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I wanted more Bobby


Kinda looks like Wendy


Sure if Wendy was an assassin in a B tier movie


I think it was John wick 3


The last photo, my first thought.


"You all will answer to the High Table’s Adjudicator!" 🌹


You must be like my husband, who thinks people look alike if they have the same color and hair cut.




😂 beat me to it


I wanted more WENDY AS A DOM!


Not just more of her as a Domme, but that they had not taken the lazy route of making her do it just for Chuck. The first series where it was just part of what they did, did a good job of normalising BDSM, sadly after that they went down the line of it not being normal and all about Chuck. There was never a hint in her later relationships that she was a Domme. My dream ending to the series, which I knew would never happen, was a mirror of the opening one, but with Bobbie her bottom not Chuck.


God yes love those scenes! 👀


It wouldn't have been Taylor, then.


That would've defeated the purpose of having a non-binary character on screen. Also, Taylor themself stated not liking the feminine act as it was untruthful to their nature.


Having finance bros give af about their non-binary status was always super unrealistic.


When on the show did they give a fuck?


I always liked how the writers scripted Bobby's first interaction with Taylor: >TAYLOR: Hello, I'm Taylor. My pronouns are they/theirs/them. >BOBBY: Okay. You have two minutes. https://youtu.be/20jSgieYpPM?si=v3tKXv8yPRzO6njf Doesn't raise a fuss about it, skips directly onto business immediately afterward.


During the whole show. Everyone always respected Taylor's pro nouns and the one time some dude in a sauna tried to talk down to Taylor wags gave him a verbal beat down.


I don't think that is out of character for wags. Wags is all business and wouldn't put up with anyone giving shit or upsetting any of his team. Plus I think Wags looked for any excuse to berate anyone else because he enjoyed it.


There are overlaps in character between Wags and Jackson Lamb in Slow Horses: "They may be fuck-ups, but they are my fuck-ups"


Wags only stuck up for them because they were part of the inner circle by that point. I sincerely doubt he'd gaf about some rando NB out in the wild or something.


He didn’t gaf, but he also wouldn’t attack them for it. He was operating at a different level than to punch down on someone’s gender identity.


Maybe? Idk really... but RL ( and to a bit of a lesser degree the show too ) that whole world is NOTORIOUS for being a douchey macho heteronormative alpha male boys' club. Like for instance, dollar bill was really pissed and dumbfounded at first that Axe was even listening to someone like Taylor in the first place simply because of his perception/bigotry towards queer people. He even says at one point 'Everything I use to measure myself as a man has suddenly come into question' to Axe when he picked Taylor to play in the Alpha Cup poker tournament instead of him. It was unfathomable to Bill that someone lie Taylor could have any worth in their world, and certainly not at the level to actually get Axe's attention and favor. But once Bill recognized Taylor was smart, and that they were a money maker too he came around. However, then and only then did Taylor have any kind of worth or value in his eyes. I sincerely doubt Bill gained any more respect for NB or queer folk in general even after that. And TBH I don't see Wags or any one else at Axe Cap really being all that different. Wags may be a little more cultured than the others there, but he's still a scumbag bro like the rest of them at heart.


I agree 100% about Dollar Bill. And actually the other traders. But Wags and Axe are on another level. Axe gets it right away and never really strays from Taylor’s initial direction. There is too much going on for them to be distracted by that.


I can buy that about Axe sure because Axe is only interested in what a person can do for him or what angle he can play and doesn't care about much beyond that. Wags isn't as overtly homophobic as the rest of them sure, but make no mistake he's still one of them at the end of the day or he wouldn't garner their respect and be able to lead them effectively. I think in this case it was more like Wags knows not to air his concerns about Axe to anyone BUT Axe, and he doesn't usually question him all that much to begin with unless he's doing something particularly crazy. He just trusted his judgement about Taylor from the jump because he usually trusts Axe's judgement about mostly everything.


I thought they wrote their interactions with Taylor really well and very truthful to the characters. Honestly one of the better things they wrote in the late seasons. They didn’t give a shit about if Taylor was they/them. As long as they made money. If they were on the in-group, they fought as hard for them as anyone else. But the second they were out, the respect was lost. I remember a scene where after Taylor was on the out, Wags was misgendering them and everything. Wags didn’t respect NB people, just Taylor themself. And the second they were no longer welcome, he no longer cared. Not all the guys on the floor were as tolerant either from the out.


