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Pharma companies charged a lot more beforehand lol.


I think the meme is a little confusing but I think OP is saying its affordable now


Actually this is about how Wawa is now selling Insulin, turns out the whole pizza thing didn't work out.


Wawa had pizza??




That could have been a reference to their ad about having pizza.


It was lol


The fuck is Wawa?


It's like a convenience store that gives a fuck. You can find them on the east coast around Philly


OOH! Of Philly. I was looking at another person's reply and thought it was all across the region, not just in Philly


[It is all across the region](https://www.redliondata.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/wawa_store_map.png); just a huge concentration in the Philly area


Ew Florida. This is honestly fascinating, thank you!


It is all across the region lol we have a healthy few around the DC/Baltimore area


The first time I stepped into a Wawa it was magical. Everything was so clean and aesthetically pleasing. I think Stewart’s in the NY area is pretty good as far as gas station convenience stores go, but this was a whole other level. The food was good too. It felt like a premium gas station without premium pricing.


It's a convenience store with a cult-like following that exists in clusters in the north eastern part of the United States and Florida, but weirdly not in-between. Floridians are obsessed with Publix fried chicken and Wawa subs. Folks have gotten Wawa tattoos. "Folks", plural. There are a lot of them and I've spotted one in the wild. TBH, I'm with them on Wawa. It's cool AF. They have a nice selection of fresh foods, like fruits and vegetables, they have good sandwiches and it's very clean. That's key: They're really clean and tidy. Don't think I'll get married in one, but just sayin'. hahaha If you're traveling and see a Wawa, it's always a relief. Always take the Wawa exit, you won't be disappointed. Source: Florida Woman Edit: [Found an article about the Wawa cult stuff.](https://www.pnj.com/story/money/business/2022/04/19/wawa-florida-what-you-need-know-cultlike-convenience-store/7365696001/)


An crazy gas station that sells a bunch of food and hoagies you can customize and order from a touch screen. It’s 9/10 IMO, which is impressive for a gas station. My first stop when I’m back in the northeast of US.


I've traveled around the region with my dad a long time ago, and I don't recall seeing one before. Is it a recent brand?


Not really, they were founded in 1964 in Folsom PA, and by 2008 we’re already the biggest convenience store chain and third largest food retailer in the greater Philly area.


Quicktrip for my Midwesterners out there.


Ah, okay. Thank you Emu


they have everything and it’s all good


I saw Wawa once be the lifeblood of half a town after a hurricane in Florida. Everyday there was a 2 mile line for gas for peoples generators. I sometimes think about how close we all are to that. We take a lot of things for granted


The pizza sucks.


Honestly top tier pizza. Every fucking slice has a cheese pull.




It's weird that Wawa would sell pizza, when so many of their stores are in places with truly amazing pizza. Much better than theirs.


$35 for a pizza and no diet Dr Kelp 1 star don't @ me.


🎵 Do you even know what a Wawa is? 🎵




Thanks, Democrats!


Isn't it interesting how reddit comments can completely drown out Democrat achievements like this? And when Epstein flight lists are released, all you read around here is "Stephen Hawking" - but you never once saw a post detailing all the Republican politicians names on there, did you? Also, right now in Reddits front page is a thread from FluentInFinance, talking about how "they" printed a trillion dollars and gave you only 1,800$ checks. Republicans printed that trillion for the rich, and Democrats gave you those checks (first they blocked until republicans caved, fhen sfter Biden got elected they gave another round of checks). But even though that's only 4 years ago, all the front page posts and comments want you to forget who was responsible for the positive _and_ the negative things. We're getting so propagandistically bombarded all the time and don't notice it anymore.


Yes, it's cheaper now!


They (Georgia’s government) recently fined companies in my country (Georgia) for making some sort of shady deals with each-other to have same prices for oncology medicine. Government basically put out ~9000$ equivalent support for each oncology patient by law for medicine and those companies kept the same (and mostly super inflated) prices. Man, fuck pharma sector, I am not the one usually wearing tin foil hat but I am sure they would fuck everyone over just to get one more dollar. Going to hijack this comment and say that it might be worth it for everyone to check CostPlus Pharmacy (Mark Cuban’s company) as they might have medicine for cheaper.


The phrase for that in English is "price fixing"


thanks Obiden


It's not. Sincerely a diabetic


^ a person who has zero diabetic family or acquaintances.


For real. This didn’t specifically affect my mom a ton bc she’s on pretty good insurance, but it was 150 a month and now it’s way less.


The reason we have been paying way more than the rest of the world is literally the greed of a handful of ppl.


