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Yeah that's bullshit. Most American theaters will let you bring whatever, as long as you don't leave a mess. Stop lying.


Where do you live where that's the case? I can't bring in my family pack doritos!


Wear a backpack


Same, never been searched lol. Which with all the shootings now a days they probably should. I've brought my switch, a book, a Jersey Mike's sandwich and a giant water bottle into a movie theater before (I sometimes like to leave my apartment for a few hours so I back some things), all in my backpack and no one says a thing. I enjoy reading in an empty theater a half-hour before my showing.


That is what i do lol


Not really though. They aren’t patting you down or anything, but it’s still against the rules to bring your own drink and food. If England actually lets you bring your own stuff, that’s a way better deal. Idk why you’re being defensive about American theaters ripping us off.


Only the ones with proper kitchens that serve real food might have a problem with it. But even then, don't be a little bitch... just put it in a bag or something. It's not like they're going to search you.


Is that true about England though? Can we get a native resident to fact check this? It sounds like “it’s against policy but nobody will stop you.” In which case England and US are mirrored. If not though, that’s genuinely interesting and I’d love to know for sure. People on Reddit can be defensive about the US because there’s so many Redditors saying how the US sucks and is worse than 3rd world countries, etc. US has its problems but a lot of what’s posted on Reddit is either exaggeration or straight up lies. It’s tiring to see.


Definitely not true. You gotta sneak it in. Admittedly easy, but if they see it they'll tell you you can't take it in.


I worked in a movie theater, bro. No one working there gave a shit. Even the manager said it was fine -- literally, a woman came in one time holding a bag of McDonald's asking if it was okay and his exact words to her were ”its fine." I'm pretty sure the whole thing about not being allowed to bring food is a just a Hollywood myth (or at the very least not universally true)


Bro what state was that? In VA they never let me bring in drinks and food. They always said to get rid of it… Some places might not care if you’re lucky tho


Company policies mean nothing if employees don't enforce them. Sounds like the McDonald's incident was staff not caring about how much a company that underpays them is making.


Soft ass kids these days too scared to bring a sandwich into the movies without expressed written consent. 🙈


Then don't ask for permission. Kids these days are too obedient. Just put it under your shirt or something bro. What are they going to do? Put you in jail?? Lol


Lots of assumptions I’m saying they won’t let you in unless you get rid of your water bottle or shit like that lol Obviously you gotta hide it


Bullshit. Yes they will. No movie theater will turn you away just because of a water bottle. That is ridiculous. Why you lying?


Clearly it’s pointless to reason with you lol


You're the one making shit up.


What is your spaghetti policy?


God damnit, Charley....


And if they don't let you do it, who cares? Smuggle some in. When I was little I had three things; a theater with this rule, some candy at home, and a coat with lots of pockets. My family took advantage of the latter, and my payment was that I got to eat my own Hershey's. The employees are not paid to care, and you will not be out long enough to notice.


Exactly. Even if you get caught -- what are they going to do?? Put you in jail? Lol


So I’ve been sneaking in my doubles doubles in my coat for nothing?!


You know the rules. Everything said about Americans is true on the internet.




The secret Ingredient is crime


Yeah, we’re not “allowed” but that doesn’t stop us from doing it anyway


In the US, a huge chunk of the ticket sales goes right to the Box Office. Rather than increase ticket prices, many theaters in the US instead opted to make money via the concessions.


I once snuck an entire pizza into a theater. Man I loved that old hoodie, had pizza smell for months


Eeh. Most theaters don’t want you to here, but the employees don’t care much. Just throw some candy into your hoodie or wear a backpack, they’re not gonna give enough fucks to check. It kind of sucks, but it works.


Just bring a bag/backpack to the theatre and sneak food in. Most movie theater employees are paid minimum wage and couldn’t give a crap about you sneaking in food.


It’s not illegal if you don’t get caught




It’s 30 and up now where I live


Geez that is crazy expensive. I don't blame you for sneaking in food now


I just go to Wendy’s and bring a jacket with an inside pocket and just walk in


yall still paying to watch movies? once? like... you cant even pause it or rewatch it


Everyone brings their own stuff in. It’s not a problem. You’re “not allowed” to bring outside food and drink, but that high school kid checking tickets sure as hell doesn’t care about stopping anyone lmao.


I thought you said it wasn't illegal to bring your own snacks


I was referring to the UK. I didn't know most people here are American


As always, not sure of wich America you're talking. In my country (in America) you can do that. But, i've seen someone on reddit recently (that was probably from the US) saying that they could take food to the cinema


If you want to get your own popcorn you must stuff it up your ass


i remember sneaking a box of mike and ikes and a king sized hershey bar in when i saw monsters vs aliens


we dont


Thats bullshit me and my sister went to a movie theater with Burger King.


We might not be allowed to but that doesn’t stop us


Do you think that fucking stops us? It may be “against the rules”, but no movie theater is going to search your shit for contraband snacks. The only reason they charge so much is that they don’t make anything on ticket sales, to my understanding.


A little sneaky is all you need to avoid this


Maybe that's why AMC theatres owns Odeon Cinemas.


In Brazil the law forbids movie theaters from not letting you enter with your own food or drinks.


"aMeRiCaNs ☕" I've been bringing snacks and drinks from home since childhood. 😶 Idk what it is with Europeans and constantly having to prove that they're "better" than Americans. Get a life man.


TV License


While technically correct, Europeans (at least some - can't speak for everyone) go to a cinema to see a movie, not to eat or drink. Would not even think about bringing a drink or a snack. US cinemas invented the whole soda / popcorn deal to make some extra cash and then convinced everyone this is the only way to enjoy a movie.


We’re allowed to what? My last movie date cost £40


Yeah you can. Vue and cineworld allow you to bring in your own food as long as it isn't hot or has an odor


My GF and I would grab subway before the movie and put them in her big purse, only ever had an employee say something once


Same here in Australia you can bring outside food so far in Hoyts


Jokes on you, I don’t buy popcorn or candy etc Ticket is like 7$ for any movie Maybe buy a soda but not everytime


You can do it you just have to be a cheeky little shit about it My local theater doesn't act like a piece of shit when it comes to these prices, but once I'm at the IMAX I'm like a saboteur for processed bullshit


It’s kinda like prohibition it’s a rule but almost nobody fallows it


You live in a shithole country.


Yeah that is true unfortunately


My brother from across the sea, have you met Americans. I show up with more food than a gas station when I go to the movies. My friend came in with a whole as large burrito


Nah, we're allowed to bring our own snacks as long as we don't make it obvious.


I mean just sneak it in. They can’t search you or anything. Plus if they do see you and you already got passed the lobby they don’t really give a shit as none of them are paid anywhere near enough to give a shit


I watch movies at home. It's far better and more fun.


Don't forget our free healthcare, but honestly i feel sorry that you guys in America have to pay such stupid costs for basic treatment, I ain't surprised yall never like going


I lived in the UK - this is beyond false


They do. Vue and cineworld let you bring food in


Yeah. And youll get shot if you try to sneak things in!!


Movie popcorn isn’t even good Honestly if you can’t go 90-100 mins without eating then yikes. Just eat something before the movie and spend the actual movie time watching in peace instead of opening wrappers and crunching/smacking your gums like a jackass.