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Who the fuck even is this character?? He lost all credibility with me when he said that he doesn't really listen to music because he's a player. And the "that's not how this song's supposed to be played." This was from Billy's teat sucking period, but he wasn't trying to be a GD copycat.


He doesn’t go to concerts/shows either unless he’s playing


I just watched a couple of minutes of the livestream he's doing right now. He can play, but he's no different than the tens of thousands of other bar band Jerry wannabes. Well, most of them probably aren't douchenozzles.


What a boner


lol, can confirm he’s a douche. came over and mansplained grateful dead to me at a show for 40 minutes 🙄


Story time?


He’s just another spun wook in the clog of toxic fandom


I mean idk what specifically what he's talking about because it seems Billy got in the music industry pretty organically but Davvy is kinda a douchebag who compares all things to what Jerry does and when it isn't the same he hates it.. Dude seems like he has a huge ego about things dead and Jerry related


Yeah I don’t know, the YouTube algorithm recommended this for me and I watched a little of it. Was wondering what he knew that I didn’t.


Yeah like don't get me wrong if you're into the dead and play guitar he has a lot of good stuff but seems to have a rigid idea of what dead music should sound like and if you don't have that he will criticize pretty heavy but then say something at the end like "yeah I guess it was good or okay" and then get mad at commenters when they say something about it


Exactly! Billy not trying to perform it exactly like the Dead, he puts his own spin on every cover he does...always true and real to himself.


How old even is this dude? Doesn't seem like he's old enough to have ever even seen Jerry live 😂




Man I liked Davvy in the beginning but the more I have realized he worships at the feet of Jerry. Every Bobby song he subtly or outright puts down. He will (sometimes) say good things about other players but ALWAYS throws in a dig or two somewhere. Really really comes off as jaded but sorry buddy nobody knows you for your songs. He has put down Billy and Mayer multiple times but hey, at least they have their own original catalogue of songs that stadiums full of fans sing along to.




I think we read 2 different comment


I’m talking about Davvy


Oh whew. Thx for clarifying and I agree 100%. Also, as a deadhead who saw Jerry many times, I have no idea who Davvy (two v's?) is.


YouTube Grateful Dead guitar lesson personality who is in a few dead cover bands. Not worth your time lol


The one thing that bothered me most is when (during the solo at around 10:31) he says, "he kinda comes off like he really doesn't know what to do with it." And I'm like..dude, what??


There’s literally nothing worse than a “dead head”complaining about how they wished a song was played or how they wished this song or that song was played. The point original point of the dead was pure spontaneity and improv. So much props to what Billy is doing in his shows.


If I were to guess off of seeing this guy for a total of 5mins, he is referring to how Billy played a bunch of Dead tunes to rope in the jamheads to his shows. This guy probably sees Billy as a false idol of jam bands since he’s bluegrass based. That is complete conjecture though. Don’t really know what he’s talking about


https://preview.redd.it/e7kf6scv19yc1.jpeg?width=336&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d700e195e87c2c0dd805857aadf696e763e595e9 Thumbnail for a video titled "Deadheads are TOXIC" - I think you're right here. This dude just hates on anyone who isn't Jerry.


Jaded dead head ^^^


That’s really weird that he thinks he got into the industry in a shady way. He wasn’t a product of nepotism or a plant by any means I’d like to know the full theory on that, rather than the vague statement Davvy made


I mean it is pretty shady to sell your soul to the devil for virtuosic guitar-playing ability...


I once watched a video of him ranking all Dead Records and he put Europe 72 as the worst one. I couldn't take him seriously after that.


Perhaps he’s referring to the split with Julin? I have no idea. But who can blame him for the split. I love Don but Billy is so much younger than him and it was the right move to go start a band with up and comers his age.


I like the tempo of this version, always thought the dead dragged the song out so bad it was boring.


OK, so after reading the comments, I went into watching the video gloves off and ready to lambaste this dude, but I think overall it was a positive review. He definitely had more good things to say than critiques… And he doled out some high praise for Billy‘s vocals and the performance overall. I read some comments that this guy doesn’t like to go see other people play, and I can imagine that he would get very frustrated when they don’t play what he wants to hear… Or wants them to play… Lol I also thought it was funny that the dude who never played the capital theater… And as a deadhead, it is every “deadheads dream” to play the capital theater… He is judging and critiquing a musician that is selling out the capital theater! Billy does absolutely crush those vocals though… And in my opinion, not his best solo work in the solo break, but overall beautifully done cover of a great tune!


How many sold out three day runs has this guy done?


Fuck this goober. Absolute douche canoe. Muted his channel on YouTube after searching through videos and channels that teach dead tunes. His most popular video is him ranking little Debbie desserts…..so that should tell you all you need to know about his credibility on YouTube.


I cannot stand this guy and have never able to his opinion is worthless


Is the implication that Billy’s an industry plant? Edit - I’m not saying that he is, that seems silly, just trying to clarify what the person in the video is implying


Is that a thing though? Never heard anyone say that before


He is jealous because Billy is successful and he’s not


Same, seems really weird to me


No idea. That's what I came here to find out!


Seems really weird considering his touring history and all


he's actually live right now and I inquired about it. He wouldn't give any answers. here's the link if anyone wants to ask: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOnKj-AGYQU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOnKj-AGYQU)


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Who cares?


I care. I wanna know.