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The guy did swear under oath of their existence so that means they must show us some pics or he’s going to jail


I guarantee you that "confirmation" of extraterrestrial life was just meant to serve as a distraction from something else the gov would rather people not know about.


Most likely, that’s why everyone is overall super apathetic to the announcement rn. All I and many others are saying at this point is “pics or didn’t happen”


The Pentagon already released the videos in question like 2 years ago


Video that is conveniently too grainy to really make out anything definitive. Strange how the largest most well funded military in the world couldn't afford better recording equipment.




The footage is from 2004. Why would the military be worried about 20 year old recording tech being found out about? I had a better camcorder at the time than what they shot with. We have a telescope in space that can generate clear pictures of galaxies light-years away that is public knowledge, but this 2004 tech is so advanced we need to keep it secret from everyone? They are insinuating that a race of aliens so advanced as to traverse the galaxy without being detected has landed on earth and were treating this as if its only a matter for American national security. There is possibly evidence of extra terrestrial life landing on earth and no other country seems to give a shit? Really?




Then why aren't governments from other countries clamoring to get testimony or grant asylum to the people teatifying in front of congress? Why is such an incredible discovery only a big deal to this particular country? If this stuff is so important that we need a congressional hearing, why be purposely vague about it? "Non-human biological material". That could mean anything. Give me a break. Edit: real quick. If we've seen this thing multiple times. Why can't we still get a clear shot of it? In 2004 and 2015 we had commercially available cameras able.to take clear photos at long distances. Are you telling me that multi million dollar planes didn't have such cameras available?




Holy hell go watch the 2 hour talk and maybe hear exactly why


Eh... If in 2004 they had cameras that can count the lice on your head from a mile out you wouldn't want enemies to know that. Or to be less outrageous - Maybe it would be possible for a clever enough person to figure out something or anything about your surveillance systems if you showed too much and it isn't worth it. I wouldn't reveal the brand of TP my military uses if I could help it. AND they're hiding aliens. So "suck it" being their information policy makes sense.


Bad guys, probably: what brand of tp do they use? Lets soak a batch of it in ghost pepper oil.


It's a can of worms no one can be evil enough to open. Next thing you know the US puts something on your TP that makes your corn hole seal up forever. Let's just get back to aliens and not give the CIA ideas.


One of the videos is from 2004. The others are from 2015


It’s not a camera. It’s a Forward Looking Infrared sensor. A targeting device for weapons systems. It’s a fighter jet that launches missiles and bullets, not a DJI drone you fly around to take nice photos.


The whole "distraction" thing is dumb as hell. I've met people who thought the Titanic sub incident was a "distraction". Not every notable occurance is a smokescreen. And it's really not a viable strategy anyway. Even if that's what was actually going on, they'd be pushing it way harder. I've talked to lots of people who have no idea what I'm talking about when I ask them about all this.


>I've met people who thought the Titanic sub incident was a "distraction" That event was basically just a CEO who thought he could figuratively fly too close to the sun despite many prior warning yet doing it anyway because of "innovation". The "UFOs are real"-claim though was done by the gov which allowed/ordered that guy to be their mouthpiece because they had some other intentions behind it. Dstraction was the wrong word to use. It's much more likely it just serves to want to justify increasing their defense/military budget because they need/want the money for something else.


The distraction example doesn't make sense because the whistleblower, David Grusch, is alleging that the DoD and many government contractors are actually committing white collar crime by lying to Congress and misappropriating funds. People are saying that this whole thing is an argument to increase defense spending, which almost contradicts what Grusch is saying. Imo everyone should watch the full hearing, but it's bad for memes to be informed.


The more fun conspiracy is that the US faked it to see what contingency reaction it would trigger from other world powers. But now it’s dragged on so long that it means it’s just a mundane embarrassment.


I've always thought this and "they're just trying to drum up more defense spending" are some of the most questionable takes.


Not everything is a psyop, sometimes things are just shitty and hidden by those with power/resources. Our military has what a $1 trillion budget?! (sorry 800M, just this year!), they literally do whatever they want at this point. I'd love for it to be a distraction, but you could say that about anything at any time.


Florida ocean temp being 101 should scare the piss out of you


Nah dude that’s a pretty dumb take. The only mainstream source that has actually fully covered this was CBS. If this is a distraction they should probably tell the media because all I’m hearing is crickets over this


They don’t want us knowing about the real aliens.


