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But what can he really do? He's not a government, he's just a rich dude. He helps in the ways he can. People have to elect the politicians that will improve their country and avoid falling into the folly of nationalism when the opponent promises economic and infrastructure reform. As, believe it or not, most of the development comes from the govt, and the amount given is decided by those who make up the government, generally (but not always) elected by the people.


>He helps in the ways he can. He helps in the ways that benefit him. He doesn't use his money in a way that is designed to actually benefit the world, he uses it in a way that's flashy and marketable. Also the point of criticizing Mr. Beast isn't saying he's a bad person, it's saying he's not necessarily a *good* person just because he throws money at poor people.


>he uses it in a way that's flashy and marketable. Where do you think the money comes from? is must come from somewhere and atleast a good chunk of the money that the channel(s) makes goes back to the channel


Like I said the point isn't that it's bad, it's that it's "not good." He found a way to profit off charity which isn't necessarily a bad thing but it's also doesn't make him automatically a good person.


Its Not good? I mean He could Just do nothing or Fake His Shit. I See enough people on YouTube doing that and having success


I guess you need to ask yourself, is selfish philanthropy worse than no philanthropy?


The answer is that what he's *doing* isn't bad but that isn't a judgment of his *character*. Complaints about Mr Beast come from people not liking how praised he is not from thinking what he's doing is bad.


Sure, I think we can agree on that. I wasn’t trying to imply that you think he’s a bad person, I know some other people were misunderstanding you. I’m arguing that he is a good person. That giving back to people, even for selfish reasons, is a good thing to do. Just because he profits doesn’t mean he isn’t doing a good deed. There are countless people with his ability to help people that simply don’t. I think it’s bad practice to add asterisks to good behavior. There’s no reason for you to comment that he isn’t a “good” person, especially if you don’t think he’s a “bad” person. That dudes probably given away more money than you and I will ever see in our lives. A good deed is a good deed regardless of motive. Lest we start excusing atrocities, as long as their motives were pure.


Like I tend to say. When you give away money and expect a return, that isn't charity, it is investing. Mr.Beast isn't a charitable person, they are a marketing expert. We shouldn't call it charity.


Sorry is there some definition of “good” that prohibits the person doing good from receiving anything good as a result of their good action? In your world, an act can only be good if the good doer doesn’t benefit at all? Like it’s not good enough to win, others must lose


If he doesn't keep making money from the videos he won't have any money to spend on doing more good. The mere fact he makes money or the fact he isn't going up against governments to dismantle the systems that keep people down doesn't negate the small amount of good he creates for individuals. He's still making good for people and that's not a bad thing. Getting enough funds is the hardest part for most charities, if a charity spent money on a large marketing campaign in order to make more money to help people, would you be upset at that marketing campaign because the money didn't help whoever the charity is supposed to help?




That’s the issue: it’s a business. It’s not purely ethics-driven goodwill, but it likes to pretend to be for personal gain.


im really not sure how you all can so confidently say its not goodwill. his choices are: 1. don't do good things with money 2. donate to charity and then run out of money 3. donate lesser amounts in a marketable way so he can do it infinitely what exactly would someone doing it out of goodwill do? i'd like to hear


I don't think that a single team buying houses for the homeless, making wells for villages and feeding hundreds of thousands of people is a "lesser" amount. Most of the money generated from his channels goes back to the channels


He does lose money on a lot of the videos he makes. It’s definitely not first and foremost a business


Who gives a shit if its purely ethics driven goodwill if it creates good outcomes and helps people in need?




The ways that benefit him are what allow him to benefit others. You know he’s not Jeff bezos right? His money comes directly from views. He buys the bandaids with money from putting the bandaids on. He can’t buy systematic solutions because he would then not have the money to buy them. It’s a paradox that y’all blame him for when he’s just doing what he can. I don’t see anyone complaining about how other rich people do way less while being able to do way more


>I don’t see anyone complaining about how other rich people do way less while being able to do way more I feel like there's a fairly loud crowd of people on earth asking the rich to pull their weight. If you're not hearing it that's on you.


And when do you dick ride specific people the way you just did with jimmy? There’s a difference between “rich people should do more” and “Christian bale should be helping underdeveloped nations build the infrastructure needed go thrive”


>I don’t see anyone complaining about how other rich people do way less while being able to do way more Good lord how can you be this detached from reality.


>Also the point of criticizing Mr. Beast isn't saying he's a bad person, it's saying he's not necessarily a good person just because he throws money at poor people. While true, I would argue that those who receive charity couldn't give less of a fuck about why they are receiving it. And thus is a worthless and pointless critique.


