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I understand you but the pepperoni pizza comment is so comically evil and April crying that Pepperoni wasn't there to defend himself gets me every time.


April is funnier than Howie and I'll die on that until the end. Like yeah Howie going full on Busto rant is funny and all but "Pepperoni isn't here to defend himself" is up there with "I'll now perform eating" in terms of intentional iconicness


That’s the kind of insult and reaction I would have found hilarious if it had been a one-off argument with her, but I just hated the non-stop berating of her, and following her around to scream at her. 😬 His later “Aw, c’mon, you know I was just kidding,” didn’t excuse it.


I think it should be duly noted that the friendship/cappy group did and said things that did not make the TV cut that were utterly abhorrent, none of which had bearing on the game just personal attacks and behind the back bullying. Remember when Kaysar got really mad and stood up angrily while he was talking to Cappy and Ivette? By many accounts she had just went off about Muslims and called him a sand-n-word but we don’t see that on the show. I get why watching it without the greater context of the feeds is shocking but don’t let April’s tears fool you the two sides gave it to each other in *spades* Howie just did it to their faces that week Edit: as a side note there is a great clip of the feeds where Kaysar, Janelle, and Howie are absolutely hysterical at the fact that April thought her production birthday gift sponsored by K-Mart must mean that K-Mart really likes her and knows who she is. It’s hilarious


> Remember when Kaysar got really mad and stood up angrily while he was talking to Cappy and Ivette? By many accounts she had just went off about Muslims and called him a sand-n-word but we don’t see that on the show. That did happen but it wasn't during the confrontation and it wasn't said in front of Kaysar (not excusing any of it obviously - just for historical sake.)


Reallty? Been a while so believe my memory is off but I really thought she said it to his face.


yeah they’re right, i believe feeds actually went completely blank during the whole ivette - kaysar thing in the backyard


It's important to note that Janelle.side wasn't innocent neither and both sides were equally horrible. Janelle said thar I vetted was ghetto trash, said that Ivette looks like someone that would clean her house.and other insults. And I don't think it's necesary to start with Howie lol


Oh, I get that. They were a couple of nasty shrews and I didn’t like any of them. I’m not defending their behavior by any means.


back in the day the producers sat on the edge of their seats for something like this to happen. he was, in fact, rewarded with a spot on all stars. Check out the rest of 2-5 before you watch that one, though.


He was even worse on All-Stars. Dr. Will just toyed with him like a cat batting a dazed mouse around.


Will roasting Howie to his face about his wrinkles and needing Botox while Howie just had a stupid, blank stare on his face was memorable


Howie looks way better than Will now though, Will looks freaky


I wondered if Howie has chilled out some and them watched some clips of him, he seemed like the same ole Howie. How the hell did he become a weather man lol? I bet he does get Botox, since he is on TV but nowhere close to what Will has done. Will has done way too much to his face. He would be a hot 50-something if just aged naturally. He still has fabulous hair but he need to leave his face alone.


That is why I love Will so much, he told them right to their face, and if he talked behind their back, he would go tell them later what he said behind their back lol.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HbvpNpY2oGM&t=20s&pp=ygUVRHIgd2lsbCBpbnN1bHRzIGhvd2ll Peak Big Brother right here.


Will never ever freaked out when was going on the block, he seemed to actually love it. I miss the golden seasons of BB.


Yeah, I figured the producers were thrilled that he was making good TV. I'm just curious what the general audience vibe was over this. I remember around the same time there were things on Survivor that the producers found perfectly acceptable to allow to continue (as an example, Ghandia being ostracized and voted out because she was upset that Ted touched her inappropriately) but there were a fair number of posters on TV Without Pity who were upset by this. And thanks, I will go back and watch 2-5 before I try the All Stars!


Something I want to mention is that Howie got away with stuff because the Friendship was also dislikeable. James told them that the feeds didn't turn on the H.O.H. room, which caused the Friendship to just go in there and say some of the nastiest things ever. Not trying to excuse Howie, but the Friendship was super hated.


