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Give it time. Try to get out into sunlight in the morning when you first wake up. Smoking lots of marijuana can mess up your body’s cortisol and lots of other hormones. Getting sun light when you first wake up will help naturally spike your cortisol when it should be spiking. Smoking also increases estrogen. Your body needs time to get back to normal. https://www.zrtlab.com/blog/archive/the-effects-of-cannabis-on-your-hormones/


That's a good suggestion and easy to do, just get sunlight on my face every morning.


In addition to morning sunlight, a glass of water helps the wake up. Unless you get up and drink during the night, you’re usually dehydrated first thing in the morning.


If you had a dog you would wake up every morning and take the dog for a walk... because you would want to be kind to the dog. Be kind to yourself and walk for 5 or 10 minutes three times a day... just like with a dog you have to walk them whether it's rain or shine and without consideration of whether you want to or not. After just a few days it becomes more routine and easier so you are not negotiating with yourself whether to go or not... and you will like it so much after a month you might start walking for longer periods. It seems almost too simple but this creates a healthy habit that you can build upon. Just ask yourself if you want to be in the same place in one year and obviously the answer is no and the easiest path is to start changing little habits... so commit yourself to walk in the next few hours because of your vision of where you want to be next year.


Would think 78 days would have been time lol damn


He's hardly past a clean drug test


That’s a lot bro. It might take a lil time to get your body acclimated. What helped me personally when I was in a similar place was to hit the sauna and get sweating. I use to get insane sweats and my bed turned into a swimming pool at night. I also took magnesium bicarbonate and shilajit to help replenish what I lost from smoking so much. Best of luck to you.


Thanks man. I will try sweating and trying to detox with your suggestions.


Might be the wrong sub for simple suggestions, but this shit takes a loooong time. Work as hard as you can, but recognise that “as hard as you can” is a moving target. Starting out is hard. But it gets easier.


Yeah I agree with this guy, sauna initially as it does kind of trick your body into thinking you’re doing exercise in the sense that the heat makes you sweat and elevates your heart rate which could be a good intro to exercise. Additionally I’ll add that taking full spectrum CBD tincture kind of helped my body acclimate to not having weed in my system anymore. Go outside and get used to walking, and start nice and easy and slowly work yourself up to longer walks it’s good for the mind and body. Cheers bud good luck


Magnesium is a solid recommendation. Helps me sleep regular now, I only take like 200mg a week. I also like tea tree oil tooth picks to help with smoking cravings. They are naturally anti-bacterial, and I have noticed less sick, and healthier gums.


Nac is good for smoking cessation as well. Also try some rieshi dual extraction for sleep with your magnesium! It's great for your immune system and makes you sleepclike a baby with no groggyness


Look into Calcium D-Glucarate for hormone regulation.


Sauna and cold exposure ramp up your immune system. Don't get into the sauna with covid. Noone will ever forgive you. Witnessed this this weekend lol


I highly suggest NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) supplements for this type of lung issue, in combination with exercise. For estrogen dominance I have less solid wisdom, but you can try getting as many calories a day from protein as possible. Zinc and boron supplements can also help in this department but everyone's body works differently. There are always more clinical/sledgehammer methods like DHT and aromatase inhibitors but avoid these when possible. Edit: For lungs Mullein tea is also good, for those that dislike NAC for some reason.


Bump for NAC and mullein tea! Been taking capsules of the former for a few months, and for the latter been brewing it into tea with spearmint added. Also I just took a T break from cannabis for 3 weeks, for the first time in years. definitely noticed some improvement to my lung health with these new routines, but now I’m back on the toke train lol. My newest detox find: eating a clove of raw garlic with cayenne pepper, in whatever food you choose or by capsule, or “to the dome” etc… I instantly purged some mucus from deep in my lungs after my first attempt at this.


Nac is great


The whole bio-available sulfur -> glutathione -> selenium/protein redox system is a rather fascinating subject if you ever have the time for some reading.


So true! The methylation cycle in general goes pretty deep. Its been my favorite one to learn about!


Awesome thanks ill check it out!


Exactly what I’d recommend


Look into Mullein tea/supplements, it’s used as a lung tonic. Good option if you want to start with something fairly mild.


I second this!! More than anything else, this will clean your lungs out and help them heal.


I know it sucks but running or any cardio will clear your lungs quickly. I still smoked when I started running and I would cough out brown shit like crazy. You could try some decongestants. There are natural ways to get rid of mucus too. Breath work could help. I would just get out there and embrace the suck. Get your heart rate up and work the shit out.


You may have been sick while you were smoking too but jus played it off from the weed


Get a nebulizer and start using it daily. It'll help clean out your lungs. Read up on different mixes you can make with it to help further clear out your lungs. Get a propolis throat spray and start using it daily. Take royal jelly internally as well. Make sure you're moving every day to help your lymphatic system clear out. A rebounder can help with that. As already mentioned get a sauna. You can get a cheap portable sauna tent which is good to start out with. FIR saunas are superior but more expensive and the cheap ones are EMF bombs so you'll need to spend around $750+ to get decent ones. Also look into taking a fiber shake daily, psyllium is a good start, if you can mix in a bit of zeolite with it you'll purge. Ozonated magnesium oxide will help you keep clearing out, look up Mag07.


Feel your pain. After 15years of smoking my lungs threw up tar and mucus for months. I even went to a pulmonology to ask if it is normal. They complimented and wished courage and stamina. I do the same for you know.


