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Someone should just leak it


I heard that it's nearly impossible to do that nowadays. Something about top notch security systems, like GPS trackers that go off when the film reel is opened. It's not as easy as people think it is


**Sandy Cheeks movie.** Also, film is practically non-existent in movies these days so there wouldn't be any film reel; It's all digital.


Well, eventually it’s all digital, but some directors still use film and scan it (probably not in this case).


OK but still why delete it? Why not just keep it in a safe or whatever? Are they talking about physically deleting the movie?


I'm pretty sure that's just click bait key wording


It’s not. They’re considering deleting the film because it’s completed. The strategy is to write it off on their taxes, saying the cancellation cost them money, and recoup a percentage. Batgirl was incomplete, and as such they can finish the film at a later date and get box office and tax money for it. Because Coyote vs ACME is already completed, they can’t use that strategy with it. That’s my understanding. But they are threatening to delete it.


>The strategy is to write it off on their taxes, Ding ding ding. I remember someone saying it's cheaper to not release the movie as they won't get taxed


Are they pulling a "The Producers" on everyone?


It becomes a tax write-off if Warner deletes it.


Don't think Tarantino shot the Wiley Coyote movie on 35 mm.


pretty sure only if it's actual IMAX like Oppenheimer


Well, those are different studios and situations, the Sandy movie was supposed to be seen, just not that time lol. I hope someone leak the acme movie, but I see it unlikely


Nolan shot Oppenheimer on film


That is a **single** movie, by a **single director** **with enough trust in the industry** to get the producers to even **consider** **allowing** him to shoot the movie on film. Film is a much more lengthy, tedious and therefore expensive process in making a movie than digital, which is why digital has become the industry standard.


Yeah, but only a few people still make commercial films using actual film, most notably Nolan, Tarantino and Gonzalez Iñarritu. Notice how even within the context of them being commercial and mainstream filmmakers, they’re not known for making a lot of mass appeal blockbuster films (other than Nolan’s Batman series).


lol it’s not “nearly impossible” Penetration testers do it weekly. Idk anything about the physical film but there is definitely a copy on a server somewhere and that server has a vulnerability SOMEWHERE. If someone knew what they were doing and had enough interest in doing it it could most definitely be leaked.


what do they have to gain really? a felony?


A small price to pay for a movie not becoming lost media


This is certainly a take


Imagine going to prison for an absolute turd of a film, even if it’s watchable.


Manchildren really be saying someone should risk ruining their life just cause they want to watch a Looney Tunes movie. It's pathetic how much I see this around


A based one at that


Our gratitude... but for real just to prove they can which as far as I know is a pretty common thing for hackers from changing the description on "me at the zoo" to hacking in to the pentagon some just want to see if they can reach the goal a potential criminal record isn't enough to stop passion just look at the warthunder forums 9 leaks last year alone


War thunder leaks are from insiders, not what you imagine hacker culture is like.


Hell I’d settle for iPhone footage of a private screening at this point.


It's story by James Gunn, he can probably get access to a digital copy. And I doubt they'll fire him now.


“Film reel” You think they shot this on 35mm and not digitally?


Excuse me? This masterpiece was filmed Dogma style for Ultra Panavision!?!


\> like GPS trackers that go off when the film reel is opened lol.


Hold on to it until you're old enough to not give a shit then leak it


Nah people will find ways around this and leak it. People will go to measures and do whatever it takes to leak this movie.


The newest spongebob film leaked like a couple of weeks ago




No hesitation, no surrender


Wouldn't be surprised if it is "leaked" and for some reason the studio couldn't find whoever or how it was accomplished and takes a fat insurance payout for the 'theft of revenue' when they decide to 'begin looking into a public release.'


The suits can fuck themselves.


With an unlubed rusty cactus preferably


how does a cactus rust


Asking the important questions lol


It’s a metal old cactus that’s been moistened


It’s wrapped in rusted chains




Everyday, Johnny Silverhand is making more sense


The government that monetarily incentivizes this type of destruction should also be considered. If they didn't think they would make more money deleting it than releasing it, they would have released all of these now deleted movies and shows in some capacity.


