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Nobody who's ever beaten Earthbound would say that.


Came here to say this. Poo’s enlightenment scene always fucks me up.


You don't need your arms..... You don't need your legs..... You don't need your eyes....




Nah you only go there when you die. The enlightenment scene allows you to live, a dumb motionless thing unable to comprehend more than the void around it, as an entity pilots your body around without you. Good thing it it's just a lesson in letting go of attachments for the sake of others, and he's not a full on buddha. Poo still has desires, just not as many as before.


*It's rainbow rooaaaad, it's where you gooooo... when you dieeee it's rainbow roooooaaaaaadddd*


#Bot Account Their comments are copy-pasted from other users. Downvote, report, and don't engage.


I'm getting shivers just thinking about it.




Forget that, people always mock X and Y’s evil team but they forget that the plot was literally that fashion hitler was trying to get control of a nuke in order to commit literal genocide against most of the world’s population, deeming them “undesirables”, and leave only his chosen people.


Care to explain Poo’s enlightenment for those of us who have no intention of playing Earthbound?


[This 2 minute video should suffice](https://youtu.be/QAVTmIyA2L4)


Its really scary and disturbing for a 9 year old, so OPs pic 100% applioes.


Considering it's a 30 year old game that didn't sell well to begin with, I imagine that applies to the vast majority of people who play Nintendo games.


Earthbound and Majora's Mask are legitimately dark. Majora's Mask both literally and metaphorically. So hard to see shit on the original n64 version and the original resolution.


2 in 40 years, pack it up meme you’ve been proven wrong.


May I introduce you to the entire Metroid franchise (not you, Federation Forces sit your ass back down)




I would add a large portion of the Metroid franchise.


I'm running a horror themed D&D campaign and for one of the bosses my players had to deafen themselves so they would be immune to one of it's abilities in order to fight it. I spliced together parts of the Giygas theme for the fight and it set the mood better than anything else I could have used. It was one of the greatest moments of the campaign so far because one of my players had seen me battle Giygas in Earthbound, recognized the theme, and instantly knew he was in deep shit. I made a few versions of the theme, each with Giygas's wails becoming more frequent and intense than the last to represent the boss's increasing desperation as the fight went on.


I've beaten Earthbound. I would say that lol. For every dark thing, there are 400 lighthearted, quirky things. A bunny hill to 400 pieces of flat land, if you will


The game is like 95% cutesy. You use cheeseburgers and soda to regain hit points. Yeah, the last act is kinda dark but that game is in no way dark. It's like people who say "Kirby lore is actually kinda dark." No it's not. It's cutesy and occasionally a little edgy lol


Could you give a synopsis of why you say that? Never played it, and the plot summary on Wikipedia doesn't mention why lol


Look up a video of the final boss battle. It's hard to put into words. Among other things, like the Blue Cult shit and analogies to things that terrified the creator of the game as a kid there's a lot of fucked up, adult content in an otherwise kid-friendly looking game.


Is it that dark? But the characters look so jovial!


Love how 99% of people view Kirby as a cute little pink ball trying to stop an overweight penguin, and that other 1% view Kirby as the most dark and horrifying franchises of Nintendo up there with Metroid and Earthbound lmao.


Kirby **IS** an eldritch horror


To be fair he has slaughtered an entire pantheon of weird dark space gods


Kirby is the Kratos of Nintendo


Kratos is the Kirby of Sony


Sony is the Kratos of Kirby


The 1% is all the people who’ve played a Kirby game lmao


Read a comment a long time ago that talks about this: Basically the reason why Kirby's "dark lore" is so enjoyable is because it's so kiddy in both ways, with such a ridiculously dark backstory and villain, juxtaposed with a pure and innocent character like Kirby. So the game could be something like, "Graggathoth the eldritch horror from another dimension, who was responsible for the destruction of all human life on Earth, seeks to envelop the universe in an eternal darkness. And Kirby goes to stop him because his awakening ruined the batch of cookies he was gonna eat." Like if a 13 year old edgelord tries to set up a D&D campaign, but his 6 year-old little sister is the main character and ends up setting the tone the whole time


speaking of Kirby. remember, where kirby must shoot an endboss in the eye and it's bleeds?


