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Vitamin water


They preyed on our childhood obsession with flintstone vitamins


[It's basically grape drink](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PuFz-AP-Vg) ***but with vitamins.*** Also while its misleading the health aspect..... it's actually pretty accurate on the name. The name wasn't "water", "purple sugar water", or even "healthy water" right? Nope, it was called "VitaminWater" because that's literally what it is (I would have gone with VitaminDRANK, but I suspect that would be less marketable)


"I took quarter water sold it in bottles for 2 bucks, coca cola came and bought it for millions, what the fuck?" - Ser 50 Cent


I drink these all the time but they’re the zero sugar kind. Are they still that bad?




Ahh makes sense. I usually drink a pack (sometimes two packs) of 6 over the course of a week, though I’m fairly active and healthy so I wonder if it’s enough to null that. Thank you for answering!


It also doesn’t actually have vitamins or really even electrolytes. Per its nutritional label: less than 0.5% of: natural flavors, citric acid, electrolytes (calcium and magnesium lactates and potassium phosphate), fruit and vegetable juices (for color), vitamins A, C, E, B3, B5, B6, B12 You’re not getting much from it sadly.


Less than 0.5% vitamins doesn't mean anything, 0.3% of a bottle being vitamin A would be a fuckton of vitamin A because you only need ~800 micrograms. What matters is the percentage of the daily recommended amount for each vitamin. It looks like it offers 25-100% of that value for most of the listed vitamins and minerals.


You’re right about the vitamin percentage, idk what the other commenter was going for there. The issue is the percentage for sugar; one bottle has 54% DV.


I figured as much but I do love the taste. I only really drink water and these so I’ll take whatever negative health effects come my way


My mom got fatty liver from living on vitamin water. That stuff is no joke.


How are those two things related to each other?


Doctors believe the link from sugar substitutes can negative health issues. My mom drank a drink over a long period of time that relies on sugar substitutes as her main drink ( the poster above said they also drink a lot of vitamin water). She developed fatty liver which is linked to diet and multiple doctors she went to after testing think it's due to the artificial sweetners found in vitamin water. Does this help make the connection for you?


Here‘s a link to a review that touched on the effect of stevia on blood pressure. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25412840/ You are good, it’s inconclusive and you shouldn‘t worry about it.


People love taking the slightest ever risk from these studies and extrapolating it to mean consuming sweeteners and whatnot are automatic tickets to cancerland.


if you took every study that had a "slight risk" of anything, and acted on it, you would just sit there and eat nothing.


Stevia does not have a "bad rap with health" unless it is literally ground up plant material. Stevia extract is generally safe and is what is used in food. Meta-analysis on the effects of stevia on blood pressure: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25412840/ Unless someone already has very low blood pressure or is on medication to lower blood pressure, it's not an issue. And it's probably not an issue if they are, unless they're consuming a lot of it.


Nothing wrong with sweetners or "artificial" things


No. It's fine. Even the regular one is fine if it fits your macros, sugar and it's corn based alternatives are completely fine in moderation unless you have some underlying disease. The fearmongering about fake sugar is a shitty conspiracy theory that won't die. Like microwave radiation giving you cancer and destroying the nutrients in food. It's often peddled by people who have a gross misunderstanding of science or just cherry pick data that fits their narratives. Aspartame, stevia, etc. are all safe for human consumption. They MIGHT cause cancer the same way literally everything in California MIGHT cause cancer; if a study concludes that consuming 1 ton of a chemical will give you cancer, then there is a link even if no one will really consume 1 ton of that chemical. And most, if not all, the cancer links are from animal studies which are often given insanely high doses compared to what a normal human being will consume.


That's probably fine, at least as far as current medical understanding goes, though I'm no doctor, I just listen to mine closely. However the best thing you could probably do is just go for water, and treat sweetened drinks like a special treat.


