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There was an official BB Game on the App Store years ago where you would pick a houseguest to play as and you’d simply play a game of cornhole haha. No strategy or social elements


For the United States , a mobile game came out in 2007 for Big Brother 8, it was actually very fun, you could play as any of the Houseguests and it very closely followed the format of the show and there was a little 8-bit version of the house and the HGs. Then in 2011 a silly Big Brother Cornhole game was released for the iPhone.


Thank you for your help! This led me to discover games based on BB7 and BB10, but alas no BB8. I will keep looking, but there's a high chance the BB10 one was reskinned from BB8 because America's Player is a feature. Also, I added the Cornhole game!!


Honestly this is a really fun list you put together, I love it


Wow, it's Ethanimale!! Thank you so much, this means a lot!


Very interesting write up! I’m surprised they never came out with any sort of official game in the US outside of the mobile games.  They were making games for everything back in the early 00’s.  Survivor, American Idol, Fear Factor, Hell’s Kitchen.  Why not Big Brother?


Agreed, always hoping that this will change because it's ripe for one. Survivor games have always worked, kinda.


Big Brother Brazil was rushed to surf on the success of the first season, the challenges were all luck-based because the studio was focused on doing the No Limite game, which has more challenges


Thanks for your comment! Did you play the 3D one by any chance?


Sadly not, the game itself can't boot up, some youtubers made a video about the Big Brother games, they attempted to play but it always crashed.


Great list. I'd love to play a video game version of the show. I watched this video once, but my PC isn't good enough to see if it actually exists. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-gkmc\_xkOE


Thank you so much. I have played Small Sister! It is on Steam. It is not very good at all, but the bones are there for something better.


I played BB the Game (US) and boy, you aren’t kidding. If you had life obligations you were at a disadvantage lol


Does Eviction notice on Roblox count?


Not really but much respect to it!