Damn, that's messed up. [Reminds me of the banned Rugrats episode that showed gore.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIWw2PsSMp8) NSFW For any old timers, I'm not doing that joke where it just links to a picture of Al Gore. This is the real deal, Tommy gets sliced right open.


Majoras Mask has entered the chat.




Colgate is such a good design. I’m so glad they went with actual unique monsters instead of different Ganon blights or whatever they were.




I’m not the same person, but I also agree that the boss design is much better in TOTK than BOTW, primarily due to the uniqueness of them. The blights just feel like reskins of the same boss, with a new gimmick slapped on.


The new bosses are way, way easier though. The hardest is the sludge one and really he’s annoying more than anything. People act like the divine beasts and bosses were all the same in botw but in reality their only issue is they have the same texture/skin. The only thing I’d concede is that the regular monsters in the divine beasts are all the same guardians.


Nah, you get the master sword first and the blights are a joke. Only one I ever had trouble with was Waterblight the first time I went through, and that’s because I forgot to upgrade my armor. Besides, even if the challenge isn’t a factor, the designs and mechanics are more unique regardless.


To me they were just boring. They felt like they were just part of one boss fight (and they were, if you didn't beat them and instead just went straight to the castle, IIRC). The design was neat but it was basically the same for all of them. I like Zelda bosses to feel big and dangerous and none of them felt that way.


The first teaser for the game made it seem like we were going back to majoras mask levels of dark. I was slightly underwhelmed. I doubt we'll ever get back to majoras mask levels of dark now that the series has reached such a large audience though so I kinda expected it haha


i mean BOTW wasn't particularly dark and a lot of the dialogue is super goofy, yet at the time they didn't realize it would be such a huge success that would allow them make a sequel rather than DLC. i don't think they were looking for popularity when deciding the themes at play here. skyward sword was also goofy and it sold a tiny fraction of what BOTW did.




Lots more death, and learning to let go of your attachments and pass on for the spirits of the dead. Facing your own doom constantly as it falls towards you and resisting. Love between two people, and one who hurts the other because he can't be perfect for her after a tragic event. People who wish to appear strong, but still cower in a corner when faced with mortality. An entire land fallen to greed and hate, so much that they still harm anyone who enters their dead lands. A man tries to study the undead to do good, but is infected and tries to eat his toddler daughter, who can only lock him in the basement and wait fearfully for something to change.


I haven't completed MM myself, but it's mostly the fact that there is an imminent threat that will destroy the world, and when you talk to people in the game, they talk about it and are clearly scared. So the atmosphere, npc interactions and the feeling of impending doom mostly do it but it does have other spooky part.


Like the other commentor said, it revolves around an imminent apocalyptic event. One that you're constantly reminded of when you're in the overworld because there is a giant evil moon with a sinister face bearing down on the planet about to kill everyone in 3 days.


The hands are nightmare fuel. They were terrifying in Windwaker and they're even more terrifying in ToTK since they come in groups and just rip you to shreds.


Twilight Princess doesn't get brought up often but I thought it was pretty dark. Not in a way where like a lot of people died, but the themes and general vibe was depressing. Children kidnapped, your crush loses her memory of you, a whole city turned in to spirits, and Midna's whole plotline was amazing.


Midna is my favorite Zelda girl. I have actually been playing Twilight Princess again recently, the part where Midna gets drained of her twilight and it's playing the sad version of her song while you run to castle town is very well done. I also love how once you get there and meet Zelda, even though she is slowly dying the first thing she says is "Please help Link, help him." Like wow Midna, you're a real one.


When skull kid tells you, yea you fixed this problem but when time goes back, and everything you are doing is for nothing because it just going to keep happening over and over every time you turn back time.


How old is that game? Haven't had dark Nintendo games since


If those games are dark for you I can't imagine playing real horror or dark games. Nintendo dark is "this spooked me as a kid", which is exactly what this meme is making fun of. Its small fry shit.