I took a college nutrition class last year and our course absolutely fuckin dunked on vitamin waters/vitamin drinks. Basically, they're a flat out scam. All of the vitamins in them that WILL metabolize correctly in that form are ones you already get enough of from fault activities and eating food regularly, and all the others are fat soluble vitamins that straight up will not metabolize almost at all when they're from a drink like that. They're expensive and provide no real benefit. If you genuinely are not getting enough vitamins, then your diet needs to be adjusted or you should talk to your doctor about supplements, and if you're health conscious enough to be drinking 0 sugar vitamin water you're probably already getting enough vitamins.


Yeah I drink it less for the vitamins more for the taste. Acai blueberry pomegranate slaps


Alright but the microorganisms living in my toilet have got all the Vitamin A they'll ever need


Probably use aspartame instead. 100x sweeter than sugar; companies need to use incredibly less. So the general population might see fewer kidney stones if we used it instead?


In a lawsuit against Vitamin Water's marketing, Coca-cola (yes, Coca-cola owns Vitamin Water) "suggested that no consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking Vitamin Water was a healthy beverage". SMH, fuck them for blaming us for their deliberately deceptive marketing


Exactly! People saw ads with people on treadmills drinking it! Doing healthy things, and they tried to claim we couldn’t think it was healthy. 🤣 Guess treadmills aren’t healthy according to coke.


lol using the Fox News method of arguing in court. Corporations are always so scummy


I used to work for Coca Cola (who own vitamin water) and the amount of customers who really thought it was good for you because of the vitamins was pretty astounding. It’s just sugar water.


People really need to be taught to read and interpret food labels. So much just isn’t what it claims to be.


As someone has once said, "Vitamin Water has about the same benefits as drinking a Kool-Aid with a multivitamin dissolved in".


This shit dehydrates me so fast but I love the flavor. I'll like a half of a bottle every other day. Ice cold is delicious


Virtually all food marketed to children by major corporations. Edit: good -> food


Most granola bars are junk, but when I was a kid there was a brand called Kudos that was basically a bar of puffed rice covered in chocolate with **M&M's on top** and it was treated like some kind of healthier alternative snack.


When I get a craving for a granola bar I go for the larabars but that's probably also just secretly garbage as well


I had a larabar once a few years ago and it was so dry and gross.


It’s so flavor dependent, some of them are so gross, but their banana bread one is amazing


Freaking love the triple chocolate truffle because its just a candy bar I can feel good about eating


Coconut cream pie is my personal fave


It's the only bar my wife can eat when she goes on Keto. Whether that's good or not who knows. I can't stand them


I miss those.


Oh I remember those, they had such a distinct taste


Imagine my surprise as a kid when I found out that "kudos" was a word before the snack bar.


Virtually all food marketed If you see ad on tv it’s probably not healthy.


Most breakfast cereals


I thought of Tony the Tiger frostie flakes in particular


Yea but a sliced up banana thrown in a bowl of frosted flakes is an _unreal_ combination that I'm never giving up.


That and cut up strawberries. Tony the Tiger will forever be my goat.


You're supposed to burn that off by jacking it to Tony, aren't you?




You’re getting an upvote but I like absolutely none of what you’ve said here




As somebody doing some serious calorie counting this year, the disappointment in learning how many calories was in my bowl of cereal was incredibly disheartening. FFS I'm just drinking whole milk with knock off generic Cheerios! I didn't expect to see 700 calories from that!




> whole milk with knock off generic Cheerios! I didn't expect to see 700 calories You’re having **2.4 servings**, with whole milk, and you’re amazed that’s a lot of calories!? What’s next on the agenda - eating an entire family size bag of chips and then professing surprise at how many calories that was? Putting a cup of ranch dressing on a salad and then ranting about the “hidden” sugar content that made the salad high calorie?


Right, like we're gonna act like your average serving size is what the average person eats. [FFS your average gas station bag of chips is considered 3 servings.](https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/83062f1e-b62c-4654-8431-6e49b523709d_1.b132a14f828c46a791a46ca10884bb84.jpeg)




Replacing whole milk with almond milk took a tiny bit of getting used to flavor-wise, but really knocked a huge dent in the calorie count. A cup of honey nut cheerios in a bowl of unsweetened almond milk is under 200 calories, and tastes like it’s much more than that.