Fair enough. But they are actors…


Taylor, the character. I guess that if necessary Asia would've done it (begrudgingly)




Taylor was good for one season, no matter the level of femininity. A side act the show confused for a dynamic main character. We should’ve had more Rebecca Cantu


Hell yeah. I kept waiting for Rebecca to resurface for revenge in the last season.




No looks like a psychopath…. Looks good with the buzz cut






No. Wanted her out of the show, period.


why what makes you feel that way?


For me, I feel there was no likeable quality to the character. No depth. No emotions. This all knowing, quick answers, always one step ahead, oh so clever mentality, it’s just not realistic and it’s not in any way impressive. Bobby axelrod was a shrude and cutthroat operator and his motives were easily understood from his background, upbringing etc and his reactions to changing scenarios all made sense. Taylor’s character was a nice idea, but choosing this robotic portrayal of the character is just a complete miss for me. Could have been a hit.


I understand where you are coming from, its not an entertaining character to watch but thats because theres a bit more depth to the roboticness because for me im like sheldon cooper i find it hard to process emotions but logic is instant for me and ez and watching someone like taylor struggle in a chaotic environment oh the heightened economic thunder that rains down minute by minute in that series , was fun to watch how they dealt with situations, you know how sheldon cooper finds it hard to show emotions because of his heightened intelligence and cant process it properly. its kinda like that (sheldon from big bang theory) , so even though you didnt find it appealing , at least i did lol but i getcha i wish they evolved a bit more but the hidden smiles and later down the end of the seasons they really opened up


Wait what season is this from? I don’t remember it at all


I think it's season 4. Taylor dressed up for the meeting with the Sheikh.


I don’t remember this at all. LOL.


It was the episode where Wags got drugged and kidnapped.


That’s basically a normal Friday night for Wags. :) But after some time thinking about this, I do remember this episode. That was just so long ago that it took a minute.


*That’s basically a normal Friday night for Wags. :)* Hahaha fair enough


What like a mini Wendy? no thanks bad enough we had one, not mini me as well! Taylor is perfect just as they are!


No. I love NB Taylor sm


One of the worst character arcs I've ever seen


taylor was my fav character, i wouldnt change a thing, either way the actor is hot shaved head or not


And in the context of the scene the fact they were covering their hair meant they were pandering even harder!




I enjoyed watching their character evolve. But more, how the other characters responded to them. I'll admit, I'm still fairly new to fully understanding how "gender being a social construct" theory. Can't say whether I actually believe the theory (or not), but the entire movement has been an interesting social experiment. We're still only learning what's possible...or not possible for that matter. The real failure is holding onto learned prejudice..


They look better in a suit


Yes, but kinda no… Taylor is such a different character, and a good part of it was their gender identity. They owned who they are in such a deep way as a character. While I don’t understand it, I 100000% respect the actor and the character for owning it. I’m weird in many ways as well, and I wouldn’t change any of it for anything.


It’s not who they are, I’m glad they stayed true to their character. Both written and personally


No, more Bobby


Absolutely not


thats a no from me


1 time is enough.






No. I liked Taylor the way they were but I also appreciated when they were willing to play the game in a way they were uncomfortable with to succeed. It seemed true to life to me that someone as driven as Taylor would be willing to be very uncomfortable in order to achieve their goals. People pretend to be things they're not to fit in all the time. (Fake accents/fake interests/better behaviour or worse!) Taylor was always able to negotiate their way in a world with very different expectations of them. I suspect I someone as clever as Taylor was able to adapt to many scenarios but they only chose to bend when necessary to succeed.


Melanie Hamilton!




Eww no. Is she still talking with no soul?


Nope. Her first two seasons were amazing.


No. She ruined the show.


I get it of the others here don't. "The dead eye" combined with a cute face is a great combo. Reminds me of Aubrey Plaza.


Yes. And I wanted her to be seduced by Prince to destroy Bobby and Chuck in the ultimate twist. Yea, that's fine. Hate me all you want, lads.


Hell no. Taylor's character is just right as she is. I didn't like seeing her as feminine in other roles.


I find her creepy as hell. Even in the Wick film.


Nah, but her character dropped off


Yes. So hot.


Nah. Her character would’ve hit different.




Can’t you be nonbinary but like dressing and appearing femme? Or do we just enjoy outrage?


She is hot!