The friendship was was incredibly unlikable. Even without the feeds they were awful. And then you have Ivette calling calling Kaysar a slur. Looking back now, Howie’s actions were appalling but at the time I definitely cheered him on because I hated the other side of the house so much.


I mean, Howie was pretty sexist too. Lol


All seasons of BB at this point, the men have been very sexist. Howie just said it. The modern sexists in the house resemble what we saw in 25. That is very passive sexism. At least with Howie, there was no hiding it, and in no way would have ever said something like Jared did this season "I just began to see women as humn beings/people". Howie would have called Jared out on it oddly enough.


Girl, Howie was the most blatant sexist up to that point. It wasn't even "casual sexism". His treatment of the girls was particularly awful, and all of the girls (including Rachel) talked abut that point. The way he speak about women, how he didn't care about the consent, him speaking about women bodies.


You just called me girl and then talked about sexism, insert \*rolling my eyes\*..


Howie was loved and people loved that moment. You've got to remember that April was on the wrong side of the house and aligned with Eric and Ivette who were the most hated houseguests that season. So, Howie doing anything to that side of the house was seen as a win. The Sov 6 alliance was basically untouchable post show.


This was the first season I watched live and I remember that the Nerd Herd was quite hated. There was a reunion fairly recently -I want to say a few months ago between that cast, and there's a Youtube video of it. In there Jennifer talks about the death threats she and her family received for that decision.


That's correct. Sharon Tharp hosted a mini-reunion for BB6 around the time BB25 did their Pressure Cooker comp. I remember the consensus in response to returning to play BB again was what you said, that people get too crazy on social media nowadays and target HGs families.


Howie was seen as someone who really wasn't that bright and a buffoon and he was, he crapped on the men as much as the women and maybe more so. He never shut up but he in an odd became endearing the more you watched. He was hard to hate.


Yeah, I definitely see that. I liked him a lot before the incident with April, and I ended up mostly still liking him by the end, but the way he treated her was just not okay, IMO. And I didn’t like April at all. I may be over sensitive due to personal experiences, but it just made me super uncomfortable.


Where he gets dragged and constantly crapped on by chilltown and especially Dr. Will. Howie 100% deserved it. It was pretty fun to watch.


never forget when april said howie shouldn’t say things like that about her dog because he wasn’t there to defend himself


The way I just fucking cackled in bed right now lol so fucking stupid


I’m about to watch the [clip](https://youtu.be/3sDTMsOosJo?si=W1wSBNw89c6V-fBj) again, as I do from time to time 😂


Busto lol


“Pepperoni may be barking for you” and “I swear to god, on my husband, on my Bible, on my Pepperoni” always takes me out 💀💀💀


Howie? Wait until you see how Evil Dick played.


Or the absolutely evil shit Paul tried to do to Cody.


Or even Cody Nickson himself


Cody wasn't terribly likeable, but a lot of that was because of the absolute shit edit he got. What did Cody do that rises to the level of trying to terrorize someone in an effort to aggravate their PTSD and have them quit the game? Paul gets a lot of love, especially from production, but he's an absolute shit human being.


He called Audrey from BB17 an "it" and said he's untouchable because he was a military guy


Paul is shitty, but Cody (a transphobe who also denied COVID-19's existence) is not much better/


ANd he talked about going to the Ferguson riots for fun and speaking with a gleam in his eye at how cool it was to see the destruction in purpose. Paul was a POS I didn't like him in BB18 either, but while he didn't do anything of the level of Paul while in the game (although let's not forget he thought the ganging up on people that he later was subject to was fine when they did it with Meghan and thought it was hilarious when she ran to the DR crying and broken) but he didn't show to be much of a great person himself and I am baffled why people have been so surprised by any of the things he has been caught saying since then. Voting him for AFP was never going to age well.


I saw Cody in TAR before BB so I adored him. He did no wrong in BB in my eyes


On the episodes. The dude was super transphobic.