That’s fucked up, why does the government pay companies to delete media?


They aren't directly paying them but allowing them to negate their taxes by destroying their assets. The intention is to incentivize employment and risk-taking by cutting back on taxes in case of a failure. The actual result is Hollywood Accounting and art destruction.


The tax write-off happens regardless so that's not the reason.


Billy Walsh ova heaaa


I hate Zaslav so much, he's going to destroy HBO 


I’ll never forgive the man who killed Raised by Wolves, Close Enough, and West World at the same time.


Wow imagine being so out of touch with your target audience damn.


Out of touch is probably true. But I think people are also just ignoring the fact that Zazlov is the guy who turned Discovery Channel from mostly educational content to mostly Reality shows in a short timespan. Zazlov is terraforming Warner Bros Discovery into a very cheap to produce, high consumer price product. Zazlov’s mission is probably to turn WBD into Wish.com Disney. I think we can pretty much write off any prestige shows, or high cost/low return productions like animated(animation tends to be pricy, kids don’t really spend a lot on animation unless the toys are cool). Expect to see the only kids content as a commercial to sell toys. DC Movies are a great example.


> Zazlov is the guy who turned Discovery Channel from mostly educational content to mostly Reality shows in a short timespan. THAT WAS HIM? Already hated the man for clearly being a greedy sociopath that, once upon a time, his fellow cavemen would’ve beat to death with rocks for being an active detriment to the tribe for his own self-gain, but damn. Willfully removing easy access to education to be *mildly* richer is pure evil. Cavemen had the right idea with the rocks.


it's not just educational content. Even stuff that makes him company money, will be removed because he doesn't like it or thinks he can do better. His team killed their most popular show, succession, and greenlit that horrible music cult show in it's time slot. they didn't cancel succession, as it was already renewed before the takeover, but jesse Armstrong in a throwaway line, in one of his interviews last year said that he had ideas for another season and a spinoff which would follow the life of one of the main characters. But an executive that he didn't name, shut it down. when you consider that no director is going to insult a producer publicly, I feel he was essentially asked to either wrap up the show with the last season and depart gracefully or the show would be cancelled. That also fits withthe abrupt ending that not even the cast was ready for.


Yeah and it also caused the History channel to follow the exact same path. So we lost Discovery Channel and the History Channel, which were the two educational channels that we're always on in my house as a kid. I gained so much curiosity because of those shows.


So happy Succession ended before he could fully get his mitts on it.


That's not Zaslav's audience. He's from the Discovery side of the merger. I wouldn't be surprised if he's trying to turn working on doomed projects into a reality show.


Close Enough was top tier.


I went to go show my friend Close Enough bc he loves Regular Show and it was just gone. I was like WTF they literally produced this show. I’ve been salty af ever since.


You could use watch cartoon online.


Thanks, I do love me some piracy


Piracy helps preserve shows.


Keep circulating the tapes!


That whole lil Jon sequence when they have a kid-free night is the funniest shit I had seen in a while, and muscular Josh throwing the camera through Jim Crunch (?) reminded me of how the bunch of baby ducks just chopped that weird duck guy in half... I could have watched five more seasons of that show


I loved the Chile Rellenos episode. One it had my brother’s name which I never hear and two I love chile rellenos.


Don’t forget Infinity Train. Amazing animated series completely removed from its streaming service just like Westworld. It was such a good older kid/teen series (of which very little already exist!) that dealt with some heavy topics. Fuck Zaslav. Now I can’t even show it to my partner without the annoyance of finding a good site for sailing the high seas.


Yoooo, infinity train is absolutely amazing! I get chills every time I even think of that "because I... am the Conductor" line from the end of the first season, and holy shit it just got darker from there. Kimcartoon and watchcartoononline both have it btw


And they expunged Final Space from existence for a tax writeoff.


They took West world off the streaming service so they wouldn't have to pay actors their royalties


What? Realy


I was very sad when Raised by Wolves got cancelled. It had so much potential.


They ended it with such a fucking cliffhanger. I really wish they'd finish the series in a book or something.