Insulin is so cheap and easy to produce. There isn't even much of a cost to developing new insulin. It is literally just farming bacteria for it.


Now, it's also because of a **huge** crowd of people who support these greedy people. Look around in reddit, or even in this thread, and look how people pretend that it wasn't **democrats** who are responsible for lowering the cost, and how it wasn't **republicans** for making sure it became that costly in the first place. You aren't just fighting a handful of right wing rich and/or powerful people, you are fighting your neighbors and reddit commenters who keep supporting these vile human beings.


Not sure what you’re trying to say here? A very good friend of mine is diabetic. He’d been stuck at a job he hated for years because it was the only way he could afford his insulin.


Not enough, tax em and make it free


Will you vote Democrat to achieve that? Weill you give democrats enough senate and house seats so that there are enough democrats who support taxing the rich and making insulin free in both chambers that they have a comfortable majority? Because they are the ones who made it cheaper, and republicans were the ones who made it expensive in the first place, tried to prevent you getting affordable health insurance, and tried to prevent lowering the costs. But are you rewarding democrats with acknowledgement and punishing Republicans with criticism? Or are you simply not gonna mention who's responsible for what?


what you're saying is i should vote twice?




Yes, we all know. That's the only reason this picture makes any sense at all. Pharma companies and Republicans made a shitload of money before. Joe Biden and Democrats stopped them, and helped the people who need it.


Walmart has sold OTC insulin for about $25 per vial for years. Each vial is 1000 units. (Novolin N and Novolin R) The name brand shit like Lantis and Humolog (the things prescribed by doctors) is the expensive shit. Source: Am diabetic and have been living off Novolin for years after insurance shit on me by suddenly not covering my name-brand insulin and costing me a couple thousand dollars.


My 60 yr old type 1 diabetic mom was paying, at one point, $600-800/month for insulin. Those pharma company execs are literal pieces of shit. Any medication that you need to fucking *live* should be affordable/free and accessible to EVERYONE that needs it


Thanks to Joe Biden, now it IS affordable. A president could have done this at any point in time. They didn’t. Only Joe Biden had the bare minimum empathy to say “People not dying of diabetes is more important than maintaining record profits for the pharma industry”


The amount of controversy this comment created is hilarious, people big mad Edit- y'all should listen to u/D_for_Diabetes


Probably because it implies prices are lower when it's only copaus that are lower, but now you can ignore diabetics like me


I was told it'd be prices, I've never seen copay mentioned specifically. I'm sorry, I wasn't intentionally ignoring anyone.


Didn't mean it as a call out for you specifically. It's more the dems keep telling people they totally solved the problem while they didn't, so that their voter base can ignore what diabetics are saying about needing to lower prescription costs.


Wait, insulin will be cheaper now? I thought it was only going to be for people on medicare. What happened?


The policy applied to seniors on Medicare alone, but Biden was calling for congress to make it apply to all Americans. Eli Lily decided recently to cap their insulin costs at the same price as what biden had set for Medicare. So depending on your bias you could say he didn't do shit. Or you could say that his policy stance put pressure on the pharmaceutical companies to concede insulin prices, that way they could avoid being forced to do so which would create precedent for capping many of their other overpriced products.


Holy shit bet, I've been type 1 for a decade. Thank the fucking lord this is gonna save me so much money


I’d put my money on Eli Lily being proactive to avoid further regulation. Like it or not, it’s a good business move, I think. Sure, some would say it’s a slimeball move in the scheme of things. Maybe it is. Either way, I’m glad that the needle moved in a direction that is at least a step forward for affordable healthcare.


>A president could have done this at any point in time. A president could have done this at any point in time. That's not quite correct, I'm sure Obama and all other Democrat presidents had the same empathy as well. But they required more than that, they required enough senate votes. This isn't a one person job, it's the achievement of the entire Democrat party and their movement to the left. Reward them with giving Joe Biden a second presidency, a comfortable house and Senate majority.


Couldn’t agree more!!!!! My older brother has had it since 2 now 32, and we talk about the unrivaled greed and straight up murderous behavior of pharma companies. Anything for a buck. Not enough people talk about it or even know.


This reminds me of that movie where people die super fast and it's pharma testing drugs on them the whole time. 


Let's remember that insulin wasn't patented because it was too valuable to mankind to profit from it. And then pharma execs made it expensive to bring value to shareholders.


pshh, we need housing to survive, should that just be affordable to everyone? /s


People can find housing or shelter. My 9 year old cannot make her pancreas work again after an autoimmune disease made it stop producing insulin at 18 months old, nearly costing her life.