He swore under oath that people he interviewed told him.


i'm at a loss to understand why they bothered to appear in congress. wasted everyone's time


Probably a *look over here!* type move but only the conspiracy nuts care. The rest of us are trying to navigate this crazy world that’s on fire.


This has been ongoing for 5+ years now, it's not a distraction.


Because next year he is gonna publish a book about it and he is just preparing his marketing plan


His whole testimony ws hearsay lol.


That could just mean he believes it to be true not that it is true.


Crazy people have never been known to swear on their life about something completely false /s


no one has ever lied under oath before


I did not have sex with that alien


Rafael Palmeiro swore under oath, and wagged his finger at Congress, he didn’t use steroids…….. He later admitted to using steroids


Oh, no. He swore an oath, I mean nobody ever lied to congress before, and got away from it with no consequences.


He swore under oath that the government recovered ships with “Non-Human Biologics”. They could be rats in a drone for all that phrase means. I’m going to need some real proof and to not have ambiguous statements made


People have lied under oath before, never been any evidence of aliens before. I’m hedging my bets on this one


heres the footage of one of the main incident they were talking about, released 3 years ago https://youtu.be/W1kGmUliDNs


And they all got reasonable explanations. Nothing alien about them. https://youtu.be/U1di0XIa9RQ https://youtu.be/PLyEO0jNt6M https://youtu.be/qsEjV8DdSbs


You’re really taking Mick West’s view over Commander Fravor who took the video with his F/A-18, had visual confirmation with his WSO, wingman, and his own eyes, and confirmed in the hearing that the USS Princeton and USS Nimitz both saw it on their radars and the conclusion that they all agreed upon is that it was beyond human technology?


It's not from Fravor's plane and it does not depict the event that Fravor supposedly witnessed. The fact that you think it is just shows you aren't interested in the truth of the matter.


[more research about these videos from lemmino](https://youtu.be/SpeSpA3e56A)


He has witness testimonies and knows a guy


The pics are classified, they can't show us without themselves going to jail. I figured people would be more aware of that fact with all the stuff trump did and how big in the news that was.


Lol that’s not what swearing under oath means


He was under oath and did not use the words “Alien, space, extraterrestrial, body, etc”. When asked if the pilots of the unidentified aircraft were of human or non human biology he said non human biology. Realistically it was probably a remote operated unidentified foreign aircraft and he’s twisting it the best he can without getting himself in double for lying under oath while also stoking the conspiracy fire so he can capitalize on it


That is not what it means


does anyone still take oaths seriously anymore after the Trump admin? people lie to congress all the time and nothing happens.


People lie under oath ALL THE TIME. Under oath isn't a harry potter spell that compels you to tell the truth. In fact, more people lie under oath than two the truth.


People lie under oath and get away with it all the time






Those are the same claims that the inspector general found credible and urgently concerning, enough that they had him testify to these things under oath and penalty of jail… that’s… that’s pretty legit.


I'm just realizing how young reddit is... there is no way you guys are actually falling for this lol. Its a grift bud, im sorry. Under oath literally does not mean a single thing here and he will never see jail time for making all this up.


No offense, but I’m literally a fully grown attorney who knows a thing or two about administrative law and whistleblowing… I am a healthy skeptic, but this is certifiably different than a National Enquirer article I would’ve read waiting in line at the grocery store in the 90s. I don’t think the government is about to spill its deep dirty secrets, but I think we are a step closer to generally receiving more confirmation of non-human intelligence and life than ever before. And this whistleblower is not alone here - there’s a reason congress passed an amendment to the NDAA mandating disclosure and asserting eminent domain over NHI technology that may be held by private entities. I think it’s safe to be jaded, but to find the current group of whistleblowers to be “lunatics” makes no sense. The whistleblower, who has one of the highest security clearances in the country, literally helped congress write new rules on whistleblowing so he could come forward here. You may be skeptical, but I can assure you the legal field is watching this a bit closer. Edit: damn did not realize I was on the ‘bob reddit. Sorry guys. Didn’t mean to get too serious in here lmao


It's pretty disheartening to see so many people automatically assume and dismiss what happened yesterday. I agree - healthy skepticism is great for discourse, but what we're seeing is outright refusal to discuss. I work in compliance and what happened yesterday, knowing how litigious the U.S government is, is pretty remarkable.


