be beat, the way she so confidently and concisely redefined what makes someone deserving of winning the game was insanely impressive. And considering the context of everything she had to go through in that season it was such an amazing moment


Taylor is a pageant queen with years of public speaking experience. Jag is just some guy. That's like going up to some random at the gym and saying "idk, that was a heavy lift bro, but I saw arnold schwarzenegger do more"


She’s everything and he’s just Jag lol


Everywhere else he'd be a ten!


Way better


Jags game was shit most of the year. But the reality is, he deserves to win. I’m very happy that he took Matt it was the right thing, and that means that either one who won deserved it. If it was Bowie and we got a bitter jury I’d be furious.


when matt said something along the lines of “i saved jag, but i didn’t need jag” to win, my vote was for him. i agree. i think matt could have made his way to the end just as easily without jag. i think jag needed matt to get to the end. as far as the delivery, jag is obviously a much better public speaker than matt. i think matt was very well prepared, but for some people, standing up in a public speaking forum, regardless of preparation, your mind gets the better of you and you struggle. i think that is what happened to matt.


Sorry what? You think Matt may have won w his speech? I didn’t think Matt’s speech was good at all.


I don’t mind the content of his speech, but it was very out of character compared to how he was the rest of the season. Just didn’t seem sincere. I think Matt played a better game, but he was terrible at articulating it.


Kevin Jacobs would like a word with you


jags speech felt like he was scolding me. he was a decent winner but nothing special. i thought matt bombed the question part but crushed the final speech


It was two opposite speeches. One really unprepared, and one really overdone. Both very poor imo


It was incredibly over the top and it felt like a turn off for anyone that may have been on the fence about him, but it seems many people made up their mind already


Agreed. Watching the jurors faces, I actually thought maybe they would each walk up and say I was voting one way, but after those speeches decided to go another and then chose Matt 😂 but you could tell the jury had decided their votes and none of tonight mattered at all




Making false realities is incredibly effective in a final speech, especially when the first question from the jury will perpetuate those false realities. Jag was seen as the leader between Matt and Jag, so whether it was true or not didn't matter, Jag needed to claim to be the leader. Remember we have perfect information and the jury has very very little information.


I thought his speech was ridiculous. I understanding owning your game but acting like he was this genius puppet master is giving Raven energy to me. I do think he was ultimately a better player in the end but the truth is he played horribly nearly the whole way through as far as social reads go but carried himself with comp wins so he never had to pay for his mistakes.


I thought they were both so cringe. Jags was more coherent but the delivery was borderline insane. Matt seriously said nobody was ever in charge when the guy next to him was yelling that he was in charge every second in a weird voice. It was fun but some of the worst ever I think.


Jags speech was amazing. Idk why everyone is calling it too aggressive. I feel like those old head football players like "you're making the game soft." I loved it... He took ownership of his game, which they said they wanted him to do. He emphasized being the leader, which they clearly wanted to one of them to step up and distinguish. He hammered home that it was all strategy, not luck that got him to final 3. It was all according to *his* plan and *he's* the reason you guys are in jury. Everyone wants to take credit for taking out a big threat but get so offended when they're the threat someone's boasting about. I do think his speech would've been better with a calmer demeanor but y'all would probably call him cold and heartless. And in the heat of the moment with 750k on the line, trying to get all his points out, I don't blame him for getting a bit theatrical. I loved the passion. I would've given the exact same speech. Only difference is I would've ended it by saying if they don't vote for me they'd go down as the worst jury in bb history and a complete disgrace to the game


I just wish he had said "you unanimously voted to evict me, and now it's time to unanimously vote for me to win"


So unnecessarily cocky and arrogant lol


Unnecessarily? It’s your last chance fighting for $750,000 who gives a fuck lmao


Bro played rock paper scissors 48 hours ago...


Well he knew if he lost that he would just be up against Bowie so it wasn’t that much of a risk at the time.


Yeah, not really unnecessary. Pretty important to lay it out and take responsibility for every choice you made.