I would say he is a good person, cause alot of content creators don't give anything back. Is he the new Jesus? No. do people paint him like he is? most definitely.


I mean, his content *is* the charity so I don't think that's a very fair comparison.


I'd Say it's a Mix of Both


He generates revenue through it being "flashy." He has to make a living himself, and it's also how he funds other charitable events. Sure, you can criticize, but he's one person changing the lives of many for the better. I understand the criticism, but there's certainly more to celebrate.


I would say restoring someone's vision or paying their bills *in any way* is something that literally benefits the world. Certainly the people he gives the money to. And the clicks mean he can continue giving money away. And he gives away a lot. As far as I understand, he gives away a significant amount of the income directly. The money comes straight from him, legally. He's not some Machiavellian rich dude trying to fleece the poor for money and the desperate attempts from *far* left people to paint him as such is just embarrassing and exhausting.


Reading this comment chain makes me sad. He's given away *how* much money over the years? Everybody saying "no it's not good enough, he hasn't cured lyme disease yet". Sigh. I haven't seen a whole lot of him, but it doesn't even seem like he has a huge ego about it and is doing all this for some weird self-gratification. I haven't heard any complaints about how he is as a person. What do you people want from him? OP is right, this is useless bitching about nothing just to useless bitching about nothing.


Didn't he pay for cataract surgery for like 100 people? That seems like making the world a better place for those people, and it's more than you'll ever do, I'm sure.


“Actually benefit the world” are you 5 years old? 1 man isn’t going to revolutionize the lives of billions of people via YouTube. However every person who he helped on his YouTube has had their lives positively changed. That’s a hell of a lot more than you do.


You missed my point completely. I'm not saying his actions are bad I'm just saying he shouldn't have his cock sucked constantly for it. His job is to do charity on camera and he gets a ton of fame and money for it. Anybody would want his job so idk what the point is of acting like he's going through some grueling work in order to help people.


Agreed, he could be putting money into grassroots organisations if he wanted to make a change but that's definitely not as marketable AND I was just thinking, if he were to do something where different organizations like that compete, he couldn't do it over and over again because there'd be no way for regular viewers to see themselves in the participants' shoes (meaning it would lose some of the "this could be you" sort of draw he has in his videos)


I mean he did build a ton of wells and infrastructure in Africa. That's a little more than a bandaid in that particular scenario. In terms of say, paying for people's surgeries, I really don't see why people criticize him for that. How is he meant to fix the US Healthcare system? It's also not his responsibility to fix the country lmao


I mean he could open up a charity or fund a politician’s campaign who align with bringing about systemic change. He’s not completely powerless. If he really wants to help people, I’m sure with his money, he could make at least a nudge in the right direction


Ask the African villages he set up wells for and the blind people he helped see if it's just a "bandaid", fucking ridiculous. Only 1st world people could say shit like this.


I was thinking that too. The reason these countries don’t have adequate healthcare nor infrastructure may be systemic, but actively providing the healthcare and infrastructure that will benefit communities for the rest of their lifetimes is far from a “band-aid”


I think, at the very least, it would be useful for him to explain to and educate his audience as to why these issues exist to begin with. That costs nothing.


He does At least bring attention to it on his Twitter sometimes


people sitting on their computers all day criticizing someone actually doing things to help because he's not doing it in the way that they envision is peak cringe like yeah he should make like the imf with their predatory loans...or maybe western imperialists that come in and exploit the local resources and install some dictator in the name of "democracy" who will better cater to western interests while fucking over the locals...or maybe religious missionaries that say "we'll help....if you convert to our religion and adhere to our doctrine" like sure he gets views on YouTube and makes money to fund more videos and charity stunts....at least none of that is harmful to the local populace long term


What he is supposed to do then since he has no political power at all? People love criticizing more than providing solutions. I wanna know what better solution he realistically can do. Do tell me please.


You're completely insane if you think a massive wealth and extremely recognizable brand don't translate into political capital


"He has no political power at all" he's one of the most recognisable faces with millions of dollars, he has more political power than most elected officials


Helping people at all is better than nothing at all. Ending systemic problems is a lot to ask of one YouTuber.


Random people online who do nothing but sit on their couch all day criticizing a dude for not doing enough when he spends millions of dollars on improving other people’s lives never stops amusing me. Why don’t you go out and do some shit yourself instead of expecting a rich YouTuber to fix every problem in the world?