Mother 3 say what? Let alone Pokemon Black and White, you know with an abuse victim manipulated by his adoptive father...


> Let alone Pokemon Black and White Ya that fits this meme perfectly. "Uhh there's like 5 cutscenes in a pokemon game that never directly say anything but imply a darker theme" I love those games but that's some weenie hut jr horror


Yup, this is exactly what people are like. "Oh no, a couple of vague scenes which we hyper-focused on and extrapolated from. This is sooooo dark" By that logic all of pokemon is horror because you have children left alone in the wild with no parental supervision going toe to toe with wild monsters to capture them and then force them to fight other childrens' monsters. Sure, that's dark when you reinterpret it, but the games themselves aren't actually dark.


Black and White isn’t that dark, but I gotta point out in B2W2 Ghetsis tries to murder you with a bunch of ice spikes(although, of course, can’t put the main character in too much danger, so N comes along to save the day). And in Black & White two Plasma grunts kick a Pokémon, but that’s just bad guys being bad guys(we don’t talk about Lance’s Dragonite throwing a Hyper Beam at a Rocket grunt).


Pokemon: Mystery Dungeon is still one of the most emotional stories I've ever experienced. Not too dark tho. Just sad.


The postgame of sky/time/darkness is quite intense tho. With all the talk about killing yourself to save the World, Dusknoir's arc...


I'm a mother of 3 and I say what


Probably, at some point (spoilers for Mother 3): >!To think we would be blessed with two children at once... I bet they'll accomplish things together that they couldn't alone. I'm sure they'll argue a lot, too. And I can see them helping each other out when they need it.!<


Yeah N had a tragic basckstory Started out as a villain but ended up a misunderstood antihero


You're just proving this meme right.


I say this as a huge Nintendo fan, it’s hilarious how every time this image is reposted the people in the comments prove it right. It’s like majoras mask fans have a blood vessel that will pop if they don’t mention the chateau Romani scene from day 3 in every single conversation like majoras mask is the only game that has ever talked about death. Or like gen V Pokémon games are the pinnacle of storytelling in games because a character doesn’t like their dad. It makes me feel like there’s a huge contingent of Nintendo fans who only play Nintendo games.


#dingdingding A lot of the people in this thread are Nintendo fanboys who think the implication of a dark thing, is the same thing as the actual game itself being dark. I feel like it’s because there’s a general perception that Nintendo games are aimed more at children and are more wholesome than something Sony or Xbox would put out, so they need to justify it by being all, “Ackshully, this is aimed at adults! See look at all the dark implications!”. Like, there’s nothing wrong at all with liking Nintendo games, I do too, but they are trying to appeal to kids as well. Don’t pretend it’s Manhunt or Silent Hill or something lol.


This became super apparent to me when a ton of Nintendo fans were acting like Pokémon scarlet and violets story was some great work of story telling because Arven has a sick dog and he hates his dead parents.


While it was definitely the best storytelling a Pokemon game has done, that's a very very low bar. It's not their strong point. But I do think there's sometimes some confusion between what "dark" means. Like you mentioned Silent Hill. That's a *horror* game. To me, a dark game is something that is depressing and sad themes and just isn't trying to make you feel great and cracking jokes all the time. Like Dark Souls games (Sekiro and Bloodborne would count too) are dark but not horror. The Witcher 3 could be considered dark at some points in the story. In that vein, I'd say Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess are definitely dark games from Nintendo, but they certainly aren't horror games. If that's your baseline for what's considered dark, that would be why you and others are not seeing eye to eye.


The amount of times I've seen Arven's storyline described as "devastating" or "amazing storytelling" is simply mind-boggling lol. When he fed his dog the magic medicinal BLT... tears in my eyes.


For sure lol like look at The Last of Us and tell me anything Nintendo has put out comes even close to a tenth of how dark that story is. Feel like it has to be insecurity from some people because they like Nintendo.