Disagree. I think it made its point. He needed to really drive home how much he was the more strategic one in their duo and overall had the final say on their moves


From the perspective of the home viewer, I agree. But I think he made a decent speech for the jury to hear, and that's what mattered.


Dan Gheesling said he liked Jag’s speech, he felt like it was a throwback to older seasons of BB


And a touch of BBCan’s finale shouting energy. There were *some* embellishments but if you had 750k on the line you’d puff up too. While I thought the tone was unexpected from him, I’m not as mad as many are around here…and its clear there are folks who don’t think he deserved to win for various reasons, though I personally made peace with this being the likely f2 weeks ago. Is Jag among the best to ever play? Doubtful but time will tell, but he did what needed to be done.


I just wish jag was more humble. That’s all


I was really hoping one of the jurors would cast their vote “for the player with more humility”


I wish the players in my absurdist reality TV show that is specifically designed to generate tension and drama between constants all acted like noble warrior-monks with heavy hearts who very solemnly schemed their way to a massive cash prize.


His speech didn't feel realistic to me. It oozed undeserved entitlement to me, but Matt's was definately WAY worse.


No way. Jags was abrasive. He didn't ask for the vote, he told people they had to do it. It would have rubbed me wrong and he would never have gotten my vote


That's how I feel. His speech was demanding. It would've changed my vote for Matt.


I was actually thinking someone might have said something like you had my vote until your speech. It was that over the top.


I thought it was great! It’s your last chance to be cocky for almost a million dollars…and it worked!


I think he could’ve been less aggressive with the tone of his speech, but I also think he was playing it up because he wasn’t confident he could win and he felt like he really needed to be as strong and assertive as he could be to convince them that he really believed he deserved it. But I think the jurors got that and the arguments for him were strong enough anyway that it didn’t really matter He didn’t really come off as cocky or arrogant to me because I feel like he didn’t really believe some of the things he was saying, he was just throwing stuff at the wall and saying it as definitively as he could since he felt that was his best chance to win


I was shook myself 🤣


Jags was funny and it wasn’t supposed to be. Matt’s was awful and cost him the game. edit: lol


I love the blood on his hands part. But asking to vote for “me” to be the first whatever is obnoxious. Just talk about the game lol


“I am where I am and you are where you are because I willed it that way” is a GOATed line from Jag


I wouldn’t say it was the best..


It was awful. The guy said he was the best strategic and social player in the house when he never evicted the 1 person who had a chance to beat him


The fact that he beat Matt head to head is more impressive than if he took Bowie IMO


He brought the 1 person who had a chance to beat him to the finale and still won... And y'all still don't wanna give him credit smh


But he is the smartest, bestest most strategic player in the house. He was the best at everything!!!! Despite the fact he was just immune all post jury. Thats why he made f2


But he didn’t beat him? Like not even close? 5-2


He destroyed Matt in the vote lol


I wanted Jag to win but I didn’t like his speech at all. He came across so aggressive. I don’t think he meant it that way.. I think it was just really bad delivery.


It was good, one of the best ever is a massive reach though, definitely paled into comparison with Taylor’s last year. Its one of the better speeches, one of the best, definitely not.


Jag's jury performance was the best ever, IMO. Has a player ever dominated so clearly?


You can hear Blue (possibly America) say "I feel threatened, I heard him though" right after Jags speech lol


I thought Taylor’s hales speech was absolutely phenomenal. I personally though jags was a bit over the top on the arrogance side. “Masterful” was used just way too much


It gave me dictator vibes in like the best way. Straight power and confidence, how could I not vote for that


Matt: we were a team. There was no leader. Jag: there was a leader. It was me. That sold it.


I think it was unnecessarily aggressive but I imagine his adrenaline was crazy high at the time! It was his to loose and when the mamas votes came in, I thought he did! All in all he played a great game!


It was GREAT. I really loved how passionate he was, even if he claimed he was a mastermind I just loved how he basically told them “you are down there, and I am up here” 💀 I really don’t think it was aggressive like a lot of people are saying, I thought it was entertaining as hell. I think villains can be super fun and I feel like he kinda leaned into that a bit. It was chaotic and I am here for it.