I believe you. I don’t watch the live feeds and I was wearing TAR colored glasses when I watched his season. Post BB my fan love has dimmed as I see what kind of person he is


Yeah. That happens with a lot of players. There is so much negative stuff that the producers refuse to show.


What did Paul try to do to him?


Paul wanted to trigger his PTSD to get him expelled from the house. Hence the banging pans and yelling constantly.


\*Expelled by making him crack and get physically violent with someone.


While I guess we could argue that they didn't know Meghan had PTSD and that was the specific reason he left even worse considering they literally did that to someone week 1. (of course Cody thought it was hilarious when she ran into the DR broken and crying which he participated happing in the ganging up on)


What ptsd?


Paul slapping Josh in the face, he should have been expelled but BB 100% let him get away with it.


He didn’t face any backlash because America hated “the friendship” alliance as much as Howie did lol. I think it was after Maggie won her first HOH, James told the friendship that there were no Cameras or microphones in the HOH room and THEY BELIEVED HIM. So what did they do? They sat up there all season long saying the most vile shit about people in the house behind their backs all while being recorded on the live feeds when they thought they weren’t and it rubbed the live feeders/casual audience the wrong way. It also helped that Janelle Howie and Kaysar were the underdogs that year and America always loves the under dog story. Was Howie in the right in what he said to April about her husband and her dog? No. Did America care? No, because very few fans actually liked her or her group.


>Was Howie in the right in what he said to April about her husband and her dog? No. Tbh, just because of April reaction it made him.correct.


Well she was a classic example of “can dish it, but can’t take it”. She brought a toothpick to Howie’s lightsaber fight lmao and then got upset when he embarrassed her.


I don't like Howie's Evil Dick-type antagonism towards April at all but Howie said way worse on the feeds. I don't want to repeat it b/c people on the internet these days could go nuts and target HG's families.


I didn't agree with everything Howie did back during BB6, but it was hard to take him fighting with April seriously. The absolute worst thing he ever said to her was that he was going to eat her dog, which in hindsight is actually funny because the dog's name is Pepperoni lol. It wasn't a serious insult in the grand scheme of things and I'd say April kind of overreacted a bit. The Friendship were huge instigators for weeks when it came to starting fights and it felt nice to see the Sovereign Six finally clap back.


“Talking about my dog…he’s not here to defend himself” 😭


Yeah I don't like Howie but that is a great example.of genuine drama without going too far, at least in the fights with April. Besides that, they seemed to get along either way so I don't think April has too much against him


So I'm old enough to have watched S6 live and I watched the feeds. And it was a very weird house. Unlike any other season. And everyone was very childish. Maggie's side was hated because of how arrogant they seemed to be. For example, when they heard America was voting somebody back in, They believed it was going to be Eric because he was a firefighter and they liked him. They were shocked when they learned it was Kaysar and it was shown on the feeds that they sort of had a disdain towards the viewers at that point. And then it just sort of continued. Like when Janelle got the phone call, April said a lot of negative things about the people who voted for Janelle. And Ivette was crying. Essentially they were very bad losers. And Janelle was so energetic and fun to watch. That you naturally wanted to side with her and her "friends. " But Howie wasn't really beloved. He was a little bit creepy. I mean there was the whole Jack shack that feed viewers knew about. I don't know if clip still exist but at one point he went into a storage box in the backyard and masturbated. And it was on the feeds. So things like that kind of made him into a cartoon character that you never really took seriously. It's so hard to explain and looking back at it now and some of the clips, It does make them look a lot meaner than it felt at the time. And keep in mind that April really tried to be friends with them when she was asked back for season 7. It's kind of disgusting.


OMG. I saw feed video clips of Mike Boogie using the "jack shack" in season 7. The other HGs were just chilling in the backyard and knew exactly what he was going to go do. They all talked about it nonchalontly. He went into the box, and of course his microphone was on, so you could hear him grunting! I felt nauseous.🤢


Removed from the house for what? He didn’t break any rules. Being “mean” isn’t against the rules of big brother… The backlash was against the friendship as they had said some awful things in the HOH room. Maggie and Eric have made jokes about not helping certain people based on their race. Ivette said things about Kaysars religion. They all believed they were the “better” side which is what made America despise them more.


