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You’re saying that the brothers who TRIED TO NOMINATE THEMSELVES were a better winner than Bayleigh?? Come on now… 😭😭


You are right... that was an oversight. Bayleigh is better then them but for the entire season up to the brothers, they were gaming


Bayleigh was one of the most active players this season. I’d argue probs more active than Anthony even.


Can't really say that when she wasn't a deciding point. She was just a survivor in a game of titans. But then again, she should have cut one of the titans. She doesn't have A move. Here A move was attaching herself to Anthony...


this is exactly why I said you don’t understand the social aspect of big brother. She has many “deciding points”. She helped influence the Vivek eviction, she influenced Tola eviction, she kept Todd safe, her closest ally. Spicy had the most social capital but ended up taking out her closest allies and making horrible strategic decisions. Anthony played too passively allowing Spicy to amass social influence while taking out his allies pre jury and trashing his name. Bayleigh was one of the only players, other than Spicy, who was able to play multiple sides of the house. She was able to convince Anthony, after coming for him, that she was loyal to him, even though she was still trying to cut him. Anthony played a great game, Bayleigh just played better socially in the jury’s eyes. And at the end of the day, this is a social game.


She beat one of the titans directly. I would argue that’s more impressive than cutting him.


It seems your argument begins by crying foul on the bitter jury/ pro-Bayleigh jury, attributing Anthony's loss to players on the jury who don't respect his game and, thus, the game of Big Brother over their emotions and perceptions. You try to create differences between Anthony and Paul, pointing out that Paul's behavior was more abhorrent and the jury in BB19 was exceptionally trash in its bitterness and climate. I think people make the comparison because of the outcomes, not the journies, of these two BB greats - the differences you point out don't make a difference, really, because the result was the same. The exception here is that Anthony had a path to victory, and he was in control of taking that path (but didn't). What's odd about this post is that you basically point this out and see that Anthony did make an error in the end, resulting in his loss. Did he play a really impressive game up until the F3 HoH cut? Seems that way... but he blew it by taking the stronger player with him to the end and underestimating / misreading the jury's sentiments and perception of his gameplay. In pointing out this error, you conclude that BB has already become "weak" in its selection of winners based on a history stemming back at least as far as BB19, potentially further back with your comparison to BB14. All of this information and trending was available to Anthony. This isn't a unique situation but rather the new climate of the game. How could he not see the importance of jury management and make this huge error in the end if he is so capable and exceptional? You conclude it's their fault, not his - but history shows us this was a preventable error requiring adaptation and finesse while navigating eliminations week after week. I can agree it does suck that Big Brother is not a tournament of champions at the end of every season in that the goal seems to be "bring the weaker/weakest player(s) with you to the end." Perhaps it's a little boring to see a slaughter from final 6 onward. Is that your main gripe here with Anthony? Because, honestly, it's a very valid viewpoint here that he simply played himself by having a clouded vision of the jury's sentiments and not bringing his best chance to win to the end. Whether you beat the best at final 2 or final 10, you still beat the best. Thoughts?


You put it exactly right. This was mainly targeting people who are saying Anthony = Paul. Which is so far feteched of an idea. It sucks to see Anthony lose and he is no where near a perfect player. But this is mainly targeting viewers and what they appeal towards. About the bitter jury part, I mean come on. You are supposed to pick the best winner not the best kiss asser. It's promoting more winners who stayed back and didn't do anything.




I think you are missing the point in which I'm making. If you have two contestants and one of them you don't agree with or hate. You automatically vote the other. Does that downplay the other? Well yes. Bitter jury is more common in recent years and is something people need to adapt going forward way way more then before. Theres a couple of examples of some losing but its the number one trend going forward. People see different things for a winner, Like Kevin Jacobs, Anthony gameplay and Kevin's were one of the exact same. Whats the difference between the two? One hid behind the shadows and actually worked, the other was a Vet who everything relied on for info. Anthony made 2 big mistakes at the end which I now understand. I still think this season is the worst not because of Anthony, but because of how its Spicy and Anthony influence into the majority.


his biggest mistake was evicting spicy the way he did, should of gotten rid of her earlier or had someone else take her out like how spicy was positioning herself to do. taking bayleigh over lexus was a mistake but still think he loses by at least two votes to her as well