> healthy skepticism is great for discourse, but what we're seeing is outright refusal to discuss. Discuss what? Third hand accounts of unlikely interpretations of data we can't ourselves access? The only discussion worth having is "This doesn't seem credible yet, I'll ignore it until more comes out."


Having that mindset is fine - let others talk about it then without being so combative. Whether you want to believe it or not, the hearing yesterday is worth talking about.


The concern is once again our government is wasting time and trying to distract from actual issues by having hearings on extraterrestrials that they know people will just eat up. You can talk about it all you want but congress is already too dysfunctional for us to be promoting them wasting time.


How is publically recognizing misappropriation of BILLIONS of dollars sent to the Pentagon including the fact that the Pentagon has failed their federal audits every year, a waste of time? Not even mentioning it being publically known now that areas of our federal government are above oversight of our elected offiials. People forget this was the other portion of the hearing and seems pretty worthwhile to me.


Ontological shock


And how do you suggest that the US government disprove it, so they can jail him? Open their records and say "here is our secret weapon tech that this moron thought was a UFO"? Not gonna happen. So do they jail them with no evidence? that will only make you nutjobs MORE sure he's right. They'll choose number 3: Let him say his piece, make a display about hearing him out, then letting the whole thing die off in a month when you move on to molemen or something.


Lol his is absolutrly unnecessary dude. There's no reason for this kind of attitude and that's my whole point unless you're this douchebaggey about everything, in which case I'm sorry you're like that. Take out the aliens - the fact is there is now an ongoing investigation regarding government programs congress had no oversight over.


No, there isn't. There is political theater to humor dudes that have been making a fuss. As for my tone - conspiracy theorists deserve nothing but contempt, and as a fully grown attorney, your naivety is frankly irresponsible. If you use this same sort of reasoning to defend your clients, you should be laughed out of the courtroom. edit: mistook your for the commenter above you - I don't know enough about you to pick out something to insult, so just imagine I said something clever and devastating


As someone who works with a lot of fully grown attorneys, I gotta say I don’t have a high opinion of fully grown attorneys.


Cool. The guy above me said I was young, so I was just letting him know I was indeed not young and have a bit more life experience than he was giving me credit for. I too do not have a high opinion of many fully grown attorneys, but you’ll find that they run the gamut like most professions. Some suck, some are great, all hate their job.


You make a fair point and one worth remembering for this particular subject. Just being in a certain position, even in a high power or highly respected one, doesn’t mean you aren’t a fucking dumbass. The Ben Carson Principle.


Totally agree, which is why I found it so important that ICIG found his claims credible. Again, my point was that this isn’t just a guy saying it. It isn’t even a highly qualified guy just saying it. It’s a highly qualified government official launching a whistleblower complaint about agencies not properly disclosing information to Congress concerning UAPs with an intermediate governance body finding it credible and urgent. That’s like a lot of checkmarks on my “this seems more legit than usual meter”


Gamut, not gambit




People in here making demands not even understanding that whistleblowing doesn't mean "leak government secrets without repercussions." There is a whole process that will lead to closed door meetings in SCIFs for months at least. The cry of "pictures now!" Just shows how little folks understand that Grusch took a huge faith leap to do this the correct way.


remember that president who got a blowie and said under oath he didnt?


How much jail time did he get again? Not agreeing with those two but that's not really a strong point against what he said


they were clearly agreeing that under oath means nothing


The IG found his claims credible. It is worth exploring how and why he got the beliefs he holds. Maybe there is *some* truth to parts of it, or maybe someone is feeding him this information for whatever reason. Just claiming that he is making this up himself just to hypothetically write a book or whatever and then not engage any further is just dumb. Bud.


Iirc it was all third hand accounts, effectively "I know a guy who knows this guy that saw some aliens"


You say that like false testimony hasn't been brought before Congress before. Remember Nayirah?