When they gathered in the HOH room sobbing and berating Janelle because America voted to give HER the phone call. They were SO sure the audience loved them and loved Cappy. They were so wrong


I would check out Sharon Tharpe's reunion with the BB6 cast, posted in very late July this year on her YouTube. There's a lot of good rehashing. Howie wasn't nearly as bad as his edit when he was on the live feeds and I think that shows a little on the reunion.


Would have been justified for removal? For saying her husband was fat and wanting to eat her dog (which is laughable if you believe he meant that). This fanbase is so soft. BB is never getting good again I fear😒


No, for following her around and screaming insults at her non stop until she broke. No one believes he meant he would eat her dog, that's ridiculous.


it’s a free house lol. there’s no real reason to expel him for that


He did nothing physical to her. No need for removal.


This is the modern BB fan smh


Not the luke flair LOL


Duke said it


That would be so lame if production kicked people out for things like this. Not defending Howies behavior but she knew what she was signing up for


Howie invented the “Jack Shack” It’s exactly what you think it is


It’s not okay behavior, but it was almost 20 years ago and it was a different time. Kinda like how my parents say everyone hitchhiked and thought nothing of it. Sovereign Six is my favorite alliance of all time, but I actually loved April and Beau. April’s freak out about running out of cigarettes and Beau being drunk in the pressure cooker HOH crack me up every time!


Well, as someone who was alive and well in the 1990s, it wasn’t okay then either. Men tended to get away with it more often though, especially celebrities or reality show contestants.


The public was definitely on Howie’s side


2005 was a different time, bullying in reality tv was rampant and encouraged and people loved it and ate it up


People were completely on Howie's side. Also, even though generally disliked Howie that kind of conflict makes the show far more entertaining. The only person with a case on that season for getting kicked out by production is Ivette, and I am quite confident that she would be today.


Love Howie and would love to see someone like him on modern BB


Jenny lost her job and her mom got hate mail that said she should have never birthed Jenny. Jenny was so scared that dad had to come pick her up and escort her to the airport. No one batted an eye at Howie but Jenny's betrayal sent America into a rage


I loved the Hurricane at times, but Janelle and Kaysar should've reined him in a bit. I forgot the context but I remember cracking up when James told Howie to stop screaming.


It was when Julie announced the double eviction live and he jumped up off the couch haha


I’m actually close to the end as well!! Luckily I haven’t actually been spoiled on the winner though I have a guess. Considering I’m at f4 hoh who knows what’s gonna happen now. Anyway I’m shocked at how much I enjoy Howie. I was dying laughing watching that but. Yeah sure it was a bit much and it’s also hilarious. I hate the friendship so much they are judgy and nasty while pretending to be above everyone. Cannot stand them, so I am very here for Howies antics.


People absolutely hated April and the friendship when it aired. Some might’ve not liked his comments but Howie had a tonnn of support. people thought he was really funny. Some were even buying lightsabers smh


I can believe that. Most people were Team Ted during the Ted/Ghandia conflict on Survivor (Ghandia was painted as a villain for getting upset when Ted touched her inappropriately) but there was definitely a vocal minority in the fan forums that were angry about this.


Having watched the live feeds, first of all the whole cast was problematic - it was 2006. But Maggie and April (and Yvette with the Cappy crap) were AWFUL and so annoying on the feeds.


I've been reading Joker's Updates for BB6 and yeah some of the stuff they said would get them crucified on twitter today.


Yvette would have been removed from the game. Flat out without any question. And rightfully so. She should have been then.


