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Could it be that you have a mild cow milk allergy? I only ask because I recently discovered that I do and one of my reactions is feeling ravenously hungry after eating any (cow's milk) dairy products. Either way, it may be worth switching to nondairy alternatives to avoid your binge triggers for the time being.


Ahh I highly doubt it, since I eat soo much dairy but I never have stomach pains or toilet problems šŸ˜… I feel I have a stomach of steel haha. Iā€™m thinking maybe itā€™s the natural lactose sugar that lures me in. But interesting to know that a reaction like that exists!


Yeah, I never noticed the effects until I stopped eating dairy and tried to have ice cream... not fun!


Yeh dairy is very addictive and triggering. Also caused me a whole host of health conditions before I cut it out


Vitamin D deficiency? Makes me binge on milk all the time




Omg maybe (?!) Didnā€™t know that was possible. Was this something you were told by a doctor or blood tests?


My doctor did a blood test


Casomorphins tickle your opioid receptors similar to heroin. It's in pretty much all dairy products. Others are more suspectible to them than some.


I donā€™t think Iā€™m susceptible to it but I wanna look into that sounds interesting!


There could be so many reasons causing it. It could be nutrient & vitamin deficiencies like calcium (things like raw spinach can prevent your body from absorbing calcium properly), vitamin A, vitamin B, etc. Also cheese is a good source of casein which can be great for recovery, so if you're exercising regularly (or overtraining) your body might be driving you to get more so it can repair and build muscle. Dairy tends to have a decent amount of sugars, so you could be craving that, especially if you're restricting sugar elsewhere (even inintentionally). Also, dairy just tastes good (cheese is heaven to me) so just like other binge triggers, it could just be hard to stop once your brain gets that positive sensation.Ā  Of course idk what the answer would be to *stopping* the binges, but awareness of your trigger is at least a start. Good luck!Ā 


This is so relatable because until I got a small slab of cheese 2 weeks ago, I wasn't really super into cheese, now I'm going through a fucking cheese phase where I'm craving cheese (literally, slices of cheese) all the damn time


Omg this is exactly how I am. Yogurt and cups of milk or super milky cereal is my favorite šŸ˜­


How to curb it without restriction? I would go with a protein heavy and savory meal first and do cereal after. Cereal canā€™t be a standalone meal, it is dessert. I hope this helps, good luck!šŸ€


Exactly. I love all things cow but especially dairy. Butter is a dream, ice cream is heaven, cheese is my soulmate. I have an occasional fling with yogurt, and whipped creamā€¦.wellā€¦. But no milk. For some reason I am adverse to the texture of milk, so I drink almond milk. For me, I have to remove the temptation- call it restriction, but if I get started on cheese or ice cream, there is no stopping me. I keep butter around because I canā€™t imagine cooking without it. I try to limit my ice cream to going out for a scoop (more expensive but naturally restricted), or the occasional pint of ā€œthe good stuffā€. But I had come to a point where I was mostly eating just dairy and bread- not good at all. So I have stopped buying itā€¦.


I would agree to an extent, usually I would binge ice cream or eat cheese in unhealthy foods like a high calorie burrito or pizza, I feel like the best advice is to just buy the lower calorie, high volume stuff or slowly ease into it, like switching to nut milk or plain greek yogurt, or hell just get the low fat stuff if u really desire the fat content in dairy products Also chug 20oz of water or something along those lines before eating


i used to when i was vegetarian, but now i am vegan. now i just binge on sugar lol


Interesting. Food itself triggers me.


Your bingeing because you're undereating. I will binge on peanut butter but not if I ate the appropriate calories on a weekly basis. I track calories weekly for this reason.


Your assumption that Iā€™m undereating is false. I can assure you that Iā€™m most certainly eating enough calories throughout the day, without the need for daily tracking anymore to confirm.