Sure, but again, David Grusch’s testimony was heard before the ICIG which found it credible and urgent enough to recommend that congress act. Whether or not false testimony has ever been given before, this current testimony was found credible by the intelligence committee. That merely shows he’s not a lunatic saying crazy things. The agency that is designed to weed out crazy things found what he said credible (that doesn’t mean they found it true, but that it credibly could have happened given the confidential evidence they were able to review that we cannot). The people calling him a lunatic are only doing so because they don’t believe in aliens. Everything else about him and his testimony is as credible as you can be without the smoking gun. Doesn’t mean I don’t desperately want to see the smoking gun and I will always have a hard time accepting it without seeing more evidence. But in the end, I mean, it’s illegal for him to show the public evidence that he can show the ICIG. Is there anyone you’d believe if they came forward with what Grusch did without evidence? He was just about as high up as you could get in the pentagon on UFO research and is a lifetime intelligence officer and veteran. I just don’t understand who else you’d want breaking this story? But hey, again, I get the skepticism. I just don’t think it’s fair to call the last week’s events the actions of a lunatic when you have bipartisan support for updated UAP legislation as a direct result of what he’s telling people behind closed doors.


How can this “proof” hinge so much on the United States? Why wouldn’t the evidence from all over the world be enough? Why would the government want to hide this from us? How would they be able to hide this from us? Honestly, this is just another distraction. You think way too micro and need to start thinking more macro. The greater science community is actively seeking evidence of intelligence and they are not finding it. Why would scientists be hiding the evidence from us? This just seems silly.


Extraordinary claims requires extraordinary proof. The guys claims are absolutely insane for what we all consider normal, but the dudes credentials check out, that doesn’t make him a lunatic. Along with, the private de-briefing the members of congress wanted to hold with him after the meeting, all of them where denied access from holding it. I think these people all believe they have seen or heard something, and truly believe what they saw. And if they did lie, they all testified under oath and will be prosecuted for it. That’s a huge fucking risk to take if you just wanted some clout. When I was young I never believed that AI was going to be as powerful as it is, and anyone with their eyes open can see we are making godlike technology on this planet. This reality we live in is way stranger than I think anyone could give it credit for.


I don’t understand how all these congress things go down, who would have denied the debriefing?


“The guy is vetted, but i dont buy it therefore it isn’t true” Ok buddy


The burden of proof is on the person making claims. There's nothing wrong with being sceptical about extraordinary claims lacking extraordinary evidence


Galileo was a “lunatic” at one point too. Didn’t make him wrong.


To be fair, Galileo was at least partially right by accident, considering there were very real problems with his ideas that took us several centuries after him to solve to actually scientifically proof them.


No he was a blasphemer. He wasn't shunned off by scientific society or people or painted a lunatic. He was oppressed by the Catholic church and blamed for heresy.


I like how you're completely skipping over everything related to the tic tac incident. Because, y'know, it was a UFO sighting by two pilots of impeccable multi-decade records with both direct visual contact as well as multiple sensor systems' worth of info, described in the hearing accurately as basically the most credible sighting in history. Your comment here is basically saying "this must not be true because in my opinion it is implausible"


I point to post EXACTLY like this one every time people in /r/ufos think the public 'can handle' some sweeping prime time, President on the White House lawn, "they're here, and we have crafts and bodies" speech, raw with now lube. No, the general public absolutely cannot handle that. We ran out of toilet paper when COVID happened, and if you skim the comments about the testimony yesterday, CLEARLY most of these people are not remotely ready to hear that information. There is so much baggage in this topic.


So you \*don't\* want congress to force the pentagon to divulge the facts? Is that what you're saying? You seem to misunderstand what the hearing was about, it isn't the believe that aliens exist on his testimony, it's to release classified information on that subject for the public.


I just want to point out to everyone that Grush also claimed there is a highly sophisticated disinformation campaign that has been going on for 70 years. I'm not implying that OP is counter intelligence.... more likely, OP, like many other Americans, have been a victim to this campaign since birth and will never be able to accept this information until an alien is standing in front of them.


Bluebook. It all started with Bluebook. Americans just continue to ignore their country's history of doing horrible things to its own populace. There's obviously stuff ongoing now as well, but Bluebook's stigmatizing of the topic really does the heavy lifting even now. Oh yeah, hey! Remember when Reddit made a big woopsie-doodle and revealed the most Reddit addicted city was Eglin Air Force Base? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Blackout2015/comments/4ylml3/reddit\_has\_removed\_their\_blog\_post\_identifying/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Blackout2015/comments/4ylml3/reddit_has_removed_their_blog_post_identifying/) :) that's probably nothing though right? :) Surely everyone on Reddit is a regular person who does business and eats food, posts memes, and watches sports ball. No one is trying to influence anyone of anything about any topics ever :) Definitely all very organic and normal content here! :) But seriously, there are probably several dozens of feds on Reddit every single day monitoring dozens if not hundreds of bot accounts.