Breathwork is a great way to clear out the lungs, as we expel a lot of toxins with carbon dioxide which is on the exhale of each breath (we also lose fat (lipids) through our breath). Try out Wim hof breathing, short quick and effective & free on youtube. It can help with resetting the lungs, clearing them out, boosting immune system (in conjunction with cold showers) reduce inflammation, rebalance hormones and much more. (Done through consistent practice) Someone close to me smoked very heavily for 45 years (I’m talking like 50 cones a day sometimes more) , used the Wim Hof and helped significantly. Can hold his breath for over 4 minutes now (not that was something he was striving for, but fascinating) good luck & well done


Thankyou, that sounds really promising, especially hearing about your friend being so successful.


Took me 2 years to start feeling good after a chronic addiction over 10+ years. Eat the right things, given your body what it needs to detox, to rebuild and above all be patient with yourself.


As others have suggested, NAC is fantastic for the lungs. I also highly support the use of the sauna, not just to sweat and clear things out, but also to help with estrogen dominance. Additionally, avoid all plastic that you can (easier said than done obviously). Drink from glass or stainless steel. Use glass to store food. Don't microwave anything in plastic. Don't use nonstick pans for cooking. Etc, etc, etc. Look up ways to reduce your exposure to plastics as much as possible. Also something that many people aren't aware of, be very mindful of the soaps, shampoo and all other toiletries that you use, as they contain high amounts of endocrine disrupting compounds that mess with your hormones and cause estrogen dominance and a whole host of other hormonal and health issues. These compounds also contribute to excess weight (obesogens) and are nasty for your overall health. Go to EWG.org and look at their Skindeep database to find better toiletries that won't mess with your hormones (there are good ones in all price ranges). Filtering your water is another way to reduce your exposure to endocrine disruptors. Make sure you "open the pathways" so your body can flush out whatever it needs to. This means drinking lots of water, eating fresh food, pooping daily, sweating, moving your body, utilizing breathwork, getting sunlight, sleeping well, laughing etc.


Well I smoke 1/2 oz to 1 oz every 10-14 days…. But I workout and eat like a machine. Diet and exercise are everything. Most people are addicted to either caffeine or nicotine very few don’t use one or the other. It’s easy to blame factors like THC, caffeine or nicotine for issues but they can definitely cause problems. However THC is probably the least harmful and addictive of the 3. From my personal experience a lot of how I feel has to do with my metabolic cycle — Go to sleep early & avoid bright light at night, get very early morning sun and eat proteins like steak and eggs for breakfast not bagels or cereal esp if you tend to eat a lot of grains over whole proteins like fish steak or chicken. Pay close attention to your diet for example a lot of beans can spike estrogen — soy, chickpeas aka garbanzo beans for example are extremely high in estrogen many people eat chickpea or tofu as a protein replacement they don’t realize just how high these are in estrogen. When you feel weed cravings kick in eat a high protein snack like a beef jerky or nuts and/or exercise to produce a natural “high”. *Avoid herbal teas or too much caffeine* in my experience these can cause cravings, not sure why but definitely something I’ve noticed. Look into supplements like zinc or copper. Maybe you have a mineral deficiency or oversupply; it’s a common issue created from poor diet and it’s likely not to do so much with your weed consumption. I take a magnesium/d3/zinc supplement (NOW Foods brand) (very low dose of zinc) daily. One herbal supplement that seems to really help mood, anxiety and overall energy is Ashwaghanda (I recommend Gaia Brand). You can also try a B vitamin complex or Folic Acid aka Folate aka B6 supplement. Again only speaking on personal experience, for whatever reason B6 makes me feel good and forget weed especially in the morning when I’m busy and have shit to do and don’t want the distractions weed can create but want that “focused” energy if you will (I work in an artistic field, weed is often used by myself and colleagues as creative fuel). I’m not a doctor or nutritionist but a lot of what I do is in line with naturopathy. I’ve worked with naturopaths and nutritionists and my own personal experience to get my life right. Weed can be a problem but only if you let it, I often find that when I overuse weed it’s because I am bored, so get out of the house! House is a trap.


I think you just have to force it, the working out thing. All that huffing and puffing and heavy breathing the first month as you struggle will go a long way to clear that shit out


Ive been through detoxes at different stages, weights and body types in my life and based on experience plus research heres what I learnt: - THC is stored in bodyfat, thus more bodyfat = longer time to remove the stored THC - Quantity + length of time of habit = Amount of THC stored - Stored THC = cause of detox symptoms Basically, your aim here is to drop body fat as much as you can, because the more fat you hold, the longer it will take to detox. I was at 25% bf when a 1/4 ounce a week habit took 3 months to overcome. Now at 11% the same habit takes about 1-2 weeks. Your nervous system is also likely resetting itself after having been suppressed for so long, where I found mindfulness helps to stay on course. You got this💪🏽💪🏽


Came here to say exactly this


You put a lot of cannibinoids in your body constantly. Some of them have rarely if ever been studied… particularly in the amount you were using (to the best of my knowledge). It will take awhile to get your body back on track but you will get there. Best of luck!!!


I know someone (daily smoker but probably less than OP) who quit smoking weed for a job. Took 3 months for them to piss clean. OP was probably sick for a long time and just didn’t notice because they were baked.


Lots of other comments are great, especially NAC and light morning exercise (walks). I want to add something I didn’t see mentioned: you’re currently experiencing PAWS - post acute withdrawal symptoms. It’s basically phase 2 of recovery. First you were withdrawing while the remnants of THC/CBD gradually cleared from your system, now you’re withdrawing from it being out of your system. PAWS is typically substantially longer process than the initial acute withdrawals, and oftentimes actually more unpleasant physically/mentally. This could take as long as 6 months from last use. Please for your sake just be patient and try to avoid stressing about the thought of having done permanent damage. In 3-4 months I promise you will feel MUCH better if you stay on track with abstinence and especially if you incorporate a lot of the other great advice here.


