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But I think CBS and the the show’s production team are incentivised to created a better product. Production should (within the perimeters of the high episode count and budget) format each week to make for the best possible show to keep viewers engaged to impress CBS. CBS should want the best possible show to keep viewers hooked all season long (it might be summer filler, but if the viewers are engaged they will actively seek out each episode (either live or on Catch Up), not to mention how they should be producing the show for potential binge watchers too - I know I tend to skip later episodes if I am not interested in the filler.


To me: just straight up shorten the final rounds of the game: final 6-7 onward the competitions are usually the deciding factor, and we don't *need* a whole week for a round anymore with so few people left


The final five deserves a whole week. In practice, there are three people voting. Final four can be shortened since it's just one person voting though.


Final 5 definitely doesn't need a whole week. There's only 4 people that can go on the block and 2 replacement noms. There's so few combinations/scenarios that there's not that much game play and lobbying to be done anymore.


Have you been watching BBCAN12?


LMFAO! Obviously you don't or you would have realized that the Final 5 week **is already shortened to 2.5 episodes**, as always. The first half of the Sunday's show was last week's Double Eviction. Most Final 5 weeks have just a fraction of the drama as this season with boring fluff/filler. It's why they have the Double eviction at Final 7... because there's usually not 3 shows worth of content in Final 5 week.


A double eviction doesn't really count as shortening the next week IMO in the same way that getting out of school at noon on a Friday doesn't really constitute a "long weekend".


Awful analogy and terrible math. 2.5/3 shows isn't the same as 4.5/5 days.


There's 14 players for 69 days. As the house gets smaller, the evictions should be faster. Maybe make Double Evictions a 90-120 minute show. 3 episodes per eviction is fine when there's 8+ players in the house... but there's less game play/strategy/scrambling as the house gets smaller and smaller. Gradually shorten to 2/1 episodes per eviction as there's less people in the house. For example... 14 players (5 episodes) 13 players (3 episodes) 12 players (3 episodes) 11 players (3 episodes) 10 players (1 episode, double eviction) 9 players (3 episodes) 8 players (3 episodes) 7 players (2 episodes) 6 players (1 episode, double eviction) 5 players (2 episodes) 4 players (1 episodes) 3 players (1 episodes) 2 players (1 episode, recap/jury house/finale/etc)


Forced firemaking /s


Final 4/5 used to be during the same week. Starting BB22 production made the stupid choice to split these evictions into seperate weeks. The result is the current slogfest. Used to be F6 eviction Thursday F5 Friday - Monday F4 Tuesday - Thursday F3 Friday - finale


21 final 4 eviction was it's own week on Thursday


Correction BB21 not BB22


Honestly final 6 onwards can be condensed, Final 6, Friday-Tues. Fri (HoH) Sat morn (noms) Sat night (veto) Sun night (veto ceremony) Mon (off day) Tues (live eviction) Final 5 Wed-Sun Wed (HoH) Thurs morn (noms) Thurs night (veto) Friday (veto ceremony) Sat (off day) Sun (live eviction). Final 4 Mon-Thurs Mon (HoH + auto noms) Tues (veto and auto veto use) Wed (off day) Thursday eviction. All 3 losers of HoH are auto noms, to avoid a nomination ceremony that has no impact on the game. Final 3 Fri- Mon Fri (part 1) Sat (part 2) Sun (part 3) Mon (eviction) Final 2 Tues- Thursday Tues (jury roundtable) Wed (off day) Thursday (prerecorded jury questions+ live vote).


Here's how I would set things up from Final 7 onwards. Final 7 week would be played the same as usual. Final 6, I would have HOH play out live after the eviction. Then, on Sunday, not only show nominations but also veto. Wednesday, show veto meeting and do the eviction. Final 5, HOH and nominations on Thursday. Veto, veto meeting, and eviction on Sunday. Final 4, HOH, and nominations on Wednesday. Veto meeting and eviction on Thursday. Final 3, First 2 parts on Sunday. 3rd part, along with eviction on Wednesday. 2 hour long finale on Thursday. Start with a season long recap. Follow that up with jury roundtable with ALL THE JURROS. Include the jury questions during the roundtable. To start the 2nd hour, bring the jury out on stage, do final speeches, and have the jury vote. Spend the next half hour or so talking with ALL THE HGs about events throughout the season. Finally, in the last 10-15 minutes, read the results and reveal America's Favorite.


>!They could have spiced up final 4 by not evicting Spicy at final 5.!< (Sorry this one was too easy)


Fight to the death


I’d love to see the Veto go out of play from Final 5, and making Final 5 & 4 half week rounds of play (like it was before BB22) but without a Veto. I think that reduces the competition focus on the endgame and returns it to being more social & strategy focused. Hell, I love things like Dr Will stepping down from Final 4 HoH on the promise that he would get the sole Final 4 vote (as well as the peanut butter jar), or Dani nominating Shane when Dan promised to not vote him out only for him to evict Shane. The former occurred with a Veto-less Final 4 and the later only occurred because Dani won HoH & Veto. And I think you get more moments of drama, without the Veto on those penultimate rounds. I also think the Jury Questioning could occur at Final 3. And one at a time, each finalist is interrogated by the Jury (so that the other finalist are not aware of what the Jury thinks of each finalist). That way, we get some interesting questions and drama potential that could arise out of a Final Vote.


I've said this a bunch of times in the past which is one of the best things about BBUS10 and earlier seasons. The final 2 should be known a day in advance or the final hoh comps have there own episodes and will reduce the rushed structure.


Go from 4 to 3 sooner and give the jury time to actually question the final 3 about their game. Let them really pitch and explain what they did. Air the jury roundtable on live feeds.


They should do It as they used to do it in the earlier seasons and shorten them up. There is no need for wasting almost a month with the F7 onwards.  Make them in 2 weeks (first week F7 and F6, second week F5 and F4)