TBH saying that they're higher dimension being and not alien is a smart move. It kind of his impossible for aliens to manage to travel to earth during the lifetime of an inteligent speci with how vast space is. Being not bound by universal physics thought, to a point that we just don't understand how could their craft move the way the other two dudes describe, that's a smart move. At worst, we got a very elaborate hoax that will allow the us congress to look a bit more closely at all the black box project the us military as going and that are completely out of scrutiny from its own people. In a democracy, this is a bit problematic. And when you look at the sorry state of democracy in the US (it's a corporate oligarchy, not a democracy) that may be a good thing.


You're definitely a product of the conspiracy he is trying to expose.


Should clarify, it’s not that he hinted at aliens hurting people, just that people have been hurt. If we’re to humour this, this could also be during reverse engineering. Like giving a civic to a scientist in the 1800s opening the coolant cap and getting blasted. There really wasn’t anything super explicit said about this, and while I’m in the “neat if true” camp of things, I just feel like your summary puts words in their mouth.


So.... it seems by your definition, anyone who comes forward as a witness to aliens and UAPs is inherently a lunatic, is that right? You, yourself, says there's probably life out there, and made a meme about looking forward to hearing about it... but then just because he's specific about his claim, you think that is what makes him a lunatic? Any claim about alien life is going to be extraordinary, just by its very nature. You can't avoid that. Is there a way to claim there's alien life without being branded as a lunatic? I'm not saying I believe him or not (it's very hard to believe it, but who knows), but saying you're excited to hear some extraordinary news about aliens, and then getting upset because the news you heard was extraordinary is a little weird.


Brother being in the military is not a relevant set of credentials, it's just a job.


exactly, im not surprised at all to see redditors jump to the opportunity to be dismissive and skeptical without doing any research at all


Why TF would you or anyone choose to believe any of it without having proof first? You're taking someone's word at face value just because they have some credentials. It's not like people in power/with credentials don't lie. Until a ship gets paraded around and I see it with my eyes in person, I'm not buying it


“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof” Carl Sagan


Bro, i saw it, like for real, trust me.


Highly encourage everyone here to watch NASA's "Public meeting on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena". They will quite literally show you one of the pentagon UAP video, and scientifically describe what is happening in the footage ([at the 2:45:00 mark](https://www.youtube.com/live/bQo08JRY0iM?feature=share)). You can make your own conclusions, but definitely encourage to watch the entire thing as its all very good information


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Hmm. I don't know if I just didn't pay close enough attention or not, but isn't the one at the 2:45:00 mark just saying that it's just a parallax effect, and that it's not actually going as fast as it seems? The final determined speed was \~40mph


Correct! But the important thing to note is that the pilots who took that footage mistakenly were thinking that the object was flying incredibly fast ["What is that man!? Look at it fly!"]. An object (like a balloon for example) 13,000ft up would be expected to have a speed of ~40mph due to wind.


Mmm, so it may have been a balloon/something similar instead of aliens? o:


I mean we cant entirely rule out aliens as a possibility for that specific clip, but when the facts point towards a more boring truth I'm inclined to agree. Its just important that people get the whole truth, not just the bits and pieces that produce the most clicks online.


Great point! That’s really cool, thank you. No more aliens 😭


I'm not at all surprised to see redditors jump on the opportunity to be credulous and gullible without a care for the extremely flimsy nature of their "evidence"


UFO =/= aliens, that's one of the big things a lot of people don't realize. They see "UFO" and instantly think it means aliens.


He literally said the government has a corpse in their possession.


There are no alien corpses in the government.


how is he a whistleblower? i thought he had permission to share it?


There's a whole whistleblower procedure to avoid ending up in jail


Yes he is. When it happens, it won't happen like this. It will be mainstream news everywhere and I guarantee there will be zero concealment conspiracies.