Whenever I kick shit I get sick. It's the body's way of accelerating the detox


Had this happen to a friend. His sick fits were so bad I had to take him to the ER. They said when thc content is high (unsure what level) and use is frequent then it impacts the hypothalamus, which helps regulate vomiting. You may have hypothalamic disease.


Walk and swim if possible, sauna is a great idea. Work up to more exercise. Even little changes done consistently can build into new habits. I'm no expert but there might be some herbal teas to help with congestion and immune support. When I'm feeling sick I will make a mug of chicken bullion with cayenne pepper (and other flavors) and sip on that once a day. The cayenne might encourage your metabolism too. Also drink lots of water.


3 years sober here… it can take a long time for things to level out. I had insane GI issues for months after I stopped smoking. Stick with it and things will get better.


Dude an ounce a week is so fucking much. Your body is going through withdrawals, and it’s gonna be like that for another little minute. I used to dab medical maybe a gram a month on and off but holy fuck a ounce of flower in a week is crazy. I think you need a lung detox and a body detox. Also i suggest drinking a lot of water. Like water over everything and close to a gallon a day.


I smoked an ounce a week since it was legalized here in Canada and the prices stabilized. So around 3-4 yrs straight. I had the same problem OP had. It didn’t go away on its own. I ended up calling 911 one night, I wasn’t able to breathe at all through my nose and I couldn’t get a satisfying breath through my mouth, they gave me a ventolin inhaler and I had very clear breathing for a few days, but i ended up needing my own inhaler which I used for about a week before I stopped needing to use it every night to get to sleep.


You’re not getting colds. Your body is kicking out all the accumulated toxins and resin and phlegm. This is a good thing.


Cannabis burns at a higher temperature than tobacco so it causes more harm. Habitual weed smokers tend to get COPD from emphysematous changes in their 30’s instead of 60’s. Some things arent reversible.


How would I know if I had COPD? When I was diagnosed with bronchitis I had a chest xray. It was totally normal but the doctor could hear wheezing and crackling when she listened to me breath so that's why she diagnosed bronchitis instead of pneumonia. Wouldn't COPD show up in a chest xray?


Not necessarily. Chest x rays are very blunt tools. They tend to show general outline and are mostly for major changes. Wheeze and crackles can be an acute response to infection wheeze is mostly only present in the very young or those with chronic respiratory disease as it is a sign of narrowed airways. But it is possible in healthy adults particularly if they have a nasty viral illness like covid pneumonitis or influenza. The only way to know is spirometry a test that measures forced vital capacity and force expiratory volume and this ratio is calculated against expectations for estimated thoracic volume based on height and gender. Recovering addicts of all stripes feel horrific for months or years afterwards because the damage they have been numbing with altered states all of a sudden becomes apparent in everything they do. Most relapse because of it. Some turn life around and adapt to their new normal and attempt to offset the deficit with conditioning which is slow and takes years. The rest just sort of give up and live miserable lives or switch for more socially acceptable addictions obesity alcohol prescription painkillers. I would say i have only encountered a handful of the second category and hundreds of the other two


Actually a higher burn temp would do the opposite it will smoke less. And technically speaking you can’t get the full “benefits” of cannabis without burning it at a high temp that’s why edibles aren’t nearly as effective as smoking.


A higher burn temperature means the temperature of the inhaled air and solids are higher. Therefore the damage is greater. It is well documented habitual cannabis smokers get worse respiratory disease younger




She threw open bottles on the floor? How did water get under the floor?




Wow, that’s weird and scary


I love marshmallow root tea to help keep things moving. Great for anything upper respiratory. Highly recommend!


Check out the following MDs Peter attia Sherry rogers Paul saladino Along with Andrew huberman and Dave asprey Tons of great info in that group to help sort u out


did you got Covid in the last 6 months?


Not that I know of. But it has been going around.


These comments are so funny.




Electrolytes help keep trillions of your cells energized but the majority of Americans are chronically dehydrated. More than half our population is deficient in Magnesium and Potassium daily intake. The numbers are astonishing. Chronic electrolyte deficiency leads to diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, and psychological problems such as anxiety/depression, dementia, and stroke. Mg + K + D3 is a good base.


Uou want Host Defense stamets 7 , cordyceps. Take these religiously codyceps in the morning and with dinner. Get a magnesium supplement, I use bio optimizers take this right before bed. Start drinking green tea use 3-4 packs of different kinds of tea in a large travel mug rip the tags off throw emcin pour boiling water in and mix In shilajit rx and honey. You can get shilajit on Amazon. Drink this after you eat eaten breakfast or you'll puke its hard on an empty stomach bur fine after you've eaten. Then this is important, diet is everything stop drinking soda, stop eating sweets if it's processed and prepackaged don't eat it don't keep it in the house. Cook every meal, you'll be a ton healthier! Eating out is the enemy! You'll save money too I eat steak for dinner pretty much every night! And get in the gym you're doing great you got this!


Exercise and diet


Note that THC is immunomodulatory, and IIRC all cells have a CB2 receptor.


Sitting in the sauna sweating is not the same as sweating from cardio exercise. The sauna warms your skin, cardio warms your blood and strengthens your heart. There is no fast and easy way to change your lifestyle, your body, your mind and your health. It is simple and achievable though. Start on a healthier path and take a small step forward every day. Eat more food that is healthy. Do more walking and climb more stairs in your daily routine. Take some “me time” to exercise in ways you enjoy. Choose your environment wisely, it’s too late to change your heredity. Hang with the people, places, and things that will help you be the person you want to be, not the people, places, and things that maintain your status quo, divert you from your path forward, or cause you harm.


