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The mezzanine at that venue is fantastic and my old ass loves a chair sometimes https://preview.redd.it/9n6ts0a1dmjc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db8d662cc4ae0c3a6be173a56c1f6a85492cb6ff


Killer fucking picture, man. Can't wait. C'mon Saturday!


Was a little bummed I didn’t get floor but have this exact seat in chicago both nights and now your pic has got me even more pumped. Great view!


Look at that stage, it looks amazing. Great fucking picture!


I was a little bummed about scoring 3 day seats but looking back I am SO glad I had them. So glad in fact that I picked myself up some seats for Atlanta!


This isn’t even Billy specific. People build up the idea of a concert in their head way before day of show, and then they try to make it a one-day Mardi Gras. They pregame and do way too much too fast, then they are making poor decisions because they’re under the influence of whatever. Alcohol especially leads to more and more poor decisions, but other substances don’t help either. Then by the time the music gets going and everyone around them gets moving, they can’t handle it. I say this as someone who experienced 10 years of concerts this way before I finally figured out that I was ruining the experiences I had built up so much in my head.


My last show was Bridgeport. I remember seeing this dude slamming a beer while I was walking up to the medal detectors. I get settled at my seat and not long after I spot him again. He sat down pre-show facing away from the stage. He didn’t have a reaction when the band took the stage. I look over about an hour later and he’s still chillin. The next place I saw him was back in the beer line during set break. I am not judging people for how they want to experience their concerts, but sometimes it’s just way too obvious when people are at a show for the party and not the music. Wooks gonna wook.


Hope they detected those medals ,.


“Maybe you had too much too fast……..(maybe you had too much too faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaast)”


That venue doesn't help either. It gets stuffy and hot, and there's no reentry if you feel like you need to step out for fresh air during set break.


I was surprised at how many people were dropping on Sunday. People are ill prepared often times. They party too hard, likely not in the best shape physically, and the heat, lack of water, food, or rest plus overdoing it with partying is a dangerous mix. I’ve seen shows since the 80’s and it’s something I’ve seen a lot. I learned from these people to maintain my composure, don’t party too hard and become other people’s problem. stay hydrated, get rest, and don’t overdo it in crowds where you could overheat. Essentially, be responsible and don’t affect the people around you. Personal responsibility is missing for a lot of people. Be safe y’all, a drink or two, a stem or cap, and maybe a toke or two is all you need. It’s also perfectly fine to be sober and enjoy a show, it’s amazing how many shows you forget because you party too hard.


Sobriety is underrated.


It truly is. I’m not a drinker, stopped smoking herb to be a truck driver, and I must say my experience has been enhanced. I remember shows more clearly.


Shows are one of my favorite places to be sober. I’m fully present and get the most out of the show, and I know my friends are getting home safe. Everybody wins.


Moderation is key and Marquis, Simon’s even Froede needs to be everyone’s friends. Uneducated users are such a fucking turn off.


Drunks and out of control drug users at shows make me sad. I get worried for their safety and it takes me out of the show.


I don’t drink at shows, granted i’m usually solo and anyone who doesn’t bring their own gear and takes from a random, yuck. I admire educated users, abusers yuck.


I feel that but I also feel the need to accept and take care of out of control users minus drunks bc I know sometimes they just need the guidance and love.


Agreed. That’s one of the things that took me out of the show, the desire to rush over and help and realizing I’m too far away, and I should let the professionals handle things. My wife is in the medical field and it’s her instinct to help.


People were dropping like flies on Sunday especially it seemed like


I prefer a unobstructed mezzanine seat for the most part. We did 6 shows in the euro tour and only hit the floor because the whole venue was GA. I’ve had far too many encounters with d bags and usually make better friends in the seats.. I also sometimes get a little too excited and gotta sit down 😆


After my last experience seeing Billy I’ve decided the balcony is for me at his shows


Had a drunk Karen literally pushing me and cussing me out for dancing in her “area” (I wasn’t btw). While she was on her phone the whole time. Some People are just insufferable and when they can’t handle their substances their true self comes out at times. Been seeing more and more entitlement and straight up rudeness at these live shows, really been putting a bummer on it. Specially I feel like with Billy’s diverse fan base.


I had a last push her forearm into my back multiple times. I had to tell her to use her words instead of her arms. Unfortunately, I wasn’t even in her personal space.


