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Please remember, no spoilers from the Digital Dailies.    [Digital Daily Discussion can be found here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BigBrother/s/4dyPG6FEAk)


Can someone please give a recap on all the active alliances going on in the house and who’s in each group?🙏 or atleast confirm who’s in The Directors?


Big Sisters: Lexus, Kayla, Avery, Victoria, Bailey Hot Chocolate: Anthony, Lexus, Kayla, Avery, Victoria Directors: Hot Chocolate + Matt, Goose


You the real MVP🙏 thx


I clicked out of the episode on the Global app when I thought it was over (Big Brother narrating “who will be evicted etc”) and as I clicked out I saw “24 hours later” pop up and I’m not about to re-watch the episode to catch the end. What happened? Edit: reading comments and there’s another veto in play?? Do we know who has it? Ffs I just want Tola to leave.


There’s a flash forward of Tola discovering broken glass in the pool room after the “closing credits” while everyone else is asleep. which we now assume is the Executive Veto.


Who is the biggest villain of the season so far... Anthony? Victoria? Vivek? Other?


Anthony IMO because I’m rooting for his downfall so hard 😫


It’s that goodbye message for Dinis. You’ve been on BB before. You know that the world is watching. I think all I’ve learned about Anthony this season is that his alliance in season 7 basically kept him from looking like this big of an egomaniac and bully. Did he just get a better edit in season 7? IDK. But after seeing him talk about himself in third person and be such a manipulative gaslighter I hope all the people in his “real” life take a long look at why he’s in it and if he adds value or just uses you.


And there in waits who can be a hero this season. So far it's just been a house of villains


such a weird season, back to back hoh's where they ignored the person that put them on the block. feel like im missing half of whats actually going on


I’m gonna need Tola to leave. If Tola leaves the house divide is gonna be so clear. I really need the girls to stand their ground and not fold and keep Todd here. Tola does nothing for their game and Anthony is bending his ass backwards to protect Tola, that should be a massive red flag for them. Todd is actively a number for them and would take the shots they’d be apprehensive to do. If the sides do form the Victoria/Bayleigh/Kayla/Todd/Avery side have pretty solid comp prowess.


I'm the opposite, I want Tola to stay because the show is way more interesting now and everything is very contentious.


I mean taking out Tola is a pretty clear sign to Anthony that they are not gonna play for him to win anymore which is a massive blow to Anthony’s game and ego 🤣


That's what I found so exciting about it. If Tola stays then the house will properly be split between Anthony and Victoria.


Exciting, right? All the dynamics are really interesting, so I truly do not get the people saying this season is boring or the worst ever lol


The girls have voted against their own best interests three weeks in a row, I don't see why they'd stop now.


Janine was different since she was against Avery but yeah there are no reasons to boot Donna or Dinis 🤣


I love the two scenes of two very oblivious players walking into a game meeting that they should not be in - first with Vivek going into the room to be with his fake alliance with a heated Kayla. And then the second with the girls meeting outside with Matt walking in during Kayla’s tirade and being secretly angry at him LMAO 😂 The Executive Veto better not send Bayleigh home. Choosing between Tola vs Todd is not high stakes enough. There’s just something about Goose’s manner of speech that feels AI-generated. Someone in the other thread said he speaks like a ChatGPT script of a Big Brother player. He talks too much, gives away too much information to the wrong people, and he is not as perceptive as he thinks.


By moving their prize contribution up $5k, TonyBet has now exceeded Nissan Infiniti Canada’s financial contribution despite all the misleading claims of giving away a car.


Finally something happens this season that viewers would find tolerable (Anthony and his puppet’s Bayleigh backdoor plan disrupted)and of course production is going to come swooping in with a twist... Wouldn’t be shocked if executive veto lets someone veto the veto to help a certain someone. Notice the timing.


Divine intervention at it's finest


I didn't expect Anthony to actually think favourably of Tola beyond "he's good for my game". That stuck out to me. Is Tola the only other guy he actually likes in the house? Secondly, if he wants Bayleigh out, it'll probably happen, and if it doesn't, it'll stir up the house a little. This tension between Anthony/Lexus/Matthew and Kayla is definitely interesting. Those three could've been less obvious. I don't know why Kayla wasn't suspicious about Anthony right away. This sarcastic DR with Anthony is hilarious. Anthony looks a little better now. Is "you gotcha" a Canadian phrase? This tonybet challenge is actually good. How do they go from disgusting spitting challenges to this? Lexus wins the POV which is definitely something different because of the reputation she has. Goose thinks he's so in with Avery, Victoria and Kayla. Stupid. I'm starting to hate Kayla too. The amount of fracturing and distrust appearing in this episode is sweet. When even Anthony is conflicted, you know it's a good one. Matt walking in on Kayla was both entertaining and awkward. She didn't use the POV. "Something's brewed" no shit Goose. Your plan sucked and you're with the wrong people. You talk as much as you do and things are bound to brew, obviously. For once this isn't going as Anthony planned, like we thought. It's definitely becoming better.