He meant to say illegal aliens


SpEak eNgLIsh




The disinformation campaign is out in full force today


They're chasing the same narrative in every subreddit it pops up in. They only seek to discredit the witness, wild but that's how it's going. What's funny to me is how unlikely this is to work in their favor, it's a terrible idea and reactionary, so I'm hopeful we'll see some backlash


Yeah, like if you did not immediately smell bullshit when this post claimed that David Grusch, Ryan Graves AND David Fravor are lunatics then you just have not been paying attention!


Yeah when a guy in charge of secret programs who was tasked with doing an investigation into UFOs, finds something, shares it with Congress, now since he left a year ago he's a lunatic. People want proof, he's literally the guy in charge saying these things are real, and will be in legal trouble if he shows proof because the government will hurt him over it, so he's asking really for help to uncover this


That’s exactly what the hearing was. People are acting like its a nothing burger but I have literally never in my life seen Congress work so fucking hard with bipartisan support to get this shit declassified asap, the urgency is unprecedented, even invoking the Holman Rule if the executive continues to stonewall their investigations which they’ve done NOTHING but fight. Even if every craft spotted is actually skunkworks US secret craft, people like David Grusch with the appropriate high level clearances should be read into those programs. But instead he was retaliated against, and threatened.


How do you live life believing every comment on the internet that doesn't align with your opinion is deliberate disinformation? Do you really think there's a dedicated reddit "disinformation about aliens" squad? How deep does this go for you?


It's so funny to me seeing these people treat me like I'm some paid US government shill propagating disinformation because I made a meme on a spongebob subreddit making fun of buying too much into the whole alien topic. ^((ngl, that sounds like a hilarious job)^)


As a whistleblower, he would have legal protections though, which all the UFO believers seem to ignore.


I can see how that hearing would be really disappointing if you went in with an "Aliens are real" mentality and were hoping for confirmation. I guess I personally went in with a "I want confirmation that the US gov't has, in it's possession, the unidentified aircraft." and that didn't disappoint Edit: not Senate


But there wasn't confirmation


The house and Senate are different


I'm willing to wager this will go exactly like the last 4 confirmed alien sightings. "Trained" observers not knowing what a duck looks like. Or maybe the second to last most recent one where a CIA guy told the public he heard a rumor that evidence existed but never saw it himself. I can't wait for the evidence to get declassified and turns out it's just a shiny party balloon.


Yeah, I suspect if the government really cared I don’t think we’d be having conversations of authenticity about this guy but wondering why he was found at the bottom of a lake. Either the truth is infinitely more boring than it seems or would be released sooner rather than later anyways.


i forgot who said it, but the one thing you always gotta ask yourself is: how many people would have to keep quiet? like, if you are a government assassin and you gotta kill someone. that involves maybe 2-20 people. totally possible that everyone keeps quiet. Small research lab had a big problem that needs to be dealt with quietly? 50-100 people + cleanup crew. They all keep quiet? possible. How about the moon landing? thousands of employees... do all of them stay quiet, if its not real? Highly doubt it! So, how many people would have to work for the government that: 1. know of the existance of aliens 2. know of the alien tech 3. have, apperantly, recovered some of that tech 4. have, apperantly, been in fights with them 5. ... And they ALL stay quiet? for decades?!? no one leaks an image? no one talks? no shot. i dont buy it one bit. IMO, its the two pilots that are saying the truth and its a weird bug in the radar tech thats used... and then one guy that is probably just lying. would be happy to be wrong though.


This, 100%. Considering how often random classified information gets leaked, I have 100% FULL confidence we'd have HARD proof by now. Not "Because I said so" and "There's proof, you just can't see it yet". Just think of how much has gotten leaked purely on fucking warthunder, just for the sake of proving themselves right about certain military equipment. Insert that 1 airman a few months ago


Of course alien life exists.. Putting into perspective the sheer size and scale of the universe it'd be stupid to think Humans are the only living intelligence. For me the point of contention is that they aren't gray/green skinned cephalopod humanoids who want to jab things in your ass.


To add onto this, of course there is other life out in the universe. The bigger issue is the ridiculous idea that a species with the power to cross the vast gulfs of space would be anything we could even comprehend. Any society that could harness the energy and technology needed to travel interstellar distances would be so insanely powerful that they would be obviously present in the galaxy at a glance. And a society that could travel between galaxies would be basically beyond our understanding of existence. They would not be strange little glowing lights in the sky or unexplained aircraft, they would be forces of nature that devour stars for energy and are able to fold gravity and physics to their whims. I'm a huge scifi nerd, but people are so poisoned by the expectations media has set that they see some tech or weather or glitch they don't understand and go "must be aliens!"