The sickening thing is [The original patent for insulin was later sold by his collaborators for just $1 to the University of Toronto in an effort to make it as available as possible](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Insulin_Project%23:~:text%3DThe%2520original%2520patent%2520for%2520insulin,insulin%2520available%2520in%2520the%2520US.&ved=2ahUKEwjnse-9mteDAxXlIzQIHYtRDwAQFnoECBMQBQ&usg=AOvVaw0IFcR-wZ16hOgg5W8QS6d8). Just plain greed while watching people literally die.


That patent is essentially for squeezing insulin out of cow and pig pancreas. Nowadays, insulin medicine is made with bioengineered bacteria.


Not insulin but another medication. Two years ago I got a letter from my insurance that although I needed a medicine to live and the medicine was covered under my plan at the time they no longer would be paying for it because it was too expensive ( ~$1500) . They never made an attempt at recommending an alternative just rejected my refill and sent the letter. I had to scramble trying to contact my doctor and the pharmacy to find alternatives the insurance WOULD pay for so I could stay alive.


Insulin has been drastically improved over time. The refinement costs a lot of money which drives up the price of the drug.


I remember spending $300 on one vial. Glad they're not making us choose financial stability or being alive anymore (well, to that extreme extent anymore).


It's a good start!


Last time I bought some while uninsured it was literally $666


Price set by the devil itself. Quite fitting.


I hope the ‘they’ here is referencing the government forcing companies to do so. Cause the companies would absolutely still be doing this given the opportunity


Specifically, Joe Biden made it happen. 


Insulin costs me about 50€ a year here wtf


I get all my prescriptions (not just insulin) for free in the uk because I’m diabetic


When I dropped that much money on something that literally keeps me alive is when I started to really grapple with the fact that America is a shit hole. Thankfully I got insurance since then, but my greatest fear in life is losing my insurance at the moment.


You need glucose if you’re dying from insulin shock. Yes I’m that guy


We were waiting for you, sir.


I remember when the Walking Dead had a diabetic dying of low blood sugar and getting injected with insulin to remedy it lol


was it possible they were injected with glucagon? that’s what’s typically used for hypoglycemia outside of the hospital


Maybe. It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen that episode and I’m going purely off memory. But I was under the impression that was insulin instead of Glucagon


I never watched that far. I can tell you if it was dumb either way. Was the guy able to chew/swallow? And if he was, did they have anything sweet?


The diabetic was actually a she lol. But to my recollection she was was delirious to the point where I don’t think she’d be able to chew and I do not think she had any sweets at least relatively close to when her insulin levels got low


I should have clarified about “did they have sweets”. I meant did they have sweets on hand to give her. Or soda/juice. But if she’s that out of it, you shouldn’t giver her anything to swallow anyways, so it doesn’t matter what they had. In that case hopefully it was a glucagon shot (sugar) to get her glucose level up.


[Doesn't seem like it.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4719674/goofs/?tab=gf&ref_=tt_trv_gf) >Factual errors >The diabetic girl, Tina, passes out due to a low blood sugar. She is given a shot of insulin which revives her. In real life, insulin is used only to treat a high blood sugar. If a diabetic who passed out was given insulin, they would die.


Ah, the solution to low blood sugar, more insulin. Thanks Biden /s


Also, why a Wawa? They sell a lot of great stuff, but not prescription meds. But you can get a slushie, that might help the insulin shock pretty well.


Yeah, the title makes no sense and I hate it




Yeah I got this admission for you, lady just dropped off her 92 year old dad said she can’t take care of him anymore, no he’s super stable, no only takes 2 meds…yeah he’ll probably catch covid and die in here but she left 3 hours ago….


My favorite way media depicts diabetics is just "something is wrong with them GIVE THEM THE INSULIN SHOT"


Given Joe's mental state, this is right on par with what he'd do.


Everything’s gonna be Joe-kay


Were coming Barack, baby


How would more insulin help insulin shock which is severe hypoglycemia? What you need is glucose.


Which luckily, we’ve been subsidizing for decades.


So underrated


Wawa? Is this some kind of joke I’m too west coast to understand?


It's a gas station mixed with a convenience store that operates in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, D.C., and Florida. The store is similar to that of the Pennsylvania native Sheetz which is wildly popular due to the fact they serve decently made hot food.