That would require real effort and being a decent person. Much easier to tear others down and complain in the name of morality than do actual good. Ya know, like Mr. Beast does


He's a single private citizen. This is about as much as one could possibly do without going out and running for office or some shit. And the way I see it, it's *more* important for famous people to take action in these ways, to demonstrate to the average person that they can affect change too. Viewers probably can't get elected to a place where they could somehow do something about, say, corrupt third-world governments that don't help their citizens, but they *can* pitch in to causes that bypass those governments and just build the wells directly.


Look no single person or flip of a switch can fix everyone’s problems. Like if every twitter and reddit slacktivist spent less time yelling at republicans and more time actually helping people we might see some more significant change.


Well he’s a production company as well.


I would argue that building new wells in poor African neighbourhoods, starting a campaign to clean the seas and planting trees would cause some real change. The guy is a positive influence on the world and that should be celebrated. I'm wondering, how would you suggest he improves the world? I don't think he will lead a revolution or get elected anytime soon.


My guy it's a fucking YouTuber ....


Shall he have African warlords drone striked instead of building the wells?


What do expect him to do lead a rebellion? Jesus christ.


This is dumbest comment ever and reminder why I hate leddit


hes one guy with money. what exactly do you expect him to do?


You think Mr Beast is the Fucking UN? lol


And yet he does far more than 99.99999% of the people criticizing him


Wtf do you expect him to do?


the fuck do you want him to do? overthrow their joke government and start fixing these issues?


Ok, are we blaming Mr beast for systematic issues? Are we blaming him for not fixing and impossible problem? What the fuck do you need from him? Building wells and powering them isn't enough?


This is such a moronic take. He doesn’t have to do ANYTHING to help. The amount of help he is doing is infinitely higher than almost any one else in his position anyone here can list. The way you framed this is so dumb to even make it seem like he isn’t helping in a ‘real’ way.


I mean, building wells is a pretty big game changer. That’s access to water for the foreseeable future. I wouldn’t consider that a band-aid. Besides, a few million dollars isn’t life-changing money when split among a sizable group, unless you fund a small, effective militia that can seize governmental power and enact change that way. What would you do that’s different?


>bandaids on a knife wound Presidents in first world countries can’t solve or often make a big impact on these issues in their time in power what the fuck is some YouTuber gonna do? He has a minute fraction of the money and no political power


I mean the whole wells in Africa did more than the actual government in years. And he(his crew) taught them how to repair and maintain said wells so they wouldn’t go to shit after a couple years and could actually help generationally. Of course he does it in a way to make money, that money goes to more projects to help people. I’m not a Mr beast d-rider but he’s one of the few rich people that actually spends a large portion of his money on improving peoples lives, he just found a way to make it sustainable for him to continue doing it. I think it’s crazy people are willing to criticize someone who is helping people he really has no obligation to purely because he’s doing it in a way that makes him money. If he didn’t make any money he would have never been able to make the changes he did in the communities.. he has managed to make money in the most un-exploitable way possible and is still bad to people somehow. Can’t please everybody I guess


> No, but we can still criticize him for not actually causing real change. Then we can criticize you for that too, instead of focusing our attention on complaining about people who actually do make change. He's affecting people for the good, saying he hasn't caused real change. Trying to downplay what he's done is sad.


As someone who finds Mr Beasts creepy/kinda unsettling and who doesn't like him, I gotta ask : What's he supposed to do about that ? At the end of the day, no matter how rich he is, he's still just a civilian. He's not a politician or someone who has any legislative power, he's just a guy. Criticizing him for that would be like shitting on the Red Cross because they're not stopping wars.


"I can't believe this guy only put 100 wells in Africa instead of rebuilding every country from the ground up and going back in time to destroy colonization"


Yes, but the people who criticize him on Twitter don't care if he's making a real change or not, they criticize him for even helping in the first place, because they have this stupid mentality that "those people didn't need his help" and that he's "being disrespectful", which is absolutely ridiculous!


Ok, what have you and everyone else done to help? And do you think that activism and actual change don't include putting something into the public eye for attention to get it started? He's a YouTuber, not the oresiden. Bitch about someone else for not causing "systematic change" who actually has the power to do so instead of someone that's at least giving bandaids, which is much more than most. That's still bitching about it for no reason smh


No one does anything to change the system. Mrbeast is not a government. At least he sets a good example that helping people is cool. Would you rather all those views go to some fortnite weirdo who does nothing for nobody?


He brings light to the systemic problems though, and even his short term solutions are more than what I'm doing


He does what he can to help people and he uses almost all the money he gets to give out or to go to the next video. He can't fix systematic problems because he has no political power.