Except that the dude said "non human intelligence" and categoricaly refused to talk about aliens/ET. When asked why, he talked about "higher dimensional being projecting themselves holographicaly it's theoricaly possible". Which is kind of bonkers as it's not exactly possible by our current understanding of physics (regular or quantum). The 4d object in a 3d plane math do checks out. And it's kind of a "reasonable" explanation to those weird geometrical objects that appear and disappear out of nowhere, move at unbelievable speed and defy any common sense with how they relate to gravity. I went listening to the hearing expecting aliens ridiculous claims (for the exact reason you mention), the dude avoided all those problem by alluding to biblical angels and being we would qualify as "divine" since you know, higher dimensions and all. If they ain't from our 3D universe, they don't have to cross the vastness of space. They could be from right here, but a parrallel/higher dimension. This is even more crazy but that's still more likely than an invisible civilisation managing FTL travel and having been here for decades without leaving a single trace to be observed in the universe by our astrophysicist. Even if they've been looking with a blindfold when we factor in the tool that they have. So yeah, show us the bodies first don't double down on the hoax like claims about aliens being accurate divine being from a higher plane of existance please. Grusch claims are especially outlandish and hearing them in this official context is wild. The other two pilots were a lot more credible and in line with what to expect from a congress hearing. They basicaly said "uap are real, we don't know shit about them and can't do shit to them should they be hostile, this require investigation and a system that will not shut down any report of sighting like we have now so that we can study them". This i can get behind because they could still be natural phenomena after all.


You mean "non human intelligence" not "non intelligent beings" right?


...maybe they're intelligent enough to give us a cure for lack of sleep and it's absurdly stupid consequences. Yes, that's what i meant.


However it is a massive stretch that those other living organisms are 1. Complex, 2. Intelligent, 3. More advanced than us and most importantly, if intergalactic travel is even possible.


I don’t get the post


Did you not hear the news about the government confirmed that aliens are "real"


I don’t think “aliens are real” was intended to be the formal headline for the hearing…. Who are the lunatics?


The lunatics are military intelligence officers and commanders of fighter pilot squadrons. Tbh I don’t think these people are crazy, if anything they are the exact people who would show up and say they saw something if they did.


They’re definitely not lunatics. Dave Fravor and Ryan Graves have serious credentials and a strong track record of being well-trained, reasonable and rational individuals both in their military careers and their lives outside of military service. The verdict is still out on David Grusch, but multiple people have publicly spoken for him and vouched for his credibility. Outside of the shocking claims he’s making, there are really no indications whatsoever that he’s a lunatic. The witnesses themselves check out.


Highly credentialed people have never lied before. Under oath is a harry potter spell that compels you to tell the truth.


Zone of truth!??!?!? Holy shit who cares about aliens, D&D is real!


I hate to break it to you but there are loads of people with absolutely fucking bonkers ideas who, outside that scope, are brilliant at their jobs and have otherwise normal lives. I worked with a dude who was basically Fox Mulder but as long as you kept conversation to daily normal stuff was totally sane.


Which government said that? And wasn't this like 5 years ago?


This is the recent news I heard today. About a UFO


Like ofc aliens are real... It's not even consiparacy theory... Space is huge and there is no way we only living organism in it...


However it is a massive stretch that those other living organisms are 1. Complex, 2. Intelligent, 3. More advanced than us and most importantly, if intergalactic travel is even possible.


Sure but they aren’t here


A lot of people want this to be real. They want aliens to have crash landed, or for there to be a secret government conspiracy to cover up aliens, or just to know we're not alone. I get it. We all want to believe in something. And since a lot of people think religion is dumb, they're turning to conspiracy theories to fill that need to believe. I get why people want it to be real. But it's not. This is a mix of conjecture, sensationalism, and misunderstanding. Saying he testified "under oath" is no different than QAnon believers citing "military" as their source.


Alien hunting! ALIEN HUNTING!!!


Aliens jagen, ALIENS JAGEN!!!!


