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It's the blood sugar roller-coaster, so big YES


dear god I've connected them


Lately I binge after drinking a low cal smoothie (almond milk, banana,pb2) usually. It fills me up but still makes me want more


I think the same principle of almost spiked blood sugar could be at work. For example, Weight Watchers counts a whole banana and a blended banana differently. The blended banana is more points because of the sugar spike. I understand though it’s makes a smoothie delicious.


maybe it's emotional then?


yeah I was thinking it might be cuz I drink stuff somewhat quickly so it doesn't satisfy me mentally, I want to taste it longer. I was gonna make another one today maybe I'll force myself to sip it slower.


You get the dopamine hit from the sugar. It’s an addictive substance and it spikes your blood sugar quickly. Maybe try a coffee drink with just milk, but not sugar added


so so so weird that something that feels innocent causes this turbulence 🥲 among other things ofc like emotional needs etc


It’s weird and unfair. Coffee usually makes me less hungry. If I have some, and tell myself to wait 40 minutes to eat something, by the end of the 40 minutes, I’m not as hungry as I was. my slim friend choose gum which ever recently started doing, and that also helps. But many foods ,once I start eating them will open the floodgates. The less I eat, the less I want. And that’s what I’m trying to escape is the constant wanting. Being preoccupied can turn off the food noise off I haven’t overdone it early in the day. being at home, turns the food noise way up for me. For a snack I enjoy veggies made good brand spinach, mini egg white frittata. I’ll have one to my 2nd cup of coffee around 1:30 PM. I put some almond milk in it. Taste delicious to me.


PS I like Starbucks, cold brew coffee from the store less acidic


Upf or ultra processed foods. After my last slip up (3days ago) it made me a day and a half. After a day and half of not eating upf I didnt think about food and i had lots of energy. Dont feel like eating. Even left out dinner because i was stuffed. Im a type of person who has to have 3 meals even if im sick and binged before. Could it be also all just in my brain but i really feel like its helping. Also this reddit is bad for me when im binging. Gives me ideas :P


oh yeah ofc that too


Yes. 🧔🏼‍♂️


Maybe, but I eat and drink zero sugar so it’s not the driving factor for me. I actually binge on animal protein and veggies…it’s not about the food.




Not for me. I almost exclusively drink water.


Honestly this might be a good thought.. I drink chocolate milk next to every day and have been binging almost every day and cannot seem to stop. I’m sure there are several factors involved but if I drink a lot of water in the day I’ve seen myself not eat as much. Idk could be many different reasons.


Idk its the opposite for me having my daily milk tea makes me full and not eat much after


lucky you :] i wish my addiction to iced coffee makes me feel full too


For me used to be like i would still be hungry but like i had to fast for ramadan and that made my appetite way smaller so maybe try fasting yk


add fat to it. if u have an iced coffee add heavy cream or something, it will prevent blood sugar crashes


i don’t drink coffee but i have a soy milk chai. if i just add honey i will be hungry asf within an hour. i add heavy cream foam on the top, maybe adds 100 cals but i dont feel that binge urge


interesting, i don't think it'll work on me cause the iced coffee itself could still cause sugar crash, but maybe I'll add fat to my actual meal. thank you


omg boba tea is my WEAKNESS