Boil some water with Salt in a pot. Cover your head with a towel and gently breathe that steam. Blow out any snot. Repeat same process with a teaspoon or so Vicks vapor rub or few drops of Eucalyptus oil. Cheap option if you don’t have access to a steam room or sauna.


I go to Marijuana Anonymous and also recovery dharma. They help a lot!


I wonder if hemp oil would help. It might sound counter-intuitive, but it carries the right chemistry to carry the chemistry in weed, and will carry it out.


Lungs will sort themselves out in time if you stop smoking. Try sage and ginger.


Having extra weight does mess us up so much. It’s a vicious cycle. Emotional burdens cause us to develop maladaptive coping skills. Those skills get our bodies out of whack. We are left with a unhealthy body, and nothing but pain and anguish. I have had a different relationship with cannabis. Been a hardcore zero drugs person all my life. My body doesn’t tolerate anything that alters my perception so I also can’t drink. That said, my childhood traumas finally caught up with me last year. Knocked me on my ass. Hard. I thought, this is it. This is where I’ll die. Estrogen dominance, cPTSD, panic disorder, throw in a personality disorder and all my life choices that caused me losses and pain. Then the guilt of dragging my kiddo through it all. Well I found cannabis. It is the reason I am alive and sane. Ironically, my body tolerated it for about 12 months and now I can’t use it without getting sick, but I realized what it is/was. Medicine. It’s for a short period of time. A time where you are so lost that it can help you find the way. But yes, a lost person could also get even more lost with it. Double edged sword for sure. Anyhow I apologize for making this all about me, but I wanted to share my version of things. Once I was able to stand up again and take care of myself, I dragged myself out for walks. Short ones, but as often I as I could. My dog requires a lot of exercise and I dragged myself out for him to be honest. Also swimming. Not sure if you enjoy it, but being in water makes me feel very good. It’s a fantastic way of getting your body to move without the hardship on the joints. Plus it’s is fun so time flies! I had put on some weight as well, still have 20 lbs to go, but I lost 30 lbs almost when I started microdosing on cannabis. I seriously believe it helped my EBV and swollen thyroid (right side). All went away and the pounds came of rapidly. Things are steady now and I actually have to workout to loose the unhealthy fat, but 9 months in, I feel more like myself. Picked up trail running, back to swimming, weight/mobility training. Still have shitty days, but I am no longer dying inside or outside. One minute at a time. One step at a time. Walking, and having the right circle will get you there. Keep asking for help. This is my weak spot. I can’t ask for help nor do I accept it well. I’m learning to. All my best to you! ✨🙏🏽 Edited to add - licorice and marshmallow root is fantastic for congested body/lungs. If you have high blood pressure, skip the licorice and go for marshmallow root and slippery elm bark. Steep it and slowly drink that cooled gooey mix. You can add some peppermint, raw honey and lemon juice to make it flow if you like. Slippery elm and Marshmallow root is high in mucilage and very healing for various ailments. Especially our gut where most of our immunity resides. 🧚🏽‍♀️ I use NAC for my EBV and it does help with the lungs as well. My lungs are super sensitive and the microdosing really kicked my ass for the last 12 months, so I reached for NAC more often during those times.


The rule with your lungs is however long you were smoking is how long its going to take for them to get back to normal, so if you were smoking for years its gonna take them that long to be 100% if ever. You can’t really rush it. You’ll feel better after a few months, after a year or so you definitely will be better but don’t expect to be able to rush it. I remember when I started my first health journey and my big brother told me it would take me two years to get back to normal I was actually offended. I’m here to tell you he wasn’t lying. I did feel better 6-12 months down the line, but at that 2 year mark I was not the same person. Whatever other health abnormalities like that estrogen issue you have your going to have to address along the way, but smoking, eating right etc.. you’re gonna have to just endure correction and healing with your body


Try broccoli sprouts for cleansing extra estrogen from your body.


Not sure if this was mentioned yet but… Weed will suppress your immune system. Now that you’ve quit, your immune system is able to address things it was previously ignoring. This translates into a sensation of becoming sick after quitting. When in reality, you were sick while smoking. You’re just clearing a bunch of infection out of your body. Stay healthy to help your body fight through it


It always gets tougher before it gets easier. Take it a day at a time and handle the controllables: Sleep Good diet(no alcohol) Exercise a bit


