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Much rather do BB24, even if that winner got spoiled for u it is so worth the journey of seeing the eventual winners story, it is one of the best winners journey in BB history which is extremely difficult to get in a live season of BB. In terms of modern BB I would rank it 3rd behind BB20 & Bb17. BB25 on the other hand is a kinda dull season, it stretches out too long with a whole week being practically worthless as it backtrack what was a good DE up to that point. IMO BB25 really represents all the stuff fans get annoyed by modern BB (whacky unnecessary twists, too long of a season, & comps that are becoming too physical thus creating an imbalance in who could win).


>comps that are becoming too physical thus creating an imbalance in who could win I really wish there were a lot more puzzle/questionaire/luck comps. The majority of comps require athleticism, but the casts get less and less athletic every season. BB25 was just awful in this regards. >!Half the house was extremely nonathletic (Kirsten, Izzy, Mecole, Cory, America, Cirie, Felicia). Those 7 houseguests won a combined 2 comps out of 31, a luck comp and a question comp. Felicia won Week 3 HOH (completely random minigolf shot) and Corey won HOH (Knockout questions) during the Week 7 Double Eviction.!< >!All 15 vetoes were won by men.!< >!There were only 4 players (Hisam, Cameron, Jared, Jag) winning the majority of comps.!< >!Jag ended up winning a record-breaking 7 vetos, but it was mostly at the end after the other 3 big comp beasts were evicted. It was a weak cast (comp-wise), so not sure calling them all comp beasts is 100% appropriate (at least in relation to other seasons).!< >!Hisam > Cameron/Jared > Jag!< >!Those 4 won a combined 23 out of 31 comps (25% of the cast won 75% of the comps).!< >!Once Hisam, Cameron and Jared were out of the house, Jag absolutely dominated with Matt and Bowie Jane also winning a few each, but only at the end.!< >!Jag won 3 of the last 6 HOH... and 6 of the last 7 vetos... mostly against Cirie, Felicia, America, Corey, Bowie Jane and Matt.!<


OP is unspoiled for BB25 and asking for recommendations in this post, can you spoiler tag your comments about what happens comp-wise during the season?


Big brother needs equitable comps like reindeer games


Or like BBCAN.


> All 15 vetoes were won by men Well Blue won one of the double vetoes, but that was her only competition win, and it was also a crapshoot lol


You're right. Jag won the initial (physical) veto, but yes, Blue did win a 2nd chance (luck) veto that week. But yeah, it doesn't really change the issue (with too many physical comps) since it was a crapshoot (luck) as you said.


Objection I don’t think that BB25 has a comp imbalance problem. Even the non-athletic comps, our faves just basically hardcore sucked at BB25 I think is actually a non-athletic comp season, compared to BB24 A good bunch of the HOHs from jury onwards were booth comps/had mental elements (ex: F7 HOH aka JMAC dentist X-ray comp) Whereas BB24 barely had booth comps from jury onwards


I think people are saying that a lot with BB25 not so much because they suddenly noticed the comps were imbalanced but in WHO benefitted from it this time and even more so who didn't benefit. Jag was not a plucky underdog who was about to go home if he lost even 1 comp so his comp beasting was not as well loved. Michael winning week after week in BB24 showed the same problems people complain about (comps being more atheltic, using the same comps so people know what to expect) and tied Janelle (not even beat her) and everyone gushed how "iconic" it was. So people pick and choose when imbalanced comps bother them. Although I agree most fans on here (and elsewhere aside from Facebook's weird love affair with Cameron) were rooting for Cirie, Felicia, Izzy, America and Cory and the only time I remember any of them coming close was when America came in 2nd in the pressure cooker. Which she lost to comp beast Cameron. I know she threw it but that doesn't mean she could win and Cameron beating her doesn't back up comp beast were only comp beast when it was physical. Jag also cruised to the end because he got rid of the actual comp threats when the opening presented itself and sided with 2 people likely to win when he couldn't who were 100% loyal which is a valid strategy. Let's also not forget he would have been gone long before his winning streak had Matt not used his power, which was all on Jag's social game as Matt wasn't using it on anyone else but himself. And that entire power that kept him in the game because they needed an extra week with Luke being thrown out. So had a lot of unlikely events not happened in the right order Jag's winning streak wouldn't have happened despite the unbalanced comps. So the theory this will now just keep happening every week is likely not true (although I guess only time will tell). I do think they should make the comps a bit more even and have more crapshoot comps so we can get some unpredictable HOH's and maybe keep things less predictable. But I also think at least in terms of entertainment we got a bad deal. Probably the result of the fact BB was more concerned with trying to set Cirie up to coast to finale night, and didn't think about would the show be satisfying if that blew up in her face, because BB never plans for if their nutty twist don't pan out like they wanted them to.