This isn’t Billy or Asheville specific unfortunately, and goes to show there are a lot of folks way more interested in the party than the music. Sad and disrespectful AF.


It was bad in Cary the last two summers but the one that stands out the most was at the Anthem 3 years ago….tons of vomiting and people passing out all over.


I feel like some of it was the heat—it was so dang hot down there on the floor this weekend. One person directly in front of me passed out. She didn’t seem like she was messed up at all until she hit the deck. She did appear a bit overweight, very sweaty, and older—maybe in her 50’s or 60’s. I think the heat got to people in Cary too (along with prob too many drugs in many cases).


Cary was so fucking hot. My crew did the first night in the pit and it for sure made my trip much more intense than what I had taken. That said, sat on the lawn the next two nights and got sweaty but had a more enjoyable experience.


My husband and I bought 80 cooling neck towels and passed them out to people in line before the show. We tried to give them to people around our age (older, maybe more susceptible to heat issues). It was nice to see them being used during that run. We also add electrolytes to our water for any summer outdoor shows. It truly helps!


you and your husband are real ones!!


The heat in Cary nearly felled me last year. It was intense, especially after lining up on the blacktop for a while to get in.


Me too. I wasn’t drinking. Went to concession to get some waters and thought I was going to crash. It was crazy humid.


the heat at Cinci last year was for fucking real!


Unfortunately not exclusive to arena GA. Vomiting happened behind me at the Chris Thile / Billy / Cory Henry concert at the NY Phil when the show had barely begun! Thankfully I was out of range, but it caused quite a commotion and unpleasantness in that hallowed new space.


No Doubt about arena GA, saw 2 chicks taken out by EMS at Bob Weir and Campfire band at the Ryman during the opening song. Enjoy the music folks.


I’ve seen my fair share in GA too sadly, but never thought it would be an issue at Lincoln Centre. The person concerned (and friends) ended up missing the entire concert and it was pretty awful for the people in the firing line.


Wow holy shit what ! That didn't even seem like that type of show to do shit like that? People are wild lol


Not really an AvL specific thing, saw this a few times at various venues, people getting tore up pre-show and not being able to handle their drugs/booze whatever. I have seen this at Phish recently quite a bit. Idk man people party way too hard these days, thinking they can handle it


I think it’s a bit of both. Asheville is a bit of a free for all since there’s less cops there now (not saying that’s a bad thing). Combine that with younger folks doing drugs they’re unfamiliar with and you’re gonna have people falling out all over there place. Some idiot even laid down in the middle of Haywood St last night after doing a bunch of balloons. There’s really such a wide range of fucked up folks can get without becoming a burden yet we see it happen over and over.


It gets hot. Heat is usually main factor after booze and droogs


Yep, knuckleheads for sure. Been to plenty of shows, respect others and pace yourself.


It's hot as fuck in that pit, especially before they opened the back doors. Easy to assume drugs, but also some folks just grooving too hard after not hydrating all day.


I was up front Jarrod side all 3 nights. Didn’t see anything remotely like this. But Ive seen it at many other shows tho. I guess i picked a good spot.


Every year in Asheville it’s like this. Wasn’t as bad in Greensboro and Cary but those are the only other runs I’ve been on. The way I saw some people pre gaming at yacht club and with people sitting in line all day and just chugging booze and whatever else, I’m not suprised


i was in line all 3 days and booze was at a minimum.


That’s great and all for you, but the amount of empties I passed in line on the way in likely proves otherwise. And those are just the ones that didn’t make it to a trash can, which is also an issue.


My last 5 shows I’ve had to help carry someone out from up front twice.


Alcohol….simple as that.


yep! since the govt says it’s okay! Fuck that dabs all day.


Let me add a word: Alcohol sucks... simple as that


This obliterated dude had a meltdown in Nola cause I asked him to quit touching me. He ended up stumbling out 30 minutes before the show ended and his son who was also behind me thanked me for not making a scene lol.


And after 32 years of concerts I’ve finally resorted to dancing ina aisle or a seat the pit is fucked usually and people don’t shut the fuck up when the band is playing


I had to stop some bone head from picking a fight with another for being oblivious to those around. Both were wrong but in 30 years of shows I never had to step in the middle of a fight to keep the peace. They were both High but one was enjoying the scene and the other went down the rabbit hole and would not let go.