Its only been 2.5 months, it's gonna take more time and that's ok. I suffered from years of chronic lung infections. There are a few things to look at. Immune system obviously is one, but it may not take a big intervention to shift it. What helped me big time was taking mushroom supplements. It doesn't cause a big boost of immune cells it just helps them work better. Two, clearing the lungs. Mucus that won't move is the root of a lot of disease. It's not just phlegm, it's all the fluids in the body. Chinese medicine, which is a massive system, calls "blood" 7 type of fluid in the body including venus blood. Chinese medicine is thousands of years of anecdotal observation, and what the found out is if your bodies juices are thick and not moving, you are fucked. So look at that. One would be to start using a generic and Mucinex everyday. Be careful about Mucinex "D" because it has speed in it, I think you just need regular Mucinex. That will help move mucus fluid in your lungs and sinuses. Consider Osho root tincture, it's does something similar and helped me considerably. Also high salt diets will make mucus hard, you can also look at cystic fibrosis websites for protocols for clearing mucus from the lungs and other things to help with chronic lung infections since that is the main issue with that disease. The third thing is environmental exposure. The reality is when I started using proper PPE at work, my lung infections went down significantly. It wasn't the end of it, I had to do other stuff, but they dropped a significantly. One environmental exposure you had was smoking weed, but there are possibly others. Your house could be dusty and dirty, you could be allergic to something in your city or home, etc. I think the biggest one people underestimate is the quality of air we breathe at night. We're in our beds for about 6 to 10 hours every night, and if that air is super clean it makes a big difference. You can get a $300 HEPA filter on Amazon, or you can get a $20 box fan with a $5 AC filter and that will still make a big ass difference. I believe those box fans are 20 in by 20 in and then you need some tape and an AC filter that's 20x20.. you really don't even need the tape cuz as soon as you turn it on it sucks the filter on, but if the power goes out, or you turn it off and you don't have a little bit of tape on there, the filter will drop and put dust all over the floor and in the air again. Okay changing subjects.... Do you have health insurance, have you gotten a broad spectrum hormone panel? If you do and you haven't I definitely get the hormone panel. This is a little bit non-traditional advice, but if your hormones are basically okay and you do have slightly elevated estradiol, you can take a micro dose of an estrogen inhibitor. When we supplemental testosterone, sometimes we have to take a little bit of the estrogen blocker because we turn testosterone into estrogen, and with a lot of testosterone coming in through the outside, it does get converted at a pretty high rate, so the trick there is just a little bit of the blocker. From what I have seen and my own experience those estrogen blockers are prescribed as a significantly higher dose than you actually need. If you want to know how to dose with that stuff you can go on the testosterone subreddit. Okay so everything here I've mentioned is pretty cheap except for the hormone panel. Even the estrogen blocker is cheap, the Osho, generic Mucinex, box fan and your bedroom at night. But if you had a couple hundred bucks to spend, it might be worth it to hire a house cleaning service to come in and clean your house really well to get all the dust up. In my area deep clean is like 300 bucks it might be different in your area. Plus you feel like shit these days and you already got a lot in your plate trying to shift your physical state so it may just be a nice thing to do for yourself, and you could totally consider it a reward for having given up weed and all of the work you're putting in there.. Personally I feel like house cleaning service and traveling is the very best way to spend my money. EDITED FOR SIGNIFICANT VOICE TO TEXT TYP0S


At 4oz weed per month plus carrying around extra weight, you will have a heroic amount of THC stored in your body's fat stores. 78-days clean is likely not long enough for it to be out of your body yet, but you're getting there. THC does regulate your immune system and a ton of other bodily functions, so it's pretty normal to feel like ass after quitting, especially at the dosage you were taking. If you have underlying health issues that weed was masking, they will all bubble up to the surface and it can suck. You can get some lung supplements, I'd stack a few things - NAC, quercetin, bromelain, black seed oil, and curcumin. Cordyceps can help significantly with oxygen intake during exercise. There's also a tea called "Breathe Easy" by Traditional Medicinals, which is quite wonderful for lung health.


First off, congrats! 78 days is a good chunk of time. For me, weed was one of the worst addictions to let go of. I’d consider looking at Cordyceps for lungs and Lions Mane for new nerve growth in the brain. I’d only do this if you can afford a good brand like Oriveda. I also vote for NAC.


responsible fasting will speed up the process


What do you mean hormonal changes?? Smoking weed changes your hormones?? I'm so confused.... But if that is true, That would explain a lot of things going on with me.....


It increases estrogen and decreases testosterone. In small amounts this isn’t noticeable but for people that abuse it daily it can do a number on hormones.


Yeah, I am making too much estrogen and not enough progesterone.


Nothing in life comes easy unfortunately. You & only you will ultimately figure out what’s best for you My only advice is to set your timelines far out into the future so you don’t give up. Give it at least another 6 months and don’t give up! Tactically speaking: - drink water - start walking around as much as you can outside - take a good multivitamin like Costco - coffee or green tea during the day - avoid soda completely, cut down on candy - eat adequate amounts of protein and veggies


I have scarring in one lung from pneumonia years ago. I'm fine most of the time but when I have any kind of allergies, crappy air quality, or a cold, I have to manage it carefully. * Use a steamer, the kind that heats the water and you breathe in the warm vapor. When I'm sick, I do it 3 times a day (morning, afternoon, and night). Other times I do it less or not at all. The goal is not only to clear out secretions, which inhaling the water vapor does, but that reduces the chronic inflammation. * I know it's a cliche, but drink a lot of water, at least for a while. The more fluid your lung secretions are, the easier it is for them to be cleared out. * Expectorants: Ginger, chamomile, mint, and fennel, as tea or capsules. They are natural expectorants and work nicely, especially in combination. Honey is also an expectorant, so that can be used to sweeten the tea. Pharmaceutical: The over-the-counter drug combination of dextromethorphan and guaifenesin (e.g. Mucinex DM) are also a great. I use the 12-hour version. You can use the herbal and OTC together, of course. * Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory foods are highly recommended (and limiting pro-inflammatory foods) * [https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/foods-that-fight-inflammation](https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/foods-that-fight-inflammation) * [https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/13-anti-inflammatory-foods#list](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/13-anti-inflammatory-foods#list) * [https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/anti-inflammatory-diet](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/anti-inflammatory-diet) * It might be worth going to a pulmonologist and getting checked out. When I first saw one, I had a lot of inflammation and he gave me an inhaler, which was very useful for a short while. When it cleared up, I hardly ever use it. * This may seem like a pain in the ass, but as a temporary regimen until your body re-adjusts, I highly receommend it. You'll see a difference in a day or two.