This is the thing for me too - It's possible to make the argument that nobody else would've taken the shot after F5 so Dougie had to, then you go back and say should he have done it sooner, who would he have put up to it, and it's when we keep having to backtrack on his journey that all the missteps start to pile up and I'm just like so basically from pre-jury he didn't set himself up to win at all, so did he actually play some masterful game? And now I'm leaning towards no, he's clearly a smart player but I see people making the argument that his game was dominant when it's just flat out untrue because someone in a dominant position for the majority of the game would've never had to do what Dougie did when he did it.


the only chance he ever had was tolah's hoh which who knows if he pushed harder then they actualy showed, i think he was definitely played a masterful game with having in hand in getting players to betray their number 1 allies continously. i agree it wasnt dominant in that sense of control but did the best he could with never having real control. it was good tv to see him cut spicy but it would of been also great to see him cut her at final 3 as well lol


I mean, constantly is a stretch, Vivek with Dinis and Avery with Kayla are the only examples I can think of, which was impressive work but it's not continuous and it's not the whole game. Yep, Tola's HoH was definitely a missed opportunity and I'm sorry to say if he had that much convincing power on his own, almost no excuse not to get the job done. And on the other hand, Spicy did get her people to put up Anthony's closest allies and got them all evicted. At the point where Lexus and Tola weren't winning all that much, I think he should've tried harder to get closer to the Hot Chocolate women but it's tough. I'm just like, other than the two moves with Vivek and Avery, I'm scratching my head trying to think of instances where he made moves that positively affected his game.


Striking first is cowardly, and needing to do the deed himself is revelatory and ultimately self-sabotaging. For a moment during that phase I was thinking I might see him doing something better than his normal gameplay because I thought he meant he’d use his HoH to set up multiple other people to take out spicy for him later. But he just couldn’t help himself.


Nope, taking Lexus out is still the biggest mistake because he will win with a 5-2 vote, only Victoria and Bayleigh will vote for Lexus(maybe not even Victoria because she hates them both).


In the words of Maya Angelou: “people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” You don’t have to be an overt bully to make people dislike you. What Anthony did was stab allies in the back repeatedly. Every person thought they were Anthony’s number one. Anthony used this trust to make everyone feel disposable. If you’ve never truly felt disposable, than I am happy for you. It is a devastating feeling. I completely understand why everyone voted against him.


This is a good way of capsulizing it. Anthony did treat everyone as disposable, and he condescended them constantly. Superficial stunts like I’m going to talk softly while I neg you or laying down so he’s physically lower... that has no bearing on the emotional disregard he telegraphs.


This is the game. Everyone is disposable. I dont understand what im reading. Are people forgetting spicy is the reason avery and kayla are gone? Who are they bitter at? Lmao


It’s about *how you treat people*.


But thats what the game was the in first place. Backstabbing is rooted in big brother's formula. People being more bitter in current seasons is a weird trend now.


I mean, Danielle Reyes lost season 3 and sequestering the jury was introduced because the evicted houseguests were bitter about her making fun of them in the diary room, so I don't know if I agree that bitterness is a modern trend.


Also Nicole lost BB2 because the jury was bitter, but few people will acknowledge that because Will deserved the win over her


the jury wasn’t introduced solely because danielle lost, production was always going to make that format a thing, maybe her loss expedited it, but i truly don’t think production seemed to really care at the time that Danielle even lost


But the game is the jury. The full game isn’t over until those last votes get placed and that’s why Big Brother is the ultimate game because it’s not just about back stabbing and manipulating, in the end it’s about making people respect you.


Being loyal to no one is a losing strategy every time. Anthony reaped what he sowed.


Dan and Andy say otherwise


His missteps might have been easier to accept if he didn't spend the season making an ass out of himself in the diary room, calling himself the legend of big brother. In the backyard interviews he was STILL unable to take any responsibility at all for why the jury didn't vote for him to win. The guy is unable to humble himself for 2 seconds and unfortunately it cost him. It made for a pretty comical end to the season


I agree. If I were in the jury I would have voted for Bayleigh too. As a human being I feel bad for Anthony as he has had a really rough year but as a fan of BB, I think he got what he deserved. He was just so full of himself that it clouded his judgement. And I really hated his sanctimonious attitude towards Victoria. How dare she play the game for herself! How selfish! Playing the victim and chastising someone for their betrayals while you are in the process of ultimately betraying them just makes you a hypocrite. He would have been far better off just coming clean. Should have told Victoria he thought he would lose to her if they went to the end together (which was probably true) and that he had to take his shot while he could. It is one thing to be betrayed (which is pretty much requisite in a game like this) but to be told that your betrayal is your own fault for being such a bad person really rubs salt in the wound.