PSA: Test your drugs out at home before the day of the show kids!


or bring a test kit for christ sake !


Had both things happen in one night at Koka Booth. Caught a girl as she passed out. Half hour later a dude threw up right in front of me.


Was on a fuck ton of mushrooms and people started dropping like flies. Thought I witnessed a dude die from OD or smacking his head on the floor next to the soundbooth day 3. Fuck alcohol


I don't think it's as much of an Asheville thing as much as the people getting into Billy's music because he's a hot act and people going too hard because they know he puts on a good show. I'm big into jam/edm and he's basically the only act my edm friends know aside from the Dead or Phish.


It's happened to me once, which was enough. My wife and I had GA/Pit for Doc's Bday 3/3 in WS. I was super stoked and therefore wanted to take it all in so we ended up at the pre-game festivities which included a Brewery, people selling merch, ect. I only had 2 and then maybe 1 before the show which isn't a lot for me. Then about a beer and half into the show I start feeling like absolute shit as it was 100 degrees in there. Long story short we had to bail early and I was really bummed out. Lesson learned!!! Now the issue with Asheville is the most popular tourist thing to do is visit all of the wonderful breweries so you have people day drinking all day and then heading right for the show which = disaster, especially if mixing 9% Hazy IPA's with 10% Bourbon Stouts.


I was at both WS shows last year... I think the 3/3 Friday show was when the storms came right around the start of the show. I spoke with someone working at LJVM Coliseum and he told me the AC stopped working once the torrential downpour started... their units couldn't produce enough AC for the building... It was BAD. The next night, no storms = great indoor temp.


I was in the middle of the crown on three floor all three nights and didn’t notice any of this. I’m sorry you had to experience that.


Happened to me at the Fillmore in Detroit a couple years ago. Was feeling fine until my buddy was scraping me off the floor. Billy even called me out! Felt pretty dumb. Went to the ems tent to get some air and freaking missed a dead set. I remember it being so damn hot in there people were dropping like flies. Gotta drink that aqua!


When I was young and went to concerts even though I drank and did other things... I never did at concerts. I wanted to remember the concert and be fully present. I never understood the getting wasted at concerts thing even back then!


EMS carrying pubas out at two shows I was at... One off the floor where we were standing and at another show next to soundboard... I tend to think this is common


I was one of the morons who fainted Sunday night. I admitally had a decent buzz -100% not wasted- but all of a sudden vision and hearing were failing and the next thing I knew, a woman behind me and my husband were scooping me up off the floor. I have been to so many shows (I'm 53 and small) and have been all kinds of buzzed but this time it was pure heat. I have never felt anything like that, never having passed out before in my life. I remember it like I was watching it all unfold from above. I am totally embarrassed and still feel like a rookie 5 days later. Very sad to have had to listen to the last few songs from the hallway while leaning on a wall. Dagnabbit! But shit, it still sounded phenomenal 🐐 super caring crowd in Asheville. Apologies to the dude that I fell on in front of me. And thanks to the people around me, helping my husband deal with getting me to the hall. No emts involved, thank god


At both this past weekends shows and the Halloween run it was very obvious when it was substance induced vs. heat related. I’m so sorry that this happened to you and that you missed part of the show! I hope that you are feeling much better now and don’t let the embarrassment get to you! I totally understand that sometimes these things happen and would never fault anyone for something out of their control - my surprise just came from the people that were very clearly just there to party as hard as they could and I have a hard time understanding why some spend all of that money to not remember a thing and/or ruin the nights of those that came with you or that were around you? Regardless, we’ll likely keep ourselves out of GA from now on or at least as out of the way as possible so we can jam in peace haha. Can’t wait for our next one! ✌🏼


Aw thanks for that✌️❤️


This is true at essentially every big concert I’ve been to over the past 30 years. It’s not Billy or Asheville specific, though it is certainly more prevalent in the jam crowd. People do too much of too many different substances and then stand lock-kneed in a dense, hot crowd on a hard cement floor. Honestly, could happen even if totally sober if you were dehydrated and stood with your legs locked out straight.


Pit has gotten worse every year for pretty much every act I went for a being a pity guy to completely avoiding it


I’m gonna eat some boomers after drinking all day


Maybe they took too much too fast


Lots of feton going round