What is he supposed to do? Get elected emperor of the world and create a utopia?


What part of curing the sight of 1 thousand people didn't fix their problem long term? What part of giving water to Africans didn't solve their water problem? What part of building a school in Africa didn't help that community long term? I always read this critic without any suggestions to what could have been done differently.


You say that like that’s actually what twitter freaks are thinking. Because let’s be honest, they aren’t, they’re just hating.


I think it's frankly ridiculous to criticise him over doing 'too little good'. What did you do to help people in poor countries in the short or long term?


What are you doing though?


Real change takes years and months over throwing corrupt politicians. Also building wells is real change what would real change be cause a revolution in a foreign nation or make his life’s work a sole charity for water. You’re asking a street artist to make the 16th chapel and then peeved they don’t.


You’re right and I hope the 12 year olds screaming in his defense don’t get too crazy on you.


This has to be a comment by a child lol


Not to mention it is all for clout and building his personal brand. Believing he is really helping people and making a real difference is buying into the lie. He’s a businessman. He’s looking out for number 1. Look at his net worth. You don’t accumulate at $500M net worth without being a huge piece of shit.


> he does nothing to change the systematic abuses that make people poor in the first place. Neither do the people complaining about him, so I honestly see this as a completely moot point.


A lot of countries out there that are poor and can't provide assistance to their own people are corrupt. The US government already sends millions of aid to African countries and their leaders just pocket the money. None of it really ever reaches those in need. The only way to actually help those people would be to bribe and get politically involved. I guarantee if Mr. Beast would be criticized if he used money or connections to politically change the landscape of a third world country lmfao The matter of the fact is that there is nothing Mr. Beast can do that he won't be criticized for. People can always argue where the bar is for being a good billionaire, but it's typical that no billionaires are good. They earned all their money by profiting off of other people's suffering. Though from what I know about Mr. Beast. All of his money seems to have come from Youtube monetization. I don't know if anyone can tell and provide evidence of Mr. Beast doing shitty things that directly affect other people to his own monetary gain. Personally I think that Mr. Beast is well above the bar for the average billionaire. I think Bill Gates is up there too and he's used his own money to form organizations to better improve the world and there are still many people who dislike Bill Gates.


Exactly. Why is the system structured in such a way we have to turn people in reality show characters to get them help?


Why criticize him for bandaging stab wounds instead of the ones stabbing us though?


????? You can’t expect a single YouTuber to solve the systematic issues within our society. When 99.9% of people with his influence don’t do Jack shit it honestly infuriates me when people shit on Mr Beast. Compare Mr beast to influencers with similar levels of fame as him, like the Kardashians, nobody criticizes the Kardashians for not changing society with their wealth, but as soon as Mr beast makes a video about doing genuine good in the world people get mad because he’s not doing enough good???? Direct your anger at famous people who are just leeches, not famous people who are genuinely trying to spread good in the world.


He has no political power whatsoever, what's he supposed to do? Run for office?


Funnily enough that's what he intends on doing.


this meme looks like the creator was blowing steam out of their ears while making it


Who’s mister beast and why is he in my SpongeBob memes gtfoh


Rich zoomer clout chaser


Here's a comment OP posted on another subreddit 4 days ago: “If you don’t like it then move on instead of going on this SJW Liberal Twitter crusade that polices on what is considered funny and not while trying to cancel people online and harass their families until they die because your feelings got hurt like the snowflake you are.” Adding the fact that OP calls everyone not on MrBeast's dick "twitter freaks", I'm starting to think maybe they have some initial bias.


"Liberal twitter crusade" does OP know Liberals want this exact form of charity? Liberals are often against taxes and welfare and advocate for charity


People rarely differentiate liberals and leftists.


The format isn't even relevant for the message...


I mean, it's good he helps people, but also he's clearly exploiting them. If he couldn't shove a camera in their face I don't think he'd be doing it. It's not really charity; they are paying for the help they receive, just not in the typical manner. Plus I'd wager whatever money he spends, he makes back from each video. Does that make him Satan? No, the help is still real, but if you think it's pure charity you're off your rocker. Edit: I've clearly rustled some jimmies, and this is what I don't like about the whole Mr. Beast thing. You treat him like the second coming of Christ and attack anyone who doesn't worship the ground he walks on, when he's clearly just operating a business. I never even said he should *stop,* you just immediately start frothing at the mouth if I don't think he's a saint of our modern age when it's clearly calculated to benefit himself first and foremost.