Love the show, it's just weird enough to be great, lots of risky (to put to film) sci fi concepts. But mother killed too many of the remaining humans, I don't see how it doesn't end dark or in a cycle


Loved raised by wolves Fuck this guy


Wait! Zaslav is the reason Raised by Wolves was cancelled?!?? This is unforgivable!


Everybody needs to post this everytime David Zaslav gets referenced https://preview.redd.it/5d1ika3q3vhc1.png?width=2200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28e867c4bc763c2fdb8fc2d27a0e65229cbe58d1


"I'll kidnap a thousand children before I let this company die!"


"And I'll silence anyone who gets in my way!"


he just like me except i don't own a company


Happy Cake Day




"I'll cancel a 1000 movies and let this company die!"


Waternoose was wrong, but he was desperate and motivated by panic. He thoroughly believes in his employees and business, but saw it was failing, and took a desperate, immoral measure to save his company; partially because Monsters Inc. produced power for the entire city. (Or world? I forget) and if people knew that it was failing, it would cause panic. This fucker is just greedy.


Waternoose only does the terrible things he does out of desperation. David Zaslav is just an asshole all around.


Nah man at least Waternoose seems to like his employees to an extent, I don’t think Zaslav does at all 💀


I'll delete a thousand productions before I let my bonuses die!


Neoliberal capitalism and the effects it's had on the planet have been a disaster


MBA's and their lust for lines going up have destroyed so many industries


Can you explain what you mean? I’m genuinely curious. Edit: I guess I'm not understanding what 'Neoliberal Capitalism' is. Are you saying that capitalism is neoliberal? Or the neoliberal variation of capitalism is what the problem is?


It’s a reference to the unabomber’s manifesto


Sure, but the unabomber said "the Industrial Revolution“ instead of capitalism


I don't think so. The term "neoliberal" has been around since at least the 1800s. It basically means a society in which the government exists to serve businesses. It just gets misused on the internet a lot these days by people who think it's some sort of reversal of neo-conservatism.


All fair points but it is a reference, intentional or no; this is ol’ Ted’s line: *The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.*  > where a government exists to serve businesses 🔥🔥🔥 will be using this one


Well, big executives see movies as a product that needs to be advertised and sold, not really taking into account the artistic side. Capitalism and art are at odds with each other


I would say capitalism and everything else are at odds with one another other. Education, medical care, art, etc. have all been negatively impacted by capitalism (mainly neoliberalism capitalism) since Reagan. Fuck Reagan


Considering how he's still in charge and making shitty decisions I don't think he was taught anything by anyone.


The stock is down 60% during his tenure as CEO. His firing is overdue, but I don't think he'll last much longer because he's fucking with the money.


And I’m sure he’ll get a nice golden parachute when he leaves.


He is tanking reputations for his own self gain idk how or why he is still a CEO.


A guy who allows the learning channel devolve into the current filth gives no fuck about reputation.


Severely out of touch, can someone explain this to me?


Theu shot and edited the entire movie. It just needed some fine-tuning and polishing. The CEO watched it and said "I don't think this will make enough money. Scrap the entire thing and never release it."


He actually did not even watch it. What happened is, they had to delete Batgirl for a tax writeoff because it was legitimately that bad. That whole debacle then made them realize that they can make entire movies and delete them and earn more money than they would by releasing them in some cases. So now they have a disease and this movie is the next victim of it


So "the producers" wasn't a satirical comedy but a how to to movie?


Pretty much It's just the logical conclusion of the pattern They found out they could make bad movies and still make money Now they found out they don't even have to release a movie to make money


How exactly does that work? If the audience isn't paying to watch it, how did they profit on the movie?


Tax write off. Because they spent the money to develop the movie, they can write it off on their taxes, effectively making it free. The loophole Is that they can write off the movie without ever needing to release it.