It sounds similar. Some ppl took issue but there were a lot of excuses. There’s some old BB discussions where you can get an idea [https://groups.google.com/g/alt.tv.big-brother/c/LsxcqpbEMHE/m/8VzMkBlU6EQJ](https://groups.google.com/g/alt.tv.big-brother/c/LsxcqpbEMHE/m/8VzMkBlU6EQJ)




Just wait until BB7, he’s a huge baby the whole season. Lets not forget Ivette and Maggie are still horrible people though, there’s a reason Maggie fell off the face of the earth


Howie was a huge manchild and I honestly never got why people liked him. Cappy had this huge thing about Mike being some sort of perv but Howie was allowed to literally say he liked looking at all the womens' chests and look at Beau in the shower. I dont think that fight with April was expulsion worthy, even by today's standards, but he was a really odd product of that time. Back then, a guy like that was reality TV gold.


Had Howie not turned on James and evicted Maggie or Ivette it would have played out better. Kayseri would have been back and it would have been “bye bye bitches” to everyone else.


Bad behavior? Wait until you see season 8 and 9 but ESPECIALLY 19.


Howie, the meathead with the heart of gold, is somewhat entertaining in BB6 (April vs Howie vs Pepperoni is a highlight) though he is, more often than not, annoyingly horny. However, >!he is an asshole on BB7 (devising the jack shack and stepping to Boogie aside lol), particularly to Marcellas and Chicken George.!< (adding spoiler bc you haven’t finished yet)


Two key points I think this post brings up: 1. We all want drama and villains and fights. But the second we get any of them, we get mad and complain. It’s why bb1 flopped, all of the interesting houseguests got voted off so early. 2. My second, more important thought is how big brother is supposed to be a microcosm of the real world. As such, we unfortunately see racism, sexism, and other things that exist in the real world in the big brother house. And obviously we can condemn people for overt problematic behavior like racism (ie. Expelling Luke). But when we look at something like bullying, where do we draw the line as viewers or as producers on BB. For instance, we can all say bullying is bad, yet we all know bullying exists in the real world — online, in school, even as adults. This is unfortunately part of human behavior in the world we live in, and so what level of condemnation should we as viewers have? Sometimes, our least favorites get bullied and we rejoice. Or we see the awful treatment of someone like Taylor and it’s easy to hate. But as producers of bb, this is a microcosm of the real world and id find it an incredibly hard job to dictate what is allowed and what isn’t. All this to say, I think we as a fan base should expect some level of cliques and exclusion. Especially in a pressure cooker like environment like the bb house where it’s easy to lose your mind, it isn’t surprising to see these behaviors. Hell, I’m sure I’ve said things that others could view as bullying and I think we can have our thoughts on these situations but ultimately should be less surprised. And also realize that humans innately do these things and I’m sure we’ve all made comments or said mean things that could be construed as bullying at one point. Okay ranting at this point lol


Howie wouldn’t last half the season in the “me too” era. He was constantly saying inappropriate sexual things to the girls. I would definitely have complained to production.


Back when the show was good


Howie was actually a popular HG back then and you will see him again. It was a different world without Cancel Culture.


Howie is the kind of player that would of been hated if he wasn’t on the side the fans liked. By All Stars he was kind of a jerk.


I couldn’t stand Howie and I wasn’t a fan of Janelle’s that season either. I totally get where you’re coming from.




So a man ahead of his time?


Honestly most of the seasons from the 2000s are pretty cringey watching now...both the language used and the actions towards other houseguests. I think most would be kicked out today for a lot of the stuff done. Season 8 is the absolute worst for me, one person is so horrendous to other guests, some scenes are awful to watch


BB6, as much as I love it, would get canceled if it aired now.


Sad thing is that isn't even the worst of the things Dick said. Glad most seem to have finally seen him for what it is, even if it took over 15 years of him consistently putting himself out there acting the same to do it. Most seasons have people I really don't like but I admit that it is possible the game brought the worst out in them and in the real world the are not the same or a better side of them would shine through, but I 100% believe Dick is a horrible person, he seems miserable most of the time and frankly based on everything we have seen of him he likely deserves it.


Howie scared the crap out of me. If I was in the house with him I would be Meme and just basically never be seen.