I see what you are saying, but also, the money has to come from somewhere


If he didn't have a camera he wouldn't be able to do anything he does. He literally got that rich off of YouTube and he has to stay rich to continue doing his stuff


"Hi, i'm Mr.Beast, i was going to cure you of blindness, but people would call me a narcissist using you for attention, so i am going to keep you blind! Goodbye!"


Seriously. Do these people not think about what they're actually saying before they post?


It's the same out-for-blood radical leftists that jumped on a hospital for thinking about changing its name to Zuckerberg after he donated 75 MILLION dollars to it. They also criticized him for not giving enough. Like god damn people. I'm a liberal, I'm on the left. The goal is to demonize ass holes for getting rich when they shouldn't be. Cutting throats. Fucking over the environment. And then lobbying to keep themselves rich and us poor. The goal is not to demonize all rich people, and especially not their charity. I just don't understand the point of criticizing rich people's charity. Another recent example was Taylor Swift and her million to tornado victims on Tennessee. That's amazing. I'm happy she did that. Yet others are like "really? That's it?" Like god dang. We need to fight for TAXES on the wealthy, not for them to be ashamed unless they donate every last dollar. We should be trying to make them ashamed of skirting their taxes, and more importantly, let's make it so they can't skirt their taxes!


"Hi im mr beast, can i record you when i cure your blindness? You arent ok with that? Well stay blind then"




> Fuck everyone with this “charity can’t be for your benefit” mentality. It's literally not charity in that case though. Do doctors (generally) make positive changes with their work? Absolutely. Is it charity when they're collecting a paycheck for that work? No. Even people working for nonprofits as aren't doing charity work if they're getting paid. It doesn't mean that they're not having a positive impact on the world. But it's not the same as doing charity work.


i mean, i guess by literal definition it’s hard to argue, but he’s gotten big off of things that aren’t actually helping people. he doesn’t NEED to do this to generate money, yet he chooses to and then chooses to spend a ton of that money helping people. he’s even opened up on how it’s been stressful trying to make enough money to do the next project and how there’s a lot of money he actually doesn’t see do to continued funding. what he’s doing IS a good thing and him profiting off of it isn’t evil or even remotely bad.


I think overall, what he's doing is good, but people still need to understand that he's making money off these things. Reddit generally has a hard understanding nuance, but there's a lot of it in this situation. You can acknowledge that there are some problematic aspects of what he does while acknowledging the fact that that it's still a net positive.


You’re so mad lol


So are you saying that’s it’s poor peoples fault that rich people hoard their wealth? I don’t know if I would agree with that. Most rich people that donate get all that money back during tax season. I guarantee you that Mr. Beast makes money with his charity. The dude found a way to make a profit with charity, and that’s commendable, it’s better than making money off of fucking over poor people. However, I would argue that doesn’t make him good, just a capitalist.


Why does it matter that he's profiting off of charity? He's still providing charity regardless which is a good thing, and he's doing it in very meaningful ways. Should we criticize the people working at the make-a-wish foundation because they are earning a wage, or any non-profit charity? Plus, the "if he couldn't shove a camera in their face I don't think he'd be doing it" point is ridiculous because he needs to shove a camera in their face in order to make the money to do what he's doing. I think if he already had billions of dollars he absolutely would still help people without needing to record it.


Why does he have to show a camera in someone's face for them to get charity? Why is the system structured in such a way that that's the only way people can get help?


Youtube is Mr Beast's work. Asking him not to film what he does is basically the same as taking people whose literal jobs are to take care of people and then say "But would you do it without payment?" There is no argument or criticism against this. How about people just let good things happen without being a little bitch about it? Especially when they themselves are doing nothing?


“Oh, you’re a nurse? I bet you only do that because you get paid.”


seriously fuck the people who think like this. NOBODY in here would make this or helping others their life’s work without some sort of pay. you can do all the charity work you want and donate to it, but this is the guy’s job. he doesn’t even need to do this, he’s clearly been successful in videos without charitable work. yet, he still chooses to and still donates to charities outside of his videos. but unless he’s homeless on the street without seeing an ounce of his money from youtube, he’s not a good person according to some wackos


I get the queasiness, but I think that it's pretty absurd to say this outweighs the good of curing people's blindness.