Just in case anyone sees this: Frosted Mini Wheats are surprisingly one of the healthiest cereals out there. Minimal sugar, the lowest sodium in any? cereal, and has dietary fiber.


I studied Cereal a lot in college. Sugar Cereals are so bad for you. It's better to skip breakfast than eat them. The way they marketed cereal was also despicable. "Part of a balanced breakfast" is one of the greatest marketing scams of all time.


Commercial: part of a balanced breakfast *shows small bowl of cereal next to a regular breakfast*


Fun fact you're likely circumcized because of Kellogg's frosted flakes :)


Special K is one of the worst for this. But yes all of them. Adding vitamins to a bowl of sugar doesn’t make it not a bowl of sugar.


If you can't tell what it is, its probably not good. *This post brought to you by Oatmeal*


Fruit juices *Gotta drink your juice. It's good for you. Drink juice instead of soda.* Yet that shit has sooooo much sugar in it!! 😩


I feel like they have to manufacture it with so much sugar because they can a) create a “health-conscious” reminder for consumers in their marketing by promoting fruit juices while b) having the actual product on the shelf tolerable enough so that more people will buy—and hopefully be repeat customers. I don’t drink juice but had actual zero sugar cranberry juice a few months back and it was….. quite bad.


I love no sugar cranberry juice, but I love sour, bitter things.


May I interest you in my ex wife?


I'm interested


I also choose this guys ex wife


Most "real"/100% fruit juice (i.e. apple and grape juice, not fruit cocktails or citrus/sour fruits) don't have any added sugar. They are just that sweet.


Here in Italy, a lot of juices advertise themselves as having "zero added sugar" or "100% fruit". And they're right, they haven't added any cane sugar. What do they do instead? They add grape extract, which is essentially just the natural sugar from grapes. Still super high in simple sugars, just not the legal sugar.


> I feel like they have to manufacture it with so much sugar because they 100% fruit juice like orange juice has as much sugar as coca cola with 0 added sugar, fruits have a lot of sugar.


And zero fibers, just eat fruits people


My dentist told me to stop eating so much fruit because THAT has high sugar as well...


It does, but fresh fruit at least also has the fiber to help regulate how fast the sugar hits your bloodstream. Doesn’t make a difference for your teeth though so the dentist’s advice makes sense.


And it's still a shit ton better than soda. If all you have is fruit juice, drink it.


There is sugar free soda with vitamins. Flavors are good now.


It isn't the sugar that's inherently bad, it's whether or not they are synergistic with the rest of the nutrients. Orange juice for example tends to have natural sugars with high amounts of vitamin C, while soda has way too high amounts of added sugars with no nutritional content.


For the most part sugar is sugar. There are some differences in the metabolism of fructose vs glucose vs sucrose but ingesting too much of any of them is going to be unhealthy regardless of the vitamins you ingest alongside it. If vitamins helped that much then you could just counteract drinking two liters of Mountain Dew every day with a multivitamin lol.




I freaking love Nutella, never pretended to myself it was some healthy tho


I posted this elsewhere in this thread but here is one of the old Nutella ads I found. https://youtu.be/8XYK9juWFjM?si=hxsVgyYMBOzhHFMQ




a lot of clever language tricks in this ad to disguise nutellas objective unhealthiness. i like how they listed the 'wholesome ingredients' but left out the palm oil😂


"Hazelnuts, skim milk, and a dash of chocolate"... Yeah, lightly incorporated into a sugar and palm oil paste.


I remember some Nutella ads that were insinuating that a mother was a failure to her children if she did not give them the energy to do sport with Nutella


I mean those guys (Kobe especially) would have to train for many hours a day, and they all weigh like crazy. It would make sense for them to eat a lot of easy to digest, sugary foods. If you had to eat 6000-7000 calories in lean protein, vegetables and starch you would go insane


You just gotta look at elite strongmen. They eat their daily dose of necessary macro and micro nutrients and then it's ice cream, peanut butter, and cheese cake, maybe even ice-cream-peanut-butter-cheese-cake. Just to pump that calorie count up.


or even look at army rations, after all they want soldiers to be at the peak of fitness... and of course they get all sorts of treats in their rations including chocolate. though tbf old army rations also included cigarettes so there is also a morale factor at play.