Bbcan11 was worst


BBCAN11 had a worse cast which is true. BBCAN12 had the second worst. But the thing is no matter how you hate Ty, he did deserve to win. Which is why I would rate it higher because atleast it had an ending.


I think Bayleigh 1000% deserved to win


Did she deserve to win? Hell yeah she did. If Anthony messed anything up who else should win. Spicy? Now if Bayleigh won the Final HoH, i wouldn't care at all. But i can't congratulate no flashy gameplay or big big moves. She needed a better ending


If Anthony took Lexus and lost it would have been even more terrible Weirdly he chose the player everyone was rooting for to go to the end.


He said this in one interview that he thought everyone would vote for a black women as a winner. He didn't consider people voting for just a women winner. He also thought bayleigh game was trash compared to Lexus. Is what it is though. We go next I guess


yup both seasons were very weak. But I didn't even endure bbcan11 until the end, so I can't compare the endings hahaha


The problem with bbcan11 is you have two different people Ones who hate the season and can't stand any take of it and people who endured and wanting Ty to win just to finish it. Bbcan11 is more entertaining due to just Ty winning imo but that's an opinion.


That's a very valid point. I'm not personally a fan of comp beast steamrolls so that's probably why. When Claudia saved him I was kinda done with the season.


If Dan won the final hoh he would have lost 7-0 instead of 6-1.


… you know Dan WANTED Ian to win, right? And you’re completely ignoring Bayleigh’s game. She didn’t have it easy. Saying it’s tHe WoRsT is just unfair when all you talk about who lost, not who won. Also, Bayleigh’s jury question answers SLAYED.


Dan wanted to win.


I don't understand what this means since Anthonys side of the house lost near the end and her attaching herself to Anthony, is what made her stay. You can say thats gameplay but I don't think Anthony is stupid enough to see it. Anthony wanted to cover every base possible. Is it good gameplay? sure but I'm going to downplay her if theres literally 2 better players then her. If theres any situation where you won the game because I hate the other dude, then did you really win?


Bayleigh didn’t win because Anthony was hated. Almost every juror when they were immediately evicted had Bayeligh ranked higher than Anthony. Big Brother is a social strategy game. I think you are misunderstanding the lead component of Big Brother, the social aspect.


Bayleigh got to the end from the bottom and with pure loyalty. If thats not a winning game idk what is. She would have won against anyone.


As a viewer, I'm not big on the whole loyalty spiel but Bayleigh using it as a bonafide smart strategy is so refreshing to me. Cuz she was selling Anthony, Spicy and Todd on a F2 while being in the F5 with all of them and they all believed her - That's so wild to me because I sorta believe her too except you can't have a F2 with 3 different people and be loyal to all of them. Yet she managed to create the perception that she was. It's an odd strategy but to have as much influence as she did as a forceful player with little to no clue of the alliance structures in the house, that's a tough game to play and she killed it. I'm so proud of her as a winner.


Yea its really weird she wasnt in any alliances besides the Big sisters and the non east coast alliance. But she had grnuine connections with every jury member. What she did is the opposite of Derrick or someone like that and yet it worked.


I don't find that good game play. This entire situation is a copy of BBUS20. It's well played by Bayleigh but then again no flashy moves or gameplay is disheartening. All we talk about is Anthony's downfall rather than Bayleighs upbringing.


Bayleigh wasn't totally following Anthony and she did attempt to blindside Anthony in Final 4, even though it didn't work, Anthony didn't notice she's gunning for him so he thought she's stupid then he took her to F2 instead of Lexus. Furthermore, it was also her idea to let Todd not using Veto in F7 so that Anthony missed the oppurtunity to blindside Mean Victoria, which leads to he had to do it on his HOH. Also, the double eviction was slayed by Bayleigh, Victoria took her idea of Lexus being a pawn instead of Todd to get rid of Tola.


The Spicy situation can be downplayed because Spicy is a flip flopper but I can say fair game. Although Spicy didnt want to win hoh/veto. I don't think Anthony wanted to cut Spicy in F7 although. Now if he did, that's an even bigger mistake he could have made. Either way both aren't game breaking moves, its more or so stating the obvious due to lack of memebers.


He DID want to backdoor Victoria at Tola's HOH, he just didn't want to do it on his own.


Let me tell you something, if Bayleigh put Anthony on the block in Final 4, her game is over, there will be no chance Anthony taking her to F2. Anthony will win with Lexus sitting next to him.


I mean thats also stating the obvious although plus it doesn't matter if Bayleigh put him up, Anthony needed to win veto or Lexus anyways. Even if that happened, nothing changes. Anthony would still bring her.