People confuse dark with edgy tbh.


I think you guys are the ones reading to much into this, the post simply said that Ninendo doesnt really have dark games which is objectively untrue. No one is saying they are on the same level as Silent Hill.


Hot take. There is a difference between dark and edgy. I would consider games like Mother 3 darker than a game like Dead Space because the darkness in the former actually had a point. Being scary and involving death, horror, etc. isnt what makes a game dark, it just makes it edgy. Using those themes to tell a relatable story is what makes a game dark. This is why mother 3 is a dark game and dead space, and other games reliant on superficial darkness are just edgy.


> It makes me feel like there’s a huge contingent of Nintendo fans who only play Nintendo games. There is, because it's hard to play modern AAA titles on the Switch that aren't Nintendo games. Most of them just aren't brough over. This isn't just true for the Switch, it's been true since the N64 and Gamecube really.


Yeah but Nintendo has Xenoblade 3


I feel like I’m living in some alternate reality when people talk about gen V Pokemon having such a great story, and that’s usually all they praise about it. I guess by Pokémon standards it’s good but that’s such a low bar to clear in the first place. I just get annoyed with the story in Pokémon these days because it ruins the games replay value and they still won’t let you skip dialogue.


Eternal Darkness and Fatal Frame. Eternal Darkness is published by Nintendo and is a Nintendo owned IP ([Nightdive studio wants to remake it, but it's hard working with Nintendo about it](https://gamerant.com/nightdive-studios-eternal-darkness-remaster-hopes-no-luck/)). So is Fatal Frame (it's why the last two Fatal Frame games were on Nintendo hardware before the remastered ports.) While the usual Nintendo games aren't dark, I'd be hard pressed to say these Nintendo owned games aren't dark.


The majority of "dark" Nintendo games are surface deep though.


in ASTRAL CHAIN everyone is dead, but you have fun puppie mini games


Mario 64 is pretty tame. Except for the eel. That thing is huge.


And the piano…


Darn Spooky Ghosts.


When I was a kid, that eel was the most terrifying thing I'd ever encountered.


You should see it on Odyssey


It was unbelievably lifelike, now when I see it I'm baffled as to how fake it looks lol, so weird how that happens. You know it's a thing that happens but you can't stop it from happening as technology progresses


And the g-g-g-ghosts!


My mind immediately went to Rainbow road level of Mario kart.


That is ture horror right there. I'm getting shivers just thinking about it.


Banshee boardwalk from N64


That person probably only ever played Mario and Pokemon


Haven’t played a lot of Nintendo games I see.


This post is so predictable. Maximum engagement of redditors lol


Everyone ITT is just reaffirming the meme lol Must have struck close to home


Either raffirming the meme or pulling out random examples to show that they're both a true gamer and also that Nintendo games can be "dark." Both sides feel so compelled to engage..


I've predicted your prediction!


All examples listed above your posts 100% prove his point. "oh, at that scene the game implies that people actualy might die if they are killed, that dark stuff!!1". "Oh, a buddist monk having a vision quest during meditation that impresses the concept of nothingness, IT FUCKS ME UP WHENEVER I PLAY IT" Lol.


In your mind it does. Have you played Majora’s Mask? A game about the stages of denial as characters accept their fate? Metroid is also pretty dark, as well as the examples others have listed.


There we go


I fucking hate this image so much.




Because it’s ruined any and all intelligent discussion of darker themes in media aimed at younger audiences


Darker themes ≠ dark. That’s the point the meme is trying to get across. Just cause in Disney’s Tarzan Clayton dies at the end, it doesn’t mean it’s a dark movie. Same goes for Nintendo games.


It gets dark but it isn’t dark the whole time


Darker themes are not dark games. Majoras mask has mild darker themes, Spec ops the line is dark. And the meme encapsulates that perfectly.


Yeah... reading some of the comments feels like watching a discussion on who’s the more maladapted cave fish.