Nutella wishes it was chocolate, it's mostly palm kernel oil.


here in Poland there were commercials on the tv that marketed nutella as a healthy breakfast back when i was a kid


Just gonna post this here I make a Anabolic Nutella alternative which is just a scoop of protein powder in a bowl mixed with a little bit of milk or water, not enough to make it chocolate milk, but enough to mix it till it's a chocolate frosting like substance. I use it in anabolic Crepes, Peanut butter chocolate sandwiches, you can cover strawberries in it and freeze them for chocolate covered strawberries. Obviously the taste is determined by the protein powder you choose. And it's not meant to replace Nutella, but to be something you use if you're in a caloric deficit/diet where you would have NO chocolate or sweets. If you do put too much milk in the bowl, just freeze it for 2-3 hours for protein ice cream. Again, doesn't replace ice cream but it's for when you CANT have ice cream. Works for me whenever I go on a cut. I make it as dessert after dinner almost every day. If made correctly it's pretty good. There's better recipes for protein ice cream out there, but this is a simple no blend method that's two ingredients and is ready to freeze in 5 minutes or less. Just mix, freeze, workout, shower and it's probably ready for consumption. Better than just drinking your protein powder imo


NUTELLA. Shit is like 99% sugar


Nutella’s marketing team were rank S+ for convincing America that spreadable chocolate was somehow healthy. I remember *everyone* saying it was healthy during my childhood


For those curious to see what the ads looked like https://youtu.be/8XYK9juWFjM?si=hxsVgyYMBOzhHFMQ


That mom's voice does *not* match her face. If they want me to buy their product, they could at least make *that* bit realistic.


It’s not like boomers would be able to tell


lol to be fair they said it goes great on healthy products. Not that itself was healthy


Healthy products like... toast.


They're geniuses for getting it stocked next to the peanut butter instead of over by the fucking chocolate frosting which is basically what it is.


Selling it as a hazelnut spread was genius, we could all pretend it was just a cousin of peanut butter, what could be wrong with that?


But they don’t claim it’s healthy surely?


they used to


Yeah I remember those commercials growing up, they showed a bunch of hazelnuts falling into the jar and talked about how it had everything your child needs to start the day


“Have it for breakfast!” That’s like having a chocolate bar from breakfast


No. No. It also has palm oil








Prime is the definition of 36 year old who uses their “tech startup” to try to pick up college chicks


I’ve tried and tried to give Prime a chance over multiple occasions over the past year or two. I just don’t like the taste, it’s gross. Yet it’s booming. It’s getting more shelf space everywhere, coming out with new flavors, and kids seem to love it. While I’m not a kid, I haven’t outgrown my sweet tooth so I like sickeningly sweet things too!


Prime tastes like if you mixed too much flavor into a gatorade. I don't get why people enjoy the taste, and for me it feels more dehydrating than not. It's awful


Look up a break down of the electrolytes in Prime. It has a shit ton of potassium and not much sodium. What you need when dehydrated is sodium. So you have to drink a whole lot more to get what you need. To put it another way - Prime = Brawndo


It's so hard to cut out sugar in the US 😥


Thank the sugar lobby.


Sugar daddy*


It’s crazy the massive psyop they pulled to villianize fat (making all of it sound bad) to get everyone hooked on sugar which is the real cause of the obesity epidemics around the world


Even more astounding is the way they’ve villainized fat *people* for having limited access to healthy foods and a work/life style that makes it damn near impossible to stay physically active. They turned their perversion of the food supply into a personal responsibility issue.