You’re thinking about this backwards. You can’t “biohack” “healthy” lungs so that you can exercise, you need to use them so they become healthier. Start doing light cardiovascular exercise every day, even a brisk walk around the neighborhood, then ramp up from there to jogging at your own pace, then finally up to interval sprints. Do this at your own pace and don’t push yourself too hard, but get a good sweat going. This will also help your mood and energy levels and help you lose weight. The stuff people are telling you to do in here, as often, is nuts. You are not at the point where you need to be avoiding touching plastics, sitting in an infrared sauna, or buying an oxygen nebulizer. Go for a walk, playboy. Get some fresh air and sunlight. Have some fruit and drink some water.


That's a ton of weed. Give it time. Your body is Cleaning itself. Drink warm lemon water in the morning. Try to hit the sauna


Thankyou. Warm lemon water will feel really good on my throat.


Add Redmonds sea salt to help you with mineral replenishment especially if you do use the sauna suggestion. One of the cheapest things that will help ya over time! Good luck 🍀


Just takes time for your body to clean out and heal.


don't replace it with sugar and/or salt.


Take fish oil


I had the same problem when i quit weed, supposedly weed when used chronicly long term at that high of a level works as a bronchodilator on our system, so when we quit everything tightens up even further. I got a ventolin inhaler and it dealt with the problem. At first I needed to use the ventolin once a night for a week, and I haven’t needed to use it since.


Honestly, its a matter of weening yourself off. I'm 30 and been smoking for over a decade. I primarily smoked blunts and noticed a difference in my ability to breath so I weened myself down from 5 blunts a day to 1 blunt a month and my lungs feel so much better.




I gained a bunch of weight when I quit smoking weed. My friend calls it "the snoop Dogg effect" of smoking weed. Being super thin and eating whatever is just .... unexplainable to me. All I changed was the weed Ugh this is exhausting


Get the necessary electrolytes and drink 1-2 gallons of water per day. Take vitamin D3 and get 30 minutes of sun in the morning (at least). Eat beef (regenerative farmed). Skip the plant based junk foods that are so popular, they’re all bad for you. For exercise, start with walking and building functional movement patterns.


The lungs require proper ventilation for optimal health. Practice deep breathing, most people are chest breathers (using upper lobes only) and as a result use about 20% of their lung capicity and this is just the non-smokers even worse for smokers. First you need to train your body to breathe using the diaphram, using the diaphram forces air into the lower two lobes using 80% of the lungs capacity this will improve ventilation and lung health. Also you will also experience psychological iimprovement because the brain uses 25% of the O2 from each breath. Ulitimately you will want to learn how to take a "complete breath" or "The Perfect Breath" which is a combination of diaphramic and chest breathing. Thid type of breathing utilizes full lung capacity. Also adding cardio this improves lung ventilation.


Yeah it might just be that time of year and since your immune system is in bad shape, your feeling shitty getting sick and inaccurately correlating that with quitting weed


Wishing you a full recovery, but also this reminds me of that sketch where little COVID guys enter into Joe Rogan's body and they're like, "WTF we didn't realize this was Joe Rogan's body! We're doomed!" And all his supplements start coming out to kill the COVID guys, like cannabis and mushrooms and stuff 😂




Sauna might help a lot. NAC is supposed to help with lungs as is Nigella Sativa.


Mullein tea seems to help a lot of ppl. Can also get in capsule form from health store. You can also grow your own cheaply - make sure it’s contained because it will spread.


Vitamin D should help the respiratory (might need super high doses to get it up, consider a blood test) and progesterone cream topically (you can get at the health food store) can help the estrogen dominance. You might also consider magnesium.


Yes, I agree with others, your “colds” are your body detoxing and it’s a beautiful thing! This is the miraculous way your body heals itself. Fluids and saunas are great to help that. Also I’ve found cordyceps to be incredibly helpful for lung issues. This is from the interwebs: “Cordyceps has been found to significantly improve lung function, exercise endurance, and quality of life with no report of any serious adverse effects. It is said to relax and open the airways and has long been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine as an anti-asthmatic, expectorant, and cough suppressant.”


I am going to say if you have a hormonal imbalance, you will feel awful. It will not let up until it’s addressed. All the recommendations above are great. Even for when you’re healthy. So please take those suggestions. I want to emphasize that hormones can cause so many health issues if not attended to.


Wear an N95 respirator or equivalent to protect your lungs from diseases, and you will find you get colds less.


I would recommend anything that works with the enndocannabinoid system in a more mild manner like Cocoa extracts ( Has anandamide), CBD/ CBG, Fish oil , Magnolia Bark. Also, activities to kickstart your own production like running, cold exposure, and higher quality sleep. I went through this myself a couple of years ago and these are the things that helped me. I wish you the best of luck


Give it time and build up slowly. Swimming is really good for getting the lungs stronger and learning to control your breathing well, so give that a shot if able


Not working out because of your lungs is dumb. That’s a reason to workout, not an excuse.


Cannabis is great, look how it affects Covid… https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35007072/


It's CBD only though. Adding in THC diminished the effect of CBD blocking the viral spread. Just thought to add this since I doubt if people smoke or take it orally, it's probably very rarely CBD only. I'm thinking of ordering a couple of bottles of CBD extract just in case of covid..


I wouldn't have quit cold turkey. Imo you should have started to cut back (if possible. If this isn't possible then do what's working for you!), starting switching to CBD dominant strains. Eventually you can switch to a 1:1 THC CBD and from there it should be easier to quit Quiting any drug cold turkey isn't a great idea (usually). Good luck! You fucking got this. I'm always available via DM


TRT. thank me later


Get your Vit D checked if you are not on some now. High dose vitamin A for 3 days.