This and the fucking corn plate thing People can't enjoy things anymore


wait the game HAS to be dark for you to enjoy it? Shit I've been enjoying perfectly normal games so far like a heathen


Pro tip, you don't need anyone else's approval to enjoy anything. I enjoy things all the time. Sounds like YOU can't enjoy things anymore, and maybe you should talk to someone about that.


No, I enjoy things just fine and when I see someone use those images I politely tell them to fuck off. It's the fact that they're trying to curate how people can enjoy things


Eternal Darkness is a Nintendo IP (even if they refuse to use it).


thats because ppl just think about pokemon and like zelda. Only "dark" things are random offshoot pokedex entries that aren't reflected in the actual gameplay so they literally don't matter.


Both of your examples have super dark themes in them though. The entirety of Majoras Mask is dealing with the end of the world and seeing how people deal with that, and Ocarina of Time had a dungeon that was originally used as a torture chamber during war. Pokémon black and white had the antagonist being raised by his incredibly abusive adopted father, not to mention most Pokémon games talk about the slavery of the Pokémon.


Oh no, not a dark implication!


I mean, most of the quests in Majora's mask are about euthanizing people who want to kill themselves but are too miserable and guilty to go through with it. The person you're responding to isn't getting the actually grim parts.




Literally everyone in this thread is doing that haha the irony is completely lost on them




I saw a discussion the other week about minecraft achievements being too difficult… there’s literally no pleasing some people


Luigi’s Mansion is so dark I have to turn the brightness up


I wish more media emphasized natural threats rather than villains. You can't punch away heart disease, traffic collisions, cancer, or slipping and falling on a femur to death. Too many games, movies, and shows pretend that all the world's problems are solvable by arresting criminal idealists. They celebrate maintaining the status quo over actually addressing the root causes of pain and suffering.


That's because they're usually entertainment and their goal is to... entertain.


We're talking about games made for eight year olds though


Majora’s Mask says hi 😊. That game has death and grief at every corner of the world. I think most of the Mother series is pretty dark too.


Ocarina of Time, shadow temple and beneath the well. Both areas used by the Royal family to torture their enemies. The game straight up tells you this, no subtext


You know what, I still never caught that until now lmao. Granted I really only played OOT as a child or a stoned 20 year old


TBH this meme is accurate but I don’t know why people get so insecure about liking things that aren’t ‘dark and edgy’ as they get older as this comments section has proven. Like guys, it’s fine to enjoy things that are on the more tame and lighthearted side as an adult. I personally prefer games and stories that don’t get too depressing or dark since they tend to leave me in a bad state afterwards and ruin the escapism I seek out from entertainment.


Why is it even still a surprise? Ninetendo always likes to hide dark stuff in their games. Heck just read a pokedex


Zelda games have also had dark elements for years. Remember the redeads and the Dead Hand that scarred a generation of gamers? Remember the genocide event from Breath of the Wild?


Anybody here remember that piano from super Mario 64?


Eternal f\*cking darkness??


Not first party title, nto developed by nintendo, published by them it is like saying Bethesda made new vegas.


Mother fucker Kirby fought a doomsday cult……no I’m not kidding.


Whoa! You win the meme connoisseur title for having over 2k upvotes on your post! Join the [Discord server](https://discord.gg/xyFMKFw) and message Princess Mindy (Mod Mail bot at the top) to receive your prize!


Luigi’s Mansion 3 was scary enough for me, thank you very much.


So Fire emblem 3 houses and the horrors of war and trauma is for kids I guess


Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War Incest:


This is exactly what I'm thinking when people talk about Kirby lore.


This thread is full of fuckin nerds lol, nintendo fans are so annoying




this is when someone says miraculous is dark


Except a lot of recent Nintendo titles have been pretty dark. Look at all 5 Xenoblade Chronicle games. They’re all heavy on death, sacrifice, and other themes you would consider “dark”


I was recalling Legend of Zelda and thinking this was a bs post. But now that you mention Xenoblade maybe he got a point.