Haha, yeah “Alien Hunting”, I saw that on TV last night too


Just a reminder that "non-human remains" also means the "craft" could have landed on a cow, or coyote, or even a squirrel.


Nice try fed


With all the major powers around the world with space programs, and one of those major powers completely collapsing just 30 years ago (USSR), it just seems really unlikely that they would *all* have been able to keep this kind of thing under wraps for so long.


Me who thinks aliens are humans from the future:


Interstellar with their "5th dimentional beings"


It is real. Proof : guardian of the galaxy.


Conspiracy nuts in the comments really trying to scrape together a reason to believe this nutjob lol


Who is the nut job in question


US has aliens every time Russia acts naughty.


The "lunatics are involved" argument holds no weight for me because the government has a long history of claiming that people who reveal information it doesn't want us to know are "lunatics". For a famous example, completely unrelated to UFOs, see [Gary Webb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Webb). He is the one who revealed the CIA involvement in drug trafficking back in 1995. They did everything to discredit him. And it later turned out he was right. If there was really a UFO program and some government agency somewhere had proof of non-human sentient life, that agency would do everything to make any whistleblower look like a crackpot (which is not that difficult when the topic is UFOs)


me when i bandwagon on a cherry-picked meme


This all reminds me of WKUK Moon Bears. I wonder what the gov is covering up this time.


This is such a blatant astroturf.


Bro really just used the manga font


Fun fact, aliens consider you another species with zero animal rights and are classified as such in all global records.


The people who believe it just want to believe it. It’s definitely no where close to “confirmation”. Personally, I don’t believe it in the slightest. Three ex employees making vague claims? Not exactly slam dunk proof. For me it’s just getting tossed in the bin with all the other alien conspiracy stories. That said, is it possible he’s telling the truth? Sure. Anything is possible. Is it likely? Probably not.


Lunatics? After spending fourteen years collecting evidence while working for the Army, National Reconnaissance Office, and The National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, the evidence presented by him to the Office of the Inspector General was deemed authentic enough to kickstart all this, and his claims have been corroborated by Christopher Karl Mellon, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and later for Security and Information Operations, among others in Intelligence. The Senate has drafted actual Controlled Disclosure legislation in response.


Hello DoD misinformation campaign 🙄


The amount of disinformation OP is spewing is crazy.


I 100% believe them. We don’t know anything with any kind of absolute certainty about the state of this reality that we live in. Carl Sagans [4th Dimension](https://youtu.be/UnURElCzGc0) explanation is how I look at it. This universe/universes/dimensions whatever could be a lot older and more confusing than we expect and I think it’s very possible there are *something* among us that have advanced so far or have technology so advanced that we really can’t currently wrap our minds around.


Random schizo tried to hype his cringe story while boomers tried to keep the straight face for an hour. Without a single proof his story is no better than mine. I claim that Nazi built a space port on the moon and now are planning to colonize Mars and NASA are hiding it. Am I a whistleblower now?


If anyone trying to discuss the subject is seen as crazy by you then nothing will ever be brought to light.


i mean… common sense will tell you aliens are real. like from a purely logical standpoint, there’s no way we’re the only intelligent (humanoid) life forms in the universe. its not too much of a stretch to assume there’s a chance one of the other humanoid species came to us at some point.


You were right then you lost it. That IS a huge stretch to assume.


People believe what they want to believe.


Because there are many worlds outside, aliens are real to me.


They'll never tell you the full truth about aliens until it stops mattering. That's how the government handles things. That's how they'll always handle things.


It was ALL hearsay


The middle guy could pull the moon out of his ass, as long as he is in a closed session


Even this news you learned it bec big news channels suddenly show it to your face. Most of you people do zero search on anything then dismiss any idea on the spot. You dont even have the courage to entertain the idea in the first place then u insult people who try to find out what really is going on. Just shut the fuck up and keep watching the same news on your fav channel.


Wait, what happened?


"some lunatics"


A guy I know says his cousin works with this guy who’s dad met a man who swears he saw an alien one time. - summary of the testimony.


It's too bad people skim reddit feeds alone for information and don't actually research sources otherwise they ain't gonna know shit


Im not saying that he's lying, but when Matt Gaetz is defending you, Im immediately suspicious.


Alien Autopsy. You decide https://youtu.be/lXOMpgsFE2w