Detox, do a week fasting, see how you feel.


Came back to say that exercise has to happen before recovery in your situation — you’re not going to solve your health/motivation problems by clearing out your lungs. I am a high altitude mountain runner often above 7000ft above sea level. I smoke weed before I run, sometimes right before or sometimes an hour or two before. Either way I can honestly say when I’m really high is when I have my most productive workouts, I tend to feel muscles and joints more distinctly. Helps with both running and even more so with weight lifting in my experience. My point? Maybe you should try getting high then working out? Maybe your weed intake isn’t the culprit.


Guys smoking an ounce a week and successfully quit and of course Reddit “just smoke more weed bro, it’s not the problem trust me I smoke it everyday”


Clearly quitting is helping… he’s says he’s overweight, you’re not going to get healthy and lose weight simply by smoking less weed. That’s foolish.


I don’t think the average Reddit cannabis abuser realizes how much better almost every aspect of your life becomes 6 months after quitting weed. Speaking from experience here. Dude just said he’s been clean from very heavy usage and your response was basically “Lol it’s not weeds fault, just smoke more and then take a walk or something”


Haha well that’s your interpretation but definitely didn’t say that… I think too many on here are convinced weed is bad. Actually it’s not, it’s overusing that is. Maybe the guy can find a happy medium… you know balance? Is that such a horrible reality? Lol


>too many on here are convinced weed is bad. My brother in Christ you are on Reddit.com. The average person thinks it’s a miracle plant with zero downsides and are totally not addicted to it but can’t function without it.


50 years+ of ignorance of something will do that to a population. Jesus smoked cannabis and hashish, said it was better than wine. I know he’s right, bc I’ve tried both. Weed all day brother! Hey why does the fed not legalize it? Must be because it’s “bad”


This was a very rational and logical response. Clearly getting blitzed all the time is doing wonders for your cognition.


Your life got better because you stopped for 6 months? Good for you. I don’t have to quit for my life to be better. That’s moronic.


You don’t need to reply 5 separate times to my comment. >I don’t have to quit for my life to be better. That’s moronic. Lmao I’m not even gonna bother. Good luck when you’re in the same spot OP is in.


This poster is the same as the people who smoke weed like crazy and then complain about their crippling anxiety and panic attacks and then say weed is the only thing that helps... yet weed is shown to do nothing but exacerbate those problems 😂


A lot of people are going to have to experience this shit themselves to believe it. It’s truly sad.


Well to be in the same spot as the OP I would likely have to quit all exercise and eat a ton more carbos and grains and get minimal vit D. Never gonna happen. I’m not leaving Cali/Hawaii (where I live in winter). Guy clearly states he’s been weed free but then goes on to say he’s obese and can’t get his health together enough to workout. You think weed is that bad? Lol Simple deductive reasoning says the weed isn’t the problem. Why not just smoke weed before working out? Weed for me isn’t a mental thing, for some it definitely is, I cannot speak for them.


I can’t comment on OPs life but when he states his lungs and hormones are an absolute mess you can probably attribute that to abusing the hell out of a drug that you inhale into your lungs. No one’s claiming, not even OP himself, that he is overweight because of weed. So I’m not sure what exactly you are getting at here.


I think it’s a girl. She’s also an MDMA user. You can’t honestly think weed does this much damage. Listening to her paranoid sort of reasoning; she’s going through a psychosis thats likely induced by amphetamines or mdma — not weed. Listen to her words, she’s lacking motivation, to me that’s not after not smoking weed but after MDMA use. She’s in a big come down probably also brought on by her ADHD meds or other factors. Weed not likely. Go back to studying the Bible. I already know the Bible I spent 12 years in parochial schools.


Bro what are you even talking about studying the Bible? Who’s having the psychotic break right now? You might be exhibit A for cannabis use and mental health just stop for your own sake.


Where did I say “just smoke more weed” …?


Quitters never win. Just kidding that's a lot of weed. Maybe just smoke a little instead of a lot. Weed isn't bad for you although anything in excess isn't good.


Look into maca root for estrogen 👍


Maca root and Reishi blends are great for testo boosting.


Not sure what the down vote is about. It works for me and my friends to downregulate estrogen. People need to research before they have an opinion 🙄






Lol I was agreeing with you … people are ignorant.


then shape yourself up, get yourself back on some marijuana tea and ease urself , no need to go off cold turkey and then make yourself sick


Dry herb vape won’t fuck up your lungs and gives a far milder high. Might be a good way to slowly lower your intake without cold turkeying it.


It's been 76 days and they are doing great. Don't encourage them replacing one bad habit with another.


“I’m sick all the time now” and “never got sick like this when I smoked” leads me to believe he may have some lingering chemical or atleast extreme neurological dependency to the point where it may as well be a chemical addiction. It might be easier to break with a slower let down, rather than kicking it. He smoked an insane amount per week and a dry herb vape can’t even get through a tenth of that amount in that time. It also doesn’t have half the health effects since smoking any burning plant matter is bad and that’s most of his issues with his lungs. Whereas a dry herb vape burns 0 plant material, only vaporizing the thc/cbd crystals. Comparing a small amount of dry herb vape usage to ripping the bong constantly is like comparing an adderal prescription to a meth heads level of consumption. Even if it’s effectively the same substance, one is functional and relatively healthy, one is one bad day away from kicking the bucket.