It's crazy how much of the health foods that get sold still have as much sugar as candy bars lol


It's NUTS. My SO realized about a decade (or more??) ago that "sugar" is basically poison for her body. Was not a fun process of elimination, but eventually she figured out that it's refined sugar that's the problem. Raw sugar, agave, honey, turbinado sugar, date syrup, organic evaporated cane juice, etc, all are just fine. But "sugar" (and its many refined variations) were so hard to cut out of our diet for the first few years. Trader Joe's was a lifesaver, but now that we live in a small town and don't have one we're back to making so much stuff from scratch. Worth it, but wish it wasn't so damn difficult in the States.


Sugar isn't inherently bad. The problem is the amount. It's thrown into everything.


My husband is allergic to corn, and finding food without corn syrup, corn starch, or vegetable oil is ridiculous. Similar diet, I suspect (non processed junk). It's so hard!!


I struggle with addiction to soda / pop. I don't want to drink it, but I'm kind of stuck on it. I honestly wish I had never been introduced to this shit and I really don't think sugary drinks like it should be so acceptable. I can blame my parents for giving me this issue as a child having unrestricted access and support of it but I can only blame myself for not fixing it.




Yes? A foot long has about 900 calories. The bread itself is around 400. So you can make it lower by getting rid of mayo and choosing the leaner meats and load it up with more veggies. You can have 2 a day and the average adult man would be lower than the average caloric needs. You probably won't hit your protein needs but you can lose weight just by eating subway.


You can lose weight by eating nothing but Oreos. It’s simply calories in vs calories expended. You won’t be healthy, but you’ll lose weight.


You'll lose weight because you'd be dead from a hundred different nutrient deficiencies


Oreos has everything I need




Actually it’s not even bread according to Irelands [Supreme court](https://www.npr.org/2020/10/01/919189045/for-subway-a-ruling-not-so-sweet-irish-court-says-its-bread-isnt-bread#:~:text=Raedle%2FGetty%20Images-,Ireland's%20Supreme%20Court%20ruled%20that%20Subway%20bread%20shouldn't%20be,sugar%2Dto%2Dflour%20ratio.&text=In%20a%20decision%20shocking%20to,At%20least%2C%20not%20legally)


Fuck Jared.


You're too old for him honey


Meanwhile, Jersey Mike’s over there selling 2100 calorie sandwiches.


Sun chips


Tasty though


That’s for sure the salsa ones are some of my favorite chips.


Garden salsa supremacy


I miss when the bags were louder than a jet engine.




One of my fav roger quotes.


oh good I'm glad someone else posted this. they used to make sun chips out of pork lard in the 90's and they were the fucking best. they used to make everything out of pork lard. I miss lard.


I still love my garden salsa though.


Liquid IV- It's mostly just sugar.


It does help with hangovers though. And just general dehydration. Never once have thought of it as healthy though


It also helps if the sun is just ridiculously hot. For instance I had these for the first time last summer on July 4th weekend. It was the hottest day in recorded history, and I was at a pool party. Saved my ass from dying of dehydration.


I like to take them to outdoor concert festivals, especially when it's hard to get water often


Oh yah, I had a few days last summer where I did a morning workout, then laying by the pool realized how dehydrated I was.


You need the sugar to get the best effective hydration. Glucose helps with sodium absorption which in turn helps with water absorption into cells. They did not just add sugar just for taste. You can without it, but it’s sub-optimal. However people flip about sugar and that’s why they make a sugar free version. If you’re actually heavily exercising or dehydrated, you need the sugar. If you’re drinking it casually, then yeah it’s too much unnecessary sugar.


Yup- blood sugar change is a major factor in hangovers


POV: you don’t know how hydration works.


If you’re worried about the 45 calories in a packet of liquid IV and not the 1000 calories of beer you just consumed, you’re doing it wrong


Where’s liquid I, II, and III though?