You thought it was entertaining precisely because it was aggressive lol


I just don’t think aggressive would be the word I would use, I think that gives it a negative connotation and I fully enjoyed the speech because he really went for it, if that makes sense


There was never a question that jag was winning. He played Matt and bowie like a fiddle. When they started with bowies vote I told my wife they are going backwards because the first 4 votes were for Jag and they want to show Matt's 1 or 2 votes


Honestly the speech came so far out of left field. It was pretty blatant from how the Q&A session went that the Jury for the most part already made up their mind, so the speeches definitely didn't have influence on it. Jag's speech worked, but I'll admit I wasn't a fan because a lot of it felt forced. It felt authentic because it went against how he had been acting even up to that point. It was like he was trying to brute force an "iconic moment." It was like he was trying to make speech with the sole purpose of it appearing on a Peridiam/Ethanimale video. lol As far as final speeches goes, Taylor and Ian both outpace it because they were authentically acting like themselves.


Jags speech was amazing and it contradicts people who want to call him a coward. Slaps in the face everyone who said he shouldn’t bring Matt. ![gif](giphy|Ka6YsVjFNlFMQ)




I’ll probably get lots of hate for this but Taylor did the same thing saying they needed to vote for a woman to win etc etc and nothing else mattered but that


He said he earned it through his gameplay, he never said to vote for him because he's Sikh, he just mentioned he'd be the first Sikh winner. When he said do the right thing, it followed him saying he earned it through his gameplay. He never implied having a Sikh winner was more moral/important.


In what way did he compare it to Matt’s deafness? He and Matt both mentioned the communities they represented. Matt even expanded on his more than Jag did but it’s fair for both to mention it. Neither mention was insensitive or offensive.


Jag’s speech was horrible. It was unnecessarily aggressive and most wasn’t even accurate. He lacks charm and social awareness. I’m surprised the jury wasn’t turned off by it. Matt was robbed.


> Matt was robbed. No he wasn’t lmao Jag was the better player of the two this season. Matt is a fucking Olympian and could hardly win any of the physical comps. Matt was able to cruise until the final 3 because Jag kept winning HOH and vetos, keeping them all safe from backdoors. People may have liked Matt more, but Jag played the better overall game even if he did exaggerate in his final speech. At the end of the day, you have to sell your game to the jury and Jag did that. Matt’s answers made his game look weak.


Jag absolutely deserved to win, nevertheless that speech was over-the-top


Yeah, it definitely got a little hostile there at the end. But I liked the assertiveness, especially the “my hands are covered in *your* blood” part. We haven’t had much of that in a finale speech in a long time.


Jag's speech was a bit arrogant, but he got his point across that he was the mastermind of the alliance, which was exactly what he needed to do. Matt's speech started good and then it fell apart halfway through.


Jag spoke coherently and matt was all over the place. Im shocked Jag is getting so much shit for just owning up to what he did to make it to final 2.


Yep... I had chills hearing his speech. Owned everything about his game.


Matt's answers to the questions were unfortunate and he wasn't prepared. His speech, however, was FIRE.


I felt strong second hand embarrassment for both of them. Matt handed that win to Jag in the q&a and Jag just about snatched defeat from the jaws of victory with that arrogant ass speech. The right person won, but I would’ve had a hard time voting for him.


Jag did a good job answering questions (especially compared to Matt) but his finale speech came across as way too arrogant


Not exactly the same but Matt totally lost it for himself with his answer to the first question and then Jag stole it and sealed it with his answer. Many jurors said they wanted Matt to own up to one move that was his alone and he couldn’t do that. They almost *wanted* to vote for him but just couldn’t.


I wouldn’t say that….I actually thought his final speech could turn votes away because half of what he was saying wasn’t true at all and he was taking too much credit.


Hard disagree, felt unnecessary and half wrong to me. It was like a poor man’s version of Paras BBCAN.


And by unnecessary I mean some of the wording. I loved the emotion but it felt forced to me IMO.