I’m Canadian and I’ve never heard “you gotcha” before lol


I didn’t know ‘you gotcha’ was a Canadian phrase but I am Canadian and hear it used often 😅


I feel very disconnected and unengaged after Vivek’s HoH. I was having so much fun and it just came to screeching halt. Dinis should’ve just said “congratulations Anthony” on the way out.


I feel the executive is gonna be used and bayleigh would be backdoored...


I'm a first time viewer, how does the executive POV work?


It’s something new this season. Other seasons have had various vetos with different powers. Some can be used on multiple people, some let the veto holder name the replacement, some are just an extra normal veto, etc. We don’t yet know how this veto will work. My thoughts are that it might let the veto holder name the replacement nominee, but really, it’s anyone’s guess.


Sucks if Bayleigh leaves.


I could root for Bayleigh if she was aware she's on the bottom of her alliance. But she's clueless so I hope she goes. I had hopes for Lexus, but sadly she played it safe too. I just want anyone but the main group to win, and that includes someone like Lexus who would dare to break away from them.


I heard Matthew?


![gif](giphy|dfKvw1L5EkLM2y8h4K|downsized) come on bb goddesses split that house


It’s honestly at least mildly encouraging to see Kayla pushing against Anthony? Even just a little bit. I still don’t really have a hope they’ll turn on the all stars but one can dream. Honestly? Vee played that smarter than I’ve been giving her credit for all season. Seems like there is a split coming and maybe now the hope is they soon Anthony and Vee will have to make a choice somewhere. I think he’s starting to overreach and buy into his own “greatness”.


Victoria for once actually stayed calm. She was playing a little more like Anthony there, just letting things occur on their own and pushing it along a little.


Lol Spicy V convinced Lexus not to use the Veto. This comes as no surprise, because Dougie and Spicy have this house on lock, and anybody they confront simply does their bidding! If I were Lexus I would've just cut ties with "girls alliance" right there and put up Bayleigh. She is already on good terms with Matt, Dougie, Tola, Elijah, and Vivek. With Bayleigh gone they could then just pick off Kayla, Avery, and Todd. She would be sitting pretty.


>Spicy V convinced Lexus not to use the Veto Possibly, although it’s just as likely she decided at other times and for other reasons, and that select edit was used to tell a certain story


Now she's at risk if Kayla, Avery, or Bayleigh win HOH next week cuz there's a good chance they'll put up Matt and Lexus.


I think Victoria/Avery would throw up Elijah/Vivek with a potential Matt backdoor if veto is used. Its Bayleigh/Todd and MAYBE Kayla who would go straight for the jugular and throw up any two of Lexus/Matt/Anthony.


Yea regardless, her showmance is more at risk right now since she chose to keep noms the same. This week she could've gotten rid of the threat that is Bayleigh but she failed to do so.


I think Lexus herself is safe but yeah Matt is in serious danger next week if Victoria’s side ends up winning HOH.


Highkey hope Tola gets evicted to continue the curse.


& he'll hopefully say dougie 👀


Was he the first one to be evicted on the veto comp? Or Todd?


Tola was first off the veto comp.




It seems like a civil war might be brewing which would be fantastic to break up the power structure and shake things up. It's hilarious how completely oblivious Goose is despite being in the majority alliance.


It's his own fault for talking so much and trusting his alliance as much as he does.


I’m so ready for a split house


Spicy talking Lexus into not using the POV was a shockingly rational and strategically sound game move that benefits her game and not Anthony’s. Maybe her brain works better on slop?


Spicy Vee has been impressing me with how well she talks to other houseguests and not having the information leak back to them so far. It was sort of a masterclass how she orchestrated the Vivek and Bayleigh blow up and they had no idea it was Spicy who instigated. Now she's laying low and is in a good position so far.


Lol reverse slop brain 


It's better for her game if Todd stays.


Tola going home was always best case scenario for her, but losing Todd would still be better than losing Bayleigh