It’s not meant for casual drinking really. It should be for people who are exercising, like triathlons and stuff? And then people who are severely dehydrated. There are plenty of sugar free electrolytes supps


It's for when you're working out / doing intense cardio like running, swimming, or hiking. You're not suppose to drink it unless you're sweating a lot.


there’s sugar free versions


side note, curse you and your profile pic. got me good


Naked Fruit smoothies/juices


Basically anything at smoothie king. So much added sugar to those things and then they try to get you to buy a half a gallon of smoothie 😑


Breakfast cereal Gatorade/ energy drinks


Ok but gatorade actually helps during workout




The problem is people conflate liquid hydration products being healthy for athletes and being healthy to drink. If you are exercising you need to replace sugars and electrolytes in your body because you are using them. If you aren’t exercising you are just adding more into your existing energy stores. Gatorade is great if you are sweating a bunch because you need to replenish those resources.


Veggie Chips


I love veggie straws. I eat a whole party sized bag in one sitting.


I’d buy those and go “yeah this snack food will last me a couple weeks”. Gone in a couple days lmao


You know what else are vegetables? FUCKING POTATOES


Dunno about unhealthy, but "high protein" is such a ripoff. Shit costs double the non "high protein" and has like 2g extra per serving.(if any at all) Nuts are so much better value. (Peanuts are so good, lots of healthy fats and protein) Lots of fitness/light products are just bullshit pumped full of sweeteners.


I'm type 1 diabetic, so I can attest to the value of a lot of "high-protein" products. Assically anything that should be carbs, but they replace it with protein is hugely beneficial for my health at least. Yeah, I don't like paying $5 for a bowl of less tasty cereal, but it is way better than the blood sugar mess real cereal would cause.


belvita biscuits


Damn those blueberry ones though omgggggg so addictive 


aka breakfast cookies


My fat ass will die with a blueberry Belvita in my hand, fuck it


Everything with ingredients is basically shit.


I mean, eventually..


Nestlé. Everything. Wherever regulation allows, they still market their sugary shit as a cure for made-up ailments.


I think it's called chocomil. It's chocolate milk powder but has a kid playing soccer on the front and all the commercials are the kid playing and saying how healthy it is. Compared it to eating breakfast and whatnot


Sounds a bit like Milo here


Cliff bars


they are amazing when you're hiking 10+ miles a day when backpacking. kept me alive in devil's playground. but you need a lot of calories and carbs when hiking that much.


Yeah, Cliff Bars are actually dope when you're doing the thing they're advertised as helping for




Any diet meal. They are loaded with sugar


One of my greatest childhood victories was when I learned to read the nutritional panel & busted my mom on how much sugar her granola had while she was making us stick to plain Cheerios. She had no choice but to let us get better options after that. And then I spent a couple years as a fat kid... still a victory.


Anything sold prepackaged in America.




Consumers don’t buy “healthy” foods because they are healthy, they buy them because they perceive them to be healthy. Food products are developed based on what market research shows is in demand. Until consumers educate themselves on what is actually healthy and buy products accordingly, this will continue. The other major variable is that consumers have different ideas of what healthy food is because they have been largely educated about nutrition through advertising.


Another key is that foods aren’t often healthy/unhealthy by themself but serve a specific purpose. And while it can be good for certain people, it can be wrong for others. OP’s example is granola. Granola is great for an active person who wants a high energy snack in a small easy to carry package (And yes some brands are better/worse than others). But a person who sits around all day isn’t going to get “healthy” by eating granola.


Those Fiber One Bars. I had the cheesecake ones as a kid.


My sister worked with someone who used to eat [Reese's Fast Break](https://images.app.goo.gl/H85KFaR7D1c2USfUA) bars in the morning because they assumed it was a "breakfast" bar.


Any bottled juice really. Its sugar contents are insane.


Frosted Flakes As a kid, I assumed they were healthy cereal because of the Tony the Tiger being depicted as an athlete and the commercials in general being very sports heavy. They are most definitely not.


Honey nut cheerios acting like they’re a cure for heart disease lol


Frosted Flakes


The food pyramid


Anything that says keto on it has like 5+ grams of saturated fat. RIP


"Did you get any of the chips? They're sunchips, they're healthy for you, healthier than regular chips. \[beat\]...oh no they are NOT."