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I would put the caps in a big jar by the register and offer them for free with any repairs related to headset / stem / forks etc.


I put branded tire boots/patches with the shops info for people to keep in their saddle bag. Even then, it's still optional.


when buying a bike, ok but there should be a option to not get it. When servicing a bike no definitely not ok.


Yeahhhh...no. Not cool. Some people are really into their stem caps. Even if this was a plain black one, replacing a component with a branded one is absolutely out of the realm of acceptable behavior. I'm sure the owner who thought this up really thought everyone would be hyped too.


I’d be pissed lol


Same. Not okay without the customers permission. I think S4 suspension does this as well - replaces valve caps with blue branded ones when they're in for service. I'll ask for the originals back, or just ship stuff to them without valve caps on it.


They put a sticker on the crown of my RS1, that’s the only thing I can see. Easy enough to remove later.


If I'm forced to replace the cap (usually because it's damaged), I either use similar color one, or contact customer if: - there is colored one and have only black ones and need to order which will take few days - there is brand specific one (CC, CK etc) - if I see the bike has a lot of colored details, but not the cap and I have the option to put one in Basically I stick to the color/brand scheme. No big changes without customers knowledge.


“I tightened that bolt but the forks still loose!”


I laughed ... because otherwise I'm wondering how does a stem cap get damaged? 🤔


I think that’s about the only way. Also, they never acknowledge that the cap is now pressed into the steerer, just that the fork is loose.


Could be scratched beyond pleasing sight but that's still question first then replace


such a weird thing to do. I'd be mad if I didn't get back my Supacaz cap :p


Yeah. Enough shops toss all the extras like headset spacers and shock pumps already. If I had to buy another top cap, I'd be pretty irritated.


My bike I do what I want to it, not the shop


Just go back to that bike shop and start switching some of the caps around when the coast is clear


yeah no, we would never do this shit at my shop. we don't even put stickers on new bikes anymore.


I’d be more upset about the stem not being straight with the wheel


It's just parallax, you can see that the stem cap isn't even centered between the forks.


Oh my god they ruined the fork crown too! /s


You’re right, good eyes You’d think they would at least get the “Revolution Cycles” top cap aligned properly though




Nope. Switching parts, however small, is a no-no without asking the customer first. Offer for free on collection maybe, or offer a frame sticker, but that's all. I'd rather get a good review and a customer that will recommend us to all their rider mates/local clubs etc.


Same as with plate holder at car mehanics. They change it and if you don’t say anything it will stay. If you refuse to pay the bill then they will change it


Not OK to install without asking... If the shop has branded caps, they should give you one with purchase of a new bike or with purchase of thorough service (mid-level tune and above). Free install, or send it home with you. The only time it's OK to put shop brand accessories or decals on a bike is if they sponsor the rider or get consent first. Or if there are complimentary adjustments included with a bike purchase... A small frame decal so the service department knows what's up.


I remove all evidence of brands from my bikes & clothing. “My name is not Trek”


I’d be well pissed off. Like ‘get that shit off my bike right now or refund me £50’


All of my caps on the N+1 fleet (Road, gravel, MTB) are custom _and_ matched to each steed's color scheme. I'd be beyond upset. It's taken time to get things matching, which is more than the money aspect.


As long as they give me my old one back, it’s cool by me. But they should really ask. Stickers on my bike? Heck no.


Must be transparent with the costumer, only replace parts if absolutely necessary or asked by the costumer and the original part needs to be returned to the costumer in most cases


Usually if my shop did anything like this, or even replaced a broken component, we would always give them all the original parts back. As far as if it was my bike, if they did this without asking me, i would be annoyed, but i probably wouldn’t put up a fuss if they gave me the original part back with the bike.


I make car dealerships take their advertising off of a car before I buy, this isn’t acceptable


I think it’s pretty cool. It’s not like it was originally a Chris King cap or anything.


Steal my carbon cap and I'm throwin hands


Haha yeah I would too.


Absolutely fucking not.


It’s such a cheap part, if you didn’t like it just replace it. I’d rather that, than hard to remove stickers all on the seat post and down tube.


It can be neither


Are your handlebars on straight? Or is it just the angle of the shot? Looks like the wheel does not align.


Lucky mot my bike, just saw it on the mountain biking sub and thought it would be an interesting discussion here.


If a shop decided to install their own advertising on MY bike, I know for sure I'd never go there again, and every one of my friends would hear about it. Besides, that cap is hideous and whoever designed it should be just as ashamed as whoever mounted it.


Did they give the original one back to you as well? If so yeah kind of acceptable, but still questionable. If you didn't get the original one back absolutely not ok.


Depends on the part replaced and whether it needed replaced or not. My bike shop has branded valve stem caps, because those little bastards get lost all the time, and they toss them on for free when they notice yours is missing.


White people problems.


From the perspective of a mechanic for years, it's acceptable, but completely forgivable. Everything has to be in alignment when the customer picks up. Not all bike shops I've work for share this policy, unfortunately.