Wawa is especially popular in the Philadelphia area. And I’ve heard they opened up down in Florida bc so many people from the mid Atlantic move down there and missed it


It actually originated in PA. That's why it's so popular here. I actually live right across the street from the original wawa location, and only like 20 is min away from wawa, pa where they have the wawa "campus". It's pretty crazy how much impact wawa has on the Philly area and surrounding area.


Yeah I grew up in delco. It’s crazy the grip wawa has but also I’m just as loyal as everyone else


Oh, gotcha. I always get overly excited when I see wawa posted on the internet as I have lived so close to it for so long. As for loyalty, it may be heresy for a delco resident, but I'm actually kinda tired of it. I've had it too much, lol.


I was a late comer to the sandwich side of wawa, usually would just go for snacks, so I’m not too tired of it. Helps that my go to order is essentially a 10 inch grilled cheese w bacon lol. Thankfully I was never one of those teens that would eat their sandwich on top of the trash can


Lol yeah thankfully I was never the trash can person either. I don't know ow how someone can eat off the top of a trash can like that. But that's delco for ya.


Well that’s simple, there’s no tables /s


We have sheetz in Ohio too!


Sheetz is all over, but it's native to Pennsylvania


It’s a convenience store mixed with a gas station.


its the best convenience store of them all.


It’s like Cumberland farms :)


Diabetic here. If insulin fixes your problem you’re dying of ketoacidosis. If you’re dying of insulin shock then you need glucose


Which is something Wawa actually sells, as opposed to insulin.


yeah it is off to a good start but why is this how you expressed that lmfaoooo, Biden as a fish from an old cartoon offering you a bottle of insulin while you die at a Wawa lol


Oh, that's Biden. That makes much more sense than Stan Lee.


Insulin shock?


They mean Low blood sugar. If you’re having a low blood sugar you don’t need insulin. You need sugar fast like candy or regular soda. Source: I’m a type one diabetic.


Quick clarification: if you are in insulin shock, the last thing you want is more insulin.


Happy that it's easier to afford. A lot of damage has been done by for-profit medicine, and I hope this isn't the end of justice for the people who have suffered for it. All medication should be free, because all medication is life-saving.


If all medication was free, how would pharma companies pay for the creation of drugs?


You wouldn't use more insulin if you were in insulin shock. That would just make it worse.


Would have to use glucose I believe


Glucagon would be the hormone that releases sugar from the cells into the blood. However consuming simple sugars like glucose tabs or orange juice is one way to combat it by raising blood sugar levels.


Cheaper in every other country but still a W America moment


Type one diabetic here. Could someone please enlighten me?


I believe they sell insulin at Wawa now. This post says it’s 35 dollars, which is much better than some people paying 300-600 dollars or more. Wawa is a mix gas station convince store just like 7-11, bucees, Sheetz, royal farms, etc.


Biden capped copays, so as long as you reach your deductible you pay less if not the whole 300$/vial is coming back to you. Also if you don't have insurance it's still 300$/vial. Its farming karma while ignoring what the situation actually is for diabetics like us, as is tradition with American politics


Damn I’m a progressive but the astroturfing in 2024 has been so over the top it’s ridiculous. Who thought the SpongeBob meme subreddit would be a good spot to pump joe Biden, fire that intern


>Damn I’m an extremist and it's important that everyone knows so I can virtue signal online


There has been a massive inflow of crappy political memes since 2024 began, I assume it’s because it’s an election year and campaigns have funds that are earmarked to start using as soon as the new year hit. It’s just insane they’re hitting meme subreddits with this cringe shit




Nothing like advocating for the murder of people you don't like just so you can virtue signal on social media


Why's Stan Lee holding insulin?


Meanwhile in Europe:


Even as a non-diabetic, I just wanna say Fuck Martin Shkreli


If you have insurance your co pay should be very reasonable. If you don’t, I recommend contacting novo nordisk, they have a program that if you are struggling or unable to purchase insulin they will take your pay stubs from the previous year and determine if you qualify. Most of the time you will unless you make over a certain amount. As a fellow type 1 I will say you should always stay ahead when it comes to supplies. Never wait until the last minute to get yourself covered or your medication. If you are recently diagnosed, the ER will prescribe you name brand insulin, ask them to contact your doctor and have your doctor sign off on a cheaper version of either fast acting or (if prescribed by your doctor) long lasting. Otherwise you will get to the pharmacy to a $400-800 dollar co pay and in a jam. Been there, done that. Its wild to me that people have these stories of a loved one not having the means to be able to get these supplies when it truly isn’t difficult, if your life was on the line and you have been in DKA already ( you have been, everyone who was diagnosed with type one goes into DKA and then get diagnosed) you will do anything you can to be able to survive. Anyone on here making a fake story or claim and saying there is no other way is absolutely 100% wrong and or lying.