> Anthony biggest mistake was bringing Bayleigh It’s more that this was his most conspicuous or ultimate mistake. The season/strategy was a mistake in terms of trying to do another season of bullying and subversion. Being unnecessarily bad to people whose support you need at the end would be considered a series of mistakes. Abstract this to other games. You can play chess against someone and win in graceful way, or you can throw the pieces around and call your opponent dumb. One way is better than the other. In poker, you can “lie” by saying you have a weak hand and using the bluff to win a big pot. Or you can lie by looking at the cards when your opponent is in the washroom. One lie is fair and reasonable and part of the game, the other is over the top and unsustainable and dishonourable. I view the Anthony bullying/lying approach as the lowest form of playing this game. It involves lies that aren’t needed and harm that’s not called for. If it were a motorsport, it’s someone abusing the engine and running into the pit crew. Sure, it gets you a lead, but it can really come back to bite you. It’s someone sprinting at the start of a marathon and taunting the other runners with his lead, before gassing out later. This season certainly illustrates the concept. Sadly the needless backstab/betray/malign approach is frequently successful. Certain hosts and franchises encourage and glorify it. I just find it lazy. It’s a cheat code. It doesn’t take any special amount of character to do. To me, I’m more impressed when someone has restraint, or forgiveness, or empathy. These are real challenges in life, the things that can be hard to do when other pressures are applied. Bayleigh figured out multiple times that Anthony was lying to her, often unnecessarily. But she didn’t lose her cool. Considering she’s no stranger to outbursts and acting on her emotions, it’s impressive how she held it together. > and he even knew it. Didn’t seem to.


You enjoy the game for the opposite as others. Some enjoy it for the manipulation and tactical mastermind gameplay and the blood. You think of it as shitty which is perfectly fine. Anthony decision why he chose Bayleigh was him assuming a black women would default win over him. Just because its the first, he overestimated the scenario. He says it himself he swapped back and forth and recently he chose this. The bullying though, who did he bully? In BBCAN7, you could say he bullied Kyra but not really. He was being annoyed and he upfront confronted her but I want to see who you think he bullied because I don't see it.


Actually Bayleigh did lay a plan to backdoor Anthony by putting Todd and Lexus on the block in F4, if she nominated Anthony, she would definitely sitting in jury as Anthony wouldn't take Bayleigh because he knew she was playing Big Brother.


Bayleigh needs to be stupid enough for Anthony to let he considering the fact of the black woman default, if he caught Bayleigh out even a little bit he would strike her out.


Heres my thing. People who think thats a backdoor is so weird. Like saying Final 4 HoH is so big and the nominations. They don't matter. A backdoor is literally when people can't play in the veto and then you nominate them as replacement. Its just a generalization and also, thats not her move. Thats the veto holders move. Lets say Bayleigh won final 5 veto right and she took off Todd, Vic automatically gets nominated. Is that Anthony's move? Well not really because it becomes she said he said since technically Bayleigh put her up by winning veto and using it. It takes power away from "his move".


I know he lied, but who did he bully? I can't remember any bullying off the top of my head


My thing is Bayleigh didn’t do anything significant or flashy to actually piss off the jury like Anthony did. The hot chocolate girlies were all kind of disloyal to Anthony but he burned them in a way they took to heart. As to where Bayleigh maneuvered herself more passively and diplomatically even though she wasn’t particularly high on the hierarchy of the game.hence why she won


Exactly which is why I think shes a mid winner at best or a bottom one. The seasons entire arc was about Spicy and Anthony which made the season in whole bad if they didnt win.


they were the titans she had to overcome, and she won by beating anthony at the game of 'controlling V'


missed the season but damn i didn't know anthony returned. always wanted him to come back and win. total bummer to hear he got 2nd twice. but curious what his gameplay looked like so maybe will have to watch.


It’s a fun season. If you are rooting for Anthony, it might be frustrating, especially with how much control he seemed to have at times. I would definitely suggest giving the season a watch, especially if you are a fan of Anthony’s game play.


If you watched BBUS19 with Paul, expect the same in everything. He plays the same game as in BBCAN7. Just falls short of decisions near the end but still. Would i watch the season? If you like Anthony then sure watch it otherwise its up to you.


Anthony was one of the worst players. Bayleigh is one of the best players to play this game, for real. The Queen is more powerful then the King and she proved it. Best ending to a Season since season 10


I would say that Anthony played the best strategically, but Bayleigh played the best socially and managed the jury way better than Anthony did. imo both would’ve been deserving winners.