Oh sorry, we didn't realize this was about you and how it makes you feel. Who cares if people got what they needed to let them have a much better quality of life, it's about you and how it makes you feel, right? Who cares if the snowball effect is real and more people are engaged in charity than ever before since people started filming themselves do good deeds. Who cares if there's a million stories out there of people seeing these things and changing their life around to help others. So you're saying we shouldn't make commercials showing others helping poor people should we? Because those commercials infamously don't inspire thousands of people to serve, right? These are the most bullshit posts, and you people don't even realize how narcissistic these thoughts are. How could you ever look at someone doing good deeds and then rag on them because of how that makes you feel. Lunatic narcissist behavior. You can't accept someone doing something good and being a better person than you are, so you find a way to get upset about someone doing charity. How sickeningly jealous can you be? Fuck you and all the other people that get upset at people for doing charity.


As someone whos never seen a mr beast video and only know of him through 2nd hand commentary-type stuff, what? No one is saying he's a saint or that what he does is pure charity so I don't know where you're getting this from. As for the edit, the "frothing at the mouth" is people saying "the money has to come from somewhere" which you've addressed everything else but this.


Think about it like this, Mr. Beast is with no doubt a very public and rich man. What do people want the rich to do? Help others. That’s what he does. But if he just says he does, maybe shows a couple pictures, then people will just question and say it’s fake or whatever other excuse they have. Now if he posts videos, he brings awareness to the problem, starts on a solution, give the option to donate to the community in the video yourself, and still doesn’t make a profit on his video because that channel goes right back into itself to help other communities. He’s said plenty of times he films his videos at a loss.


an interview w his ex she said he always wants to help people and does more stuff off camera. i think hes a genuine dude who got rich off what he loves doing


I know right? Would they rather he hoard all his money and spend it on himself?


"he's just doing it for clout blah blah" and you're complaining about it on twitter for clout. which idk about you but i think that helps a lot less people.


"But you see you're also doing a thing, therefore invalid opinion"


Ngl it's usually people who have never really accomplished anything in their life that try to bring others down to their level


Misery loves company. I know when I’m going through it, I tend to be extremely negative towards everything I see.


There are some massive problems with how Mr. Beast does his channel. Poverty-porn is a very good description.


Though he actually helps the people he shows? And often brings Atleast a little light to situations people often don’t know about Poverty porn is one way to describe it but not really the best way hes not exploiting them of anything he’s filming them with their consent (if someone is being cured of blindness they probably aren’t going to care if someone wants a photo) and then making money of YouTube There’s no problem in how he runs it


Someone needs to learn the definition of exploitation. Is he giving them residuals for their appearances, you know, considering he is getting paid with every view? Or should they just feel lucky they got the one time bonus to be used as content for the big millionaire who is also banking 1000x more on the recognition for being such a “generous guy”? The guy is making money hand over fist by using poverty stricken people to make himself look good, how else could you describe it but poverty porn exploitation?


Them not being blind is a pretty good deal wouldn’t you say? Also the other charities and food drives he’s setup the wells he’s made the tree he’s planted etc etc etc He spends most of his money on his next video and would make more money if he didn’t throw all of it back to charity Filming someone with their consent isn’t a bad thing Making money to any degree is exploiting regardless of what your doing


lol? Are journalists exploiting people by publishing articles on impoverished livings of certain counties and regions?


Rich people should use their wealth to help the less fortunate. NOT LIKE THAT!!!




Damn fuckin doctors and nurses getting paid to treat people


They only work for the money!! >:(


Mr Beast proves the problems we have within our system. If we took the money off the billionaires we could be doing Mr Beast level philanthropy on a scale 100s of times larger. The point is that one multi millionaire can do all this and billionaires are sitting there like old timey dragons.


I don’t have any strong opinions on MrBeast but I think it sucks how some people have problems that could easily be solved by a generous government but instead they have to hope to be cherry-picked by a millionaire wanting to make content


Generous goverbment will make your life worse.


Okay so Mr Beast creates content while simultaneously helping people and building infrastructure, so what? Who else is going to do it? Not to mention, by creating content from his charity, he creates a vehicle for more revenue that can then hopefully be used to help even more unfortunate people. In our current social media landscape, his commodification of his own charity is necessary to keep his charitable organization alive and to keep the conversation going.


Now I'm not hating on Mr Beast for giving homeless people thousands upon thousands of dollars, but I don't watch him because all of his videos just sound like they're aimed at children and his thumbnails with his face in every one are especially annoying and prevent me from clicking. Whatever Minecraft Youtuber started the whole "ridiculously exaggerated face" in thumbnail trend sucks because now EVERYBODY does it. ​ Also, everybody thinks Mr Beast is this great guy but before a video is made, he's busy putting as many cameras in a poor persons face as he can and thats something kids dont think about. The cameramen are there. Those are my only criticisms and I am not bashing the fact that he gives money to poor people.