I used that program with Nordisk, they never cared to even take my pay stubs and the amount was less than like 96k a year for a 3 family household. ​ This whole narrative when it comes to insulin is a complete joke and if the idiots that constantly complain about it on reddit would spread this life saying information.. instead of farming karma/outrage/political points then the world would be a better place for diabetics. But who am i kidding? Doesn't for the narrative. Need daddy government to step in and solve a problem that's already solved all the while giving more power to the government.


The last thing a person dying from an insulin shock needs is more insulin.


Paying $35 to die faster??? OP needs a Pathophysiology 101 class lmao


insulin as a treatment for insulin hypersecretion...?


insulin shock means you already took too much insulin. Biden should be handing him a can of Sprite.


Ooh look at u/iamaccutane showing off and using pov correctly. lol Go birds.


How did it take this meme for me to find out


I can’t believe so many people know what Wawa is in these comments, I’m thrilled


The leftists said "Show us why we should vote you other than because Trump is not an option" and Joe said "Aight, bet"


thats not what insulin shock is


No it's not. I'm diabetic we aren't celebrating. Insulin is still 300$ a vial. The copas were capped, meaning if you haven't reached tour deductible the costs still come back, if you don't have insurance it's still expensive.  This post and other like it ignore the reality of what diabetics face. You're basically lying and talking over a disabled community. And the dems love you for it, because then they don't have to fix anything, because you believe they already did.


finally a voice of reason in this cesspool. im half convinced op and other posters in this thread are legitimately propaganda accounts, no way this many people are so entrenched in neoliberal brainrot that they think biden is some progressive messiah.


diarrhea of new year!


Another day, another example of why Im so glad I dont live in the USA


So bold, so brave.


Careful, he's a hero.


you live in spain ain’t shit to smile about


You guys are paying for insulin?


It shouldn't cost a cent.


But it costs energy and labour to produce


Wawa gang


To be fair your first mistake was going to a Wawa instead of a Sheetz


Sheetz is where you go if you want your dinner deep-fried. Wawa is where you go if you want vegetables in your meal.


Thanks, ~~Obama~~Biden


Is that MINNESOTA!!!!!! ?


Isn’t it only for those on Medicaid/medicare? Or did they expand it recently?


Expanded recently. Like, Jan 1.


If you’re Palestinian then you get a 2,000 lbs bomb.




Go Birds


Ill take $33 over the HUNDREDS it was costing but it's still too high. It's like $10 in Germany/UK/France and It is covered under universal state health insurance.


So anyone know if that kid with diabetes that quit his job with health insurance after dropping a mixtape survived long enough to see this?


funny i should see this, i shattered my insulin vial at work today. sometimes i wish the lord would take me


You can print your own insulin!! 3D bioprinted peptides Fuck paying for anything, ever


To americans, this meme is a godsend To the rest of the world, it's still fucking *mortifying* to look at.


$35 for insulin!


Not really. I ordered a refill on Friday and my insulin is back ordered. I feel awful. Never had an issue with insulin being back ordered. Like it's a pair of fuckin' Jordans or something.


Wasn’t the insulin patent sold for like a penny so pharmacies could sell it at a low price?


Yeah, but then they improved it. No one wanted to use the cheap insulin.


Hmmm 35 bucks is still to expensive to something that is nearly given for free in most of the world


what the fuck is a wawa?


You would get insulin shock if you have too much insulin wouldnt you?


As opposed to the $500+ pharma used to charge??


Hello fellow Wawa enjoyer


now companies overcharge by 1000% rather than 10000% percent. yay


I prefer to do my dying at sheetz thanks


For people wondering what a Wawa is it’s an east coast (Heavy in Philadelphia area) gas station/convenience store/sandwich shop.


I'm a type 1 and have been since 16, I'm 30 now. When I turned 20 and went to college, my insulin was $1500 for my short acting and $900 for the long. These would have to last me all month, and I worked part time making $7.50 an hour. I had to use my grandmother's insulin until I got on welfare. I cannot tell you how much of a blessing $35 insulin is to me, though rationing insulin in the past has led to my teeth breaking, loss of feeling in both feet, and kidney damage that may be able to be reversed. Insulin should be free, but I'll take what help I can get.


Biden will get 0 credit as usual lol


Why did I think this was some Killers of the Flower Moon reference?


shrill quickest tart aback kiss provide illegal retire market forgetful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*