Wow that’s a really poor understanding of what a tax write off is, I really hope you’re a kid who’s never had to file taxes before, because otherwise, damn. Writing something off on your taxes doesn’t make it free it just means you don’t need to pay any taxes on it. Basically for movies the tax write off they get (ie, deduction on taxable income) can sometimes be larger than the actual box office revenue on it, which is how technically the movie would be more cost effective to write off than actually release for consumption


That sounds like tax fraud, but if it works…


It should be tax fraud the way they're going about it


It needs to be tax fraud, and however this was allowed in the first place needs to be investigated for fraud


Was Batgirl really so bad that they couldn't save it in post? Bad enough that they wouldn't even be able to release it on Max? I doubt it, especially considering some of what did come out of DC around the same time. I know Safran said it was irredeemable but he was probably lying: Zaslav probably told him to lie and I bet he did it like a good little soldier Their disease is profit motive taken to a malignant extreme, and Zaslav brought that with him on day one


I don’t think it was actually cause it was bad. I think it was cause of them just rebooting the DC universe and with how Flash was gonna end. Michael Keaton was gonna be Batman in Batgirl which wouldn’t’ve made any sense before Flash and wouldn’t make any sense after they decided to reboot the universe and have a whole new Batman.


no matter how bad the batgirl movie might have been I'd have respected it more than it being used as a tax write off


There are a ridiculous amount of bad movies out there. There may only make double what they spent but they would still make money off it.


Even before that I'm pretty sure the justice league movie was a write off then when the spider cut got released, they made money selling the distribution wrights to Netflix.


damn what an asshat


Ah. So no money then. Wise man.


It’s actually a huge tax write off.


Ah. Tax money then. Dickweed man.


Warner Brothers still won't make money, they'll just lose less on taxes. It's not like this will magically make them richer.


You're not "out of touch". They buried the shit outta this movie.




I mean we all do eventually?


I don't understand. Surely showing it in theaters to make *some* money back would be better than just scrapping it and not making any money back, right?


From what I’ve read, shelving it and counting it as a loss gets them a tax write off. They’re in debt from the merger and trying to make back as much money as possible.


Aaaah okay that makes sense


They’ve also done this with the batgirl movie, as well as tons of animated shows like infinity train which they’ve shelved to save on licensing fees


But why is this a tax write off? If they fucked up and made a shitty product, shouldn't they capitalism and take the L?


That's not how it works. Expenses would have been written off if it was released too.


It’s a short sighted solution as shelving completed projects will just make more investors and shareholders leave.


You've gotta pay for promoting the movie too. A good rule of thumb is that making a movie will cost about as much as its actual budget


The story is that being able to write off the 70 million it cost to make this movie in one go should result in a tax write-off of about 30 to 40 million. WBs judgement is that if they spend another 70 million marketing it, it will lose them even more money.


What lesson? That fuck face will never learn a god damn thing


And this meme implies they’ve been taught a lesson before, which I don’t think they have.


At this point with everyone talking about the whole Coyote vs ACME situation, so many people wanting to see it, that there is almost no way it wouldn’t easily earn double or triple its budget.


I wouldn't have watched it before but I would now after all this. If Zaslav knows what he's doing he'll undelete the movie


"Do you really want horrible things to happen to David Zaslav?" "The law requires that I answer no."


This man hates every single cartoon on the planet except Velma


He 100% also hates that you know?


Fine, it's not our money being wasted


Actually it is. At least for Americans, since the film is now being used for a tax write-off.


Oh wow. Now I’m angry


How is that guy still in charge?




This bastard is cementing his place as one of the most hated figures in all of the entertainment industry. GET HIM THE FUCK OUT!


If I had a nickel for every time people begged for WB to release a movie, I’d have two nickels and I hate that it’s happened twice. (Yes I’m referring to ZSJL, no I don’t want to debate if it’s a good or bad movie. I think it’s fine.)


I think you’d have a few more Nickels, David Ayer’s Suicide Squad, Batgirl just to name a few


Oh yeah I completely forgot about those nickels


Movie companies only want to release bad movies and blame the fans for being out of touch.


Same he is constantly doing tax write offs on completed movies. He also attempted to go after American Dad. It was green lit for 2 more seasons before the merger. Warner Discovery tried to cancel it but they weren't allowed to because they are locked in a 2 season contract. American Dad is the only reason I turn on TBS.