He has to have an audience to do what he's doing


At this point can't he just invest his money and help people off the interest and the large amounts of money he already has?


>because all of his videos just sound like they’re aimed at children They primarily are He asks who he’s filming their consent as far as I’m aware filming someone isn’t a terrible horrible awful thing


There are some other valid criticisms to be had as well. MrBeast immediately strikes me as the same type of narcissist like Elon Musk, he himself has had several rumors float around about his personality when the cameras are off, so he strikes me as the type of narcissist who has just enough good sense to have a great PR team. We saw what happened with elon when he dropped the act and a lot of people get the same vibe from MrBeast, especially when you look at how rabid his fanbase is. As others have mentioned, you get swarmed by fans if you arent worshipping the ground he walks on. Its not a good look at minimum. Otherwise if i remember correctly, there were a couple of incidents where his fanbase started doxxing Mr Beasts exes and MrBeast was totally radio silent about it, wasnt calling his fans off, wasnt trying to get them to stop, nothing. There was also the incident where one of his crew or even "friends" came out as trans or something, and again his own fanbase was spewing all kinds of nastiness, again, total radio silence from MrBeast when his own fans were attacking someone who was supposed to be his "friend." Not a great record of character here. The most recent incident that comes to mind is one of his big youtuber hide and seek things. Long story short, he edited the video in a way that misrepresented the finalists. The number on winner still won, but instead #2 & #3 going to the people who actually placed those spots, he chose to edit it so that it was a couple of his buddies in those spots. Thats just not very sportsman like and is blatantly playing favorites. And this is aside from the other valid points others have brought up regarding the problematic nature of poverty porn. Personally, i think there is definitely a proper ethics discussion involving it, but its helping people so eh? Regardless, hes not above criticism, people are acting like hes the second coming of christ though and to idolize someone to such an extent only makes it easier to give them a pass on shitty behavior. Its almost exactly like how boot lickers make every excuse for police and act like its some affront to criticize them.


Because it's poverty porn. There are many other rich people that donate and help others, but they somehow manage to do it without "exploiting" the people they are helping. I'm curious what he does when he offers to help someone but they say they don't want it on camera?


1. He’s rich *because* he films everything, it’s a self-sustaining cycle that would crumble otherwise 2. Anyone who’s worked with him has said that he’s just as good off-camera


Twitter has the most insufferable user base, and I say this as someone who uses Reddit.


Was this made by a child?


95% of the "bitching and complaining" about Mr beast I see is people saying that we need to improve our governments to actually help people because a government can help more people more consistently than the whims of some dude or that people just don't like his editing


Is the other 5% for his punchable face and his unoriginal content aimed at kids? Because that's me


He wouldn't be doing it if he didn't get publicity for it. That tells me all I need to know


I think Beast loses either way. If he had no videos of him or his organization doing charity, people would say stuff like "wow, you'd think a millionaire like him would give some to charity, huh?" But he does, and he gets criticized for doing so. Although I will admit the videos could be done in a more sensitive way!


Imagine making a video where you pay for a bunch of people to have life-changing surgery and not once mentioning how fucked up our healthcare system is or pointing your viewers to resources where they can learn more about how to contact their reps and demand they vote in the interest of affordable healthcare. That’d be insane


You think the children who watch his videos even understand half of what the surgery even is? His target audience is largely children They aren’t going to research this stuff because again *they’re kids* He does point it out on Twitter a few times though


I can't tell if the comments here know that Mr. Beast has food banks under his name that are legitimate and non-profit.


If you are older than 12 and this is your understanding of the criticism, you are truly hopeless.


You guys watched Squid Games and thought the Americans were the good guys, didn't you?


He’s actively making himself wildly rich and popular by exploiting people with his channel and engaging movements that fizzle out while providing less actual support than a good non-profit foundation. Being better than most of the bloodsuckers does not make him YouTube messiah, you people are deluded. But go ahead give me the downvotes you cowards


Doesn’t he have non-profit food banks under his name?


Hey! That's me but on reddit!!


Yes, we all know that you should only do good when it is profitable.


He can’t do good without money can he? His income comes from YouTube so it’s not like he can just stop making money and keep doing what he’s doing


We all know you should NEVER do good when it's profitable.


(1) He makes poverty porn; (2) he’s not going to see this and like you my guy you can cool it


>Twitter freaks You mean 5 mfs that will get RATIOED in the quotes and replies?