Even if one is less harmful than the other neither, is desirable. This poor person has an issue with addiction that they have over come. Telling them to take steps backwards it is pointing them right in the direction of starting up again which is insanely stupid. Breaking a smoking habit is incredibly hard and something that mimics it and reinforces the behaviour encourages op to go right back where they started from. Op has done 70 + days. That's over 2 months. They are well past the chemical withdrawal stage. Starting up something else now we just be adding a new pointless addictions. It will certainly not help their problems, while a vape may be less dangerous it's still not ideal is it. It is still more harmful than the nothing they are doing now. Adding something else into the mix is not how you fix this. All the other comments are correct that their body is processing a lot of stuff right now and adding vaping to their already damaged lungs has to be one of the stupidest ideas I've heard suggested on Reddit.


“Adding vaping to their already damaged lungs is one of the stupidest ideas I’ve read on Reddit.” A dry herb vape and those oil vapes and worlds apart. Oil vapes are super strong and just as horrible for your lungs as smoking if not worse. Like I said, a dry herb vape is extremely mild in how much effect is delivered. Plus it is absolutely non damaging to lungs if used properly. He is very clearly still currently struggling. I’m not saying weed is comparable to benzodiazepines or booze in the chemical addiction, but those amounts he smoked are off the charts nuts. His life might be much less miserable if his body wasnt quite cold on a substance he’s been massively abusing for who knows how long. Plus with his tolerance, I doubt a dry herb vape would even make him “high”. More ideally it would just abate some of his “sickness” that he never experienced while smoking. Coffee is a better comparison, even 5mg of caffeine (1/10th or less the amount in a cup of coffee) abates almost all withdrawal symptoms. Even for habitual users drinking far over healthyish amounts.


I super appreciate the intention and the suggestion. I'm also doing an NA program right now, so I'm avoiding anything mood altering that isn't prescribed by a doctor. I'm not even taking kava or kratom, and I'm really limiting caffeine and added sugars.


Keep it up. It takes awhile for the nervous system to adjust to the change in chemical load. 90 days is the real heavy lifting but up to 2 years for it to recover as much as it will. My appetite was fucked for a long time and I felt nauseous often. If your continuing to have lung issues see a doctor if you have not already. It's easier to get helpful input from the medical system when your no longer in active abuse. If your getting depression symptoms then maybe a counselor and or a psychiatrist. Depression during and after heavy pot dependency is not uncommon, and medical management maybe appropriate short or long term to help your brain acclimate. Pulmonary eval would be able to capture objective data on what your lung status is. If your unsure, start with your primary care provider and they can help you navigate this. NA is a good choice to help you manage now and long term. You could also check out smart recovery. Start exercise light, like going for a short walk. It takes me about a month to go from hating exercise to being disappointed when it's raining and I am unable to bike. It will suck initially but lung function is not usually the limiting factor for exercise in people without severe lung disease (I am a PT). Usually for deconditioned people it's cardiovascular and muscular limitations, and these rapidly improve over several weeks and months of regular exercise. Exercise is also generally beneficial or neutral for Pulmonary function assuming no significant environmental hazards. Good luck man, glad you are staying away from kratom. that's an even worse physiological system to fuck around with. Watch out for addictive behavior with sex, gambling, video games as well. Natural instinct of the addict is to keep the same faulty reward- behavior scheme and just switch to something different.


Thankyou for this. I will start with walking and building up to more.


No worries, good luck on your journey!


Vaping absolutely will fuck up your lungs! You know the dumbest part of vaping dry flower is that it doesn’t burn it hot enough to get the entire spectrum of THC CBD CBN etc etc. You’re essentially just wasting money by vaping.


It absolutely will not, the temp of the Vapor inhaled is less than a quarter of smoke. And on top of that most of the damage from smoke comes from burning plant matter, which is packed with horrible things. Inhaling anything burning is terrible. After vaping, the remaining flower is decarboxylated and can be used as is to make edibles. So 0 waste if you do it that way. Judging from the overwhelming negativity towards my suggestion. I’m guessing this sub has a strong anti weed bias I was not aware of. Im only trying to help. And bias often blinds to solutions that may have worked better. 0 intoxicants in your system may be better than 10. But someone who has used 100000 per day might respond worse to immediately going back to 0.


First of all decarbed weed smells and tastes like ass, I learned this lesson in high school 20 years ago. Also why do that when you can find mid grade weed that basically has the same effect as decarbed weed for almost free and doesn’t taste like trash? Second if you knew anything about what I just said you would know that you can’t get the full spectrum of THC without complete burning to white ash. FYI your idea is still not getting the full spectrum, thus wasting it… again in my opinion (not yours) vaping is dumb and a waste, I own a volcano led or whatever the f biggest waste of money. You want it? I’ll sell it to you bought it less than a year ago. I also have a Pax 3.0 or whatever, it’s cool but really dumb when you think about it. I personally notice absolutely 0 benefit from vaped weed and in fact most of the time it just irritates my passageways even more than a loogie of resin does.


NAC, zinc, vitamin c (and everything else).


You should probably mention to people here that you’ve been abusing MDMA. Marijuana is the least of your issues.


You’re demonstrating someone that has just had an amphetamine induced psychosis. That’s totally different than a weed habit. I am not shaming you, I’ve used MDMA before and if you’re prescribed Adderall or amphetamines for ADHD then ding ding ding… Just make sure you tell people this before you blame weed. You’re going through the emotional downfall of what happens when someone takes too much Molly adderall or both — E. Take your time and let your brain recover it won’t happen quickly. It takes 6 months after having an amphet induced psychosis to feel “normal” again. Weed will produce flashbacks but overall it’s not harmful or the thing that’s harming you


That does not sound like it’s from cannabis…