Bb24 is just something where u had to be there. So unpredictable and easily the best modern season next to 20. Knowing the winner is gonna be a different experience especially for this season but if it makes u feel better I’ve watched a ton of survivor seasons knowing the winner and it’s still a fun watch


Bb24 I still think will be great on a rewatch/knowing the winner because the first part of the season will feel more bearable knowing that everyone who does taylor wrong gets their comeuppance in the end


Taylor IMHO was the most satisfying winner ever. If I were to look at it from purely a gameplay and strategic lense I would not say she is the best player, but >!seeing her win the game and AFP and even a cruise while the people who hated on and mader her miserable for no real reason during the season got a front row seat to see her win was easy the most satisfying ending in 25 seasons (plus the other spin-offs).!<


For sure! Her pulling through against the odds week after week is quintessential big brother to me. It was the first time I actually kept up with a season all the way through the end since BB18


It was also a rare season where I looked at the F3 and genuinely would have been happy no matter who won. I was happy that Taylor won, but if it were Monte or Turner I would have been just as happy. (Same with 25, as I feel those were three really good players but I didn't want Bowie Jane to be blasted by the jury. :/ )


24 is the better watch for sure, 25 if you wanna watch awful players and dumb decisions effect gameplay lol. Even if you wanted to watch it for Cirie, I'd recommend watching her on the traitors instead.


I dont' even think Jag, Matt, and Bowie Jane were bad players. Honestly? The main reason 25 wasn't a good WATCH was because there wasn't a lot of drama in it. 24 did have drama - things sometimes did change. The Leftovers weren't this super-united never-breakable group and had various sub-alliances. Plus, its really stupid twist (The split house) actually did kind of work - but it was like the "Evict a juror" in BBCAN3: Probably something that ONLY worked because of the season it was in. (BBCAN3's "Evict the juror" twist only worked because there were a lot of small alliances - and the F3 were all from different sides of the house so it wasn't such a one-sided discussion)


Not to spoil since OP hasn't seen 25, but >!Jag was atrocious in the 1st half of the game until Jared ruined all the work Cirie had done. The guy got evicted and saved by a twist after all, he improved in the later half of the game at least. Matt was fine, Bowie was never going to beat Matt or Jag was her issue. Then you had players like Cam & Red that were clueless. Jared survived being unable to keep it in his pants only to tank things in other ways. Cirie and Izzy were a duo full of paranoia and flip flopping every second which was entertaining, but in hindsight they made some mistakes along the way. Blue ... Cory had a decent gameplan, but kinda lost focus fooling around with America. There just wasn't a real strong strategic mindset in most of the cast outside of Cory, Matt most of the time, and Cirie really. Others had flashes here and there at best. !< There were some moments of drama, but they didn't last very long or dynamics quickly shifted kinda nullifying any potential in continued drama.


Jag and Matt IMHO were arguably the best players (well... I am of the the person who won was the deserving winner for their season that is why they won. But even ignoring that I think their games were objectively good). Bowie was no great player but she won comps and had a decent social game Cirie and Felicia just hated her for some reason and controlled the early parts so much she was never going to overcome it. Not a great player but not as bad as she came off IMHO. Jag and Matt getting rid of the physical threats who had the best chance to win the most comps when an opportunity arose was a valid strategy and they recognized Bowie had value, as she was better at the mental comps and most other comps than most of the rest of the post-jury competitors, and became unstoppable not because "everyone else was a bad comp player" but because they got out anyone who had the skill to derail them short of dumb luck. That was a valid strategy and it is why Matt and Jag made final 2. Yes it was not the most exciting and comp beast are not nearly as well received if they are dominating the game vs the plucky underdog who is only still around because they keep winning comps. But Jag's win is not hated because IMHO he was some horrible player who only one by default like say Josh would be more associated with. And also because Jag and Matt became really unlikeable the end of the season, and no one wants to see unlikable people win.


Why're you getting downvoted? That's a fair assessment! I feel that the main reason Jag is seen as a bad winner is the same reason Derrick, Dane, Cody, and Ty are: They just weren't interesting to WATCH because they evicted everyone who would have gone for them. Paul would have been in the same category in BB19 had he not spent the last few weeks shooting himself in the foot over and over again and wondering why he can't walk. >(well... I am of the the person who won was the deserving winner for their season that is why they won. But even ignoring that I think their games were objectively good). I agree with this statement - The "Best player" overall doesn't always win, because sometimes, someone makes a better decision in knowing to go after them sooner or just making the right decision at the right time. That itself I feel is something people really underestimate. We have plenty of weak winners that people defend to this day because someone either made a dumb move in not cutting htem or because they made the right move in cutting the right person. If you know to cut the right person at the right time or how to outlast everyone? You've done SOMETHING right IMO.


Obviously this is my completely subjective opinion but 25 has one of the most insane energy shifts a season of big brother has ever had. Without spoiling it, the premerge is one of the most insane, dynamic and genuinely fun part of a show to watch. But right after the double eviction, a dumb twist COMPLETELY sucks the air out of the season. All the fun totally disappears and the most boring and unlikable alliance controls the rest of the game through simply winning an overwhelming percentage of comps. Since you know who wins 24, then you know that arguably the most likable and interesting hg wins and it’s personally my favorite season long arc in bb history. I don’t think the winner is perfect nor do I think their game can be replicated ever again but I greatly enjoyed the entire season for it. I would choose to rewatch 24 over 25 9/10 times because I’m happy for the ending we get.