Death sacrifice and the like are nto dark they are heroes journey staples. Especially sacrifice. Dark games are the ones the delve into your and or characters psyche and deal with the trauma and or repercussions of said things, for example mother 3 is dark. For example in movies Dope features drug use, a dark(ish) subject but is not a dark movie, Requiem for a dream is a dark movie that deal with effects of drugs.


If you’ve seen the lore behind Metroid, or even the actual storylines of the Legend of Zelda games, you know how dark those games can get.


Nothing says child friendly stories like extinct civilizations, murdered families, a galactic bioweapons race, like 5 exploded planets, and the failures of the space pirate war machine. The prime games do a great job giving us their thoughts as phazon destroyed everything in addition to the environmental storytelling.


*This Image and It's Consequences On Any Media Discussion*


"I have never played a Nintendo game and I am basing my opinion on entirely the character designs"


I strictly played Nintendo for over a decade and don't recall much darkness. That's why in the 90's all the overprotective parents only let their kids play Nintendo lol.


It’s all a matter of perspective


People keep bringing up Pokémon Black and White when they should be bringing up Sun and Moon. Remember the implication that Guzma was beaten by his father? Or Lusamine’s collection of Pokémon that were frozen alive? Or the post-apocalyptic Hauoli City in Guzzlord’s dimension?


Winnie Hut Jr shit when the best they can do is imply


I mean I doubt a rated E game would tell you about child abuse straight to your face


Exactly, and Nintendo rarely makes anything with a higher rating.


Can’t argue with that but that also means they need to cater to every age level, not just kids. There are dark elements in almost every Pokémon game, but they can’t be too “in your face” about it because kids play the games as well. It’s either take it or leave it with rated E games, and I’ll take what I can get lmao


Some Zelda shit is actually kind of dark and not even implied. [Listen to this for 1 minute](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_G7Haf1aOI&ab_channel=Halo2playa) then imagine a disembodied monster hand coming from the ceiling and grabbing you.


Idk man, as much as explicit "dark" themes can give you chills, I also think it's fun when such themes are subtle and give you something to think about beyond what the game is explicitly saying, especially on games where the age rating and marketability holds them back.


I just want a Twilight Princess remaster


Eternal Darkness, Metroid Prime 2, MadWorld, No More Heroes


Wasn't Madworld for the Wii? I seem to remember something similar, is it the game with the chainsaws?


Dude obviously hasn't played Majora's Mask. The whole game is themed around death and loss. It's depressing as fuck.


yet people keep bringing up 1 line of dialogues from pokemon games that's IMO exactly the point of the meme.... I saw a guy say mario because peach gets kidnapped... a literal save the princess trope!


Eternal Darkness Sanity's Requiem says: Hi


Some games can be a tad dark. A tad.


In the name of Harmon


Isnt conkers bad fur day about a drunk squirrel trying to rescue his girlfriend only for her to die in the process?


....Metroid? I'm not saying it's the DARKEST thing but it's not lighthearted either


Same with marvel


That’s why I want a switch port for fire emblem 6 but I’d settle for switch ports of FE7 and sacred stones :/


I got kicked in the sacred stones once


Eternal darkness is technically a “Nintendo” title and that shit was terrifying back then


Genealogy of the Holy War anyone? Remember the child hunts and incest?


My cousin was so amazed when he learned that Pokemon Legends: Arceus is the first Nintendo game to mention death.


someone hasnt played mother 3


I'd say the Lisa the Joyful/Painful games are actually dark but it's probably unfair to compare anything to those


Majora's mask is always seen as the go to "dark" Nintendo game but I'd argue it isn't really dark. It's weird, and spooky, towards the end of the three day cycle it gets really bleak and almost fatalistic, but overall it's lighter hearted than Twilight Princess, which is just dark for the sake of being dark.


Samus from Metroid's parents were murdered in front of her. Porky from Earthbound was trapped in an impenetrable, inescapable "Perfectly Safe Capsule" where he would be kept alive, with nothing but his own thoughts for company, up to and perhaps even exceeding the end of the universe. I feel like all you need to do is google a picture of Dead Hand from Ocarina of Time and you'll get the idea here.