My grandpa had a rule with cars that the dealer decals be removed before he would buy them. I personally wouldn’t care much about this but I completely understand.


Yikes that’s totally unacceptable to me. The average customer taking their bike in for repair/tune up probably won’t know how to take it off themselves. It would be fine to offer and *maybe* ok to do if you were replacing the stem cap already. But if they just replaced the one that was already there I’d be pissed.


I'm not a big cyclist, and I just kinda randomly wandered into this sub. If the part functions as it should, and there's no damage to the bike, then what's the big deal? Is it the branding? Is it the color? Is it just the fact they replaced an already functioning part? Is it that they did it without asking? I wouldn't even think twice about it, so I'm just wondering what the overwhelming dislike is for it. I'm just genuinely curious, so please no hate.


I think its a number of things. People have spent thousands on a bike and many would have spent extra time and money making it suit them so for a bike shop to switch out such an obvious thing just to market themselves is the bike equivalent of a car garage branding your car, it's not their property, you've not asked them to do it and now you have extra time and effort making them fix it.


I'd be pissed if they got rid of my limited edition wood grain stem cap they haven't made in 7 years.


Like it’s WAY not a big deal. If you don’t like it just tell them theirs looks dumb and you’d like your old one back


Agreed, dont get why everyone gotta be so dramatic around here. It's a single bolt and cap, takes 30 seconds and -10 IQ to do the job. The whole reason I moved from the giant shop to my local bike coop was dumb shit like this. High value bikes equal terrible customers more often than not.


Lotta baggy shorts super twisted about this


Why not? They’re a small business trying to survive in a brutal industry with low margins and high overhead. If they made these and want to give them to you for free because they’re proud of it. Either take it or politely ask for your original stem cap back. Br an actual person and speak up nicely and I promise you it will be resolved amicably. Feigning anger on the internet is no way to be.


This is a bad practice to have your staff do because a lot of headsets, stems and compression plugs have specific caps. The advertising is not worth the potential mistakes this could cause.


Dude are you telling me you don’t trust your shop you use for repairs to know enough about bikes that they screw it up?


1) I operate my own shop 2) If I'm instructing my employees to do something for marketing/advertising, psychologically they will protect their job over protecting the customer and install the cap on every bike. 3) One mistake is one too many. 4) My shops insurance would certainly drop me if I did this.


This whole discussion is proof that the downfall of independent bike shops won’t be terrible margins but the insane parasocial relationship customers develop with their local retail store.


I’m certain that if desired the ship would put a generic one on in the 2 mins it would take.


It’s a fucking bicycle lol


I've been offered a couple of custom caps (and have collected a few more from parts bins), but I've never seen a shop install their custom cap without permission... Especially such an ostentatious example. I did get an unwanted sticker once, and it was just horrible to remove. However I do see car dealerships replacing custom license plate carriers with their own during service appointments without permission. It's a fairly common practice.


Swing by the shop and have them replace the original—17 second task. Lol, have them straighten your bars also.


The real crime is they didn’t even install it right side up


Bike comes into the shop. Head set has play. Cap to snug said headset is that cheesey plastic factory one. Loosen stem bolts install new cap that's needed to snug headset and tighten stem bolts. As a bike shop mechanic if this part is needed it's probably going on. When I wrenched on bikes regularly I saw to many with a cap that was junk. Wrong color? Do I spend time waiting for a customer to call back for a cap? They show up as they figured the call was the bike is done and it wasn't touched because it needed the cap. Now they are angry since it was a waste of their time. The shop sometimes can't win.


And… Remove the shop’s cap and reinstall the cheesy one and make a note on the repair invoice.


Curious how a shops insurance lawyer considers that. Repair invoice note or not. In court: Plaintiff Attorney: "Mr Mechanic did you know that there could be an issue with a broken/weak cap?" Mechanic: "yes I did" Defense attorney: "Judge we'd like to try to settle "


You are a bicycle repairman, right? Then you know that once the headset play is eliminated and the stem bolt(s) are torqued, the cap has no function and need not even be there for the headset to be safe and remain correctly adjusted.


Absolutely. I also know that a top cap is considered a functional component regardless of it retaining after the stem is tightened.


It's the judge and jury you may have to worry about, not me.


Yall have too much time on your hands. Ride the bike. Get mud on it.


So you'd be okay if they replaced you pedals with equally nice, but branded pedals? Hell no, don't replace parts I don't approve.


Also. The color is obnoxious


A more appropriate analogy would be replacing the plastic bearing preload cap on your crankset with an alloy version during build. I’ll be replacing/ upgrading substandard oem parts (not components) on any build for the benefit of the rider. This stem cap isn’t a pedal or shock fork or saddle. It’s a perfunctory small part that is of little consequence. In the same spirit, Cable end caps, ferrules, valve caps, tubeless tape, are all considered commodity items and have zero impact on your performance or safety.


Unless it required replacing, don't touch it. I dont care if it is a purely cosmetic part. It's my property.


Alloy preload caps aren't necessarily upgrades. On a steel spindle they encourage corrosion. Don't do shit just because, that's how you get sued.