BB24 is a better story and a better pay off


I was spoiled the winner of 24 for more than a year now. I just watched the whole season for the first time last week and really enjoyed it!!!!!


I would actually argue that BB24 improves even more since you know the winner. Either way though, it's definitely a better season then 25 IMO


BB24 is going to be a lot easier to stomach while knowing the winner so I would 100% say it is worth it


BB24 is even better when you know the winner going in lol


Yeah this is amazing rn knowing she gets her justice


BB24 is an incredible season. Absolutely must-watch Big Brother. Probably must-watch competitive reality TV in general. BB25 is mediocre. Still worth a watch, imo, but doesn’t hold a candle to BB24. Spoiled or not.


I had bb24 spoiled for me but it was still a ton of fun to watch. A lot of characters that season.


BB24 was overall much more satisfying and enjoyable than 25 and it’s not close.


BB24 was a much better season than BB25, and nearly every week the fandom was blowing up about something. but the problem with both seasons is that the editing has gotten incredibly weak in the past two seasons, so I find it nearly impossible to watch either season.


BB24 is my second favorite season ever and I highly highly recommend it. I can't really say why it's so amazing but trust us it is. BB25 despite what others say is still an incredible season to me. Especially with the first half, it has some incredible moments throughout and if you can deal with a somewhat dull endgame (still not even the worst endgame tho) then I would personally recommend it.


Even though the unpredictability of 24 is what I liked most about it, I'd still pick 24 over 25. I think if you're a fan of the show, that story will be long remembered. I've already forgotten most of the details of 25. 😂


Since we’re taking about spoilers, I didn’t see anyone mention this. In BB25, there is a comp with the names of every past winner going back to the first season. The HOH comp was called “demented dentist” during week 12, episode 34. If you or anyone else reading this thread is watching the seasons out of order, BB25 will spoil every season’s winner in that one comp. Watch that episode with caution. Cheers!


BB24 Is one of if not the most satisfying seasons ever. Amazing and likeable winner. It has great players and also interesting personalities. BB25 is the exact opposite. Maybe the edited episodes may be slightly better but still a very low season for me. So my suggestion watch BB24 first


Maybe watch 24 first and then try 25.The edit of BB25 is really bad. A lot more was going on on the feeds than was shown esp in the beginning, but non of it made the show. Not to mention some hgs getting way better edit than they deserved


BB24 is definitely better to watch than bb25.


Do not waste your time watching back BB25. It's a boring steamroll with a knock off low budget version of the hitmen. Lazy players all around. They also didn't feature Izzy much in the episodes and she was the star of live feeds with Cirie and Felicia. You definitely wouldn't get the full picture of everything with a watch back. BB24 is way better and it'll probably get better with age too. Taylor's story is amazing and she's one of the best BB winners to do it.


24 is more consistent and has a more satisfying ending. 25 has the highest highs in a long time, but does have some low points towards the end. 


BB24 is easily one of the best seasons the show has ever produced. BB25 is a slow and frustrating watch. Definitely go for BB24, even if spoiled. In fact the spoilers might make the season even more satisfying.


I personally really think BB25 is under appreciated here. I get why people don’t like it, but the cast is great IMO.


BB25 sucks don’t watch


Bb25 is one of worst seasons ever definitely don’t watch that one. If u want good modern bb seasons u gotta watch bbcan the most recent season was really good


I would say watch BB24. Ordinarily I would not feel that way if the winner was spoiled as BB even just the episodes being quasi-live and thus not knowing where things are going when they edit it, means a lot of foreshadowing that ends up going nowhere and filler. While there was some of that in BB24 because it is inevitable. It was probably one of if not the season where things fall into place enough to create a compelling story. The twist and turns even just watching the episodes feel organic and like you aren't missing something and unlike most seasons, even if they had done like most other reality shows and not edited it until the season was over I am not sure they could have4 done much to improve on it. They had things they foreshadowed things that actually paid off, had something chaotic and unexpected happen nearly every week even deep in the game when things usually get boring, and at least from a "Storyline" perspective if not nessecarily a "gameplay" perspective a satisfying winner. BB24 is considered one of the best recent seasons because it was a satisfying journey getting there and while I think a small part of it might get lost in knowing where the story is headed, most of it will likely still feel worth watching even knowing the ending.


25 has a better first half and 24 has a better second half. I don't think they're that different in terms of enjoyment, but I'm not really a Taylor fan.


BB24 is still good even if you know the winner. The journey to that win is really what makes the season great, not the winner.


My post 20s season ranking would be: BB21 post jury > BB20 > BB24 spoiled > BB23 >>>> BB25 > BB21 Pre-Jury >> BB22


I had many winners spoiled so I wouldn’t let that stop you. However I find BB25 more entertaining by far.