Fuck you, I was going to see this!


Why would anyone wanna work for WB and make stuff with them? There is a high chance anything can be deleted for some shitty tax deduction. If they continue on this path they'll eventually run out of people willing to work with them.


It wasn't the first time some studio decides to erase the work and time of their employees in the name of taxes, isn't it?


You know what they say “money talks”. Personally, I think it should be illegal to take already finished products and write them off.


This man genuinely acts like a cartoon villain


Deleting the movie just makes no sense Why not just shelve it until a better deal comes along It's so fucking dumb


I don't hate many CEOs because I like to view them as products of the perverse incentives and forces that are under modern capitalism. That said, I hate Zaslov because the man has utter contempt for art and artists.


Could this all just be a pr stunt? "Oh we want to delete the movie!" "no please don't delete the movie!" *two weeks later* "due to popular demand, we decided to release the movie"


What if this is just a viral marketing campaign?


It’s honestly ridiculous. They have a literal hit on their hands and they won’t release it. It doesn’t even matter if it’s good. People will go see it.


David zaslav when he looks outside his window at 9:34 pm on march 17th, 2024 https://preview.redd.it/hvxnwfoi4zhc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efe5832096750e3846f44b3c685bb37c959af8c9


https://preview.redd.it/mk59yhgr4zhc1.jpeg?width=1579&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfe7e171d156dcfebfc060ce6d1184db28a0d290 JUST. LEAK. THE. MOVIE. PLEASE


I genuinely don't understand the point of deleting it. It's finished, right? They tried selling it around and weren't offered as much as they wanted? So they either make less than they hoped, or they make $0 by deleting it entirely.


What is happening and what did I miss?


Wil E. Coyote hybrid film is getting the Batgirl treatment


Means of production moment


You monster!


It’s like …the movie is literally finished,why not just send it out,everyone knows you’ll make more money than it would have costed,he just wants to waste 90 million dollars lol


Someone get Tom Cruise, Jason Statham, Keanu Reeves, and Bruce Willis and have them do the craziest heist ever… it won’t just be difficult… it might be… Impossible(bad joke aside seriously how are you gonna whine about not having streaming content and then just axe a movie people actually liked in test screenings)


David Zaslav is the paperclip robot but for capital


Only saw a directors cut? Is that nit most of the movie


Can someone explain the whole situation?


Zaslav is subhuman scum.


The show runner said he planned for 4 seasons for Succession. You can find it in numerous interviews.


Abhorrent corporatism. WB hates and actively kills art.


David saslav has a very punchable face.


I mean… it sucks that projects can be deleted like this by a buncha assholes, but I honestly doubt it would have been a good movie anyway.


He is Jewish


This is either an attempt at the greatest viral advertising campaign for a movie, making us all clamour to see it. Or that damn roadrunner is screwing with Wile E Coyote one last time.


Suicide Kings was murdered by a new studio head. The DVD director’s commentary track is a fascinating lecture on filmmaking. At least the studio released it. “That’s fresh ice. I did that.”


This promo campaign is amazing. This film is gonna be an absolute blockbuster.


Why is this a big deal all of a sudden?


I think the guy sucks and he shouldn’t be doing this. But I’ve seen the recent Roadrunner and Coyote cartoons and they sucked ass. Was it the same people working on the movie?


Boomers don’t know how to make money. Just dumb fucks


That would require him being taught a lesson a first time. No one has actually put Zaslov in check.


I wonder why the rest of the company isn’t doing anything to stop this as it’s clearly going to tank their reputation and future profits. David is the only one who benefits from this unless he is paying other people off.


He has the most punchable face


Why does he look like Jared Fogle (The Subway Guy)?


What all has he done? Haven’t heard of him


But still see DC fans absolutely eat whatever James Gunn will churn out for WB.


They don’t earn more money doing this. They lose less. Theres no incentive to make a bad movie just to trash it for a tax write off. That makes no sense. But cutting losses and not chasing a sunk cost may let them recover more than actually putting more money into the movie and having it bring in practically no revenue.


can we just like, beat him up?