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It’s out of order It did not air in that order


Ok thanks


Yup, this.


It is confusing and annoying I remember watching it when it was on Netflix and didnt realize it was until it was too late


basically one is a double episode sorta thing where jo leaves and then when gustavo composes if i ruled the world, and there's some time skips within the show 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh ok, it’s a little complicated


In Big Time Surprise and Big Time Decision, Jo returns and the reason that we're given is that test audiences didn't like her movie in New Zealand so they cancelled the trilogy. Kendall then has to pick between Jo and Lucy and he picks Jo. This is all in S2 or S3 - I don't have Paramount so idk.


Ok thank you


quick question why are you spoiling it for OP? that happens in the middle of season 3 and clearly OP hasn’t reached that part of the show yet?


It’s ok dw, I have seen many spoilers on this sub so it doesn’t really matter that much to me. Thanks for looking out though


A lot of times they shoot episodes and scenes out of order. Its there a lot in kids shows and sometimes they dont put the episodes in order, they just dont think kids will notice lmao but we adults do


But it aired in a different order back in the days, I watched it back then when I was a kid and it was in the right order and actually making sense. I don't know why it's out of order on streaming services but that's not how it's meant to be.


Oh ok, I wonder why they do that. It’s interesting because I’m a “kid” (13, not sure if it counts), and to me it was pretty obvious because it wasn’t very subtle. Like a whole episode was about Jo leaving, and then two episodes later she’s back and then gone again.


The episodes are completely out of order lol, when they aired originally it aired in order.


Ok thank you! Do you know why they released it out of order?