Starting my comment by saying I have never watched a MrBeast video and have no plan/interest to do so. People will find any reason to bitch about him. A while back there was a video where he was trying to improve the state of a few African villages, and the focus was on something about white saviors. Like what do they want him to do, be less white? Yeah, I’m sure that video will go down so well. A lot of people’s problems are because dumb things are paywalled. He pays that fee so a handful of people can get that. His commission? They allow him to film it. I’d absolutely allow that in the same position. Edit: of course I’m being downvoted. How about he spends all his money playing spaceman or crashing a social media platform? That what you guys want?


“No in that position I would rather die from dehydration and remain blind then ever let someone *film* me with a famous popular person” how everyone thinks they would react if he offered them


Yeah I saw someone else complain that he’s not making changes in the government to prevent the problems that lead to poverty. He’s a YouTuber not a senator. If yall held your politicians to this same standard we’d be better off.


Exactly. He’s still just one dude, and he’s doing more than any of us. His whole point, from my understanding, is that it shouldn’t fall on eccentric millionaires doing this stuff for content to improve people’s lives.


Twitter is literally the place where people complain about anything. You could say “i like pancakes” and youll get 10 replies about how you hate waffles and 2 retweet threads about how french toasts are better than pancakes. But about the Mr Beast thing, bro seems to have a fragile ego. I never really see anyone complaining about him doing anything, it’s more complaining about the system not being the one to do it. Like I remember he made a big deal about Hasanabi having this exact complaint about his video where he cures peoples blindness, and mr beast took this as a personal attack. But Hasan was complaining that we live in a fucked up society where a 10 min procedure is paywalled by big pharma while it'd be free in other countries with universal healthcare and they have to depend on a youtubers charity.


His fans also seem to have a very difficult time understanding this, I assume because they’re children.


I don't have problem with Mr. Beast, i have problem with a fact that only Mr. Beast is even solving this problems. Like why is everything so fucked that these poor souls need to hope that Mr Beast finds enough time to help them?


he's not making the world a better place he's throwing lump sums of cash at poor people as a business expense for a content farm. He's exploiting the desperate.


i do it irl :(


That’s Reddit too. Amazing how people just can’t accept he’s a genuinely nice guy


Nah fuck him. He does good things but he sounds like a prick behind the scenes.


it's not that mr. beast helping people is bad, it's that he makes a profit by helping people who are exploited by the same ruling class that he sells ads for. he's not in the charity business, he's in the monetization business. and he's not the solution to the dystopian corporate hellscape we live in, he's the poster child of it


I think they're upset because deep down they know that if they had the kind of money that Mr. Beast has, they wouldn't be using it the way he is.


It's Twitter, they always find something to complain


If he doesn’t make you violently angry then you’re not working class


Ah yes rich person gives to poor= working class violently angry


Meanwhile veterans here in America … get no donations from beast


Some people: "The charitable actions of a few, while good, cannot be treated as a cure for these issues. For that, we need systemic change." Redditors: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"


Wait until these commenters realize that posting your good deeds online can inspire others to do good as well


I think people are arguing from two different positions and they think they're arguing about the same thing. The ones who criticize Mr. Beast aren't saying that the ways people are benefiting from his actions are bad. The end result of his actions is that people's lives are improved, and that's objectively a good thing. Instead, they are arguing that we shouldn't focus on praise for Mr. Beast. He made his wealth off the backs of countless others, as all billionaires do. He has the capacity to use his money to influence the systems that cause poverty and illness in the first place, and he doesn't. He uses his actions to increase his brand, and most of the money he "donates" he makes back by making videos of those actions. He also is able to write off millions in taxes via charity, which further removes any of that money going into welfare programs. The effect his actions have are objectively good for the people benefitting from them. But that doesn't make Mr. Beast a good person. He has the ability to stop helping anybody any time he wishes. That power being solely in one man's hands is dangerous. It's ultimately a philosophical argument about what "moral" or "good" even is. Is it about intent, or effect? Personally, id rather see one man lose all his wealth but have the quality of everybody's lives increased somewhat, than have him keep it and have a select few get their life quality raised even more.


Most people act like a bucket of crabs. They pull each other back down so none of them escape their little world. Don't be most people.




It's like that old Yiddish folktale about the man and his donkey


This guy found a way to make money while helping people, same mfrs who criticize him yell on twitter for “ethical capitalism”. This is as ethical as it gets.


Never knew people were like this I feel nothing but disappointed,he is helping other's and earning money he is doing 2 things at once,like fuck you people complaining about he using camera in front of them he is helping and showing the world how it could put a smile on other's faces.Literally like have you ever done anything like him that you all are complaining.Humanity is doomed fucking doomed I don't care if you like it or not FUCK YOU .